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22.22% The Wondering Dragon | A Game of Thrones fic / Chapter 2: The Ballad of the Sore Foot King

Capítulo 2: The Ballad of the Sore Foot King

Under the scorching Essos sun, the bustling Dothraki camp teemed with activity. Children played, men rode horses and indulged in drinks, while life carried on in its lively rhythm. Amidst the vibrant scene, Arthur ventured through the camp, his eyes scanning the surroundings in search of Aegon. They had been living among the Dothraki for a month now, a decision Aegon had insisted upon, much to Arthur's curiosity and scepticism.

Finally, Arthur found Aegon engaged in a friendly face-off with another Dothraki warrior. Their laughter and smiles belied the intensity of the situation. Arthur approached Aegon, concern etched on his face as he observed the competitive scene unfolding before him. The sound of laughter and cheers filled the air as Aegon effortlessly caught the flying axe, a smirk playing on his lips.

Arthur, unable to contain his curiosity any longer, inquired, "Aegon, what in the Seven Hells are you doing? We've been here for a month now, and I still don't understand why we're lingering in this Dothraki camp."

Aegon took a sip from his wooden cup, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "Ah, my dear friend Arthur, sometimes one must indulge in a little diversion. You see, I find myself in a competition for the affections of this fine Dothraki woman." He gestured towards the tanned beauty observing their exchange.

Arthur's brow furrowed as he tried to make sense of it all. "A competition? And what manner of contest is this?"

Aegon chuckled, raising his cup in a toast before explaining, "I had the privilege of choosing the challenge, and I opted for the finger dance. A game of skill and agility. We throw the axe at each other, and we either have to catch or dodge without moving from the spot, the first to fail loses."

Arthur's frustration simmered beneath the surface. "Aegon, this is madness! We have a quest, a purpose! We cannot be sidetracked by such trivial pursuits. We must leave this place and find our true path."

Aegon's expression turned enigmatic as he replied, "Ah, my dear friend, the road is long and fraught with uncertainties. Sometimes, detours can lead to unexpected discoveries. Trust in the journey, Arthur."

A mixture of resignation and defiance played on Arthur's features as he watched the contest continue. Aegon, undeterred by his friend's concerns, threw the axe once more, its gleaming blade spinning through the air. The Dothraki warrior, caught up in the exhilaration of the game, mistakenly caught the deadly edge, his fingers paying the painful price.

A gasp echoed through the crowd, but Aegon and the onlookers erupted in cheers. The triumph, tinged with a hint of ruthlessness, reflected in Aegon's eyes as he proclaimed victory. "The game is won! The female is mine!"

Aegon goes to the woman in question before grabbing her and forcing her to turn around and put her on her hands and knees, he pulls down her breeches before pulling down his bow and swiftly enters her, thrusting hard inside her.

Arthur silently curses as he pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration "Aegon we aren't finished talking!" He says sternly as Aegon thrusts into the woman, the claps of his hips hitting her arse as well as her moans permeating the air and even her a few cheers from some onlookers.

Aegon looks up at Arthur a smile on his face as he brushes some of his silver hair back "Keep talking Arthur, this isn't too mentally taxing"

Arthur still not looking at him sighs "Can't you do that inside your tent and not outside?" He asks.

Aegon shakes his head "Don't be a spoilsport I'm immersing myself in their culture, all Dothraki fuck outside, they believe everything worth doing should be done under the stars"

Arthur is very close to walking away, as he is during most conversations with Aegon "Why do you wish us to stay here, be honest with me"

At this point, Aegon keeps thrusting into the Dothraki woman, and with one final thrust, he shoots his seed inside of her. Removing his cock from her he stands up and says a few words in Dothraki to her that Arthur doesn't understand.

Aegon stands next to Arthur and puts a hand on his shoulder "Trust in me Arthur, have I ever led you astray before?"

Arthur looks at him incredulously 'Did he forget that we almost got executed because of him merely a month ago?' Arthur thought to himself. Though before he can voice his displeasure he realises that the Dothraki female Aegon won was now pleasuring Aegon orally while he stood with Arthur, hand still on his shoulder.

Aegon's face didn't betray any emotion as he looked at Arthur, however, Arthur found it hard to think over the choking noises coming from Aegon's groin "What about your Aunt and uncle" he finally gets out.

Aegon thinks for a second before shrugging his shoulders "If they wish to come with us when we leave, we'll take them"

Arthur raises an eyebrow at that statement "You'd kidnap the Khalessi of a Khal that has 50,000 Dothraki in his horde?"

Aegon smirks at him "Think of the song it would make" though before he says anything else he groans slightly as he unloads into the woman's mouth.

Arthur finally had enough and shook Aegon's hand off his shoulder "I've had my daily quota of standing next to you while you unload your seed, I'm leaving" He says as he walks away.

