"I sincerely doubt that," Minos commented as he looked at that old figure. "What advantage will I have in that? Vogel will be mine in the future, and I won't have to bend my knees for anyone. Not to mention that such a thing would bring trouble for me with those four enemy states of the Empire."
The wives of Minos watched this young man while the other people there looked at Oswald. He then said. "What are you saying? Are you going to become an enemy of the Empire? Don't be ridiculous!"
"You have to do the right thing. That is, lead the family when I'm no longer around!"
Oswald was not the kind of person who would give much thought to Minos' problem regarding Maisie since the sect was more important than such nonsense to him. So he saw in his grandson a new leadership for his organization, something he appreciated very much. That was particularly true, considering he did not have much time left to be around.
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