Hello, this is my first time writing a fanfiction. If you notice any errors, please feel free to give me constructive feedback. English is not my first language, so if you notice any mistakes, please mention them in the comment section at the end of the chapter. Let's begin the story!
Word Count: 4360 Words
Shock rippled through the room. "Isn't that the same class as Lord Ulbert?" Mare gasped.
Demiurge nodded, answering with a trace of disdain. "Yes, it is indeed one of my creator's classes. To grant such a title to a weakling is an insult to the Supreme Beings. It's an offense that demands a thousand deaths, but they've taken this sacrilege even further."
Ainz felt a pang of unease. The title wasn't unfamiliar, and the idea of another player with it arriving in this New World sent his mind racing. 'A Doppelgänger shouldn't be able to copy a World Tier class when they transform. So how could this being take that form, assuming he's a single person and this is one of his forms?'
Unaware of Ainz's silent pondering, Demiurge continued. "His third known form is that of a Human. In this form, he's called the God of Magic, supposedly a being capable of wielding every spell in existence."
Ainz scoffed inwardly, his skeptical nature kicking in. 'A "God of Magic," indeed. That title sounds more like a bluff.'
Their conversations were interrupted by the sound created from Cocytus's weapon clashing against the floor. Cocytus scoffed as as he interrupted Demiurge. "It's blasphemy for anyone to call themselves the God of Magic in Lord Ainz's presence."
His remark stirred a chorus of agreement among the Guardians. Calming them took a moment, but once order was restored, Ainz gestured for Demiurge to continue.
Demiurge resumed, "The fourth known avatar is that of a Titan or Giant. This one seems particularly offensive to Lord Touch Me, as it's said that this avatar is known as the World Champion and has the strength to lift the world itself."
The Guardians were more flabbergasted than ever before. Ainz tried to gauge the supposed power of this avatar, though he found the claims hard to believe. 'In all of Yggdrasil, there was no player even close to this level of strength. This "Supreme God" sounds more like a child making grandiose claims or a bad actor fooling people with tales of his own supposed power. As for World Champion part, there were indeed two Giants with World Champion Class. Could he be one of them? While also being the rest of the stuff he spoke off.'
'And who in their right mind would call themselves the Fool?'
His silent question went unanswered as Demiurge continued, "The last known avatar is referred to as the Ruler of Death, the Overlord, and the very embodiment of Death itself." This final title seemed to push the Guardians to the edge, prompting Ainz to rise from his throne to calm them. If he hadn't, most of them would have likely marched out, calling for the head of this mysterious god's cult—a cult which, for all they knew, might have perished a thousand years ago.
"Demiurge," Ainz said at last, a note of curiosity hidden in his tone, "could you elaborate on the True Name of this being, so they might better understand the matter?" In truth, it was his own curiosity gnawing at him, but he couldn't afford to voice it.
To Ainz's surprise, Demiurge bowed, a sly smile curling his lips. "I suspected you might have caught on to this, my lord. All evidence so far does indeed suggest that this being hails from Yggdrasil. But there's one detail that has even me baffled."
The other Guardians watched, sharing Ainz's astonishment. If even Demiurge was perplexed, this mystery must be a substantial one.
Demiurge continued, "There is no description of his True Name. Based on my research, none of his followers have even seen his true form. They only claim to have visited his realm, which they describe as lying in another dimension containing multiple worlds. He has servants—somewhat similar 'apostles' or 'angels' —living in this realm. To the people of this world, it would seem like another dimension with each floor representing different worlds, much like our Great Tomb of Nazarick."
"And?" Shalltear questioned impatiently. "What is there to fear about this, Demiurge? If he has a guild base, we'll destroy it for daring to insult the Supreme Beings."
Albedo added her agreement. "Anyone who would sully the names of the Supreme Beings deserves a thousand deaths."
Ainz sighed at their resolve. But his mind kept returning to the idea of this supposed guild, wondering if he might know this player or guild from Yggdrasil. Was it a famous guild back then? Was this "Supreme God" bluffing, or did he somehow really possess such power?
'Could this be the work of a Doppelgänger? But Doppelgängers can't inherit World Tier classes. Is he simply bluffing? Or could each avatar be an NPC in his guild? But even then, how could they possess such rare classes? Plus the players can't take Dragon Race.'
Lost in thought, Ainz leaned back, waiting to unravel this mystery layer by layer.
