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14.28% The Seraphic System / Chapter 9: The Governer Of Shimla

Capítulo 9: The Governer Of Shimla

The Seraphic System

Chapter: 09

Note: Any ways to improve would be appreciated, I'm still pretty new and while I have learned a lot during my time writing this story and I believe it's getting better, some additional advice always helps instead of just reviewing "badfic" like some sort of retard unable to produce any other words, useful feedback would be appreciated lol.

Sorry for the delay, I was kind of wondering what direction to go with the story, I have a plot lined up but I wanted to change things since I think I've been making the story a bit stale with too much fighting. 

Editor: I'm partially to blame for the delay as well since I have been unable to edit for some time. My apologies!

(The Governor of Shimla)

I felt a small but rough tongue gently lick the side of my face as I stirred from my sleep. Opening one eye, I looked at the face of my adorable new familiar, a cute little snake.

Who was currently nudging the side of my face with her scaly little head while showering me with affectionate small licks, in what seemed to be an attempt to wake me up.

Sighing, I brought up my left hand's finger and rubbed the small and adorable snake's head in an attempt to stop the shower of licks that she was giving me.

"Yes, yes, I'm up," I muttered.

I let out a sigh of content, I had developed this awfully bad habit of waking up in random places lately, it was good to have a proper bed to wake up in for the first time since I had arrived in this new world.

I could have done with a bit more rest, but I suppose this was good enough. I had decided to sleep yesterday after playing around with my new pet for a while. I was going to give her a name, but thought it would be better to wait until after my sleep.

The little snake slithered around excitedly on the large bed we were both on, as she saw me begin to get up. Hopping up from the bed with a yawn, I made my way over to the large bathroom and into the spacious shower.

Just as I began to undress, I turned around and saw the small snake staring at me from within the doorway of the bathroom.

Deadpanning, I shut the door, much to the evident dissatisfaction of the snake, as I heard small hisses from behind the door.

Ignoring the whining, I began showering and let out a satisfied sigh as the warm water dropped on my skin. I had missed being able to take a shower.

Being out in the wild made me realise that I certainly had been taking a lot of daily necessities for granted. After finishing showering, I got out and dried myself off with a towel.

I then started getting changed into a fresh set of clothing and left the bathroom, only to see the tiny snake look up at me tearfully.

Rubbing my forehead in annoyance at the clingy little snake, I picked her up and let her slither onto my lap as she stared up at me with those slitted golden orbs. I slowly begun stroking her scales which she seemed to enjoy.

"I think it's time I pick a name for you," I spoke aloud with a hum of thought.

The little snake's mood seemed to turn around as she began bobbing her little head energetically with her serpentine body slithering around on my lap in excitement.

Ah shit, I'm not great with naming.

"How about uh, Aurora?" I said, only to receive a deadpan stare from her golden slitted eyes in response.

Yeah, probably shouldn't give my magical snake such a basic name. I thought for a bit more on something unique for her.

"How about Galadriel?" I suggested, the small snake paused and seemingly pondered on it for a moment before nodding its little head adorably.

As she began flicking its forked tongue out in excitement and joy.

Smiling in amusement, the playful atmosphere that hadn't been around me for quite a while was ruined when I heard the door to my large hotel room being knocked on harshly.

Both me and Galadriel paused before, almost in sync, the two of us twisted around and stared at the door. That didn't sound good. I briefly rubbed my head in annoyance.

Why couldn't I just catch a break? Getting up, I cautiously walked up to the door, was it the Guhyaka at the front desk? I wasn't good with Hindu mythology in all honesty, so I didn't know what that exactly was, but he was creepy.

His title said he was a servant of Kubera. I think that was the name of some god in the Hindu pantheon. I would have to do some research later.

I couldn't be too hasty with a servant of a literal god if it did come down to combat.

Opening the door, I met with the bulky figures of two slightly large and muscular men. Other than their well-built frames, their faces looked ordinary, in fact, apart from their body they seemed boringly ordinary.

