/ Book&Literature / The White Knight[Asoiaf Si]

The White Knight[Asoiaf Si] Original

The White Knight[Asoiaf Si]

Book&Literature 87 Capítulos 1.4M Visitas
Autor: Last_Quincy

4.57 (29 valoraciones)

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A man is reborn as a dragon seed during the times when the "Dragons Danced"

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  1. OverlordBGs
    OverlordBGs Contribuido 200
  2. Braverock
    Braverock Contribuido 124
  3. skeletonvangard
    skeletonvangard Contribuido 93

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  • Calidad de Traducción
  • Estabilidad de las actualizaciones
  • Desarrollo de la Historia
  • Diseño de Personajes
  • Antecedentes del mundo

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LV 13 Badge

i doest makd much sense! social construct doesnt exist thou author is trying to set it in a weird way.

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interesting. a dragonseed as mc 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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I like how OC Ulf is genuinely a good, a lot of oc characters are a mix between chaotic evil but Ulf is definitely chaotic good. I like his relationship with Daemon and even tho they are fundamentally diffrent they have a respect for eachother. I can’t wait to read more and I hope you continue this story.

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Interesting really interesting I like Ulfs character a lot and the story is overall very well written. Hope to see more.

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If this Ulf is not a reincarnator, then it would be decent. But since he is, I will say this is average.He never use his knowledge from the modern world to invent or make himself rich (if he is just an average Joe, then it's fine. But he is supposed to be smart), and the romance between him and Helaena feels kinda forced.

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we making it to no 2 whit this one📢🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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The emotions present within this story is a marvel! I love the personality of the MC as he's the cliche hero, and yet remains humble. Quite the evolution: from arrogant to humble. I hope you can see this story to its completion.

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Story is good so far, it is developing nicely and I can’t complain about the update schedule can’t wait to read some more………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… …………………………………

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The story seems good so far. Pretty unique and has a decent grammar. The update stability haven't disappointed me yet. Hopefully doesn't get dropped, I see potential in it.

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It is good fanfic overall. Hope I won't be dropped.

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LV 3 Badge

someone wanna spoil me the real love interest if it ain't the princess?

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with réflection i réalised the MC is just good Targaryen Griffith, like a white knight with his band,he is just like a parangon version of griffith

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Starts well alright, but MC constantly contradicts himself. First he wants to rise as a commoner to become king, he's all "chaos really is a ladder" and wants the dance to go on but instantly becomes a simp like 2 chapters later, swears his life to protect some girls and constantly berates himself for his "failures" which shouldn't really be failures or even things he cares about but yk author forgot I guess. Lives in the middle ages but is surprised by sexism and death, has gone through life before but acts like a child even when alone. well

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(Chapter 64-?) This fic is one of the good ones. The writing is good, definitely not a Gary Stu although monologuing about what they will do is a bit turn off for me. I don't like how some readers tried to influence the author to do this and that, especially when mc denied the woman because of his principles 😂 I mean did mc really think of his actions, why her of all people? the mother of his squire and a mistress of Corlys. This story is kinda similar to the ones that I read on SB, true to his principles although not more religious. He has his faults and I like it since all of the fics here wanted a perfect Gary Stu mc. I definitely enjoyed the story. Thanks for the fic!

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LV 15 Badge

Started out great, with a reincarnated MC who, due to his body being undeveloped, retained some of his child like innocence. We witness him growing into a strong and poweful youth, who becomes the squire of Daemon, bond with his own dragon (whom sadly disappears completely shortly after author introduces her). Then MC falls in love with a princess and everything starts crumbling down. All his reaolve, ambitions and peomises to himself he made when he lost his mother come down like a sandcastle as he refuses to elope with the princess’ during her wedding. I get that heartbreak and be painful, but our MC had lived a previous life, had early on set his goals and firmed his resolve and then we witness it all deflate like a balloon kn one single chapter, because of one single girl he knew he had no chance of getting together with. After dozen of chapters he is still bathing in his self-loathing and misery that he successfully managed to lose his bonds with a man he saw as a brother, who grew up and trained with him and became knighted almost at the same time. This development was an utter disappointment to witness. Seeing how easily he breaks he should just take his dragon to Essoss and stay away from the game, it definently is not for him.

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Autor Last_Quincy