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83.33% The threads of destiny / Chapter 28: Chapter 28: The Sixth Toruk Makto

Capítulo 28: Chapter 28: The Sixth Toruk Makto

Joltsyn's POV

I watched my sister eat, with appetite, the part I had left her from yesterday. What amazed me, however, was the way she ate. From an outside perspective, you would think that she hadn't eaten a whole day when she had only skipped one meal. And then....This energetic mess coming from her...Although it seemed to fade, it remained. Such a familiar feeling. However, was it really that?

Koltyey: The tawtute Norm, is here.

Lutsey looked up with a cold look and motioned to bring it, while she continued to eat. Soon after, Norm arrived.

Although his face showed some fear, I could see the flame of determination in his eyes. As we practiced, I watched my apprentice grow and gradually become na'vi, even though he still had some progress to make.

However, with the end of Eytukan and the Omatikayas, he was the last person I wanted to see right now. Although I did not show any of my resentment, my heart cried out in anger and demanded revenge for my Omatikaya brothers and sisters.

He always wore his Sawtute clothing and did his best to be respectful, especially to both of us. He bowed his head slightly while greeting us with the gestures of presentation by placing a hand on his forehead and guiding him towards us.

Norm: Ohel ngati kameie ma olo'eyktan ulte Tsahik

Lutsey : What are you doing here, tawtute? Haven't your people caused enough devastation?

I was feeling nervous. However, I didn't do anything to reassure them, I was angry myself. Norm noticed this and lowered his ears, looking at me. But he was still as determined as ever, in spite of that.

Norm: I know I'm asking a lot of you. But...Grace is mortally wounded and probably won't survive.

Lutsey remained silent to this sentence, seemingly confused.

Me: What does this have to do with us?

Lutsey: Joltsyn...This woman saved my sister from the People of Heaven during the attack on the school and the children who were down there. Maybe it doesn't concern you, but it concerns me.

I was astonished at the revelation of this one. Nevertheless, it would explain her hesitation, not long before.

Lutsey: Joltsyn will appoint a group of ten warriors and guide you to the Tree of Souls, to help you transfer his spirit. She will also take care of your supervision. At the slightest misstep on your part, and they have the authority to execute you.

Norm: You don't have to worry about that.

I trusted Norm not to betray us. He showed me enough interest in our people. However, that will probably not be the case for the group that will be with us.

Me: I am leaving without delay, big sister. If she is in a critical state, the slightest moment is precious.

Lutsey: I know. In the meantime, I'll send scouts to choose our target, before making a plan, for an attack.

I would bow my head to show her that I had understood and I would leave her to prepare myself, leaving her in her sadness and reflection. Although I was worried, I knew she would be okay. It will be hard, but she will recover from this tragedy.

Later on, she will,

After making my group, we leave with our Pa'lis. Norm was behind me, standing at my waist. Nilya was to my right while my nine others I had chosen, three of whom were friends of Tsylan, were behind me. We were galloping following Norm's directions. I could feel his blush, even though I couldn't see it. This made my Pa'li giggle, and she told me so mentally.

I, remaining concentrated but a little intrigued: Norm, why are you blushing? I can feel your embarrassment.

Norm blushed: Uh...What...

He was looking for his words, visibly embarrassed by the idea.

Norm: It's just that...

I was rolling my eyes, while Nilya seemed amused by the show.

Me: Norm...

He was silent, visibly embarrassed by the idea. I decided not to insist on the subject and to concentrate on another one, which had been working on me for several months.

Me: Nilya, can I talk to you?

She turned to me with her bright green eyes. For a moment she looked questioning, before returning to the path.

Nilya: Let's say I had a good feeling, towards this tawtute.

Me: It's not just that. You remained very mysterious about your origins and I couldn't help but notice a physical difference with a normal sister.

She seemed nervous for a moment, if I could trust her slightly restless energy and her ears.

Nilya: Are you talking about my breasts?

Me: Yes, I am.

She lowered her head and ears.

Nilya: I can't explain it to you, unfortunately.

Me: Why?

Nilya: It's...complicated.

Me: Nilya...You and I are friends. It's true that I had a hard time at first, because of your mysteries. But...I would really like to know more. When I saw your reaction to Tsylan's arrival and the evolution of her relationship with my sister, it was as if you knew it would happen.

I could feel fear in him right now. But just as I was about to persist in my questioning, Norm told us that we had arrived. I turned my eyes and I saw, in the middle of the vegetation, a large gray box that really stained.

In addition to destroying, they don't have the art of beauty!

Norm, on the way down: Trudy! I arrived!

Voice: Normy?

A black-haired tawtute came out of the box. She must have been a fighter, if I was to judge her athletic body.

Woman gesturing: Hi!

Norm: Trudy, this is Joltsyn. She came to help us carry Grace.

Me: And to do the transfer. Do you have her second body?

Trudy: Her second body is...not really at our disposal.

Me, surprised: What do you mean? You know we can't do the transfer if we don't have it!

