The moment Diazo's body fell to the ground, the entire audience of more than 500 people on that battle platform fell silent, watching a match between a level 105 Sovereign and a level 99 Grandmaster end in less than a minute.
Even the mid-level Sovereigns there couldn't help but stare at the outcome of the match and at Minos with open mouths, shocked by the power of this Law Enforcement Hall supervisor.
'No wonder he was chosen to lead such a group...' thought the referee, the Intermediate Officer who had assembled the group of guards to deal with the two corrupt judges.
Meanwhile, Minos' allied judge, sitting next to Ruth, couldn't help but close his eyes and sigh. 'I didn't know he was already so strong.'
Since Minos had returned from The Obsidian Shore, he hadn't fought once. The result? People only supposed how strong he must be based on the rumors about what happened at The Obsidian Shore and his power before the Black Heart mission.
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