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90.9% The Three MuskeBRUZZAS In My Hero Academia / Chapter 10: 10: Musutafu City And Daily Life

Capítulo 10: 10: Musutafu City And Daily Life

I'm occasionally chilling in JaxWolf4's (Author of Nah, I'd Adapt) Discord Server. It's a chaotic lobotomy mess. Not for the faint of heart.

Here's the link:

Disc: HrPrTeam

(Special Credit to quiltedbear for the Beta Reading Labor!)

-Story Start-

March 10th, 2234.


A large door slid open at the new arrivals, its size accommodating for individuals with size-enhancing Quirks or otherwise.

The open door revealed the typical layout of a fast-food restaurant.

A relatively clean white floor, colorful decorations of white, red, and blue fit for the franchise; the signature aesthetic of the joint.

Business was booming as the place was abuzz with movement and conversation, most tables filled with primarily Quirked individuals.

Some even took up an entire table given the unchangeable Heteromorphic Nature of their quirks.

Nevertheless, the two new arrivals slowly strode towards the counter with familiarity.

The cashier, a modest young lady around the age of 19-20 with short brown hair tied to a ponytail with extremely long nails; managing to expertly use them to place the cash in the register.

At the approach of the two new arrivals, she lifts her head, revealing her tired visage.

Aquamarine eyes and a soft face whose beauty is greatly tainted by the... Layers of bags underneath her eyes.

Her tired voice drawled out in a lifeless, routine expression, "Welcome to MightBurger. Where our burgers make you go Plus Ultra!" She said with mock excitement, "...What can I get you today?"

The younger of the duo in front of her blinked, smiling lightly, "...Your shift just started, didn't it? Get your energy up, Iwasaki-san!" The boy lifted his hand in encouragement.

The cashier blinked, her eyes widening for a moment in recognition.

Sighing, she smiled cheekily, "Itadori-kun, that's not what you say to encourage someone who hates their job..." She shook her head helplessly.

Yuji blinked at that, "Then what do you say?" He innocently asked.

Aoi shrugged, "No clue."

She turned to Aoi, capturing both their attention, "If you're looking for Choso, he said he'd take a break in twenty." She pointed a thumb at the kitchen in the back.

She mumbled with a disturbed shiver, "...I really have no idea how he does it. He's been working 28 hours at this point."

Yuji nodded, "We'll wait. Can we order something in the meantime?"

Iwasaki nodded, pointing a nail at the stoic Aoi, knowingly questioning, "Just fries as usual?"

He huffed, "I'm feeling extravagant today... Make them extra large." Nodding proudly.

Nodding and turning her head, she yelled, "One extra large MightFries!" Tapping her nails at the screen with the MightBurger Menu.

Turning back to Yuji, she inquired, "Anything new this time? Or the usual?"

Nodding, he lifted a finger with a cringing expression, "Yeah... I dunno what kind of tomato you guys put in the last burger but it was... Urgh." He shuddered in disgust.

She lifted an eyebrow, ignoring his complaint in favor of filling the order, "So... A Burger With No Tomatoes?"

Clicking his fingers at her, "Exactly."

Nodding, she tapped at the screen once more, yelling, "One MightBurger with no tomatoes!"

Lifting her weary head, she presented the verdict, "That'll be 800 Yen."

Aoi smiled, "Does that include the Friend Discount?" He mentioned.

Sighing tiredly, "This again? Todo-kun, I would if I could, but my shitty boss would kill me if I tried. The prices are as low as they can get here, anyway."

Huffing in disappointment, Aoi relented, pulling out the required payment in coin and paper, "A shame." He gave it to her.

Tapping at the screen, she asked, "Would you like to get the bill via message to save on paper used for the bill-"

"Don't care about the trees." Aoi asserted.

Yuji deadpanned.

"Alright." She didn't care as well and printed out the bill.

"Order number 30. It'll show on the screen when it's rea-"

Yuji cut her off, "Yeah, yeah we know. Thanks a lot! Have a nice shift!" He grabbed the bill and headed towards a table, Aoi following close by with naught a word of gratitude to Iwasaki.

...She liked Yuji more anyway.


Yuji and Aoi sat on a free table, contributing to the racket surrounding them by talking amongst themselves.

They ate at a relaxed pace once the food was ready.

While Yuji was midway through his burger and Aoi had also been halfway through his fries, a voice called out to them.

"How did studying go?" An aloof yet warm voice called out to them beside their table.

Turning their heads, Yuji and Aoi were met with Choso with a small relieved smile at seeing them.

Donning the signature brand uniform of MightBurger and the MightBurger Hat - A small drawing of a flexing All Might on the front of it.