Norm: Joltsyn, don't worry. Grace's dream walker body will be at the Tree of Souls. At least we hope so.

Siltsan: What makes you so sure?

Trudy: Okay, we would like to explain, but Grace is getting weaker and weaker. We don't have too much time to waste on explanations.

Norm: Joltsyn, do you trust me?

Me: I wouldn't have followed you, Norm, if I didn't.

He smiled at me, happy with the words, no doubt.

Norm: Thank you, Joltsyn. Trud, how is Grace?

Trudy: She's stable for now. But it could quickly get worse if we don't do something.

Norm: Then let's not wait any longer.

So Trudy entered the airlock and soon came out with another tawtute with orange hair and seemed to be in her late 40s and early 50s. From her second white garment, I could see a red hole on the side. She was on some sort of...I won't know how to explain it. Something to sit on that had wheels.

My apprentice then took Grace in his arms, before bringing her to us.

Tawtute: Lutsey? came?

I was surprised that she got to know my sister at first, but then I remembered that it was Grace, the dream walker we had to save.

Me: I'm not Lutsey.

Although weak, she raised her eyebrows in surprise, before suddenly smiling.

Grace: Fuck...I have the first case...of'vis and...I can't...

Norm: Save your breath, Grace.

I was giving the responsibility for Grace to Nilya, before we set off. The shrine was not far away, but I could already see the day beginning to decline. I wanted to avoid galloping at night, in addition to the state of the tawtute.

Neytiri's POV

My heart was nothing but pain. I lost my father, my home...And the being in my heart was a traitor! I didn't know how I could stand. To relieve myself, I prayed with Mother and my people. Singing helped me to calm my mourning and lost spirit. At least, until a shadow covered the fading sky.

I opened my eyes to see Toruk's shadow approaching at full speed, causing fear in me. We had no other place to take refuge, and Toruk was too powerful an opponent for our warriors.

Frightened, the members gave him room to land, to avoid getting within his reach. However, I immediately noticed that Toruk had a rider. And my heart knew his identity, calling me to join him.

If Toruk had chosen him, it was because Jake's words were probably true ! At this thought, I felt a great appeasement and a deep warmth in me. However, was it really him ?

I decided to approach him, wanting to be sure. Slowly, I moved forward, wanting to believe to the end that it was him.

When I got close, I was relieved to recognize my beloved. My heart pounded at the sight of this face, a sign of courage and carelessness. And it pierced my heart.

Me: I see you.

Jake: I see you

I reached my right hand towards his cheek, wanting to know if it was real and not a dream. I couldn't believe it! My partner, at first a traitor and who had endangered mine, was now the sixth Toruk Makto. I...I didn't know what to say to apologize to him. To have doubted...To have even rejected him! But...I was afraid at that moment and...I had just seen my father die and my house burn down. I was lost, afraid for the future.

He put his hands on my cheeks, looking into my eyes with sincere tenderness.

Me: I was afraid, Jake. For my People. The fear has passed.

I hoped that this would be enough to make up to him. He sighed for a moment, but kept that same look in his eyes for me, adding a smile.

Then he turned to Tsu'tey, with his determined look in his eyes, before going towards him.

Jake: Tsu'tey, son of Ateyo and olo'eyktan of the omatikayas, I present myself to you as a member of the People.

Tsu'tey's expression was obviously the shock, not knowing how to react to Jake now. As for my partner, he continued to walk towards him, calmly. He paused to choose his words carefully before expressing himself.

Jake: You are Olo'eyktan and you are a great warrior. I need your help.

I was using this moment to join Mother. At that moment, I had a thought for my sister. Perhaps she believed that we were dead. At that thought, I felt bad for her. Part of me wanted to join her, to reassure her. I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I didn't follow the whole conversation between Jake and Tsu'tey.

Then Jake turned to us and I saw in her face that it was serious.

Jake: Grace is dying.

At those words, I felt the fear of losing another loved one rise up inside me. I've already lost Father, I didn't want to lose Sa'nok on top of that. Especially since without her, I would probably have died with Silwanin.

Jake: I implore Eywa's help.

Me: We have the body of Sa'nok's dream walker. But you would have to bring his Tawtute body, Jake. Without it, we can't perform the ceremony.

As I looked at him, I saw that he hadn't thought of that. I could see that he still hadn't changed. He was still acting, before thinking! But that was why I loved him, too.

Jake: Oh no! I should have taken a way to contact Norm!

Voice: It's no use, Toruk Makto.

We turned our eyes to the source of the voice, to see Joltsyn wearing a tawtute with orange hair. From her blue top, I could see a red spot on her second white garment. I looked at it for a moment before opening my eyes, seized by fear. It was Sa'nok's energy and she was getting weaker and weaker!

Mother: Nang! Joltsyn?!

I was also surprised to see her, and that she could bring a tawtute. She walked towards us, our brothers and sisters stepping aside to let her pass. She greeted us with a nod and a smile on her face.

Joltsyn: Lutsey will be happy to know that you are alive.

Mother bending her ears: I imagine she's very sad.

