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4.34% The Sex King Can't Be A Virgin / Chapter 1: As Fate Would Have It
The Sex King Can't Be A Virgin The Sex King Can't Be A Virgin original

The Sex King Can't Be A Virgin

Autor: Mason_Magnus

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: As Fate Would Have It

' Aria locked the door, the small click drawing Her older brother Aaron to turn his music off.

"Yo sis, what's up?"

Aria did not say a word, her eyes seemed to be starving and her pajamas seemed to be rather tight around her chest. Aaron noticed this and quickly looked away. What was he thinking of his sixteen year old sister.

He sighed and turned back to her, "So you just not gonna a-"

Aria was only inches away from his face, there eyes locking as the air around them changed.

", lately I have been getting really hot and I know you are going to a university for medical studies so I was wondering if you could help."

Aaron smiled and pushed himself out of his chair and onto the edge of the bed, "It would be best to tell mom but I can see what I can do."

Aria smiled, she had him right where she needed him. "Well brother, you see, the feelings is coming from somewhere embarrassing..."

Aaron raised and eyebrow as his sister slowly rubbed her inner thighs together. He swallowed hard and and scratched his chin, "Then you should really tell mom, I'm not good with t-"

Aria attacked, her sizable chest smothering her brothers face. In the same moment Aaron fell backwards onto his bed, his heart already pounding.

"Brother I can't hold back anymore, I need you, all of you..."

Aria started to unbutton her pink pajamas, Aaron covering his eyes, "What the hell is wrong with you Aria, we can't do this?!"

Aria smiled and slowly moved her hand along his thigh, "And why is that?"

Aaron slowly removed his hands, his body reacting to Aria rather quickly. "It's because you are my sister..."

Aria licked her lips, "Step Sister..."

Then she

Then she

Then she-'

My fingers froze, the cursor blinking as my mind went blank. It was no use, no matter how I wrote it or how I tried to make it more vibrant, I was stopped. I hit a wall far greater than I could even hope to tackle.


I was a virgin, and in most cases that wasn't a huge problem, normal even, but this was different.

My name was Warren King and just by luck, a short story of mine long forgotten won a writers reward which made me top the charts. It was more so than Webnovel or Wattpad, it was on playboy teen's monthly magazine.

Yeah you guessed it, I was an erotica writer and just to my luck, I became a well known one. A sleeper hit no one expected, a quote on quote, "Fabulous Author of Arousal".

So many letters and checks poured into my mailbox, me having to force the post office to keep them so I could go pick it up. I was grateful my Father was a hard worker and came home late, especially as of recently.

I swiveled in my computer chair, my eyes still drawn back to the laptop screen. The air was cold from the open window allowing the winter air in. My stomach growled and there were still six hours of daylight left.

After taking all my efforts, I was able to close my laptop and get up. I quickly took shower and was out of the door. It was a Sunday and the cold breeze only helped to keep me calm, or I wished. I had to get my mind off erotica for now.

My smartphone pinged as a group of cyclists peddled by.


Dad: Hey sport I have great news when I come back, but I will be late soooo yeah, also have you fed Calico?

You: Yes. Why have you been coming home so late?!

Dad: you will have to wait n see😈😄😉

You: Plz don't use emojis, how old are you?


You: ....


I smiled and pocketed my phone, my mind still stuck on the recent challenge.

Ahhhh! Get over it and just go grab a bite for fuck's sake!

"Haha, you look weird."

I swirled to my right, sitting on a small bench was a girl with smooth skin and dyed white hair. Her blue eyes littered with mischief, and her lips a devil red. I lost my smile, "Excuse me?"

The actually really pretty girl giggled, even going as far as to put a finger over her lips.

"Oh sorry, just I love seeing people frustrated, it makes them cute."


I blushed uncontrollably and looked away, "Well thanks...bye"

I could tell just from her comment that I would be flustered the rest of the day, damn women. I dug my hands in my jacket pockets and turned to leave.


I looked back at the girl, "What?!"

She jolted up from her position and hopped toward me, "I'm lost, do you know where Ocean Street is?"

I rolled my eyes, "Ocean street is only a few more blocks down, and little to the right, just shy of the shrine."

She smiled, "Thank you!"

I turned and kept walking.


This was getting old real fast, "Yeeeeaaah."

She made a pouting face and moved her chest up and down. My eyes started to realize what she was wearing. She had a pink blouse, a dark blue skirt just long enough to get rid of any hope to see past it, and black knee socks. She was totally popular.