After sharing all he had uncovered, Demiurge turned to Ainz with an air of finality. "This True Name is a concept with many layers. According to the texts found in the ruins, only a select few were entrusted with the Supreme Being's true name. In their devotion, this cult worships a giant eye as the Fool—a part of the so called Fool, it is said to manifest when the True Name of their god is spoken. To them, this manifestation is proof of his omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence."
Ainz was taken aback by the notion. There had been no such item or skill or ability in Yggdrasil. If it had existed, 'surely it would have been a World Item, though one of dubious usefulness in Yggdrasil. There exists no skill like this as far as my knowledge extends,' he mused. 'Could this individual be a player wielding a unique World Item?'
Lost in thought, Ainz fast-forwarded through the details Demiurge had shared. 'Such an item would've been a cheat—a nightmare for developers to develop and balance. Its implications are far more dangerous here, in this new world. Living in fear of even uttering his True Name? Or perhaps… could the "Fo..." actually be his name? Demiurge, how could you…'
Ainz's gaze swept over the hall, landing on each Guardian. Notably, each present held a World Item, a subtle reminder of Demiurge's meticulous planning. Ainz was silently struck by the lengths Demiurge had gone to protect Nazarick.
"What happened to those summoned demons, Demiurge?" Ainz finally asked.
"I disposed of them, my lord. I couldn't risk any possibility of them linking Nazarick to this unknown guild," Demiurge replied, his tone unwavering.
Satisfied, Ainz grew silent once more, considering the serious implications of what Demiurge had uncovered.
With a nod of permission from Ainz, Demiurge resumed. "This cult existed in peace for some time, but eventually drew the attention of the Dragon Lords which caused their downfall. Of it wasn't a sham by some greedy men and if it existed, the chances of it to have survived to this day is slim but not impossible.
Hmm! Their god, if he existed, turned a blind eye, leaving his followers to govern themselves. So, they lived undisturbed until the day a man emerged—one who would become their leader and, as it's claimed, the prophet of the Fool."
"A prophecy?" Shalltear questioned, her curiosity piqued.
"Yes," Demiurge replied, directing his response toward her. "Though I believe it to be nothing more than the ramblings of an opportunist—a man who found his way into power by exploiting their beliefs. These lines from the prophecy were all we could recover from the ruins."
A hushed silence fell over the room as Demiurge continued.
"The Supreme One—the God, the Creator, and Destroyer of the Root of Everything—he who has fallen into slumber will one day open his eyes and cleanse this world, reshaping it in the image of his own desire.
When the world reaches the depths of its darkest era, when death and evil from the outside threaten to consume his sheeps, he shall awaken, and his gaze alone shall purge the blasphemers. The world shall be engulfed in his divine form. Bathing everything in his hue."
Demiurge paused after relaying the prophecy, giving his words time to settle.
Ainz and the Guardians absorbed the foreboding message, each contemplating its meaning. Ainz pondered how such a prophecy might have won over the hearts of these people, imagining the influence of this so-called prophet. 'He must have been quite the actor and orator…or perhaps a true prophet. But what does this "death and evil from the outside" signify? Could it mean us—the players? Were these people somehow aware of players?'
'If so, why hadn't this Supreme God made his presence known in history? Aside from this ruin, he seems to have no trace in this world. It's as if he doesn't exist and is just a dream shared by some madmen.'
There were countless questions but no answers, leaving Ainz and the Guardians of Nazarick at an impasse. With the final piece of Demiurge's report relayed, the meeting came to an end, each member of Nazarick departing with their thoughts weighed down by the mystery.
Sefirah Castle,
The Root, New World,
Overlord Verse
Bruce stroked the soft fur of the small, white creature resting in his hands and sighed. "Let's leave you with him for a while," he said, his words drifting softly to no one in particular. And with that, he teleported.
Floor 26 – Astral Plane / Magical Realm,
The Root
Materializing in a recreation of the Astral Plane from LotM, Bruce appeared in the grand ruins of a vast castle. His footsteps echoed softly as he strolled down the lengthy hall lined with towering pillars on either side. Ahead, a grand staircase led upward. Climbing the stairs, Bruce glanced up at the starry night sky or the very space above, his thoughts wandering.
'I'll be meeting with World after this. It's better if Tower isn't present then, even if we can communicate telepathically. There's a lot to discuss and talk about. Leaving him out would be for the better..'
Finally reaching the summit, he crossed the open floor where massive pillars stood at each corner. There, a colossal creature awaited him, drawing a warm smile to his face. With anticipation, he spoke.