Joltsyn lowering her ears and eyes: More than you think. She is having a hard time recovering from the death of Eytukan and the destruction of your Home Tree. It was a whole life, which she saw collapse.

Mother: She's not the only one who lost everything when our home ended.

I saw Jake bow his head sadly, knowing his involvement in the affair. Obviously, this reaction did not escape the gaze of the Tsahik of the Menariyas. However, if she suspected something, she said nothing.

As for me, I couldn't help but be worried about my sister. Even if she tried to ignore her feelings for her position, I doubted that she could keep up a façade with such an ordeal.

Me: I can now understand the pain you felt when you lost your house.

Joltsyn lowering her eyes and ears: I wish you hadn't had that painful experience.

I couldn't help but have tears in my eyes as I think back on the fall of my house. The one where I was born and where I spent my whole life. Added to that was the death of my father, in my arms and giving me his bow, asking me to guide our People. But until today, I had only sorrow and despair. But the appearance of Jake as Toruk Makto, brought back the flame of hope.

Me, wiping my eyes: No one wants that. I will go to see her, after making sure that Sa'nok has survived.

Joltsyn: I can understand, but don't take too long. It will greatly ease her grief.

She didn't need to explain this to me. I knew that all too well, my sister.

Me: I'm well aware of it, believe me. Don't worry, I will go and see her as soon as possible.

Joltsyn: In that case, let's do the ritual as soon as possible. The energy of this tawtute is getting weaker and weaker.

These words reminded me of the harsh reality. The one that saved my life and with whom I shared the joys of learning was about to die. I couldn't just leave it alone.

Determined, I turned my gaze to Mother to ask her.

Me: Mother, could you prepare the transfer ceremony? I will prepare Sa'nok so that she is ready.

She bowed her head to show me her agreement. Immediately, I took Human Grace in my arms and, followed by Jake, I brought her to his dream walker body to prepare her.

Me: Thank you, Joltsyn.

Joltsyn: Don't thank me. If it wasn't for Norm, I wouldn't have brought Grace. He is the one who deserves your thanks.

Norm? Another tawtute? But...How did she know her?

Jake: I'll introduce you to him, Neytiri. But let's not waste time, please.

Those words reminded me of the urgency of the situation.

Me: Of course. Excuse me.

Jake with a smile: You don't have to.

With those words, we walk away to prepare Sa'nok for his last chance. Oh Eywa, please. Please let her survive!

Later on,

The day was waning, its orange glow was getting weaker and weaker, and the sky was beginning to darken.

I was doing my best to prepare Sa'nok for his transfer, trying to heal his wound as best I could. Unfortunately, I could feel his energy fading.

Jake: Cheer up, Grace. Soon Eywa will heal you and you will be able to walk like a Na'vi, without having to make a connection.

I wanted to be as confident as Jake was about his survival. But my friend's condition was getting worse and worse, and that worried me. I had to make the transfer as soon as possible! I was hoping that Mother would already have everything ready, with Joltsyn's help.

Norm: I wish I could have done something for her.

I looked at the young, unknown dream-walker with a suspicious look in my eyes. But my companion intervened by placing a hand on my left shoulder.

Jake: Don't worry. He's a friend and you can trust him. Norm, this is Neytiri.

He looked at me with such eyes that I thought they were going to come out of his body. It was quite strange to see such admiration for me.

Norm: I've heard a lot about you! From Jake or Grace! You are an incredible woman!

Me, incredulous :Nang! I don't see how.

Norm was about to intervene when the voice of the Tsahik of the Menariyas cut him off.

Joltsyn: Norm has an admiration for the People. You'll get used to it in time.

Norm smiled embarrassed, rubbing the back of his head. That made Lutsey's younger sister smile. I wondered how they knew each other. But I will see that, after Sa'nok's recovery.

Once she was ready, no more clothes and covered only by the foliage, we set out for the Soul Tree where Mother was waiting for us with my teacher's dream walker body.

We hoped that Eywa could grant her a rebirth.

Sted's POV

After a long discussion between us, we made the heavy decision to disconnect Ben. Even if he came out of his coma, there was a good chance that his brain would be damaged, and we knew he wouldn't want to live like a vegetable.

All we could do was watch, with tears in our eyes, as the doctors unplugged the machines that were keeping him alive. Then they did a final inspection to see if he had indeed died.

He had lived a lifetime with danger with us, and many times we had thought of all the possible deaths. All except this one.

Killed because of a simple button. But life could be very cruel and we didn't decide how the Grim Reaper would visit us.

Soon the body was carried on a stretcher and taken to the crematorium to be burned.

We took one last look at his face, whose black curly hair made his veteran face look younger. He looked so peaceful as death had just welcomed him into its bosom.

Finally, we arrived at our destination. I was filling out the form to report the death of Ben Thalyen, a member of our team as a sniper and pilot.

We were looking at our friend's body one last time, eyes closed forever, now, and looking serene, before leading the corpse to the oven. Then the door closed definitively on our friend and the flames covered the body, taking him on his last journey.

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