Yuji mirrored Choso's expression, his eyes widening in pleasant surprise at what he noticed.

Gulping the food he was chewing, he pointed at Choso's hands, "You're still wearing the gloves I got you! Nice!" He praised Choso as he gestured for him to sit down, which he did beside him.

A pair of heavy leather gloves.

Choso nodded, lifting his hands, "They were a bit uncomfortable to work with initially, but I've got used to them." He admitted.

Yuji frowned, "Yeah... But with the case of someone getting sent to the hospital cause you cut yourself and got a drop of blood on the food..." He shivered.

"Accidents happen." Aoi encouraged.

Adding, "With the exception of it nearly being a PR disaster and prompting an investigation here... It is remarkable that it hasn't threatened your employment."

Choso shrugged unaffected, "Given my effectiveness, they were rather forgiving since it was still an accident and Quirk Induced... Also forbidding me from using any sharp object."

Yuji asserted, "If the gloves get worn down somehow... Tell me, I'll get you a new pair. Also, I think you should wear them when you're continuing your apprenticeship at Sato-san's place." 

Choso nodded, "So? How is studying going?"

Yuji's smile cracked and he deflated, "...I was hoping you'd let that question slide unanswered."

Turning to Aoi for an answer, Aoi folded his arms stating the brutal facts, "While there is a noticeable improvement, I believe at the rate brother is going... It'll be cutting it close."

Nodding in grave understanding, Choso gained a glint in his eye, making eye contact with Aoi, "...Cheating then?"

Aoi grinned wickedly, "Cheating it is..."

"...I'll just study my hardest." Yuji sighed.

Aoi offered, "We can get the questions to the Exam beforehand and allow you to review the answers perfectly."

Yuji raised an eyebrow, "Wouldn't that mean breaking in and stealing the Test paper before the exams?"

Choso nodded, "Yes."

"That's a crime," Yuji stated.

"So?" Aoi questioned.


Yuji's deadpan couldn't have gotten any more dead, "Not very "Hero" of you... Anyway, rejected. I'll be fine!" He confirmed.

"Then we must study more!" Aoi huffed.


Yet again, Yuji is faced with a problem he hoped he could have just punched through.

However, here, he must use his weakest muscle...

The brain.


After their usual meetup with their busy and proactive Older Brother, Choso had to get back to work, so the two younger brothers left for their usual routines outside:

Walking down the streets of the much more modern and prosperous parts of the city, Yuji and Aoi are once again overwhelmed by the noise of driving cars and crowds of people.

Large glass buildings, cars, trucks, and other strange yet still-wheeled vehicles.

People were on their phones and school kids talking amongst themselves as they ran.

In truth, this sight was not all too different than back in Japan in the 21st century.

The relative lack of advancement of technology over two centuries could only be attributed to the wars and imbalance the sudden arrival of Quirks had caused.

Now, though, even with the strengthening state of Quirks and the gradual extinction of Quirkless men and women - Society had a relatively stable status quo, allowing for the advancement of technology.

If nothing goes wrong... This will be a transformative and progressive next few years.

Of course, the obvious differentiating aspect from the 21st Century Cursed Spirit Ridden Japan was...

The hundreds of different men and women walking the street.

Not a difference in skin color, culture, or anything of the sort.

A superpowered diversity.

Wings, spikes, electric hair, regular human, half human half wombat, a lampheaded man... The works.

A totally bizarre and chaotic scene.

Even after months of living in this Japan, Yuji and Aoi couldn't help but marvel at how this chaotic scene showed such relative tranquility.

Of course, this tranquility can be attributed to the costumed heroes that are so strikingly noticeable thanks to either their Quirks or flashy "Dress to impress" costumes.

In a crowd of roughly a thousand or so individuals, the duo could pick out a dozen costumed heroes patrolling about on this busy main street.

Though, they had simply walked here to pass through.

Passing through a couple of alleyways, Yuji and Aoi arrived in one of the more secluded neighborhoods, but judging by the cleanliness and housing, it was one of moderate wealth.

It was a quiet, almost detached neighborhood, it felt lifeless in comparison to the main street of Musutafu they were at earlier.


Their destination was simple...

Arriving before a small two-story grocery store named:

"Gyonu Super: Bulk groceries and imported goods at an affordable price."

Yuji repeated the list as they stood at the entrance of the store, "So... We're missing rice, chicken, and soy... Right?" He turned to Aoi.

Aoi nodded, "Mhm a lot more than that, but close enough brother... And a newspaper." He added.

"What are you, fifty?"

"No, I'm 15."