Aegon chuckles "Come on Arthur it was only twice, not many at all"

Arthur turns back "It should be none!!! Do you think I stood with Rhaegar cheering him on as he shot you into your mother!!! No, because I used to be a Kingsguard one of the most elite groups of fighters in the world and now I just watched you fuck a Dothraki woman in the middle of the day outside!" He shouts before stomping away.

Aegon tries hard to stifle his laugh at Arthur's tantrum, he looks down at the female he won and shrugged "Woke up on the wrong side of the bed?" He says to her in Dothraki.


Aegon strummed his lute, the melody drifting through the air as he walked alongside Daenerys. His eyes sparkled with curiosity as he turned to her, a sense of intrigue in his voice. "Tell me, Daenerys, of your experiences in Essos. What trials did you and Viserys face during our time apart?"

Daenerys glanced at him, her expression reflective as she recalled their arduous journey. "Aegon, our time in Essos was marked by hardship and constant struggle. After the death of Willem Darry, we became fugitives, pursued by assassins seeking to end the Targaryen line. We had to flee from one city to another, always on the move to evade those who wished us harm."

Aegon's brow furrowed, a mix of concern and empathy in his gaze. "It must have been a challenging existence, Daenerys. How did you manage to survive?"

Daenerys sighed, her voice carrying a touch of sadness. "We faced destitution and uncertainty, but we clung to the remnants of our heritage. Viserys and I relied on the kindness of strangers, selling our belongings, and at times, even our dignity, to secure our survival. It was a humbling experience, a harsh lesson in the realities of the world"

Aegon's features softened, understanding the weight of their journey. "You endured so much, Daenerys. But you know what they say, the bigger the fire, the larger the dragon that emerges from it" he says sagely.

Daenerys raises her eyebrows at him "I don't believe I've heard that one before" she says with a cute smile.

"That's because yours truly just came up with it," Aegon says with a wink.

Aegon then walks in front of Daenerys walking backwards to match her steps "You've inspired me my beautiful aunt to write a song for you, allow me to sing it for you" he says as he starts playing a more complicated melody on his lute.

"Valar morghulis, yn syt belma arghēn,

Tikēl adūr daor, yn drējagon se zaldrīzes.

Daenerys, tolvie hen ēngoso,

Skoros daor nykēlot iderēptot.

Āeksio jaelon, yn embraro kesor,

Se glaesot daor, vēzos ñuhys jorrāelis.

Zȳhon ilon Essos, nyke se botbagon,

Dārilaros hen tolvie, zaldrīzī rȳ iksis.

Ȳdragon daor, se pāsīr zȳhos vēzos,

Jaelagon bantis, perzys iksan daor.

Aōhe naejot dārilaros, sagon jorrāelis,

Dāervose henujagon, se dāervose tolī.

Nūmāzis se drējagon, gō glaesoti brōzi,

Sekkis sōve daor, se ljegon rȳ daor.

Gūrēbagon kesīr Essos, lēda zōbrie issa,

Māzigon perzys, se glaesoti belmȳr.

Se drējagon jagon, henujagon ilīri,

Skoros, gūrēbagon, se ōressī hen tōt.

Valar dohaeris, hen adarētis iksan,

Perzys se zaldrīzēbagon, se zȳhos ñuhe."

As the last note lingered, Daenerys felt her eyes water at the song, she'd heard Rhaegar was able to make maidens weep with his voice and she now understood why. Singing in High Valyrian is difficult but when done correctly it can be positively beautiful, as it was her mother tongue she understood every word of it and it made her heart skip a beat.

Aegon walks into step with his aunt again "Now I have something to ask you" he says as he loops his arm through hers.

Daenerys shocked at the sudden contact stutters for a second before composing herself "W-W-What is it"

Aegon looking amused at her reactions leans in closer "Why are we headed for Vaes Dothrak"

Daenerys looks shocked as her eyes  open a bit wide, she tilts her head as she asks "You don't know? I would've thought someone would have mentioned it by now"

Aegon shook his head "During my marriage to Drogo there was a bleeding star, it was so bright you could see it during the day, Dothraki are superstitious people, they believed this meant a blood maegi had cursed our union, so we are travelling to the Dosh Khaleen who will be able to purify us" Daenerys says with a shrug of her shoulders.

Aegon scrunches his brow thinking "That sounds pretty foolish, though I suppose stranger things have happened"

Daenerys chuckles at that "I'm glad it did, I never wanted this marriage, I don't want to be bedded by Drogo, sometimes I wish I could choke the life from Viserys for agreeing to this stupid match"

"Okay," Aegon simply says.

Daenerys looks at him with confusion "Okay?"

Aegon nods his head "Okay... you don't have to bed Drogo and if you don't wish to you don't have to stay in this marriage"

"It's not as simple as that, I can't just refuse" Daenerys states

"No but if leaving is what you wish then I shall spirit you away" Aegon says with a smile.

