After the previous months, Minos had given orders to part of the groups developing in the underwater cities of his empire to move to the central area of the Ancestral Sea.
Currently, more than 10 million living beings live in the underwater area of the Black Plain Empire in the northeastern part of the Ancestral Sea, and things were going very well for Minos' forces.
With the foundations of his marine empire developed, he had moved on to a new phase of his plans for the Ancestral Sea and given orders for groups to set out for the central part of that sea for two missions.
The first was to attract groups of sea beasts slightly stronger than those already living in that area under his domain. Acting in the underwater world was by no means easy, and the support of sea creatures helped a lot.
So Minos naturally wanted to attract stronger sea beasts, like the case of 8th-stage beings, organisms in very few numbers in his current underwater empire.
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