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9.67% The Scandal Queen / Chapter 3: Chapter Two

Capítulo 3: Chapter Two

I stare into my closet, the expanse of clothes mocking me with their endless options and none of them feeling quite right. I don't feel like being nonchalant about this. Normally I wouldn't overthink it, used to the possibility that any date might end up with a man who has the wrong impression of me and disappointment. Not tonight, though. Tonight feels different because Jaewook feels different.

I pull out a pair of dark, fitted jeans and lay them on the bed, then sift through my hangers for a top. Something simple, but with a little edge. I settle on a white off-shoulder blouse with delicate lace trim. Elegant but understated.

I glance at the small overnight bag sitting on my dresser. Jaewook's request to pack for an overnight trip threw me off balance, seriously questioning my decision to agree without knowing exactly where we're headed. I can't even remember the last time I've gone an overnight trip with a man. My last long-term relationship was … too long ago, and we didn't share space much even then. But there's just something about Jaewook. Maybe it's because I haven't dated an actor in a while, or maybe it's his lack of any known rap sheet. Either way, I'm intensely curious.

I run my hands through my hair, glancing at my reflection. Long, glossy black strands fall past my shoulders, straight and immaculate thanks to my stylist's handiwork. I wonder how he'd like it if I let it flow naturally, but I push the thought away. Time's ticking.

I pull the blouse over my head, carefully tucking it into the jeans and adding a belt with a silver buckle.

For a moment, I pause, looking at the silver bracelet my dad gave me when I graduated high school. I haven't worn it in years, but tonight feels significant somehow. I slide it onto my wrist, feeling the cool metal against my skin. A small token of courage from a past life where things were simpler.

Grabbing my bag, I head to my dresser, adding a few essentials: skincare products, a change of clothes, and—after a brief hesitation—a small, lacy nightgown. Just in case.

"What to expect, Iseul?" I mutter to myself, glancing at the mirror one last time. A better question is what is Jaewook expecting? In my public persona of the defiant, mouthy rebel who dances like a firestorm and spits lyrics like daggers. Is he able to see past that? Does he see it as a challenge? I've had that too. Men who think I'm something to be tamed, a problem they can fix. I'm not interested in anything like that, and I certainly don't need a man who thinks he can "fix" me.

I sigh, excitement tying my stomach in knots and anxiety making my chest tight. On one hand, I crave normalcy, something real beyond the glitz and the tarnish of my reputation. On the other, I'm acutely aware of how naïve that craving might make me.

My phone buzzes, pulling me out of my thoughts. A message from Jaewook. "Hey, I'm outside whenever you're ready :)"

Taking a deep breath, I zip up my overnight bag and sling it over my shoulder. Moments later, I'm stepping out of my apartment and into the elevator, my heart rate picking up. The doors glide open to reveal Jaewook leaning casually against the sleek, black car parked by the curb. His outfit—dark jeans, white t-shirt, simple jacket—matches the unexpected charm that defines him.

"Hey." He grins as he sees me, eyes crinkling at the corners. "You look amazing."

"You don't look too bad yourself," I say, trying to keep my tone light.

He opens the car door for me, and once I'm settled inside, he gets in on the driver's side. The engine purrs to life, and we pull away from my building.

"So," I start, trying to curb my curiosity, "Are you going to tell me where we're going, or do I get to enjoy the suspense?"

Jaewook chuckles. "Suspense can be fun, right? But I'll give you a hint. Think stars and no city lights."

I raise an eyebrow. "Stars, huh? An observatory, maybe?"

"Not exactly," he says, eyes twinkling.

For the first time in ages, I'm genuinely looking forward to the unknown. My apprehension slowly giving way to curiosity.

The drive is longer than I expect, winding through roads that grow narrower and less urban with each mile. Jaewook keeps the conversation light, telling funny anecdotes from his latest film shoot while I laugh along, the tension gradually easing from my shoulders. His voice is soothing, and I'm enjoying the banter more than I anticipated.

