"Welcome to Solaris Transportation. Where would you like to go today?" A woman dressed in the uniform of one of the transportation companies operating in this port asked Minos and Emlyn politely at a counter in the local port.
Hearing this, Minos came straight to the point. "Lusmait."
"Two tickets to Lusmait... We have two schedules for this trip, sir. One ship leaves in 45 minutes but has only first-class flats. Another ship leaves in 8 hours, and we have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd class rooms. Which do you prefer?" She said while looking at a screen that displayed this information.
Minos wanted to reach his destination as soon as possible, so he said. "Let's go on the first ship that leaves."
"OK, 2 tickets to Lusmait in 1st class on ship 666. That will cost a thousand high-grade crystals." She said, revealing a rather high cost for a trip that would take less than a week by ship.
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