Exiting the Gyonu Super with a bag of groceries in each of their hands, Yuji and Aoi were met with the relatively quiet neighborhood that owned this local super.

Naught but a few men, women, and children roaming around, quirked or not.

Quietly strolling their way through the neighborhood, the evening sun shone a bright orange over the horizon as it began to set.

It was as they strolled behind a rather beautiful woman that their peaceful stroll came to an end.

"...Dude. Stop staring so blatantly!" Yuji whispered to the muscular Aoi beside him with an uncomfortable expression.

Could he really blame him?

A tall seemingly quirkless blonde woman, with a well-endowed figure - Specifically a big butt walked in front of them.

Dressed in tight yet expensive-looking clothing that accentuated her figure had done no favors whatsoever as she strolled casually holding her purse.

Aoi shook his head with a knowing smile, "My brother... Why have eyes, if not to see?"

"I get that! But if she notices it'll creep her out dude! That's Sexual Harassment! Don't you like Takada-chan?!" Yuji asserted with a whisper.

Aoi sent an offended and incredulous look at Yuji, "Undoubtedly. Takada-chan is the only one for me and my heart..." He pouted, "I am simply admiring a beautiful sculpture, is all."

"...Wonder how the cops would feel about that excuse." Yuji sighed.

"Can't you just... Look a bit more subtly, like me? Look at you!" He pointed at Aoi's narrowed and chiseled expression.

He hadn't blinked nor left his gaze from the woman that fit their type to a T the moment she was noticed.

Note - As the Proud Wielder of the Boogie Woogie Cursed Technique, Todo Aoi is the pinnacle of Subtlety and Misdirection. If he so pleases, even now, a direct gaze from him shan't be noticed by any woman!

Extra Note - That's a lie.

"My friend... She is heading in the same direction we are... Given the circumstances, we had no choice but to look at her!" He presented his truthful excuse.

It was just then... Their banter ceased at the scene in the distance that led to an intersection of multiple streets.

As the woman was about to turn a corner to the street on the right...

An extendable octopus tendril knocked her back, expertly sweeping her purse from her falling figure.

Dropping on her back in a rather rough and painful impact, the assailer ran past her, towards the left street.

Time crawled to a near stop as Yuji and Aoi's eyes narrowed.

"Another thief?" Yuji complained with a groan, yet his expression was serious as he dropped his bags to the floor.

Aoi grinned maniacally, dropping his groceries as well, "It appears that we were not the only ones admiring the captivating flower."

Yuji nodded, "Though it looks like he was admiring something else."

Aoi's eyes quickly scanned the surrounding street, nodding in satisfaction at his scan.

He exchanged a knowing look with Yuji, having understood each other's intent.

Yuji bent his body and pulled his right arm back, winding up a powerful haymaker.

Charging it with a small amount of Cursed Energy, he threw the powerful punch...

At Aoi.

Aoi's grin persisted, as the punch flew towards his throat.

His hands quickly shot towards each other, impacting in a resonating.


In Aoi's place, was a shorter, masked man with four small tentacle tendrils on his arms.

He hadn't a chance to react to his sudden transportation as he was immediately hit squarely in the face.

His masked face was caved in by Yuji's fist, as the sheer force sent the man flying into a tall lamp.

Impacting and bending the metal pole with his body, the man guffawed blood and lost a few teeth but was thoroughly unconscious, his body limping on the ground.

Yuji ran towards the man's limp figure, grabbing the lady's stolen purse.

Running ahead, he was met with Aoi and the distraught woman.

Handing it out to her with a placating and calming smile, Yuji pointed at the unconscious thief with a rushed tone, "You should call the police, but please don't snitch on us! Bye, pretty lady!" He shouted as he ran off, Aoi nodding and joining him in his speedy getaway.


Having scurried away to grab their groceries and sprinting to the Ghetto, they weren't really met with a more pleasant or calming sight, as Yuji expressed his frustration as he was about to enter the apartment.

"7th one! This week! What the hell's wrong with this city?!" Yuji scratched his head as he dug through his pocket for the key to their door.

Aoi nodded sagely, "At a "Safe" section of the city as well. If we count the times we had to take matters into our own hands this week alone in the Ghetto, it's 28."

Managing to find the key, Yuji unlocked the door and opened it, lowering himself to take the groceries he lowered.

He replied with a troubled expression, "I mean I get it when it's... Here. When the Heroes don't even bother with the place."

"But out there? It's not like they make it any easier that we can get in serious trouble if the police catch us stopping them..." He pointed out the single, cracked window of their living room.

Opening their minuscule fridge... Whose door fell off, Aoi replied unperturbed as he multitasked placing the groceries, "It's heartbreaking how much worse it was before we started living here."