Finally, we turn onto a gravel path bordered by tall trees that arch overhead like a welcoming canopy. The car continues its journey until it finally emerges into a clearing, revealing a stunning, secluded resort nestled against a backdrop of rolling hills. The sight takes my breath away. The architecture blends seamlessly with the natural surroundings, combining modern luxury with rustic charm.

"Wow," I exhale, taking in the expansive, open-air lobby, the stone pathways lining manicured gardens, and the inviting glow of warmly lit cabins spread out in the distance.

"Figured you could use a little escape," Jaewook says with a smile, glancing over at me as he parks the car. "Somewhere not a soul will recognize either of us."

I let out a small laugh, the relief to be away from the prying eyes of the city filling my chest. "You figured right. This place is incredible."

A resort staff member appears, greeting us warmly and taking our bags. They lead us along a path that seems to wind deeper into the resort, every turn revealing new facets of its serene beauty. We pass a tranquil-looking pool with lounge chairs laid out neatly, then a spa, the scent of lavender and eucalyptus wafting gently in the air.

Jaewook steps beside me. "The owner's a friend of mine. Promised to keep our little getaway discreet," he whispers with a wink, and I feel a wave of gratitude. The sense of privacy here is immediate, a rare luxury in my world.

We arrive at a pair of private, adjacent cabins tucked further into the greenery. The staff member hands us our keys, and after a few words of welcome and a promise of dinner arrangements later, they leave us standing in the soft glow of twilight.

"This one's yours," Jaewook says, nodding toward the cabin on the left. He holds up his key. "And I'll be right next door if you need anything."

I step inside, the cool air and soft lighting greeting me. The interior doesn't disappoint—plush, oversized furniture, a fireplace, and floor-to-ceiling windows offering a breathtaking view of the hills beyond. My overnight bag is already placed neatly at the foot of the bed, and a basket of fresh fruit and a bottle of wine sit invitingly on the table.

Jaewook lingers at the doorway, seeming just as in awe of the place as I am. "What do you think?"

"I think you might have just set the bar pretty high," I reply honestly, turning to face him. "I didn't know places like this still existed in Korea."

"Glad you like it. Figured you might enjoy some peace and quiet. Our lifestyles don't give us much breathing room, do they?"

"Or any privacy," I add, and we share a knowing look. "This place is perfect."

"Good. Get settled in, and let's meet for dinner in an hour? The resort's chef is supposed to be amazing."

"Sounds like a plan," I say, smiling.

He gives me a final nod before closing the door, leaving me alone in the peaceful cabin. I sigh and let myself fall back onto the bed, feeling the tension and stress of the city life melt away in this serene refuge. I've needed this—this escape, this peace. A moment to breathe.

An hour later, I follow the stone path lit by soft lanterns to the resort's private dining space. It's perfectly intimate, picturesque, with a scattering of tables set under a pergola draped in blooming wisteria. Jaewook is already there, standing by a table set at the far end, closest to a stunning view of the hills under the twilight sky.

"Right on time," he grins, pulling out a chair for me.

I sit, making myself loosen up and just be in the moment. "What's on the menu?"

"Chef's choice. Let's be pleasantly surprised together."

As we settle into our meal, the candles flicker in the gentle breeze while soft music plays in the background. It's beautiful, extremely thoughtful. I can't remember the last time I had a night out like this. The company's not so bad either, I think as I dart a look at Jaewook, dressed casually with one long leg slung over the other as he reads the menu. Gorgeous, and as effortless as anyone I've ever seen.

The restaurant within the resort is a hidden gem, tucked away from prying eyes. We sit at a secluded table, candles casting a warm glow that dances between us. The scent of fresh herbs and grilled delicacies fills the air, blending with the soft notes of the background music. It's a setting straight out of a dream, far removed from the relentless buzz of Seoul.

Jaewook looks across the table at me, his gaze full of curiosity. "So, what do you do when you're not busy being a popstar? I mean, I'm sure that's a lot already, but I know that's rarely the only thing going on."