Daenerys snorts "You can't just steal me away from over 50,000 Dothraki, you'd be captured immediately"

Aegon rubs his bare face in mock contemplation "I don't know... spiriting girls away does run in my blood" he says with a smirk as he lifts Daenerys over his shoulder, she can't help but laugh as she beats on his back.

"Let me go you beast," she says with a laugh, after twirling a few times Aegon puts her back down.

He then puts a hand on her shoulder and looks at her seriously "Daenerys, you are the blood of Valyria, one of the last dragons, if you do not wish to do something then no one can make you for we are not answerable to gods nor men"

Daenerys smiles as she hugs Aegon, she felt a lot better about her situation knowing her nephew would do all he could to save her. Though mentioning dragons makes her eyes widen as she drags him by the hand to her tent.

"With all the madness of recent events, I completely forgot to show you these" Daenerys says excitedly as she lifts a box from the foot of her bed. She lifts it onto the bed and opens it.

Aegon's eyes widen and his heart starts racing, three dragon eggs lay before him, like perfectly polished marble statues their scales rippled down the egg, it was truly a marvel to behold. Touching the green one he is surprised when he feels that instead of the cold feeling of stone he is met with a warm embrace.

Daenerys notices his reaction and it excites her "You feel it too? There is life within these eggs" she says as she palms the black egg bringing it to her breast and embracing it.

Aegon knew she was right, he could feel it as well, the slight pulsing of the egg, the hot feeling, it comforted him. Though they are both brought out of their thoughts when they hear a horn sound twice.

Daenerys eyes widen "That means someone is attacking us!"

Aegon frowns as he looks to Daenerys, he puts the egg back into the box "Stay here, I'll go and see how serious it is" She nods as she sits on the bed while Aegon exits through the flap of the tent.

As Aegon left Daenerys' tent, a sense of urgency gripped the camp. People hurriedly moved about, arming themselves and mounting their horses. Aegon observed the chaos unfolding before him, his eyes scanning the scene for any signs of imminent danger. It was then that he spotted Arthur riding towards him on a horse, leading another with a spare horse in tow.

Arthur's voice cut through the commotion. "Aegon, another Khalasar is attacking. The Khal wants all warriors to meet them in battle."

Aegon shrugged a flicker of determination in his gaze. He swiftly mounted his horse as Arthur tossed him a spare sword, which he deftly caught. They rode side by side, their steeds galloping towards the gathering horde. The wind whipped through their hair as they approached the field a few miles west of the camp.

In the distance, they could see the rival horde, a formidable force on the horizon. Aegon frowned as he turned to Arthur, his voice tinged with concern. "We won't have enough time to gather our full army. They seem to number around 30,000, while we've mustered only 20,000. Hope you're ready to live up to your name, Sword of the Morning," he said cheekily.

Arthur's eyes glinted with determination. "Fear not, Aegon. The Sword of the Morning shall shine brightly on this day. We will meet them with courage and skill."

They rode to the front lines, where the Khal stood, his presence commanding and imposing. Viserys, looking apprehensive, lingered nearby, his fear evident. Aegon couldn't resist a jibe, his laughter breaking the tension. "Cheer up, Viserys. There's nothing like a battle in broad daylight to work up an appetite for supper."

Viserys' eyes narrowed, his voice edged with defiance. "Mock me all you want, Aegon. But remember, I am the rightful king. I will prove it to them all."

Aegon's laughter echoed through the air, a mixture of amusement and confidence. "We shall see, Viserys. Let your sword speak for you, if you can find the skill."

Viserys, continued to voice his dissatisfaction, complaining about the lack of a shield and armour. He commanded the Khal to fetch him one, unaware of the language barrier that separated them. Aegon found himself both amused and annoyed by Viserys' incessant demands.

Aegon turned to the Khal, struggling to contain his laughter, and spoke to him in Dothraki. "Viserys wants a shield," he managed to convey, emphasizing Viserys' persistent whining.

The Khal looked perplexed, clearly struggling to comprehend Aegon's words he had never used a shield in his life, though he had seen his enemies wield them he did not bother to learn of their names as he thought if you could hold a plank of wood in one hand it would be better served by holding another Arakh instead. Aegon couldn't help but chuckle at the situation, realizing the futility of the request. Viserys, on the other hand, simmered with anger and frustration, his face contorted in an expression of entitled annoyance.

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Aegon turned to Viserys, a smirk playing on his lips. "Oh, Viserys, my dear uncle," he taunted, "it seems we don't have any shields available for your royal highness. How will you survive without your precious protection?"

Viserys' face turned crimson with rage, his voice dripping with petulance. "This is unacceptable! How can I be expected to face our enemies without proper armour? I demand better!"

Aegon rolled his eyes, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Of course, Viserys. Let me just snap my fingers and conjure up a shield for you. Or better yet, perhaps you can just charm your way into the enemy's hearts and they'll surrender without a fight."

Viserys seethed with fury, his voice rising to a whiny pitch. "I deserve better treatment! As the true heir to the Iron Throne, I demand respect!"

