A/N:Sorry for no chapters being released for a while, Was kind of busy with an event.
Another chapter will also be released today, Just needs some editing.
"So, Can I ask about the different scenery today?"
I asked the purplish black-haired figure that always appeared whenever I slept in my dreams. Normally we just stare at each other until whatever that terrifying thing breaks back in the black space and I am forcibly awoken.
But this time, We were in a field of beautiful White Flowers that I couldn't recognize.
And among the field of white flowers, He stood in a clearing, In front of...
'Hold on, Am I seeing things or not?'
Moving closer I could see that there were three graves.
Before I could move close enough to see the names on the graves, They disappeared and the entire space around us changed.
The Flowers, The Graves, All vanished and now there was only Us Two standing in a field of grass.
I stood still, And so did he.
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