"Well, now it keeps me plenty busy, but of course, originally I needed more to keep me afloat. It's not your area of artistry, I know, but have you ever heard of Dynamix?"

Jaewook wrinkles his brow. "Like the dance studio? Yeah, I've seen a clip or two from their Youtube videos."

I give him a skeptical look. "You watch dance videos?"

He holds up his hands. "Not exactly. I'm not a dancer, so I'm afraid I'm not your match there, but I've seen a couple of their videos when they went viral."

I nod, accepting this explanation.

"Dynamix is actually my studio," I admit. "I started it to teach dance to make extra income when I was first starting out on my own."

Jaewook's eyes widen slightly and he leans forward with interest. "Really? I didn't know that."

"Not many people do. I put quite a bit of effort into separating the studio from my name to maintain a bit of respectability. It's not public knowledge that I'm the main choreographer behind the studio."

Jaewook frowns slightly.

"Well, that's a shame. You should get acknowledgement for your work. I might not know a lot about dance, but even I can spot great choreography when I see it."

I shrug. "It's recognition enough when Dynamix is recognized by the industry as a prominent studio, and it attracts students to our classes and keeps things running. It also allows me to do something I like without the attention."

Jaewook nods thoughtfully. "Makes sense. It must be nice to have that kind of freedom."

"It is," I say, feeling more relaxed as the conversation flows easily between us.

The waiter arrives with our first course—an exquisite plate of sashimi, each piece arranged like a work of art. Jaewook gestures for me to try it first, his eyes never leaving mine.

"All that," he says after we've both taken a bite, "And you manage your own your own label, right? What prompted that?"

I pause for a moment, considering how to answer. "Honestly? It was about control. After everything that happened with High-Tune and Hayze, I realized how little control I had over my own career and life. Starting Seraphim was my way of taking that control back."

He smiles appreciatively. "That's ambitious, and smart. And I thought I was the workaholic."

I laugh lightly. "Thanks. I like work too, but I have to admit, I think I like giving people something to talk about just as much."

We continue to eat, each course more delicious than the last—seared scallops with truffle butter, tender wagyu beef with roasted vegetables, and finally a decadent chocolate dessert that melts in our mouths.

Throughout the meal, Jaewook surprises me with his genuine interest in my thoughts and experiences. He asks about my time in Los Angeles, my journey into K-pop, and even my thoughts on current industry trends.

"And what about your music?" he asks as we sip on our wine. "Where does the inspiration for the lyrics come from?"

I shrug slightly. "It's my therapy. A reflection of my life. Writing helps me make sense of things."

He nods again, his expression thoughtful. "I can relate to that. Acting does something similar for me."

We fall into an easy rhythm of conversation—no forced small talk or awkward silences, just genuine curiosity and connection.

"So," he says after a while, leaning back in his chair and looking at me with those striking angular eyes that seem to see right through me, "What's your next mission?"

I laugh softly. "That's the million-dollar question, isn't it? Honestly? I don't know yet. I'm just taking things one step at a time."

"That's fair," he says with an understanding smile.

We finish our meal and linger over our drinks, and I admit I'm enjoying Jaewook's company more than I expected. He listens attentively to everything I say without judgment or preconceived notions—just genuine interest and respect.

It's refreshing—like a breath of fresh air after being stifled for so long by public scrutiny and expectations.

By the time we leave the restaurant and walk back to our cabins under the starry sky—stars indeed!—I feel lighter somehow … more hopeful.

The night air is cool and refreshing as Jaewook and I stroll through the resort's gardens. The pathways are softly lit by lanterns, casting a gentle glow on the vibrant flowers and lush greenery around us. It's peaceful and welcome.

Jaewook walks beside me, his hands casually tucked into his pockets. "This place is really something," he says, glancing around appreciatively. "I don't think I've ever felt this relaxed."

"Yeah," I agree, taking in the serene surroundings. "It's like a little slice of paradise."

We continue walking in comfortable silence for a while, just enjoying the tranquility. The sound of a distant waterfall joins the rustling of leaves, creating a soothing symphony that calms my restless mind.