Aegon sighed, a mix of annoyance and amusement washing over him. As the battle loomed ahead, he knew that Viserys' incessant whining would serve as an unwelcome distraction.

Viserys, his voice filled with shrill petulance, directed his words at Arthur, his whiny tone grating on everyone's nerves. "You! Kingsguard! Protect me! It is your duty!"

Arthur sighed, his gaze tired as he glanced at Viserys. The weight of his responsibilities as a knight of the Kingsguard weighed heavily on him. He contemplated the consequences of letting Viserys face the battle alone, true he would be the heir if Aegon died, but there was always Daenerys.

Aegon found the situation both amusing and exasperating. With a silent nod, he acknowledged Arthur's internal struggle and silently conveyed his command to protect Viserys. Arthur met his gaze, a mixture of resignation and understanding in his eyes, and nodded back, accepting his duty.

Viserys, oblivious to the silent exchange, continued to spew demands in his high-pitched voice. "I am the rightful king! Protect me! Serve me as you should!"

Aegon couldn't help but stifle a laugh, finding Viserys' arrogance and childishness simultaneously entertaining and infuriating. He trotted forward, his voice laced with amusement. "Viserys, your charm and charisma are surely unmatched. I'm sure Arthur here will gladly ensure your safety in this battle."

Viserys scowled, his voice rising in pitch. "Do not mock me, Aegon! The crown is mine by right! Protect me or face the consequences!"

Aegon's amusement continued. "Arthur, as a member of the Kingsguard, I expect you to fulfil your duty and protect our dear uncle."

Arthur sighed, his gaze shifting from Aegon to Viserys. With a resigned nod, he reluctantly spoke, his tone tinged with annoyance. "Very well, Viserys. I shall ensure your safety. But remember, you are not the only one facing dangers on this battlefield."

Viserys huffed, his voice still filled with entitlement. "See that you do, Arthur. The fate of the King of the Seven Kingdoms rests on your shoulders, don't fail me like you failed my brother."

This gets underneath Arthur's skin and he has to stop himself from punching Viserys in the face, Aegon frowns at the comment as well, if he wasn't family Aegon might've killed him already.

Though they are both brought out of their thoughts when they are given the signal by the Khal to charge, Arthur and Aegon spur their horses forward into the oncoming battle. As the rival horde drew closer, the pounding of hooves and war cries filled the air, heightening the anticipation and tension. Aegon and Arthur could feel the ground trembling beneath their steeds as they galloped forward, the weight of impending battle hanging heavily in their hearts.

With a glance back, Aegon's eyes narrowed in disdain as he spotted Viserys frozen in fear, his lack of courage exposed for all to see. A smirk tugged at the corner of Aegon's lips, a mixture of disappointment and amusement intertwining. But there was no time to dwell on the cowardice of his uncle, for the clash was imminent.

The two armies thundered towards each other, the cacophony of war cries growing louder with each passing second. Aegon tightened his grip on his sword, feeling the familiar weight and balance of the weapon in his hand. He could hear the pounding of his own heart, matching the rhythm of his horse's gallop.

Arrows filled the sky, darkening the air like a deadly swarm. Aegon and Arthur showcased their prowess, expertly deflecting the oncoming projectiles with their swords, their bodies moving in perfect synchrony with their mounts. They weaved and dodged, a dance of death and survival, their instincts honed by years of training.

The moment drew closer, and the clash was inevitable. The deafening roar of horses, the clashing of metal, and the cries of combatants merged into a symphony of chaos. The ground trembled beneath their horses' hooves as if nature itself braced for impact.

The hordes collided with a thunderous crash, the impact reverberating through the field. The air was filled with the metallic tang of blood, the shouts of warriors, and the agonized screams of the fallen. Horses crashed to the ground, their bodies sprawling amidst the chaos.

Aegon and Arthur fought with unwavering resolve, their swords finding purchase in flesh and bone. The clash of steel against steel resonated through their arms, each strike carrying the weight of their determination. They carved through the enemy ranks, their movements fluid and precise, leaving a trail of fallen foes in their wake.

Amidst the chaos, time seemed to distort, each moment stretched and compressed, blurring into a relentless stream of battle. The battlefield became a maelstrom of violence, where survival and triumph merged into a singular goal.

Aegon's instincts kicked in as he deftly ducked under a swing from a Dothraki warrior, his sword swiftly arcing through the air and severing the man's head from his shoulders. The rush of adrenaline coursed through his veins, fueling his movements as he continued to press forward, his blade cleaving through his foes with precision and skill.

But fate, as fickle as ever, had a different plan. An arrow sliced through the chaos, finding its mark in his horse's eye. Aegon's heart skipped a beat as he watched his trusted steed falter, the animal's screams of pain piercing through the cacophony of battle. Without a moment to spare, Aegon reacted swiftly, removing his feet from the stirrups and leaping off the horse's back, narrowly avoiding being crushed beneath its thrashing body.