"Arceus, it's been too long. I trust you've been well?"
The great being rose in response, bowing low before its master and the Ruler of the Root. "I am well, my lord. Your presence brings me great joy. Had you called for me, I would have come myself."
With Giant plates revolving at its back.
Bruce waved off the offer. "No need, Arceus. Besides, I suppose it's been ages since I last visited you. It may feel like forever, but a year or two shouldn't affect you much, should it?"
Surprised by his master's nonchalant response, Arceus could only nod, fully aware that Bruce—epitome of all existence—regarded even a thousand years as a fleeting moment.
"Enough of the small talk," Bruce said, extending his hand to reveal the small, white creature. "I'd like you to look after this little fellow."
Arceus peered closely, sensing the creature's latent power. Though not overtly destructive, it still emanated a quiet lethality. Impressed by what he saw, Arceus bowed to the Fool, accepting the charge entrusted to him.
Bruce teleported back to the castle's entrance, gazing at the fortress looming in the distance. As he approached, the floor guardians—small, floating entities or Pokémon known as Unowns—emerged from the grey fog enshrouding the castle. They hovered around him, singing a soft, entrancing melody, and swirling in circles that momentarily obscured his vision.
Bruce chuckled, reaching out to pet a few of them before addressing the group. "I'm happy to see you all, too. Has she arrived yet?"
The Unowns hummed and nodded in unison. With a sigh, Bruce instructed them, "I'll come to visit you later. For now, could you stay in the Null Void for a while? There's something I need to discuss with her."
The creatures hummed their understanding, and Bruce produced a remote from his inventory, opening a portal to the Null Void. The Unowns drifted through it, and once the last one had passed, he closed the portal and continued toward the castle.
Inside, the castle remained as he remembered it: a vast chamber dominated by a massive table lined with fourty nine chairs on each side, with two additional seats at either end. It was an image seared into his mind from countless visits, and not unlike what he'd seen upon returning from the Nasuverse. Now, however, one thing had changed—a woman in a white dress was slouched over the head of the table, asleep.
Bruce couldn't help but notice the peculiarity of her position. She had chosen his place at the table.
He sighed and walked toward her. The familiar ache of homesickness from being stranded in a foreign universe washed over him, overpowering any fleeting feeling of betrayal. After all, it wasn't truly betrayal—not when her decisions had prioritized his interests, whether he'd asked for it or not.
There was also the small comfort of knowing that should World ever truly turn on him, the ROB would have reset her. Seeing her peacefully asleep reminded him that she had stayed loyal. 'It.. I guess it wasn't a betrayal,' he mused. 'I understand her in a way. I had no deep attachment to Destroyer… though what was her in-game name again? It's Odd that I remember her real name—Akane—but not her character's name.'
As he approached, Bruce thought of the companions he'd left behind in the Nasuverse and back in Yggdrasil. His feelings toward them had softened with time; those who once seemed like mere background characters had grown faintly nostalgic in his memory. While many of them had faded from his memories. Domitor was one such example. His journey had changed him.
'Perhaps World acted as she did because she could only access my memories, not my perspective on them. She can recall what happened but not what I thought or felt, so it's easy to imagine her making a mistake.'
A smile tugged at his lips as he approached the chair where World rested.
'After all the battles I've fought and the supposed life-and-death struggles I endured in the Nasuverse, I can't help but look back on my old life in Yggdrasil and laugh a bit. Time has changed my perspective. I suppose, in the end, it's true what they say—time heals all wounds and reveals new facets to old memories. I can't help but laugh, remembering those days.'
And as he looked at her there, his smile widened.
'Funny, even endearing, how life in Yggdrasil has left its mark on me. And how my perspective has changed. Thinking of her actions back then, I guess it's funny or even cute for the matter.'
Completing his inner monologue, Bruce took his time walking up to World, savoring the moment and letting memories of the past drift over him like a familiar breeze. When he reached her, he gently nudged her awake. She had fallen asleep—or perhaps feigned it—after entering the Sefirah Castle, while Bruce had been off visiting Arceus to drop off Tower.
Upon Bruce's arrival in the Overlord Verse, his connection with World had been restored, though he knew that only ROB held the power to sever or mend that link. Along with the connection, his memories of the Nasuverse had also started flowing into World. She had laid her head on the table to process the information, analyzing his memories with care.