 Jaewook begins, breaking the silence, "What was it like growing up in Los Angeles?"

I laugh softly, thinking back to those days. "It was … interesting, to say the least. My dad was pretty strict, always pushing me to excel academically. I don't know much about my mom. She was American, I know that. She left when I was young, though, so I only really had my dad."

"That must have been tough," he says gently.

I nod, feeling a pang of old hurt but also a sense of acceptance. "It was. But it also made me who I am today. It gave me that drive to prove myself."

Jaewook looks at me with a mix of admiration and understanding. "I can see that. You've definitely made a name for yourself."

"And what about you?" I ask, turning the conversation toward him. "You're all-Korean aren't you? Were you born here in the city? What was it like growing up here?"

He smiles lightly. "Simple and quiet. My mom was a schoolteacher. She was a single mom, so she supported us on her own. Acting actually started as a way to earn a little to help out."

"That explains a lot," I say. It explains why he seems so humble and real to me. Coming from a modest background and having only a female figure explains why he seems so … trustworthy.

"But it was worth it," he continues. "I've always wanted to act, ever since I was a kid watching old movies on TV. My mom worked so hard to support my dreams … I owe everything to her."

"She sounds amazing," I say sincerely.

"She is," he agrees with a warm smile.

We walk in silence for a few moments, lost in our thoughts. It's nice to share these personal stories without any judgment or pretense.

"Is there anything you really want to do someday?" Jaewook asks suddenly, breaking the silence again. "Something new you'd like to achieve?"

I take a deep breath, considering his question. "Honestly? I'm not entirely sure yet. I've achieved a lot more than I ever thought possible … but there's always more to do."

"Like what?" he presses gently.

"Well," I start slowly, trying to put my thoughts into words, "I want to keep pushing boundaries with my music and choreography. Maybe even expand Seraphim Records further … bring in more diverse talent and voices."

"That sounds incredible," he says with genuine enthusiasm.

"And personally?" he adds after a moment's pause.

I glance at him, feeling an unexpected surge of vulnerability. "Personally … I just want some peace and happiness. Maybe even find someone who understands me for who I am."

Jaewook's eyes soften as he looks at me, his expression full of empathy and something else … something deeper that makes my heart skip a beat.

"I think you're well on your way to finding that," he says softly.

We continue our walk through the gardens, sharing more stories and dreams as we go along.

It's strange how easy it is to open up to him … how natural it feels.

Jaewook and I walk back to our cabins, the night air cool and refreshing. The lanterns cast a soft glow, illuminating the path ahead. His presence beside me feels comforting, and I steal glances at him. He's more than just a pretty face; there's depth and sincerity in his words.

As we reach my cabin, he stops and turns to face me, his eyes warm but respectful. "I bet you're looking forward to getting a little uninterrupted rest," he says with a playful smile. "If you need anything, I'm right across the hall."

I nod, appreciating his thoughtfulness. I understand that he booked separate rooms on purpose, making it clear there's no pressure to take this date any further. I acknowledge and admire this, and it definitely wins him points in my book. But as he makes to leave, I feel a tug in my chest, an undeniable pull toward him. The evening has been perfect—more than perfect—and the thought of ending it now feels … wrong.

"Jaewook," I call out softly before he can take another step.

He pauses, turning back to me with a curious look. "Yeah?"

I take a deep breath, my heart pounding in my chest. "Would you … would you like to come in for a bit? Just to talk some more?" My voice is steady, but inside, I'm a whirlwind of emotions.

His eyes widen slightly in surprise, but then they soften into that familiar warmth. "Are you sure?" he asks gently, giving me an out if I need it.

"Yeah," I reply, feeling more certain with each passing second. "I'd like that."

He smiles and steps closer as I open the door to my cabin. The interior is just as inviting as before—cozy and intimate with the soft lighting casting gentle shadows on the walls.

Jaewook follows me inside, closing the door behind him. He takes a moment to look around, appreciating the space. "They did a fantastic job. I could almost live in these cabins full time," he remarks.