Now on foot amidst the swirling chaos of the battlefield, Aegon quickly assessed his surroundings. The sounds of clashing swords and battle cries echoed around him, the air thick with the stench of blood and sweat.

Aegon moved forward with determination, his path interrupted by a charging horse rider. He swiftly sidestepped, narrowly avoiding the lethal hooves, and continued his advance. But before he could catch his breath, another Dothraki warrior on foot closed in, their blades clashing as they engaged in a deadly duel.

Their swords clashed and sparks flew as Aegon and his opponent exchanged blows. With a swift manoeuvre, Aegon turned his blade downward, using the hilt as leverage to deliver a powerful elbow strike to the man's face. As his foe reeled back, Aegon seized the opportunity, swinging his sword in a deadly arc and slicing open his opponent's throat.

A hail of arrows descended upon Aegon, threatening to end his life. In a desperate move, he swiftly grabbed the lifeless body of his fallen enemy, using it as a shield to deflect the incoming projectiles. The arrows pierced the lifeless flesh, sparing Aegon from their deadly embrace.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Aegon's eyes caught sight of an enemy arakh lying on the ground nearby. He swiftly snatched it up and, with precise aim, hurled it toward a charging raider. The arakh found its mark, impaling the raider and sending him crashing to the ground, his steed galloping aimlessly.

Aegon fought with wild fervour, his movements a blur of speed and precision. He dodged, blocked, and swung his weapon with relentless determination. His body became a canvas, painted with a mixture of blood, sweat, and dirt as he pushed himself to the limits of endurance.

Aegon's body bore the scars of his relentless battle, adorned with a tapestry of cuts and bruises. An arrow jutted from his shoulder that he had snapped off, a painful reminder of the dangers he had faced.

Amid the chaos, Aegon's eyes locked onto a formidable figure. The enemy Khal, towering over the others, with a long braid trailing behind him, was a force to be reckoned with. He dispatched his fellow Dothraki with ease, showcasing his prowess in combat. Aegon smiled manically.

Without hesitation, Aegon charged towards the Khal, his intent clear. The Khal, sensing the imminent threat, turned his gaze toward Aegon, their eyes meeting in a clash of determination. The element of surprise was lost, but Aegon pressed on, fueled by his unwavering resolve.

In a desperate move, Aegon seized an arakh discarded on the ground and hurled it towards a bloodrider who was on foot. The blade found its mark, striking the bloodrider square in the groin, causing him to double over in agony. Aegon capitalized on the distraction, using the wounded bloodrider as a stepping stone. He leapt off the man's back, his body soaring through the air, and collided with the Khal, sending both of them tumbling into the mud.

Aegon and the Khal grappled, their bodies locked in a fierce struggle. Blows were exchanged, each strike reverberating with raw power. Aegon's fist met the Khal's face, and the Khal retaliated with his own brutal punches. The ground beneath them turned into a muddy battlefield as they fought tooth and nail.

In a daring move, Aegon unleashed a headbutt, his skull connecting with the Khal's, sending a jolt of pain through both combatants. Seizing the opportunity, Aegon delivered a swift kick, creating enough distance to rise to his feet. Aegon and the Khal engaged in a ruthless duel, their blades flashing with deadly intent. Each sword swing and the subsequent manoeuvre was executed with precision and determination.

Aegon lunged forward, his sword slicing through the air with a swift strike. The Khal parried the blow effortlessly, his own blade meeting Aegon's in a clash of steel. Sparks erupted from the collision as their swords scraped against each other, the sound reverberating through the chaos of the battlefield.

They danced back and forth, their movements fluid and calculated. Aegon deftly dodged a powerful swing aimed at his torso, narrowly avoiding the blade that would have sliced through his flesh. In retaliation, he countered with a quick series of slashes, his sword aimed at vulnerable spots on the Khal's body.

But the Khal was no ordinary adversary. He met Aegon's onslaught with brute strength and skill, parrying and blocking with unwavering precision. Their blades clashed time and again, each impact sending shockwaves through their arms. Both combatants suffered cuts and gashes, crimson rivulets mixing with the sweat and dirt on their bodies.

As the duel intensified, Aegon saw an opening—a chance to disarm the Khal. With a calculated move, he expertly manoeuvred his sword, aiming to knock the weapon from his opponent's grasp. The Khal's blade flew through the air, but just as Aegon prepared for the final strike, the Khal's iron grip closed around his arm, halting his attack.

Aegon's eyes widened in surprise as a powerful punch landed square on his jaw, the force causing him to drop his sword. Pain exploded through his face, momentarily dazing him. His mind raced as he fought to regain his focus, knowing that this fight had entered a new, more brutal phase.

