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28.94% The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister / Chapter 10: 10. Farewell Feast

Capítulo 10: 10. Farewell Feast

Word from the Author- Thanks for the support from everyone who has left a review, power stones and comments. I appreciate it. Even the people who let their personal opinions about what they would do, bias the reviews they give. 


Even if I can see through Robar's attacks, I can't get close. Robar's style of fighting is rather conventional for someone in heavy armor, armed with a great sword. Wide sweeping attacks, keeping his opponents at distance, while delivering devastating blows. I had been forced to evade every single time in each of our exchanges, this was the 8th.

"Stop playing Robar, time to put him out of his misery and let's get back to some real training." Garrand taunted.

"Clank" The steel went as my sword when flying, my wrist hurt from the collision.

"ARE YOU ALRIGHT MY LORD?" Robar shouted to me from under his visor. I simply gesture with my hand that I was fine.

"Thats what you get, I told you to stop trying to meet him head on, deflect, deflect." Garrand added again.

"I'm trying, its not my fault he's stronger than an ox and has the stamina of a horse." As I responded as I massaged my aching forearm.

"Pfffftt, hahahahaha. Ah, that he is, that he is. Still, one day you may truly face men who are bigger and stronger on the battlefield. The only things that will save you are your training and luck. We can't train luck, so we will have to work harder where we can. Now thats enough for you today. We have a feast to attend tonight."

"No need to remind me, has everything been put into place like I asked you to?" I asked Garrand.

"Yes, it has. The men have been rostered for duty as per your instructions. Also, I sent men this morning and the barrels you ordered had been delivered to the hall. I still don't understand why you are still being so generous my Lord."

"You wouldn't now, but soon?"

"Of course, my Lord. Do you foresee trouble? Is that why you asked for our guards to be stationed near your family's chambers?" Garrand asked me, at the same time Robar had already approached now without his practice great helm off.

"No, I'm just taking precautions, the Freys will most likely be well drunk tonight. I don't want any allegations made. You two as well, avoid any needless arguments, however, do not let anyone disrespect you. I am not my father and I trust your judgement, both of you. Don't hold back if you need to."

"Certainly." "Yes, my Lord." They both responded."

It had already been 11 days since I woke up in this world and I already felt very close to both of them. Since the day after we came back from Lannisport, we had started training together in earnest. The three of us and sometimes Kevan joined in, for the past 8 days, we would train from the crack of dawn till after dark. Only stoping for classes with Maester Brayan and meals.

The results of my 8 days could be seen when I looked at my 'status screen'.


Name; Tywin Lannister

Age; 10

Blessings; Divine Guidance

Titles; Heir to Casterly Rock, Tytos Lannister's Son, The Young Lord

Bloodline; (Inactive)



Vitality- 7, Strength- 7, Stamina- 9, Agility- 11, Mind- 11, Will- 8, Charisma- 9, Luck- 10

(Free Attribute Points 0)

Skills- Sword Proficiency (moderate-2), Dagger Proficiency (basic-7), Shield Proficiency(basic-10), Ridding Proficiency (basic-3), Archery (basic-7), Handwriting (basic-2), Reading (moderate-1), Arithmetic (basic-4), Observation (basic-10), Inspire (basic-9), Sexual Performance (basic-2), Controlled Breathing (basic-4), Striking (basic-10), Spatial Awareness (basic-6), Intimidate (basic-6), Climbing (moderate-1)

(Free Skill Points- 0)


*Tying up loose end- Aenys Frey harbors deep resentment against you and is plotting against your family. Kill Aenys Frey outside of battle before leaving the Westerlands. (rewards- 5 free AP on completion)

*Slay 10 opponents in battle. (0/10) (rewards- 5 free AP on completion)

*Gain knowledge- Read 25 books.(1/25) (rewards- 1 AP to Mind)




I felt proud looking at my 'status screen'. I had gained the 'Title- The Young Lord' due to enough commoners recognizing me and referring to me as such. Word had spread throughout the Rock as to what I had done to the prisoners. The title had simply offset the negative reputation effect from the other 'Title- Tytos Lannister's Son'. Even if I wasn't a Lord as yet, the people of the Rock had begun to recognize my authority as if it was for some time now.

