"Officers, it is good to hear that you are well. The guild thought that you had died years ago after the sacrifice of your parasites." Said the level 110 individual in front of Minos' group as they stood in a well-decorated living room.
"However, it will not be easy for you to regain your former positions. I will regularize your situations, but you will lose what you had achieved before you left," said this individual with a humanoid body, scales instead of skin, and the head of a crocodile.
"What are you talking about?" Minos asked as he narrowed his eyes, realizing he would have problems from the start of his return.
"We have researched your backgrounds. We know you were members of the guild from your IDs, but there's nothing else here with your record. All we have is that you were members of the guild for about 2 centuries and died in battle outside of Zocarro." The Intermediate Officer said with a bitter expression, understanding the group's surprise.
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