Now stripped of their weapons, Aegon and the Khal unleashed a storm of ferocious punches and kicks. Each blow landed with bone-crushing force, their fists becoming deadly weapons in their own right. Aegon relied on his agility, weaving around the Khal's strikes and delivering swift, precise strikes of his own. The Khal, fueled by raw power, unleashed devastating blows that threatened to overwhelm Aegon.

Their fists collided, their bodies bruised and battered. Blood mixed with sweat as they continued their relentless brawl, a brutal display of strength and resilience. Aegon's speed allowed him to dodge and evade, while the Khal's sheer force kept him in the fight.

In a fierce exchange of blows, Aegon found himself on the receiving end of a powerful punch to his stomach. But instead of recoiling in pain, he leaned into the strike, using the momentum to deliver a devastating headbutt to the Khal's face. The Khal stumbled back, his equilibrium disrupted by the unexpected blow.

Seizing the opportunity, Aegon charged forward, his body colliding with the Khal's, and together they crashed to the ground. A flurry of punches rained down upon the Khal's face, Aegon's fists finding their mark with ruthless precision. But the Khal, fueled by sheer determination, managed to catch Aegon's fists, halting his onslaught. With a fierce counterpunch, the Khal struck back, momentarily stunning Aegon before pushing him off.

As Aegon struggled to regain his footing, the Khal rose to his feet, his bruised and bloodied visage a testament to their gruelling battle. With an unwavering determination, the Khal charged forward, leaping into a powerful drop kick that sent Aegon hurtling backwards, his breath knocked out of him.

Gasping for air, Aegon coughed and sputtered as he fought to gather his strength. Blood trickled from his split lip, mingling with the dirt and grime on his face. Through gritted teeth, he pushed himself up, the pain fueling his resolve. He evaded a swing from the Khal, narrowly avoiding the strike, and retaliated with a swift knee to the Khal's stomach.

Using his momentum, Aegon brought both his hands together, driving his fist down upon the Khal's back with all the force he could muster forcing the Khal to the ground. The impact reverberated through his arms, a jolt of pain shooting up his limbs. Aegon knelt on the Khal's back, his muscles burning with exertion as he wrapped the Khal's own braid tightly around his neck, pulling it with a determined grip.

The Khal thrashed and flailed, desperate to free himself from Aegon's grip, his attempts to breathe becoming more laboured with each passing moment. But Aegon held on tenaciously, his strength fueled by sheer willpower. The Khal's struggles gradually subsided until finally, he lay still, his body succumbing to the lack of air.

Aegon remained kneeling, his chest heaving as he released his grip on the Khal's braid. With a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins, Aegon's eyes fell upon the fallen Khal's nearby Arakh. Seizing the weapon, he raised it high, the blade glinting in the harsh light of the battlefield.

In one swift motion, Aegon swung the Arakh, its blade slicing through the air and severing the Khal's head from his body. The sound of steel meeting flesh echoed through the field, momentarily cutting through the chaos of battle.

Holding the severed head aloft in a gruesome display, Aegon let out a fierce war cry that reverberated across the battlefield. The cry carried with it a mix of triumph, defiance, and a primal release of pent-up aggression.

Blood dripped from the decapitated head, staining the ground below. The gruesome sight sent a shiver through the hearts of those who bore witness, both friend and foe. Aegon's victory over the Khal signified that the rival Dothraki Horde had lost.

As the news of the fallen Khal spread through the rival horde, a ripple of surrender began to sweep across the battlefield. Though the process would take time given the scale of the battle, the tides of war started to turn. Men laid down their weapons, their spirits broken by the loss of their leader.

Amidst the aftermath, Arthur, having been unhorsed at some point, hurried towards Aegon's side, concern etched on his face. Aegon nodded, assuring his companion that he was alright. Together, they turned their backs on the battlefield, making their way back to camp, the weight of the battle still heavy upon their shoulders.

As they trudged through the sombre atmosphere, the air thick with the scent of blood and death, a surprising sight greeted them. Viserys, in a rare display of courage, was engaged in a seemingly endless struggle with a Dothraki raider who appeared no older than a child of twelve namedays. Mounted on his horse, Viserys fought valiantly but seemed unable to gain the upper hand.

At one point, the raider attempted to flee, but Viserys, driven by a mix of anger and determination, relentlessly pursued him. The chase continued, with the young raider unable to shake off his pursuer. Eventually, the raider succeeded in pulling Viserys off his horse, prompting a shrill scream of fear from the Targaryen prince as he scrambled away from the young raider.

Witnessing this comical turn of events, Aegon couldn't contain his laughter, a genuine joy breaking through the grimness of the battlefield. Arthur joined in the mirth, the shared laughter serving as a momentary reprieve from the dark cloud that hung over them.

The tension that had filled the air momentarily dissipated, replaced by the shared amusement at Viserys' misadventure.

Aegon looks at Arthur and stroked his chin "You know I believe this is worthy of a song" Arthur just shakes his head and chuckles as they both made their way back to camp.