The men wore dark glasses and casual but smart clothing with grey hair, they looked to be in their 40s. I took this chance to use appraisal on both of the men.


{Name: Aarav}

{Title: Follower Of Shanu}

{Race: Stone Construct}

{Power level: 2200}

{Name: Kiaan}

{Title: Follower Of Shanu}

{Race: Stone Construct}

{Power level: 2200}

I raised an eyebrow confused at their race and relaxed slightly at the sight of their power level but made sure to stay alert.

I knew from first-hand experience that depending on what skills they had, they could do some serious damage.

Not everything could be put down to power level, and it would be foolish to think otherwise when I had beaten those higher than me in power level.

Wait, if they were both stone constructs, did that mean they weren't alive? Taking a look at them fully, I realised a glaring fact.

They weren't moving and while they appeared to try to act like they were living beings, there were small details you had to actively observe that suggested they simply weren't normal. They simply looked artificial would be the correct word.

Briefly having a staring contest with the two stone constructs. The one in front of me, Adheer, took a step forward.

"Sir, I'm going to need you to come with us." He said with a voice not befitting of his age.

I instantly noted that what he said wasn't a question but a statement. I frowned, It may have come as a surprise to some but I really didn't like being ordered around. Especially by some random dude.

"Hmm, and why's that." I gave a smile faker than Kylie Jenner's tits and stepped forward into the personal space of the man in front of me. Which wasn't as intimidating since I was forced to look up at his much larger form.

I mentally cursed at my short height.

He seemed to pause as if listening to something, before smiling back as if he didn't notice my fake smile.

"Ah, forgive me. My lord has commanded me to retrieve you." He replied as if that would make me understand.

"Oh, and what interest does your lord have in a kid like me?" I questioned in a clueless tone.

"Sir, please don't take us for fools. We know exactly what you are. My master is the governor of this territory and, as such, wishes to speak with you." The stone construct replies again after another pause.

My eyes widened in surprise at the new information and I inwardly cursed. Looks like my presence was noticed immediately. I suppose I can't be too surprised.

It was unrealistic to think I would even get a few days unnoticed enough to quickly leave before they realised an outsider was in their lands since I was dealing with the fucking Hindu pantheon.

They were perhaps the strongest pantheon in dxd with insane gods that eclipsed any other pantheon or faction. They probably sensed my arrival immediately but gave me time to think about what to do with me.

I suspect I had no choice and even though it pissed me off to follow someone else's orders, I would let it go in favour of not getting squashed by some random Hindu god.

This was just another reminder I needed to continue my efforts for power, so I wouldn't let myself be commanded by anyone again. Having a brief flashback, I cringed and shut the thought down.

On the bright side, it seems like this governor wasn't intending to harm me since instead of just sending an assault of subordinates to wipe me out, he is allowing me to have an audience, which bodes well for me.

"Very well, lead me to this master of yours then," I replied.

I let my adorable little snake wrap around me, I didn't trust this location enough to leave her out of sight. Especially when she was so weak. I began to follow the two stone constructs disguised as men through the hotel and out the entrance.

Outside the entrance stood six more stone constructs waiting before snapping to life as we arrived into view and began to escort me to a black limousine. I got in the back as one of them opened the door.

I sat and watched as more black cars followed us out, and then I realised that they were fully prepared for me to disobey and fight back.

Judging by the considerable amount of black cars and stone constructs that wouldn't have been a wise choice. I couldn't enjoy the luxurious experience of essentially being treated like a VIP.

As I realised the enormity of the force of stone constructs, leading me to their master. I had been using appraisal on every stone construct and realised the two that had shown up at my door were weak compared to the others.

I clicked my tongue. It was a smart play, by displaying the weak stone constructs in case I had a way to sense or perceive the strength of other beings (which I did), they had the real force stay back in preparation.

In case I resisted, they would simply blitz in and overwhelm me while I overestimated myself, giving the stone constructs an advantage as I wouldn't take them too seriously from the start.

