This city's sky only holds one star. Hanging up far above the tall high rising buildings that overshadow all that lays below. The star, the single star hanging in this sky is what shines a light on the dreary existence that is Xoxia.
This city has no future, not a bright one at least, and I'm just like it; dirty with smoke, exhaust and all the waste of decadence that spills out. I am hopelessly petrified in my own filth, the filth of inability.
But like the city has its star, its single shining star. I have my own. My own glimmer of hope, my promise for change, my dreamer.
However, I wonder so often…will that star of mine be put out?
The city's filth of mining and fracking ascends to obstruct the stars shine from view. There's barely anything left of a sky to look up at nowadays, the air is all dust and smoke and the people, marching along to work, endlessly relying on these industries cough and hack their lungs out but never mutter a word of protest.
There wouldn't be a point. The sky could be ashen with the waste of corporate greed but the deadline for starvation is ever-present. And money satisfies that hunger.
Who would dare complain?
My heart sinks as I realize and not for the first time, that my righteous indignation at my society is all but mute given I'm no better myself. If I want a change, I should be that change.
But then what would happen to my star? My hope for a future? My hope for a better tomorrow?
Snuffed out just like the several others I've seen go out in a bang.
I can't let that happen. I won't.
A soft pair push up against my back and slender arms slide over my neck to hug my chest. It's sufficiently distracting.
"Getting all worked up again, aren't you?" She whispers softly, like a buttery secret in my ear, "I just knew it." She giggles.
I pull away, near jumping to my feet and praying the heat on my cheeks is taken as a reaction to the bitter cold of winter and not what it really is.
"Paige, all ready then?" I say, levelling my voice as much as I can manage.
She stifles a laugh and grabs my hand, "Yes, I'm already." She smiles brightly, twinkling like…my star.
She has up to her chin buried in the red scarf I got her last Christmas, cost a fortune by my standards but it was well worth it if only for this moment.
"Promise you won't disappear again?" That was a mistake, I shouldn't have asked her that. After all, I'm well aware she has-
"I don't have any control over when I travel, Vern," her grip on my hand loosens but I hold onto it, "I just know I'll always make it back to you."
"I know, I'm sorry. It's just…I'm always excited."
That shining smile returns and my heart is filled up again. Tonight will be our first Christmas together since we met when I was a kid…well, much a younger kid; I have yet to cross sixteen, still tethering on the edge.
As we walk and I stare marvellously at her face; neck-length blond hair, blue eyes and a red nose sniffling at the snow. I can't help but wonder who she truly is or rather, was.
She stares back at me and chuckles, "Don't fret, I haven't felt the symptoms yet, I get at least a week's heads up remember?"
I nod, thankful to the single star that shines above this city of dreary. I would have some time left with her, even a week plus once she starts getting those symptoms. But she hasn't had any yet.
I can barely hold back my grin. She won't be travelling forward in time, not today, not for a week to come.
"So, this place you're taking me to, are you sure you can afford it?"
I throw her a mock hurt look as we trudge through a particularly snowy area, "Of course I can. I promised I wouldn't dine and dash…at least not with you."
A punch makes landfall on my shoulder, she's a foot shorter than me.
"Ouch!" I cry, running a pace away, "Paige Turner you meanie."
She scoffs, "Meanie? Seriously? I thought you'd outgrown such words, Vern Braxwood." She chases after, awkwardly ploughing through the snow.
I laugh and I feel alive as she begins moulding snowballs in her gloved hands, ready to toss.
"Those are dangerous! They could have stones!" I yell all while laughing hysterically.
Paige primes her good arm and sets to throw but stops, the ball rolling out of her hand plops back onto the pile.
A moment later I find out why as I bump into a tall, sturdy figure. "Sorry I wasn't looki…" The words die in my throat as my eyes rise and land on a face I was hoping not to see today.
"Vern, just the boy I was looking for." He glowers down at me, a smirk forming lightly on his face.
I take a good look about and all around I see people putting their heads down, shutting their doors and closing curtains.
I respect that, I would do the same too if a core member of the vertigo gang and his three lackeys were passing by.
"Neil." I mutter, the name tasting like poison as it rolls off my tongue, "What are you doing here?"
The man in the lead snorts, "Wrong question kid. What are you doing prancing and laughing about in these streets? You win the lottery or something?"
One of his goons behind him laughs out loud, "Yeah, snowballs?"
"I wasn't talking to you goddamnit Jean!" Neil barks, shutting up all mirth in the man without looking away from me.
He tilts his head to the side, looking over my shoulder, at Paige, "But the fellows right, snowballs? Heh, she is quite the looker I'll give you that."
"Don't even," I growl, ready for a throw down I'll definitively lose.
His neck snaps at me, slowly pulling down his sunglasses, "Don't even…what?"
"Boss said not to touch my people. Don't touch her, unless you want to puke up your guts…remember last time? I do."
I'm not even kidding, unless he kills me here Steve will make him spill his guts out.
"Bwahahah!" He bursts out laughing all of a sudden, "You've got a good pair on you kid…perhaps too good." He gestures a scissor snipping with his fingers and I fight the urge to spit in his face.
Fucking Neil.
"No worries, I'm not here for your little lady…I'm here for you."
"I'm on break," I grunt, already walking away.
"Says who?" he calls after me, I'm already standing by Paige again.
I turn over and yell back, "It's Christmas Neil."
"Bwahahahah. So, Christmas keeps you on the payroll?" he grins, the changing look on my face giving him sick joy, "It's a jolly good Christmas Vern, and Santa Steve is calling!"
Fucking perfect. I finally get to spend Christmas with Paige and now…
"What's the job, I can-"
The all too familiar sound of a gun being cocked. His mirth and jolly gone, Neil speaks with a deathly tone, "Get moving, boy or I'll smoke you and your pretty bitch right now."
"Go with them." Paige whispers, her hand clasping mine, "I'll be fine, I'll get some dinner myself and I'll wait for you back at our place, just…go with them, don't get hurt."
When Neil gets like this there's no breaking through him, only Steve and T.V can snap him out…he respects their authority, of which I have none.
I nod, give her hand one last squeeze then let go.
"You could have just said Boss asked for me, Neil." He doesn't say a thing, even his lackeys look nervous.
I get up to his gunpoint and barely masking the tremble in my voice, ask, "So, where are we going?"
His eyes train dangerously on me and for an agonizing moment with my chest at his barrel, I fear this bastard will be the end of me.
The rage that bubbles within me remain muted by the sheer fear I'm drowning in right now.
That's right, fear keeps you alive, not rage.
He smiles. "Well, then, seems like you've chosen to be a good kid today, Vern, good job." He pats my head with the end of his gun and then starts moving back the way he came.
Without any more words to be said, I follow, glancing back at the shrinking figure of my star…slowly being buried by distance…by Neil.
I swear to God, one day I'll kill him.
Hi hi. Tim_Saian here.
I've decided to post up my newest story here, I hope its to your liking, leave a comment or vote for it with ps if it is.
Anyway, this is TWIFT, enjoy!
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