Aegon opens the flaps of Daenerys tent, he's covered in blood and mud, and he groans when his almost tackled by the small form of Daenerys who hugged him tightly. He could feel wetness on his chest as tears of relief fell from her face. Aegon smiles as he pats her head.

"No need to worry Daenerys, it was but a small skirmish nothing to cry over" Aegon says while rubbing her back.

"I'm not injured either, just in case you were worried," Arthur says as he walks in behind Aegon.

Daenerys looks up from Aegon's chest and smiles tearfully "I'm glad you're okay Arthur"

She then looks around and behind Aegon and Arthur "Where's Viserys? Is he okay?" Though the concern she shows for him is markedly less than what she showed for Aegon.

Aegon starts laughing again confusing Daenerys, Arthur cracks a smile as he explains what happened "After his 'duel' with the enemy he needed to be treated for his foot that he twisted running away"

Daenerys finds it amusing but she's also glad that her brother isn't dead. Arthur looks at Aegon "I'm going to go see a healer myself, got a couple of arrow punctures that need to be seen to"

Aegon nods his head "I'll join you, wouldn't want to die of something so simple, wouldn't make a good song at all" he says as he walks out with Arthur, only to be grabbed by Daenerys.

Aegon looks at her questioningly "I can treat you myself! I've learnt a few things from the healers it should be okay" she sputters out with a red face.

Arthur chuckles as he turns away and leaves through the flap while Aegon smiles. He lets Daenerys drag him to the bed where he takes his shirt off, he groans as he practically rips it off as the blood and mud have attached it to his body, Daenerys gasps as she looks at all the cuts, bruises and punctures on his body.

Aegon chuckles and gives her a reassuring look "Don't fear sweet aunt, these are not serious, just need to clean them out and bandage them" Daenerys nods as she grabs a bucket of water she had in her tent she climbs behind Aegon on the bed dipping a cloth in the water as she wipes away the blood and grime from his body. She traces the muscles on his back making sure to go softly on the cuts and bruised area. Aegon sighed in contentment it felt good having her wipe the muck of the battle off him. All he needed now was a woman, a nice fuck after a battle, and some wine would be good. Aegon feels Daenerys push her body against his back as she wraps her arms around him.

"I was scared... for so long I've felt alone, I had to witness my brother turn from someone who told me of dragons and Valyria to someone who said he'd let the entire Dothraki Khalasar Fuck me if it meant he got his throne" Daenerys whispered softly into his ear.

"Finding you has made me the happiest I've been since living in Braavos... promise not to leave me" She whimpered

Aegon takes her hand and lays a kiss on it "I promise, you won't get rid of me that easily" he says with a smile.

Daenerys gets off the bed and starts wiping his front, though Aegon can see in her face that she's still worried, he cups her cheek "What is wrong?"

She leans into his palm "I'm worried about Viserys, we can't leave him behind... but I don't think he'd let us leave, he believes he's purchased an army so he can conquer the seven kingdoms"

Aegon shrugs his shoulders "We'll give him the choice, if he refuses we knock him out, and throw him over a horse"

Daenerys smiles at that "Thank you... I know how difficult Viserys can be, but it warms my heart that you won't give up on him"

Aegon smiles back "He may be a prick and slightly mad but he looked after you for all those years, I just hope it isn't too late to bring him back."

"Perhaps you could assert your position as the Heir? You are head of House Targaryen, so he might be willing to listen" Daenerys suggests though she doesn't sound very confident in her own suggestion.

Aegon raises an eyebrow "Even after seeing me alive and well he believes himself the rightful king, besides I'm not interested in the throne at the moment"

Daenerys eyes widen which Aegon chuckles at, before turning serious "The Iron Throne is a curse Dany... It has a way of corrupting people turning them into the worst versions of themselves, but it was a curse my namesake willingly took when he united the kingdoms. He knew what is coming and tried to prepare for it, but we can see how well that has turned out" Aegon says with a helpless smile.

"What did he know was coming?" Daenerys asks.

Aegon looks at her in a way that makes her shiver "A night that will never end"

"I'm not ready for the duties my father had planned for me, so I will not take the throne yet... for now I will make myself stronger" he continues

"How will you do that?" Daenerys asks

"Fire and blood, for there is the power to be had in both my sweet aunt" Aegon replies with a smile.


Amidst the uproar and revelry, the Khal raised his goblet, his commanding presence silencing the room. His deep, rumbling voice filled the feast hall as he addressed the gathered warriors.

"Tonight, we feast in honour of our glorious victory!" the Khal proclaimed, his words carrying an undercurrent of raw power and authority. "Our enemies have been crushed beneath our hooves, and their Khal has met his end by the hands of this valiant warrior, Aegon the Bloody Fist!"

The Dothraki warriors erupted in a chorus of cheers and applause, their voices blending with the resounding clinks of drinking horns. The Khal's gaze settled upon Aegon, a mixture of admiration and respect in his eyes.