Something from my experience that could lead to a killing blow, as seen on the basilisk.

[You've become more tactical than you used to be.]

I was startled at the system's sudden praise but nodded in agreement. I had been stupid and was still probably a bit stupid in fairness, but experience and adjusting had made me more capable.

It was a simple, straightforward strategy in fairness and wasn't hard to deduct. I still had a long way to go before calling myself truly smart or even a genius, but that should change with my next download, hopefully.

Stopping my inner monologue as we arrived at a large gated mansion, I looked around from my seat at the back of the limo as the gates opened, allowing us into a well-kept entrance to the mansion.

Glancing around, I noticed dozens of muscled people which were quite obviously stone constructs guarding the large estate I had arrived at.

I started to feel nervous at the sheer number, especially since they were all in the high-class range. The two constructs that had picked me up were just grunts compared to all the others.

Even the stone constructs outside the hotel were all low-high class, but these guys all had power on the level of Riser Phenex. While I could take on maybe a dozen or even two with my power.

Fighting the large convoy would be hard enough without these extra guards all attacking me at once. Watching as the black limo door opened, I tensely got out of the limo and let myself be escorted inside the mansion.

In front of me was a cobblestoned pathway, leading to the giant manor. Men in black suits were stationed everywhere around the place, watching my every action with hawk-like vision.

Ignoring the grand interior, I stood at full alert as they led me to a large door and knocked on it respectfully. Hearing a silent "come in" I was led inside a large office that would suit a CEO of a mega corporation.

Being led to a seat, I sat down and let myself look relaxed in front of the man now staring at me. What was most noticeable was his unnatural steel-like skin colour.

With Light piercing blue eyes and a clean-shaven head with no facial hair, the man looked to be in his fifties. I quickly used appraisal on him as he stared at me intensely.

{Name: Shanu}

{Titles: The Peaceful Stone (?)}

{Race: Deva}

{Power level: 8100}

"Do you understand why I have called you here?" He questioned, his voice a deep, commanding tone.

"Uh no?" I replied.

"No idea why? Well, firstly, I have to wonder how an angel of all beings even managed to get into the sacred lands of India and past our barriers when it has been closed off from the rest of the supernatural world." He said with interlacing fingers propping up his chin.

Yeah, I could see that as a valid reason, I stayed silent and let him continue.

"Now here I am, with an unknown outsider inside my town. With no idea if this outsider intends to do anything nefarious to my people or city. Do you understand?" He said slowly.

That was pretty understandable. I nodded slowly, and his eyes visibly softened as he took in my appearance more properly, probably making a note of my young age which should at least give me some leeway.

"Now normally, if you were a devil or fallen angel like the other members of the Christian pantheon I would have simply made you leave, alive or dead." He spoke without any mercy to what he thought was an Angel child. A bite harsh.

"The exception was only made with the factor of your race. Otherwise, you would be leaving India right about now." He continued.

"Angels are known to be a good and noble race, unable to sin lest they make themselves fall, Which includes lying and needless murder. India has a respect for the Christian god and his children's strength." He spoke.

I nearly snorted aloud, yeah, maybe in the world of Dxd. If he heard about the true angels in my old world, he wouldn't be entertaining this meeting at all. I nodded my head as an indication I was listening.

"As such, taking into account your young age and race, I'm considering what action I should take." He looked a bit troubled as he mentioned my age, but nonetheless continued his little speech.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

I briefly considered what to say. I suppose half-truths will work just in case he has some sort of lie-detecting skill, I wasn't adept at lying, or I wouldn't have lost everything and died in my past life. I guess half-truths will have to do.

"I arrived here accidentally, I'm currently looking for a place to stay and train for a while. I understand if you wish for my departure from India, but if I am forced to leave I would request you don't notify my faction or any other of my presence." I stated in what I thought was a reasonable tone.

I was fine with leaving India, in all honesty, I had intended to leave India anyway. Like hell would I risk imposing on perhaps the strongest faction in dxd, I was not going to risk getting caught and antagonising the Hindu faction.