Just by the way she talked and the color of her hair, actually everything about her screamed popular. My determination died as a single thought popped into my head.

She was most likely not a virgin.

Suddenly my mood tanked and all I could think about was all the millions of fans I was letting down. Jesus, talk about a mood killer

"Are you just gonna let a vulnerable girl walk all alone?!"

I looked up at the sky, the sun still high in the air, "Yeah?"

She tried pouting again, "I'm new in town so I have no idea where anything is, just help me out man."

I did notice she was around the same age as me, and also I would know if a hottie like her attended any of the schools nearby. My mind focused on where she wanted to go, the only place of remembrance was the four story rich house no one knew who lived in it. If she was new she couldn't possibly mean that.


Could it be that a boy lived there and she was out of town, coming to Garden City just to ride his c-

I shook my head, my mind still seemed to be focused on adult level things, touché.

"Fine but if you try to pickpocket me it would be pointless, I know what you look like."

She puffed up her cheeks, "Do you even know how to talk to women, you don't just accuse them of being a petty thief."

She looked away from me and sauntered by, her hair close enough to smell.


I watched her keep her pace for a few seconds, the way she walked awfully hypnotizing, if not for my strong mask of virginity, I might have attacked then and there...

What the hell am I saying?!

I quickly caught up to her, "So how are you new in town?"


She swayed her shoulder away from me. My eyes lost any interest and I simply followed her.

A few minutes later she stopped and broke the silence, "Um, is this Ocean Street?"

I smiled, "No it was a few streets back but you seemed like you knew the place soooo..."


I put my hands up and laughed, "Maybe next time you should not give me the cold shoulder."

She fumed, I even swore I could see steam rising from her hair, "There won't be a next time, ugh."

She quickly turned back and rushed away.

As if the red ribbons of fate had my mind, I called out to her, "Wait, there is a shortcut over here."

She turned toward me, a hurt look on her face, "And why should I go?"

I scratched the back of my neck, "I don't know, maybe because I don't want a vulnerable girl walking alone."


Before I knew it, me and the girl were walking through the dense forest of Wonder Park, the place most festivals and events were held.

"Woah it's like, actually a forest, woooow!"

I watched her prance about as if she was a deer herself, her painted nails touching each of the trees.

"It looks cool now but wait till the leaves come back, now that is beautiful."

She smiled, "I cannot imagine how it would look, I come from a packed town so trees were almost extinct."

For a second I caught myself staring into her blue eyes. Even if she was a little loud and she had me on edge, I noticed a subtle hint of depression in her voice.

"My sister would love to see this..."

As we continued, we came to a clearing in the forest, a small and old wooden shrine sitting in the middle.

"Woooah, so this is what a shrine looks like!"

She rushed over and slammed her hands together, "I hope everyone is okay."

I smiled and stood next to her, "Funny enough no one really knows who this shrine is for. Buddha, Hinduism, Christian, Muslim, Japanese, Greek, not a single one has any totem or statue you here. I feel like because of that it allows you to just pray, not because of a religion, just the well being of life..."

I glanced over at her, her gaze quickly elsewhere, "You are such a virgin."

My mouth dropped open, "How do you even get that?!"

She laughed, "I was kidding but judging from your response,"

She winked at me. Oh grow up!


I took out my smartphone:


Dad: Hey decided to get you a new journal😛


I shuddered and quickly put my phone away, talk about horrible timing.

"Let's go, or the food I ordered will get there first."

She spoke and pointed in the wrong direction.

I laughed, then it hit me.

My dad was gonna be home late and judging from the last few weeks, he probably hasn't eaten. It was in the back of my mind to cook a meal for him sooner or later.

I trotted away.


I looked over my shoulder, "Something came up, I have to go, Ocean Street is that way too. See ya!"

She puffed her cheeks again in annoyance.

As I made it back to gate of my house, I was breathing hard. I leaped over it for dramatic effect. As I landed, I was stunned.

My front door was wide open, and just to make things even harder, a girl with ginger hair and red rimmed glasses sat in the doorway.

She looked up at me, "Oh you must be the owner of this house, sorry if this looks bad but your cat was meowing loud.I heard it while walking by."

I scratched my head, "What do you mean she was meowing loud, isn't that what they do?"

She sighed, her features more clear as she did. She had freckles and deep blue eyes.