Aoi hummed, lecturing, "But it cannot be helped. The laws are extremely strict and thanks to All Might's presence, the standard for Heroism has risen beyond measure... Hero Inflation or so it is termed by experts. The demand for Heroes cannot be met by the supply due to higher standards for getting licenses and getting accepted to Hero Schools. Not even mentioning the heightened costs of the Provisional Exams themselves."

"I get it. I get it... He's like the Gojo-sensei of this Japan. But if he is, changing the standards according to him is just plain messed up, dude." Yuji mentioned absentmindedly.

Aoi brightened the mood, "We still have time to spare, would you like to watch the classical horror program?" He suggested, knowing Yuji's tastes.

Brightening up, Yuji nodded, "That'd be nice~"

"But you will study until midnight after." Aoi added with a lifted finger.

Having finished placing the groceries, Yuji deflated, "What are you? My mom?"

"You never met her."




March 20th, 2234.

Early Morning.

As expected of the time of day, as the sun had peeked over the horizon on a Wednesday, MightCut Barbery was thoroughly empty.

Except... The apprentice and master duo practicing on a doll with realistic hair.

Noting the impressive result of Choso's work, the man scrutinized with a critical eye, "Hmm... Impressive, you've got great control and finesse."

Choso nodded, accepting the praise.

The man groaned, "But... I've known you for more than a month, and I have yet to see a significant improvement in your people skills."

That one stung a bit, so Choso lifted an eyebrow, "How so? Your brother said I am a great listener." He stated matter of factly.

"You give the illusion of one. You don't interrupt. You react. But... You forget." He mentioned.

"What I'm trying to say is that you... Don't care. It might work well with one-off customers, but long-time customers will be offended and might even hate you for it." He fiddled with his own scissors.

Grunting in affirmation, Choso complained, "It's hard to care about others except my brothers..."

While some had managed to worm their way into his half-human heart, like the deceased Tsukumo Yuki... It was mostly because they tried and were interested in him.

He's not really the... Initiative type.

The man nodded, patting Choso's shoulders in encouragement, "It's something you should focus on as well. With your work ethic, you'll work through it, I'm sure."

He added, "...So make sure to tell your boss in your part-time to work face to face with customers instead of being lonely in the back with the friers."

Nodding once again, Choso took his sensei's words into consideration.

"I'll have to leave early today... My little brother's birthday is coming up." He stated with no room for argument.

"Hey, fine by me. Need me to recommend a good bakery for a cake? I am a local after al-"

Choso cut him off with a smile, "My other little brother has got that covered."


March 20th, 2234.


Choso deadpanned, "I don't mind using all our available funds for this but... Do we have enough to even buy anything from here?" He turned to Aoi smugly smiling beside him with his usual stance of folded arms.

There they stood, at the entrance of the fanciest bakery in Musutafu.

Calling it merely "Premium" would be an insult.

It was painted gold, and if Aoi wasn't the smartest man on Earth, he'd have probably said it was literally painted with Gold.

Men and women in suits roamed the shop, looking mighty posh.

Not even mentioning the guard of the store was a literal Hero in the top 1000.

A mere Bakery for crying out loud!

"Do not worry, my keen eyes are always on our shared bank account. I have made an arrangement for a fine discount for Yuji's birthday cake. Do not be fooled, this bakery is not a mere bakery..."

"Where is he, anyway?" Choso inquired, ignoring Aoi's nonsensical mutterings.

Aoi's figure shook, as his tone exuded pure regret, "...I abandoned him at the Karaoke. I pray he is alright... I HOPE HE CAN FORGIVE ME! BUT THE SURPRISE MUST NOT BE RUINED!"






As a matter of fact, Itadori Yuji was completely fine.

Singing Karaoke with a bunch of Quirked salarymen who were on "Stress Relief Leave" paid by their company.

To Be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Hello hello.

Next chapter's the Entrance Exams into U.A.

So hope you're excited for that!

As you may have noticed, Choso will not be joining Yuji and Todo in U.A.

But I am NOT sidelining him.

This fic will split into three perspectives:

(1) Todo and Yuji's School Life.

(2) Choso's life (Won't spoil what he'll do, but he has a role except hard labor lmao)

(3) The three bruzzahs together.

With that out of the way.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and it was up to snuff in quality n stuff.

Love you and cya! Bu bye!

I'll also appreciate any and all constructive criticism and feedback regarding the characters that appear in this fic (Especially my representation of the Bruzzahs.)

If ya'll feeling frisky and rich you can donate to my P A T R E 0 N to show some nice and kind support.

Here's the link:

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