Two galloping horses left the Shadow faction village in a rush.
"What made you think Hanzo is the traitor?" Hayabusa asked.
"Back in the discussion we had, I've put all the pieces together and Hanzo is the only one who fits the description. You said the traitor is around 20 to 25 by now, Hanzo is already 22. He is the only son of the chief village so he is the only one who received special training from Oda Nobunaga before he passed away. Also, Hanzo is the best swordsman here in our village. As for the assassination of the Scarlet faction leader, Hanzo and his team was on a hunt that night but he came home alone," Kagura replied.
(Oda Nobunaga was a powerful daimyō ( feudal lord) of Japan in the late 16th century who attempted to unify Japan.)
Hayabusa thought for a while. Kagura's explanation makes sense but why would he seek the power of a demon when he is already powerful?
Just then, he came to realize that Hanzo's skills weren't strong enough for his father. And Hayabusa became his favorite student.
"Do you think Chief Haruno would receive your letter?" Kagura asked. "We couldn't possibly just fight against Hanzo with just us. He might have other people with him."
"Don't worry about it. He'll get the letter in no time," Hayabusa replied.
On the other hand, in the Scarlet Village, the Kira group has already made their move, killing every person they see. They've assassinated as many people as they could. Along with them was Hanzo who is already on the verge of rampage for the Hanekage and Ame no Habakiri are devouring more blood.
( Kira means killer in english. )
Hanabi and her grandfather are almost at the village. The black haired girl saw the black, thick smoke above their village. Her heart beats faster for she could not forgive herself if she loses her mother. The nightmare of losing her father came haunting her back. Her vision starts to become blurry but she persevered and had her horse ran faster.
Hanzo, on the other hand, wanted more blood and he thought of going to the main house of the village. Hanabi's family is in there and it gives more Hanzo the urge to kill.
Upon stepping on the house, another assassin came to sight. He points his sword towards Hanzo and asked, "Who are you?"
"Who are you?" Hanzo asked instead.
"We're from the Kira group," the assassin replied. Hanzo simply nodded as a signal for the assassin to continue talking but the assassin came charging towards him.
Hanzo just swings his Ame no Habakiri and the assassin was cut into half, his blood is devoured by the sword. Hanzo opened every room and found dead bodies, he was late. Just then, he heard some noises coming from the farthest north room. He went inside and saw a familiar aged woman being threatened by one of the Kira.
"Tell me, where is the Higanbana?" the assassin asked.
The woman who looked like Hanabi spits blood right on the assassin's face.
"You'll never find it," she hissed. A loud slap landed on the woman's left cheek, bursting her lower lip.
"Just tell me where it is and you'll live," said the assassin, he threatened the woman by tempting to cut her throat.
Hanzo summoned two kunais and threw it right at the back of the assassin's neck but at the same time, the Kira plunged his kunai at the woman's throat.
The sliding door banged opened.
"Mother!!!" Hanabi yelled and what she saw shocked her. Her mother coughed out blood as she went near her. A small smile formed on her lips before she lost her life. Hanabi summoned her special kunais and threw them at Hanzo's direction. She summoned her petal blades and continuously attacked him.
Hanzo blocked her petal blades with his sword. He flipped his sword and swings it, hitting Hanabi right on her abdomen, letting her fly out from the fifth floor of the main house. Hyuuga saw his granddaughter and the shadow who was about to kill her. He jumped off from his horse and caught Hanabi. He saw her crying, which makes her unsuitable to fight at the time.
"Haru, you take care of her," he said before going to Hanzo.
Upon stepping in the room, he did not feel the presence of the soul portal underneath him. He was about to step out from it but it was too late. Hanzo appeared at the center of the portal and struck the chief of the Scarlet faction right at his left chest. The Ame no Habakiri devoured his blood until he breathed his last breath.
The Kira assassins has already assassinated the entire clan, except for Haru and Hanabi who are in a safe place. Kagura and Hayabusa has reached the village and fought with the assassins. But what caught Hayabusa's attention was Hanzo jumping off from the fifth floor. He was about to follow him but Kagura is in a pinch situation that he could not leave her alone.
On the other hand, Hanabi finally regained her consciousness and was relieved to see Haru, ignorant of the fact that even her grandfather is dead.
"Don't force yourself to stand," Haru said. "What happened?"
"The traitor killed mother," Hanabi replied in between her sobs. She started to have her panic attack once more, she's having short breathes, her body starts to feel cold and numb. Her red lips starts to turn pale. Her fingers starts to turn white.
Haru laid her down, and made sure that she is having enough air to breathe. Just then, he heard the voices of Hayabusa and Kagura. Haru immediately carried his cousin and went out from their hiding place.
"Haru!" Hayabusa said when he saw the two. "We have to leave. There are assassins around, it is too dangerous to go around carelessly."
Hanabi's vision has gone blurry when Kagura had her arm around her. She looked at her cousin and could not make out what Haru is saying. Just then, he suddenly stopped speaking and he coughed out blood. Hanabi's adrenaline rush made her entire body move in sync with her mind. She summoned her Higanbana but she first threw her kunai sealed with a demonic flower energy. The kunai slowed down the assassin who killed Haru, Hanabi took this chance to seal him with her Higanbana which bloomed and immobilized and poisoned her enemy. Hanabi lunged towards him with a kunai on her hand and cut off his throat.
That was the very first time that Kagura and Hayabusa saw the beauty yet deadly bloom of the Higanbana. Hayabusa came to his senses when he saw Hanabi drop on the ground. He carried her which made Kagura a bit jealous for she does not want to see any other girl being treated kindly by her lover.
When Haruno and his troops reached the Scarlet faction village, everything is finished. The Kira has retreated, Hanzo is nowhere to be found, and the entire village has burned into ashes.
Only Hanabi, who has lost her consciousness, is left of the Scarlet faction.
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