"I guess a normal person would think that, when is the last time you fed her?"

Calico purred loudly as she rubbed the girl's thigh intently. The orange cat even seem to have a smile on her face.

"About twenty minutes ago."

"See, usually when you feed animals they have to use the restroom shortly after, there bodies are more similar to us than most make it out to be."

I blinked rapidly, "Well thank you for saving me the trouble of having to clean up."

She pushed her glasses up, "You don't even have a kitty litter, are you even aware you need one?"

I really disliked the way she talked down to me but because she was rather pretty, I will allow it. Wait, get the hell out of my doorway!

"Well my dad is allergic to cats so she is usually outside but since he is at work I let her in."

The girl grunted, "I guess that makes sense, anyways I will be off."

I sighed internally, thank god this encounter was over. "Yeah I have to hurry and make dinner."

She got up and patted her white skirt, "That won't happen, I checked your fridge, there is hardly anything left."

You what?!

"You what?!"

She nodded, "I wanted a small snack to treat myself for helping out..."

She tapped her foot on the grass lightly. She was literally acting shy after telling me off about owning a cat.

"Damnit, look if I don't have stuff to cook then I have to run to the supermarket, wanna come?"

Was I really asking this girl I barley met to come with me? Where did this confidence and attitude come from?

Oh, yeah, it came from the irritating fact she was sitting in the doorway of my house like she owned it.

"No, I don't plan on being raped."


Was she really accusing me again of something faulty?!

"Why would I even try to rape you?!"

She pointed a pale finger at my pants, "Your fly is open so its clear what your intentions are."

I zipped up my zipper, closed the door, and pointed to the gate. The girl left without a sound.



I made sure to lock the door and head in the opposite direction of the girl. Why was this day so odd? My mind drifted back to my novel. How good would a rape scene do in my book...

I slapped myself and kept walking.

After a long walk, I came to the front of Marty's Convenience, a convenient store just a few blocks away. I checked my phone, I still had plenty of time.

Even if today was rather odd so far, I shook away any anguish and started toward the convenience store.

As I came along the road leading to the store, I heard a whimper come from an alleyway just to my left. I turned and peered in the dark pathway.

"Come onnnn, show us a little something."

I sighed, I knew it. Two guys about six foot towered above a frail blonde girl with dark eyes. Tears rolled down her cheek, her knees buckling.

"We wont hurt us as long as you hurry up and give us what we want."

I swallowed my pride, looked away and kept walking. What was I gonna do, this isn't some anime or generic plot line? This is rea-


A high pitched scream came from the alleyway. Damn. I quickly turned back and drifted around the corner in a hurry.

My eyes widened as I saw the two brutes who cornered the girl laying on the floor, the girl towering above them with her hands on her hips.

"Serves you right assholes!" She stuck her tongue out and started toward me. After a few seconds she finally caught a glimpse of my head poking around the corner. I weakly smiled.

"A witness?!"

A witness? What did she mean b-

She sprinted toward me with her fist clenched.

"Wait wait wait!"

She threw a punch in my direction but I easily side stepped. I could of dodged that from a mile away!

She collapsed to the ground, her breath raspy and dry. She even started to have a coughing fit.

"Um are you okay?"

The blonde headed girl had a blue athletic track suit on to match her hair pin but it looked like she was covered in sweat. Could it be she had asthma?

"Hey please say som-"

"I'm fine!"

She yelled and swatted my outstretched hand away. I backed up and looked around, not a single soul in sight. What she going to be alright?

My eyes narrowed, "I don't care if you say you are fine, what's wrong?"

"I said I'm f-"


The girl winced as I yelled, her chest finally slowing down. I sighed and pulled a small object out of my jacket.

"I know what it feels like to have asthma."

The girl looked at the inhaler in my palm. She took it and was huffing in almost a second. In the back of my mind it would of counted as an indirect kiss only, I got a new one yesterday. Fuck, that was my only chance to snag one of those. I blinked as my inner mind cursed itself over not taking advantage of a girl. What was wrong with me today?!

I shook my head and took the inhaler she held out in front of me.

"thank you..."

A grin grew on my face as I helped her up, "Don't push it okay, asthma is not a joke, how would your family feel if something happened to you."

Even if I was lecturing her like a child, I knew deep down I was trying to help someone like me out. Not being able to be physically tone like everyone else sucked.

"I'm sorry I..."

