'Not for nothing! The bastard Minos is already totally against me, so he took the opportunity also to stab me in the back and protect that brat!' Mortimer felt a mixture of anger but also the satisfaction that he had finally obtained Gavin's location.
He hated Minos all the more for it since Emperor Stuart had successfully hidden Gavin from this organization for years, making room for the Eyes of Destruction to awaken. But it was undeniably better to find that out now than ever.
Gavin was not yet so strong as to stand against him, so after hearing Abe's message, Mortimer naturally regained some of his hopes of stealing that young man's visual powers.
Since he was already fighting Minos, Mortimer felt he would soon be up against Gavin on a battlefield. And that would put him close to achieving a feat that could take him to the 9th stage!
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