/ History / the rise of romania

the rise of romania Original

the rise of romania

History 90 Capítulos 159.5K Visitas

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In 1889, a boy was born in Peres Palace in Romania. Blessed with knowledge of the distant future, join him on his journey, lifting Romania from the balkans to the top of the world and never looking back.

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  1. Repo_Games
    Repo_Games Contribuido 27
  2. Steven_Mitchell_0668
    Steven_Mitchell_0668 Contribuido 22
  3. Vivek_Mehta_9468
    Vivek_Mehta_9468 Contribuido 15

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También te puede interesar


  • Calidad de Traducción
  • Estabilidad de las actualizaciones
  • Desarrollo de la Historia
  • Diseño de Personajes
  • Antecedentes del mundo

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the novel is great so far the one that irk me is Chinese naming instead of romanian. author i have a question is the naming of future military vehicles like truck, tank , airplane, jet and warships still Chinese or ROMANIAN

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I love this genre of novels. Very hard to come by on this app. Its giving off strong tyranny of steel vibes.

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