"You have proven your worth on this day, Aegon," the Khal continued, his voice low and commanding. "Your blade has tasted the blood of our enemies, and your name shall be whispered with reverence among the riders of the Great Khalasar."

Aegon bowed deeply, acknowledging the honour bestowed upon him. Pride swelled within his chest, knowing that his deeds had earned the respect of the mighty Khal and his warriors.

Aegon's gaze shifted to the others who shared this momentous occasion. His eyes found Daenerys, her face beaming with pride and joy at her newfound family member's triumph. She clapped her hands, joining in the celebration, her eyes reflecting the same fiery spirit that burned within the Dothraki warriors.

Nearby, Arthur stood tall and regal, his stoic presence commanding respect. Though not fluent in the Dothraki language, his admiration for their strength and prowess was evident in his unwavering gaze. He raised his goblet in a silent toast, acknowledging the triumph of his comrade.

At the feast, Viserys found himself seated at the so-called "kid's table," a mixture of annoyance and frustration etched upon his face. He observed the revelry with a brooding intensity, resentment burning in his eyes as he witnessed the honour bestowed upon Aegon. A flicker of envy passed through his gaze, though he tried to conceal it beneath a mask of indifference.

Aegon then stood up, he grabbed his lute from around his back where it usually was, speaking in Dothraki he grabs the attention of the people feasting "My friends, today was a glorious battle, but I ask you this, what is a battle without a song to remember it? I wrote a song to honour the bravest warrior here"

Aegon starts playing a light playful tune on his lute.

In the wild lands of Essos, a tale so absurd,

Viserys Targaryen, a prince whose ego was undisturbed.

He sought a battle, against a Dothraki boy so young,

Little did he know, his arrogance would soon be stung!

Oh, Viserys the Foolish, with pride so grand,

A Dothraki lad, with tricks close at hand.

On his horse he mounted, full of boast and might,

But fate had a comedy, that would cause a fright.

The Dothraki boy dashed, like a playful breeze,

Viserys gave chase, screaming like a lady in unease.

But the lad proved agile, evading his every stride,

Leaving Viserys in agony, with his foolishness magnified.

Then came the twist, a moment of comic delight,

The boy turned the tables, filled with mischievous spite.

He dragged Viserys off his horse, a pitiful sight,

Leaving him screaming and wailing, his ego taking flight.

Viserys stumbled, his feet blistered and sore,

As the boy chased him, his screams echoed galore.

His pride was wounded, his dignity all but lost,

A fool in distress, in his own foolish cost.

Oh, Viserys the Foolish, with pride so grand,

A Dothraki lad, with tricks close at hand.

On his horse he mounted, full of boast and might,

But fate had a comedy, that would cause a fright.

Viserys, oh Viserys, a fool with feet so sore,

Chased and screaming like a woman, his pride forever sore!

The Dothraki howled with laughter at the song and even started to sing it themselves. Daenerys found herself laughing and while Arthur hadn't understood what Aegon had said, he knew him well enough to know what the song was about, which led him to smiling and shaking his head.

Aegon almost toppled over in laughter as the Dothraki chanted Khal Rhae Mhar at Viserys. Not because he found it funny but because Viserys was smiling, he believed they were honouring him and his bravery in battle.

Aegon drank and ate, and got into a few fights which according to him were worth it as he was now going back to his tent with a golden-skinned Dothraki, she had a long braid and a sharp face, her body was toned and her tits weren't anything to marvel at, however, her arse was incredibly muscled from a life of riding, while she was not the prettiest he'd ever seen, she'd do for a place to unload all the extra energy from the battle.

Aegon pushed her down to the furs in his tent, he loved this about Dothraki women, you could be as rough as you wanted and it only made them want you more. He downed his cup of wine before throwing it over his shoulder and taking his tunic and breeches off. He ripped her clothes off turning her on her belly before grabbing his already erect cock he shoves it into her with a groan.

He revels in the feel of her sex wrapping around his cock, the warmth and tightness of it, he keeps thrusting harder as he pushes her head down to the floor forcing her down. He can feel her shake and tremble as her sex contracts around him.

With a grunt he releases his seed inside of her, he fires off 6 shots before his balls stop contracting. He runs his hands through his hair pushing it behind his ears. He gets up and heads towards the fire that he had lit in the middle of his tent.

He turns to the woman who was lying down relishing the feeling of his seed soaking her insides "Get out..." he says in Dothraki, she immediately obeys leaving Aegon standing there naked with only the bandages Daenerys had put on him as cover.

He looks into the flames and starts chanting in High Valyrian, before biting the tip of his finger and letting a drop of blood fall into it, the fire turns red and Aegon leans his head into the fire.

"I'm close, if there are any of them left in Vaes Leisi I'll find them" Aegon whispers into the flames.

(AN: So that's chapter 2, hope y'all enjoyed it, I'm sure those who read the world book know where Aegon is headed next. Any guesses why he's headed there ?)

next chapter
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