"Yeah," I agree, feeling a sense of contentment wash over me. "It's like we've stepped into another world."

We settle onto the plush sofa by the fireplace, the warmth from the flames adding to the cozy atmosphere. I pour us each a glass of wine from the bottle on the table and hand one to Jaewook.

"To new friends," he says, raising his glass with a smile.

"To new friends," I echo, clinking my glass against his.

We sip our wine in comfortable silence for a moment before Jaewook speaks again. "You know, I've always admired your resilience," he says thoughtfully. "The way you've handled everything thrown at you … it's inspiring."

"Thanks," I say softly, feeling a mix of gratitude and vulnerability. "It hasn't been easy, but it's made me stronger."

"I can see that," he replies with genuine admiration in his eyes.

As we finish our wine and set our glasses aside, there's a moment of quiet where we just look at each other—really look at each other—and something shifts in the air between us.

Jaewook reaches out tentatively and takes my hand in his own. His touch is gentle yet firm, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Iseul," he begins softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "I don't want to rush anything or make you uncomfortable … but I just … I really like you."


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The morning light filters through my bedroom window, casting a soft glow across the rumpled sheets. I stretch languidly, my body still humming with the memory of Jaewook's touch. It's been a day since our date at the resort, but the feelings linger, refusing to fade.

I roll over, burying my face in the pillow, inhaling deeply. If I concentrate hard enough, I can almost catch a hint of his scent—that intoxicating blend of amber and sandalwood that clung to his skin. My mind drifts back to our evening together, and I find myself smiling involuntarily.

It was … perfect. From the moment we arrived at the resort, everything felt effortless and natural. The conversation flowed naturally, never strained or forced. We laughed, we shared stories; we connected on a level I hadn't experienced in a long time.

And then there was the physical. The way his hands felt on my body, the way his lips moved against mine … it was electric. Every touch, every kiss, every whispered word set my nerves ablaze. I can still feel the heat of his skin, the weight of him pressing me into the mattress.

But it wasn't just the physical intimacy that left an impression. It was the way he looked at me—I didn't feel for a moment like he was expecting anything from me. He didn't judge me for my past or my reputation. He simply accepted me, flaws and all.

I sit up, hugging my knees to my chest as I gaze out the window. The city bustles below, oblivious to the shift that's occurred within me. I wonder what Jaewook is doing right now. Is he thinking about me, too? Does he feel this?

My phone sits on the nightstand, tempting me. I want to reach out, to hear his voice, to know that I'm not alone in this. But I hesitate. What if it was just a one-time thing for him? What if he wakes up this morning and realizes that being with someone like me is more trouble than it's worth?

I'm thinking too much into this, maybe. It was just a date, and I know well, in our industry, sometimes once is all it can be. We don't have that many opportunities to get away like that, and we meet new people every day. He could like me and meet someone he likes even more tomorrow. The same is true for me. I have no reason to get hung up on him.

So I resolve myself right there and then. If Jaewook calls me again, I'll see him, but if he doesn't… well, no big deal. It was fun; the sex was great, and it was a great date. It was a good escape for a weekend, and if that's all it was, then I'm fine with that. At least, that's what I have to make myself believe.








I slam the window closed, cutting off a blaring car horn and the myriad noises of shouting pedestrians and busy traffic on the street below. Mid-afternoon on a weekday in Seoul, even in a residential district in one of the nicer neighborhoods, is still noisy and overwhelming at the best of times. I sit down at my chair behind my desk with a sigh. I'm not exactly excited to be home right now.

I reach for my phone, scrolling through messages and emails, but my mind is elsewhere. This weekend was … something else. Whatever happened between me and Iseul was … intense. It wasn't just about the physical attraction—though that was definitely there—I just felt like I understood her and she understood me.

Iseul is a force of nature, unapologetically herself in a world that constantly tries to mold people into something they're not. I admire that about her. It's not easy to stand out and be different, especially in our line of work where image is everything.