"So you're not here with intent to harm or steal?" He questioned, seeming almost worried about the answer.

I gave him an unimpressed stare, what was with all these questions, seriously did they think the Angelic faction would send a kid to spy on the Hindu faction of all things? Dude, I'm like twelve in this body at least. I inwardly groaned.

Why couldn't I have just picked America or anywhere apart from the country of the most isolated and powerful faction in this world?

Now I had to prepare just in case this guy decided to jump me with his hundreds of stone constructs.

"No, I'm twelve years old," I replied dryly, even if I wanted to say more, I would rather not push too much. I was a cocky little shit but that beating from Tiamat had calmed me down a little.

"You would be surprised at what factions do for information." He said ominously, before letting out a sigh in what seemed to be relief.

I'm guessing he could somehow tell I was speaking the truth. Yay me.

"I'm glad, though. Forgive my earlier questioning and rude behaviour, but as a leader, It needed to be done for the safety of those under my rule. My name is Shanu", he said but now with a friendly smile.

What was with this massive switch in behaviour? It was almost creepy, seeing the super serious big bad governor go from a merciless commander to a friendly uncle at the family gathering you didn't want to attend.

Did he believe me just because I'm an angel? Technically, I didn't lie, so he may have had a lie-detector skill too. Ah, I suppose it works well for me anyway.

Before I could answer, he continued.

"I'm going to be honest with you boy, we don't like outsiders intruding upon our lands and normally, even with consideration of your angel heritage, you would be forced to leave." He said coldly.

Great, now he was back to being cold.

"The Hindus do not take this lightly, and even though it's difficult to enter India, there have been cases when people have snuck in with the help of artefacts and magic. They are very few and don't dare provoke the Hindu faction unless they want to be destroyed." He declared almost proudly.

I don't know who he was trying to brag to, technically I'm twelve years old and shouldn't fully understand him.

I'm guessing there is some type of barrier around India, I did know briefly from my limited knowledge that they were fairly closed off to the rest of the supernatural.

"However, since you don't seem to hold ill intentions and don't seem to be associated with any faction as of this moment for whatever reason." He calmly continued.

"I shall, however, allow you to temporarily maintain your stay in my city under the rule that you do not cause harm to any of my subordinates or family."

I blinked in shock and tried not to show the absolute baffled expression I felt like showing. Is he letting me stay? How the fuck did I manage to pull that off.

[You can chalk part of it up to your allure perk passively boosting the effect of your charisma stat, it doesn't only make you look better you know.]

I heard the system say with an almost amused tone of voice.

'Mind explaining?' I asked. Not really expecting an answer from the normally silent system.

[Sure, Charisma also makes interactions with other beings much smoother and can even make some of the most stubborn beings make exceptions. 

With that in mind, your allure perk boosts the value of each point of charisma tremendously. Thus, to the governor here, you look like a young innocent charming boy.

That mixed with the fact he has a weak spot for children, it would seem, has permitted him to make an exception that he would normally not make.

The Hindus are extremely overprotective, of course, and you should expect that other beings of the Hindu faction if they find out about you, will not be happy about your presence in their country. 

I advise you to keep a low profile and work on concealing your aura immediately, so you can prolong their discovery of us.

Also, try to avoid any servants of gods since they will no doubt report your presence, which will open up a can of worms you're not even close to ready for.

At least with Shanu's blessing, you won't instantly be killed by the Hindu gods who would no doubt send servants to dispatch you since you're considered unworthy of their personal attention.]

The system confirmed that the Hindu faction was as strong as they were in canon which while good to know didn't put me at ease.

That suggestion about me learning to conceal my aura was something I needed to work on ASAP since it seems like it puts me at a massive disadvantage if everyone could just sense wherever I was.

[I should also mention that you need to stay in this territory unless you find a way to teleport out of India. 

The other leaders of cities probably won't be even a quarter as amicable as Shanu has been and they won't hesitate to simply dispose of you.]