Also, I had managed to raise most of my attributes by 1 through hard training and my actions. The easiest was by completing the first quest; "*Gain knowledge. In the last eight day I had read 5 more books which included; 'One thousand and one plants, trees and mushrooms of the Seven Kingdoms', 'Medicines and Poisons by Arch Maester Mallory', 'The 5 great cities of Westeros', 'The battle of Redgrass Field', 'Against the Unnatural' and the 'Books of Law'.

These were easy enough after adjusting to the writing style of Westeros. I had already possessed an excellent reading level before coming to this world. This allowed the corresponding skill to quickly and consistently rise until skill level 'moderate'. That was when I notice the skill growth would slow as expected. Skill level 'moderate' noticeably increases the familiarity as well as intuition when using a skill.

'Observation' was one of the 'skills' that became progressively harder even while still in the 'basic' level. It was around this time I figure it out and I wished that I didn't have more pressing use for my 'SP'. I had to use them on my newest skill.

'Climbing' was something I had started working on 3 nights ago. I had started climbing from the window in my room to the level above and below. It was something both convenient and necessary for my future plan.

'Sexual performance' I had picked up after my first visit with Helena. I had been rewarded by the system for my bold action.

'Controlled Breathing' was picked up after I had started to actively try and control my breathing when pointed out by Garrand. After a couple day of consistently practicing, I had gained the skill. It aided in controlling and increasing the efficiency of my breathing, but it was a bitch to increase. 

'Striking' and 'Spatial Awareness' had come while training with my personal guards. Everyday we would make time to train with them. Initially I found that I was actually more skilled with a sword than each of them, however I was outmatched by their strength and overall battle capabilities when using shield and spear.

This resulted in me fighting smarter to overcome them. I had become very capable when evading the range of their spears and using kick, stomps and shoves to overcome their shields from up-close. 

I had also acquired 'Intimidate' during those exchanges. Like book Tywin, I too had a formidable glare. I had utilized it to try an intimidate the guards and even Robar during exchanges. Robar thankfully adapted by not staring directly into my eyes, however some guards even after days of training still flinched at times.

 I couldn't really blame them as they not only trained the least. They had also been placed on watch duty during the course of the day. Particularly with watching of our Frey guests. I had told them that they were there to make sure no conflict happened.

I had also gotten them to pay attention to Aenys Frey in specifically. I did this by asking about how his injuries were progressing, the first 3 days he spent in his room. On the 4th he started leaving his chambers with the use of crutches. As expected, his injuries weren't as serious as they had been made out to be, but I observed he was pissed off every time he saw me.

It didn't help that each time he saw me, I would blatantly stare at him. I could make out him 'cursing to himself by reading his lips'. I surmised that Walder Frey or Stevron must have warned him against any aggression. They stood to lose a lot if the marriage pact was broken. Especially after they had signed the agreement concerning Emmon and Genna, after Walder had returned.

Tonight, would be our sending off feast, for myself and for Uncle Jason, we would be leaving in 3 days' time. All of the Lannisters at Casterly Rock, Uncle Jason and his family and members of House Prester to which he had been married into had been invited. Other nobles who were currently at the Rock and of course that included House Frey and their vassal knights.

Tytos had seen it as an opportunity to get to socialize and try to improve house Frey's image as Genna would be marrying into it. 'Good luck with that.' I saw it as an opportunity to clear a certain quest. Aeny's wouldn't miss the feast; he had been confined to the Rock for more than a week. This would be a chance to blow off some steam for him.