The girl quickly speed walked away, leaving me standing alone on the sidewalk corner. I found myself looming above the unconscious men in the alley. Jesus how did she do that?

Just to reassure myself I checked their pulses, and to my surprise, they were sleeping soundly. I sighed heavily and headed toward Marty's.

Today was becoming more and more annoying and taxing. It was nothing against women in general but the few I met today worsened my mood. Were all girls weird and hard to read, if so, then my chances of losing my virginity were zero.

I checked both ways and crossed the street, the store sitting nicely on the corner. I started to fumble for what I should make my dad. Spaghetti sounded simple and nice, not making it to hard on me either. After today, I needed a break.

I walked in with a poker face, a few girls glancing at me and looking away. The outfits they wore made me walk by rapidly. They were Grand Dobi High, an academy for rich kids sitting on the top of Mt. Luna that overlooked Garden City. Just being in their vicinity made me feel smaller, even if they actually were shorter than me.

I was technically well off but not enough to even come close to Grand Dobi, and somehow, I was glad. I heard that most of the girls there wait till marriage to do anything spicy. If I needed to lose this annoying v-card, attending Grand Dobi would make it much harder. Especially because they were all stuck up pricks.

I cursed under my breathe as I came into the pasta and rice isle. A girl with black hair stood idle staring at a stack of vanilla pudding. She was quite short and had a dark blue casual dress on. She actually looked rather rich, damnit. I ignored her and stopped to check the cheap pasta sticks, a few of them on sale, sweet. At least one thing was going my way. I searched the shelf until a sticker at the bottom caught my eye. Bending down to see it, a single line entered my head.


I swallowed hard and slowly turned to look at the girl, her eyes still focused on the pudding. What was I thinking, up skirting was the bottom of the barrel, a simple act of looking at someone's panties, or lack there off, under a dress or skirt was scandalous. Well, if I ever needed a scene close to that, I needed to witness it myself.



I swallowed a lump in my throat and crouched down to "get a better look" at the price tag. I glanced over to check my phone.


I could see just the top of her thighs, so close I could see she was wearing purple ones. My body started to heat up for some reason, I even think sweat dripped from my nose. What was I doing?! Something so absurd for what?

I closed my eyes and sighed.

For men and for all the men who once climbed this summit, this is for you, my fans. I quickly looked toward her direction while dropping slightly.

My body froze.

The girl was sticking one of the pudding cups in her bag. She also glanced toward me, her blue eyes in shock as I caught her in the act.

We both simultaneously swirled away. Was she stealing? Why?! She had on such nice clothes and from just a few glances she had a nice body. Wait why was that last part relevant.....

Besides that she was pretty and even had a flower bracelet to match. I suddenly stopped, the girl with white hair I took to the shrine, she had that same bracelet. I never paid it mind but could this be, her sister...

I kept my gaze away, but I somehow still knew she was standing completely still. What to do?!

What to do...

"Hey listen..."

I managed to utter out. We both turned and faced each other, the top of the pudding cup sticking out of her black purse.

She was intent on stealing it!!

I sighed, "I know we don't know each other but I'm a friend of your sisters."

The girl stomped to a halt in front of me, "You know my sister?" Her voice was cold and harsh.

"Yeah I think so sh-"

"What is her name then?"

Oh... I completely forgot to ask her name, I was screwed for this battle. "I don't know her name but I know she has white hair..."

The girl pointed a finger at my nose, "So you are a stalker eh?"

I shook my head, "No it's just-"

She cut me off again, "Then how come you don't know her name, is it not a common thing for friends to know one another's name."

"It's because we only briefly met, I showed her the way to Ocean Street." Now that I noticed, the girl had the same blue eyes. It was creepy how they gave off a different tone. I could tell this girl was harsh and straightforward while her white haired sister was quite the opposite.

"You know where Ocean Street is?!"

Her attitude completely changed and she now almost seemed on the verge of tears. What kind of change was this?!

"Yes I do, I live really close by s-"


I blinked a she bowed her head. Hey don't do that. I looked around nervously, "It's okay just lift your head..."

She lifted it and a tear rolled down her cheek, "I wanna see my sisters so badddd"


I calmed her down, "I'll take you there, I have to walk that way anyways, also I'll pay for the pudding."

She hugged me and buried her face in my shirt, "Thwaaank Youuuu!" She said in a muffled voice. For like the eighth time today I sighed again.