Taking my time in all that the system had said to me, I had to admit I was pretty surprised since I was sure the system had never spoken to me properly like this and had given me some solid guidance. It seemed like it was almost more alive.

Focusing back on Shanu who seemed content to let me sit in silence and digest what he had said, all the while having a calm and friendly smile on his face as he sipped on a cup of tea.

I decided playing it friendly with Shanu was my best choice. I knew staying in India might not be the smartest move, but I didn't have anywhere else to go without being attacked by one of the many factions for trespassing.

Plus, with the crazy dragon presumably searching for me, India with its obscurity and dislike for outsiders seemed like the best spot to hide until I figured out how to hide my aura and move around without drawing attention from every supernatural creature around.

Considering everything, I offered Shanu a brief but thankful nod in response to his hospitality. It would be best to be on his good side regardless of my decision since he had quite the force with him.

I'm pretty certain he created those stone constructs outside, and I had to admit that was a powerful ability to have. He was essentially a one-man army, and somebody with both his power and influence would be worth the effort to keep friendly relations with.

"Perfect, then I think we've covered all that needed discussing. If you wouldn't mind, young one, would you share your name with me?" he inquired.

"Kai," I replied.

Shanu raised his eyebrow at the name.

"An angel with a human name?, Rare but not unheard of, I suppose." He muttered.

The large double doors suddenly opened up behind me, making me turn around in curiosity and unconsciously tense. Living in the familiar forest had sharpened my instincts and made me always prepare for a sudden attack.

A stern-looking man stepped into the office with a frown of displeasure spread across his facial features and only spared me a glance before briskly walking beside Shanu and whispering something into his ear.

{Name: Adheer}

{Title: Right Hand Of Shanu}

{Race: Stone Construct}

{Power level: 4500}

So these stone constructs of his seemed to have their own personalities, which was interesting. After going back and forth, the stone construct that was named Adheer gave me a passing glance before leaving the room.

I focused on Shanu who now looked to be deep in thought.

"Is everything okay?" I couldn't help but question. Still wary of the old governor, Which seemed to snap him out of his thought-induced daze and refocus on me.

"Ah yes, nothing to worry about, my subordinate has found an informant of a certain organisation known to cause trouble. The situation has been dealt with." He replied with a cold smile.

"I see," I replied evenly, not betraying any reaction to that statement which he noticed with an amused smile.

"Excellent. As much as I'd love to chat further, I've got a city to oversee. If you find yourself in need of help, you know where to find me. Feel free to let yourself out." He said, going back to reading through some files that had been laid out on his desk.

Not requiring any more prompting, I got up and let myself out. I didn't feel like being interrogated any further. Walking through the long halls, I retraced my steps and found the entrance where I was let out under the eyes of many stone constructs.

I was pretty sure I could take them if they didn't have any magical attacks since I was essentially immune to normal physical damage, which I needed to repeat was an absolute cheat.

If it came down to blows, they would need to use magical attacks or at least infuse the physical attacks with some sort of energy to bypass my immunity. Not like I intended to fight them anyway. Not if I could help it.

Now that the governor had given me permission to stay in this territory, which was much better than I had anticipated when being led to him, I honestly expected to be forced to fight my way out as usual, but this was a pleasant surprise.

Strolling up to the gates, I let myself out of the large estate, not giving it a second glance. Outside the gates, I briefly paused as I wondered what to do as I was let out on a quiet road.

I guess I'll go buy some things since even though I could get it from my system store, it was far more expensive than just going and getting it myself.

With that in mind, I went off to find some shops to purchase new clothing and some necessities that I wanted.

Which was much easier said than done since I had no clue where I was. Rubbing my forehead in thought I chose a random street and began walking with my hands stuffed in my pockets.

Arriving on another street it was suddenly bustling with life, leading me to believe they probably had some human deterrence around his mansion. I briefly recall something like that in the anime of Dxd.

