In the year 2024, an ordinary Maratha man from modern India finds himself mysteriously transported back to 1689, moments before one of the most pivotal events in Indian history—the execution of Sambhaji Maharaj, the warrior-king of the Maratha Empire. Armed with a mysterious technology system that offers him rewards and knowledge based on the points he earns, the protagonist is thrust into a dangerous mission: to save Sambhaji Raje from execution by Aurangzeb’s forces and prevent the fall of the Maratha Empire.
However, the protagonist is no seasoned warrior—he is timid, cautious, and completely out of place in this violent era. Through gradual technological advancements, military strategy learned through gaming, and deep respect for Sambhaji Maharaj, he must navigate the treacherous political landscape, using his modern understanding of economics, strategy, and guerilla warfare to support the Maratha Empire.
Over the course of his journey, he uncovers the betrayal that led to Sambhaji's capture, faces the might of Aurangzeb’s empire, and helps Sambhaji reclaim his throne while planning for the long-term goal of creating Akhand Bharat—a unified India. Together, they plot for freedom, but can history be rewritten, or will the legacy of the lion be cut short once more?
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Escribe una reseñai cannot believe i have stumbled upon this. I have always wondered what history would have been of raje was saved. please please continue ... im dying to see how you portray Raje and MCs interaction.
The story is good, but the latest chapters seem to have he same content, and they are not defined properly. But good job
Autor lavanasur
i like it very much . Chatrpati sambhaji maharaj is my favourite . Restore the eyes and don't make a complex plot which is hard to read