I went through my mental checklist while I had washed up and started getting dress. Mya wasn't here today; she was on loan to the kitchen today as she would be helping with the feast. Tonight was a night that needed to flow smoothly, all hands would be on deck for this feast.

I had grown quite fond of her over the last few days. I had gotten accustomed to her warming my bed, she had slept every night in my room. I hadn't touched her as the last eight days I had been too tired by the time I arrived at bed. She had seen to every other need I would have, form arranging my meals to cleaning my room and having my clothes and gear cleaned. She had thrown herself into the role of my personal servant, I was deeply appreciative of it.


Ser Garrand Presters POV

Lord Tytos was in his element amongst all of these nobles. The man was considered to be one of the worst Lords to rule Casterly Rock, but it could never be said he couldn't entertain guest. Even if the feast was simply a sending off for the Young Lord Tywin, he would not spare any expense. The finest food and the finest wines available, were offered.

The food was heavily spiced and the service of the staff had been exceptional. All in all, it was a typical Tytos gathering. I had even had an opportunity to catch up with some of my family members. Even my cousin Forely who had been squiring at King's Landing and had been recently knighted after his part in a bandit extermination.

He had been regaling me with the tales of his adventures these last couple of years. Ser Jason had asked him to accompany us as he was currently the most familiar with King's Landing as well as the conditions of the roads.

"…so enough about me, how has it been going for you? I heard this morning that you are serving Tywin and accompanying him to King's Landing. Let me tell you, the women are nothing like the ones here in the Westerlands. If you play your hand right at court, you could even bag a daughter of a prominent house if you're lucky.

The gods certainly blessed you with looks. I will be staying on in King's Landing after this escort. I only returned to see mother and settle some business. Once I get back, I will be trying to get something more permanent. Say, how has Tywin been treating you?"

Garrand smirked after he membered a particular time in Lannisport. "Quite well actually. He certainly is not his father, on the contrary, I pity anyone who gets on his bad side."

"I did here something about him seizing some prisoners and having them hung outside the walls of the Rock. Were you there for it?"

"He didn't just seize them. He gave everyone of them a chance to fight against him in 1-on-1, for their lives. One almost got the better of his but he quickly dispatched him without hesitation." Forely eyes opened wide as I relayed the details of the story. I then went on to explain what they had done and that he only after he was finished, that he had them hung from the parapets.

"He truly isn't anything like his father. I've been hearing some disturbing things, even some from all the way in King's Landing. The Laughing Lion, even The Toothless Lion, some have taken to calling him. I hope Tywin can turn things around for House Lannister when he gets his chance."

"Don't worry he will, if he gets the chance. He isn't afraid to stand up to anyone, especially Lord Tole-Collector."

"Ha, I heard. He was the only one who stood up to him at the wedding announcement."

"Yeah, anyway, I should probably go look for Tywin. If you want, I could speak to him on your behalf. He has some plans for when he gets to King's Landing. If he's looking for extra hands. I will put your name forward." With that I bid him farewell.

I quickly spotted Tywin speaking with his siblings and his cousins. Even I forgot that he was a boy sometimes. Nothing about him had ever seem childish except for his physical appearance. Even that was still easily overlooked. He was tall in front most his age but it was his intellect that I was most impressed with. I wouldn't even bet against him if he went up against an old schemer like Walder Frey.

I knew personally that he was always thinking in the long term. He was always a few steps ahead and rarely made careless moves. He was a natural leader and acted like a veteran knight when giving commands. Always quick to facts and leaving no room for misinterpretation. His future would be filled with achievements if he lived long enough.

I wasn't worried for him if anyone came at him head on, I was worried about those who would come at him from the dark. He was proving to be everything his father wasn't. This wouldn't please many who were eyeing the wealth of house Lannister. Under Tytos, the Lannister name was suffering and everyone could see he was a craven and taking advantage of it.

It was only a matter of time before others take note of his actions.