Unfortunately with the arrival of human life and the perk I was starting to believe was more of a curse than a perk at this point, all eyes began gathering on me.

The attention had been fun at first, since it had been a new experience but now it was starting to get slightly annoying. Perhaps looking into a concealing skill would be good at some point soon.

Turning into another street which finally seemed to be some market with various stores lining the street and people walking in and out with bags, I grinned. Finally, I had found some sort of shopping centre.

It was strange being among civilization after so long it felt weird, almost foreign compared to the deadly forest I'd lived in since I was reborn. My body was in a permanent state of tenseness, always ready for an attack since that had just been the nature of the forest.

"Better start by getting a phone" I muttered.

Just as I went to go find a phone shop I felt something lightly impact my body, glancing down I saw a kid about my age sprawled out on the pavement I was on, groaning in pain.

I blinked in confusion, I had noticed him hurriedly approaching of course but had been too busy thinking to notice he didn't move out of my way quickly enough, slamming into me and falling into the ground.

On pure instinct, I used appraisal on him.

{Name: Nikhil Solanki}

{Title: Blessed by ? }

{Race: Enhanced Human}

{Power level: 1215}

-{Shanu Pov}-

As Shanu, the Governor of Shimla, watched the young blonde-haired angel exit his office, he took a moment to reflect on the recent conversation with the blonde-haired celestial being.

To describe the situation as unusual would be a grave understatement.

Shanu had been entirely truthful when he mentioned that the angel's presence in India had only been overlooked due to careful consideration of the angel's age and race.

Moreover, the child had been fortunate to be discovered within Shanu's territory rather than elsewhere as his fellow governors overseeing different regions in India wouldn't have hesitated to eliminate him, potentially leading to a catastrophic battle of immense destruction of their territory.

The fact that this child possessed such extraordinary power, almost on par with Shanu himself, was beyond incredible. A child achieving the ultimate class realm was nothing short of absurd.

Shanu considered himself lucky he had prepared with hundreds of his golems standing by, mainly on the assumption that the child might be under the influence of someone else due to his young age.

His initial assessment, based on a partial reading of the boy's aura, had led him to assume the child might be of mid-class or even high-class status in terms of power, which, considering the angel's age, would have been an impressive feat itself.

The governor's preparations had also been in case the child had anyone else who was with him, presumably older and stronger, given that a child wandering through India's protective barriers unnoticed was highly unlikely and even had been thought to be impossible.

Shanu couldn't help but chuckle in amusement, thinking of the strength of an artefact that the boy might possess but be unable to wield effectively due to its high mana cost, especially if he were at the mid-class level. The child's young age had made him foolishly dismissive of his presence.

Even if the child had high-class power, Shanu assumed it would be in the low or mid-tier, and the child's lack of experience would make him vulnerable if he resisted.

Looking back, Shanu acknowledged that he had reason to pat himself on the back. If the boy had resisted with his level of power, the potential damage to his city would have been substantial, possibly erasing a significant portion of it had the boy unleashed his full power.

He would not make the mistake of underestimating someone of younger age again, he promised himself.

Such an event would have resulted in the loss of tens of thousands of lives under his rule, leading to Shanu's embarrassment among fellow governors and possibly even the loss of his territory.

Nevertheless, despite the child's considerable power, When the boy was being escorted to his office, Shanu couldn't help but wonder what a mere child could truly accomplish even when he opened the door and sensed his power.

This thought was disrupted when he considered the boy's cold, calculating eyes and his mature demeanour that seemed far beyond his age. The boy didn't let himself get intimidated either, unlike any boy of his age would.

The most striking feature about him was the defiant glint in the child's eyes, which indicated immediately that he had a clear aversion to authority figures for reasons unknown.

Shanu sighed and felt a pang of sympathy for the young angel, feeling that no child of his age should possess such cold and distrustful eyes.

As Shanu's thoughts turned to another concern, specifically the informant captured by his subordinates, he realised that the young woman was associated with an organisation that held a knack for causing problems and death everywhere they went.