Before I knew it me and the girl were walking out of the store. I looked over at her, she seemed back to her normal self, her eyes daggers like before. I shuddered as she looked over at me, "What?"

I put my hands in my pocket, the bags still wrapped around my wrist, "Oh I was wondering what your name was."

She puffed her cheeks up, "Sorry but I don't tell stalkers my name."

My shoulders slouched, "Yeah I get that part I guess...WAIT IM NOT A STALKER YOU-"

"Hey you two, you seem some hot blonde chick in a blue tracksuit?"

I turned to see the two men in cheap tuxedos standing before us. Oh fuccccck.

"No we have yet to see anyone matching that description."

The two guys grunted and glared at me. I could tell from their stares they were sizing me up.

"Hey little lady why are you hanging with a loser like this, I don't think this shrimp even has muscles on him."

I quickly took my hands out of my pockets.

For a moment all was silent.

"Please don't try and take my eleven year old sister, I will call the cops."

I was screaming on the inside but on the outside, I could and more or less everyone else could tell my knees were shaking.

"Eleven, bummer, not even developed yet, let's bounce Drac."

The fair haired one sighed and waved us off and walked away.

When they left our sight, I clutched my hear. Jesus christ that was close.

"Why did you lie like that, also why did you think I was eleven?"

I put my hands up in defense, "Oh no I just-"


I melted, or I guess my soul disappeared from my body, all was lost.

We made our way across block until we stopped at my house. We traveled in silence, my head hung low, "Ocean street is two blocks down to the right."

She nodded, "Thank you pedo-man."


I collapsed on the bench as she sauntered away. The sun was about to set and my body was exhausted, hell my heart was.

I sat for minutes on end looking at the sky.



Dad: (223 Ocean Street) Would you like to gps address sent by user?

You: Why did you send me an address. You ok?

Dad: (223 Ocean Street) Would you like to gps address sent by user?

You: Dad I'm not gonna go to some random address...

Dad: (223 Ocean Street) Would you like to gps address sent by user?

You: This isn't some generic plot Im not gonna go look.

Dad: For fuck's sake just come!

You: Okay


I pocketed my phone, it looks like my adventure was far from over. I slowly made my way to the location he sent me. The sun was starting to dip into the horizon, and my mind was fried to try and piece together why I stood in front of the very luxurious four story house fenced off and spaced away from any other houses. I sighed and opened the gate.

The lawn was a generic yet beautiful green and a few flower beds tickled the edge of the cement walk way. I was slightly saddened that it took about thirty seconds to walk through the expansive yard.

I was sure this was the address he sent and seeing how the gate was unlocked, I was sure I was expected. Great.

I barley knocked on the door.

"Hey sport come one in!"

I saw the soft features of my aging father. He was wearing casual clothes and had the biggest grin on his face.

"Why are inside this house dad, no offense but working late for a few weeks doe-"

"Just get in!"

He grabbed my arm and pulled me in. The house opened up into a big living room with fur carpets and red velvet couches. A fire place burning softly under the huge flatscreen tv.

"Son look at me."

I ripped my eyes away from the heaven like features of the house.

"I got remarried, the reason for me coming home late is because I was spending time with a wonderful woman."

I looked around cautiously, "Dad you told me you would notify me when you started dating..."

He fixed his glasses, "I know I know, but I felt like I would surprise you. Ever since you were a kid you haven't had any family but me, that all changes now."

He pointed towards the living room. As if on cue five females rounded the corner.

"Oh Stephen your son is finally home."

I froze.

"Hey Warren my name is Veronica Reina and I will be your mother as of today, if that is fine with you."

I did not answer.

"Warren?" My dad looked at me with concern.

My eyes locked with four sets of the same dark blue eyes.

The white girl from the shrine pointed at me, "Hey the virgin?!"

A taller blonde girl in athletic shorts and a sleeveless shirt pointed at me, "It's my savior!"

A slightly shorter and skinnier girl with ginger hair and pajamas covered in strawberries looked at me, "It's the rapist!"

And finally,an even shorter girl with long black hair pointed at me, the final arrow hitting me.


Mason_Magnus Mason_Magnus

Hello Everyone, as a little disclaimer, there is no full on sex scenes till the very end of the book. There there are plenty of websites for that ;). But, this story is very similar to any harem/romance from anime or other books on Webnovel so I hope it is good enough to enjoy throughout.



Go support my other romance book, "Immortally Stuck To You"-

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