Robar had now joined me. Most of the festivities had started to get into full swing, the musician and bards were whipping the crowd into a frenzy. I was enjoying a goblet of wine when I noticed something that I had hoped wouldn't happen.

Tywin was standing directly in front of where Aeny's was sitting. From the looks of it they were arguing. Tywin was smart enough to not get into direct conflict with any of the Frey, but Aenys was a hothead from what I could see. If he attacked Tywin, all hell could break lose, I only hope that no one would attack him in the resulting chaos. I signaled Robar who quickly followed. 'Even if nothing happens, I need to be close enough just in case'.

Fortunately, everything seemed to settle down after Aeny's angrily hobble off towards the external exit. I had relaxed but then I saw Tywin approach where Stevron was, and was having a word with him. I could see Stevron face change from pleasant to angry and he soon left, presumably to chase after Aenys.

'What are you up to Tywin? You are up to something; you don't act without reason'. Whatever it was, I relaxed again as Tywin left the feast hall after saying something to his father. He was headed in the opposite direction of the Frey brothers. Now I would be able to really enjoy the festivities.


3rd Person POV

Aeny's face was red and sweating profusely despite the chilly night air. The breeze was crisp from the ocean, he was standing at the top of the stairway that wrapped around the outside of the Hall. He didn't anticipate the hand that now grabbed him and turned him around.

"What is wrong with you, father will have you skinned if you sabotage this wedding." Stevron growled at him. As he pushed up on him.

'How? This had to be the work of that brat Tywin.' Aenys had indeed been planning something, but wasn't going to do anything before the wedding, it would be after. I wouldn't be difficult to do something to one of Tywin's siblings after the wedding, even Genna. Tywin had gone too far. He had embarrassed him and he would make him pay.

"I haven't done anything; I know that father only cares about this dammed wedding. I'm not an idiot to ruin that." Aenys said trying to defend his actions.

"See to it that you don't, he already warned you and he warned me as well. He's holding me responsible if you cause any trouble. I know you are a vindictive cunt when you are ready. Tywin Lannister may be up to something, but he has ceased being openly hostile. He even came to me just now and told me of his suspicions about you."

"That tiny cock shit, it was him. He was the one who approached me, I was already on my way outside." Aenys further tried to defend himself.

"Regardless, stay away from him and don't do anything stupid. I'm warning you. We are already getting the better end of this deal. The amount of gold dragons in the dowry is already worth it. After Emmon seals the deal and Genna Lannister is with child, we will have a foothold in the Westerlands. The most Tywin can do is provoke us to do something stupid and give them an excuse to break this wedding off.

I know your angry about what happened in the training yard, but let it go for now, one day we will be in a position to get even." Stevron's tone now more relaxed.

"Go get some rest, you look like you had too much to drink. Its cold out here and you're sweating like you under the Dornish Sun." Stevron says to Aenys before turning and leaving.

"Fuck you cunt. I'll get even with Tywin and you too one day." Aeny's mumbled. He really didn't feel good, he was too warm, his skin felt like he was burning up. As he turned to head down the step he feels something jerk him around. Before he can see who, something slams into the side of his head, almost knocking him over.

The pain is too much and he almost blacks out as he lets go of the walking stick, he had been using to support himself. But before he can fall a hand grabs him and pulls him back up. He can't make out who it is. But as soon as he heard the words, the voice. His eyes go wide. "A Lannister always pays his debts."

Before he could even think about screaming, a rock slams down into his face, crushing it. And with one swift motion he is shove down the stairs where his cane follows behind him. Tywin quickly turning around and leaves after confirming Aeny's now laid in a crumpled heap at the bottom of the steps. The guard who had been standing around the corner at the exit trying to shield himself from the ocean breeze completely unaware of what had just happened.

"Farewell Aenys Frey, you will not be missed." 


Post Comment- Didn't want to spoil the ending, the plot will be explained in the next chapter on Tuesday night.

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