In the blink of an eye, two years have passed since Minos and his party left the Armhands' headquarters!
During these first two years of their journey, the group encountered some problems on their way north, but they also encountered some opportunities.
Since they already knew the continent very well, especially the area closest to Armhands, they managed to overcome their problems without any losses, although it wasn't easy.
On the positive side, the growth opportunities during this period allowed two of the level 101 Sovereigns to advance to level 102, as well as the opportunities to gather special resources.
It wasn't the group's goal to collect things to cultivate or trade for more interesting items for the time being. However, they all wanted to return to Zocarro in the future and become even stronger. Therefore, they naturally collected things with an eye to the future when they could return to this glorious world.
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