An organisation that he knew about.

Naturally, he would normally want a report on further questioning as to what her motives were and why that organisation was currently in India. Unfortunately, further questioning became impossible when she ingested a concealed pill in her mouth, ending her life instantly.

That's what the report Adheer had provided stated, at least. Nothing ever good came from those dirty, backstabbing rats snooping around.

They should know better than to snoop around India, so the only conclusion that came to his mind was that their target must have quite a high price on their head if they were willing to risk drawing the attention of the Hindu pantheon.

Shanu knew that more investigation would have to be carried out, the sneaky rats were persistent if nothing else.

Regardless, while they were considered quite troublesome among the lower-tiered factions, they remained merely bugs lurking in the shadows, who would come to understand the might of the Hindu Faction if they dared to cross the line.

-{Unknown Pov}-

In a dim, eerily silent corridor, a cloaked figure moved slowly, his steps seemingly making zero sound on the cold stone floor and his movements precise like a coiled snake ready to attack.

If one observed closely, one would notice the cloaked figure mysteriously merging with the shadows every time he passed a lit torch with a flickering blue flame. The shadows almost stretched towards him as if trying to encompass him.

The only visible feature that could be seen from under the cloak was two cold dead eyes that seemingly held no life, the eyes of someone who had no regard for his life.

The figure walked into a large intricately designed office which wouldn't look out of place for even kings to sit in lit by the various torches burning with bright blue fire. The walls were made out of old stone bricks giving the room an ancient look.

One would be able to tell that the place had been around for centuries with various magical artefacts that could be seen in glass containers around the room that each gave off powerful magical auras.

Sat on a throne-like chair behind an ancient-looking stone desk with a smooth surface and various files neatly arranged was a mysterious figure whose body was clouded in darkness, whose presence screamed of danger and death.

With baleful red demonic eyes that snapped onto the hooded figure as he entered. Dropping the file he was inspecting on his desk.

Immediately the hooded figure kneeled in front of the stone desk as the red eyes of the being shrouded in darkness peered over the desk and inspected the hooded figure.

Complete silence was all that could be heard as the hooded figure waited patiently for the being sitting behind the desk to speak. Finally, the being spoke in a raspy voice.

"One of my informants placed within India recently reported the presence of a high-level target that has been listed for death" He rasped out slowly.

"I don't usually focus on cases like this, but considering our client's prominence and the intriguing nature of the target, I've taken an interest in seeing this mission completed since a rather sizable amount has been sent to us. I trust you understand why you were summoned"

The hooded figure lowered his hood and nodded in submission. There was only ever one reason his master summoned him.

He was considered to be one of the more deadly assassins in Hydra. With his kill count and record filled with nothing but success, he earned himself a brutal reputation. Not that he cared.

The man who had never been referred to anything other than the title Mr. Six. Had killed his fair share of high-class targets with even a few low-ultimate-class targets under his name. Which was by no means an easy feat.

The grand inquisitor swished his hand and a tendril of darkness appeared from the shadows and placed a file in front of him.

"This is all that is known about the target. This shouldn't be a hard endeavour due to his age and inexperience but he has confirmed to have killed a few high-class devil soldiers so treat it with the same caution you have your other targets regardless." He commanded with authority.

Mr. Six nodded.

"Yes, master. It'll be done." He replied.

The grand inquisitor made no show of acknowledgement as he gestured for him to pick up the file. Mr six picked up the file and went to leave only to pause as his master rasped once more.

"Oh and our client has requested you make his death painful, you have been given access to use level 5 equipment for this mission, Remember don't bother coming back until it's done." He remarked idly.

With that, he turned to face his master who was looking over some files, completely ignoring his presence once more.

Still, he nodded in obedience, he already knew of what happened with failure since many of his former associates had unfortunately made the mistake of failing his master.

It was rather rare to get to use level 5 equipment but since the target could perhaps be in the ultimate class level it made sense. Mr six instantly made his way to get his equipment while he read the file on the way.


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