As I sip my coffee, I think about how to keep this going. Our schedules are insane; finding time to see each other won't be easy. But Iseul might be worth it.

I've considered reaching out to her a million times since I got home. But each time I hesitate. I don't want to seem too eager and spook her. Iseul seems like the type that would instantly reject a man who came on too strong. She's independent, and I like that about her. I don't want to push her too fast too soon.

At the same time, I'm worried that if I don't make a move, a move someone else will catch her attention. It's not about my own insecurity, it's just the reality that Iseul works in a world where there are equally attractive men in nearly every corner. I'm competing with primped pretty boy idols and shiny movie stars and drama stars. Iseul's drowning in options.

I'm not sure what to do. Admittedly, I'm also a little worried that she might see our date as just a fling, something to forget once we're back in the thick of the chaos of our lives.

But then I remember how she looked at me—with genuine interest and curiosity. That didn't feel like a one-night thing; there was something real there.

I get up and start getting ready for the day, my mind still on Iseul. The thought of seeing her again makes me smile.

Later in the day, as I'm on set filming a scene for my latest drama, I pull out my phone during break and consider texting her. It should be long enough now that I won't sound like I'm being clingy, I think.

Right as my fingers start to type out a text, I get an incoming call from my manager. I stare at the screen, debating about whether to ignore it, but my hard-ingrained work ethic wins out.


"Yah, Jaewook, you remember that role for that island drama you auditioned for a couple months ago?"

I squint, trying to think back through the last couple months. I get called to audition for a lot of roles, not all of which I take and not all of which I'm accepted for.

"Oh, the one where the two main characters get stranded and then discover a forgotten village and fall in love or whatever?"

"That's the one," my manager confirms.

"What about it?"

"You got the part."

I nearly choke on the water I was in the process of drinking.

"Eh? really?"

I don't remember much about the script, but I do remember that it was to be directed by one of the most well-known drama directors in the industry, someone whose name on a script almost guarantees a top broadcasting spot and a boatload of drama awards.

"Really. But here's the thing, if you want it, you fly out, tomorrow. Filming is under way, they casted the male lead last when they were sure of the female lead's schedule."

I gape and look around at the set I'm currently setting on.

"But I'm already filming," I point out.

"Jaewook, the female lead is Ryu Wonyoung."

"Shit." I rub the back of my neck. This changes things. Ryu Wonyoung is the new it actress. Young and beautiful and the media angel at the moment. With her as the lead, everyone's sure to be watching this drama. It takes it from an inviting prospect to a can't-miss opportunity. A much bigger opportunity than the drama I'm currently working on where I'm cast as the second male lead.

"Yeah. Exactly," my manager says, "Drop the current project, I'll take care of the contract termination. Just get home, get packed, and get your ass on a plane."

I frown. "A plane to where?"


I make a strangled sound and rub my temples.

"I know, I know, but it's only for a few weeks."

"A few weeks?" I splutter. My head is spinning, mentally calculating everything I need to do in order to be able to leave the country almost immediately.

"Look, this is a big project. A one in a million role with a lot of big names on the cast. I promise, it'll be worth it. Have I ever let you down?"

I blow out a breath and run a hand through my hair. This is insane, but I trust my manager, and I agree with him. This is an opportunity I can't pass up. Not if I want my name to be the one that draws in the audience.

"Alright, I'm headed home now. I need to get my things together."

"Perfect. I'll get your flights arranged and text you the itinerary later tonight."

"Thanks. Talk to you later."

I hang up and run a hand over my face. There's a lot to do suddenly, and I feel like I've been thrown into a windstorm. I glance down at my phone, seeing the unsent and unfinished text I was writing to Iseul.

Well, I won't be able to see her again for a few weeks at least. I hope that she'll still be available when I get back but I know realistically she may not be and it would be unreasonable to try and start something when I know I'm leaving.

I decide not to send the text for now. Once I'm on set and a little more settled, I can get in contact with her and explain what happened. She'll understand, and if she doesn't want to take things further, I'll just have to accept that. I'll figure it out, somehow.

next chapter
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