As he nudged her, World's eyes fluttered open, and she stretched languidly, reaching an arm up as she awoke. Relaxing back into her chair, she stretched comfortably, speaking as if to the air around her. "Finally... after a thousand years."
Bruce chuckled at her theatrics, finding it funny in a way only he could. In response, he climbed up onto the table, seating himself cross-legged, propping his elbow on his lap and resting his chin on his palm. He turned to her with a grin, playing along. "Wow, that's a long time," he mused.
Feigning a hurt expression, she replied, "You're certainly laid-back, for someone who up and disappeared on us. A thousand years with no word? Cruel, don't you think?" Her tone turned playful as she added, "So, how was your journey?"
"Pretty dull, actually. And is that question really necessary? You have my memories, don't you?" He gave her a lazy stare, clearly amused. "So... how long has it been? And what did I miss?"
Feigning the same hurt expression, World sighed dramatically. "Trust issues much, don't you? But yes, to be precise, it's been one thousand and one years since we arrived in this new world."
Her response startled him, and she stood up, stepping behind the chair, resting her head on its back. Her eyes held his as she continued, "Though you didn't miss much. We ended up being teleported into the past, actually. Only a week ago, Ainz finally conquered E-Rantel." She straightened her hair, combing through it, speaking with a sly smile. "Though I must say, you seemed to enjoy the journey—meeting all those girls must have been fun, hmm?"
It was new territory for him. In neither his past nor present life had he ever grown close to anyone who could be described as of opposite gender or a female to be precise. Despite the occasional crush, he had always deemed relationships a hassle and pain. So, chatting with World in this way felt different. Although they'd had countless conversations when he was still Bruce Wayne, this time it hit him in a way he hadn't anticipated. She ticked every box in his taste when it came to looks, and their synergy had reached its peak long ago. As if her body was designed with his preferences.
Talking with World felt natural, but he knew he had to keep himself in check lest he broke out laughing at her antics. Trying to maintain the flow, he replied, "Still, a thousand years is a long time. I can understand Arceus's reaction a bit better now when I offhandedly said thousand years was like a year or two to me. So, how did you pass the time, anyway?"
With a slightly bored expression, as if swallowing something bitter, she said, "Well, with the guild in lockdown, there wasn't much to do. I already know everything in the library, after all. So, I just kept replaying your memories on a loop—from your past life all the way to the end of the Yggdrasil Game, when you were Bruce Wayne." She paused, giving him a sideways glance. "Though you still haven't answered my question. How was it, being the Knight in Shining Armor for all those girls?"
Bruce couldn't contain his laughter, and World joined in, both caught up in the shared moment. Standing up, he theatrically pulled a dark, ominous sword from seemingly nowhere, its blade radiating a negative energy. Striking a dramatic pose, he turned to her with a smirk. "More like the Tentacle Eldritch God in Shining Armor or a Suit," he declared, dropping back into his seat.
World pulled herself up onto the chair, letting her long dress fall around her in an elegant sweep. With a playful look, she said, "My, how reliable. And yet, to leave this weak, delicate damsel in distress for a thousand years while you cavorted about with other girls..." She watched him from the corner of her eye, clearly enjoying his reactions and the expressions flitting across his face. Turning to face him, she continued, her voice softening. "After watching your memories—all those movies, shows, books—there was even a moment when I wished I had a gallant knight to protect me."
A small laugh escaped her as she tried to stifle it, then she laid her head down on his thigh, resting her head comfortably on his knee. Bruce felt the weight of the thousand years since her arrival settle around him. 'Time really does change people,' he mused to himself. 'And a thousand years is no small thing.' He had to admit he was getting caught up in her rhythm, perhaps overlooking the enormity of time that had passed. Even missing three seasons of Overlord canon.
With a smile, he said with a hint of detachment, "I don't think you're quite the weak or delicate damsel in distress you play. That role seems better suited for your enemies. And besides, that draconic aura of yours isn't exactly subtle." Gently running his fingers through her hair, he continued as she tilted her head to look at him, "I'm guessing you fused your avatar with the World Devourer, didn't you? I think that makes you my Gallant Knight now."
She giggled, nodding at his guess. "My dear Overlord of Mysteries, the Great Fool... aren't you underestimating yourself quite a bit?"
"Maybe," he replied, nonchalantly. She sighed at his lackluster response and rose from her seat, smoothing her hair. Adjusting a few strands, she said, "Still, didn't you bring me anything from your journey? Surely you had enough time to think of a gift, no?"
Sighing at her playful insistence, he said tiredly, "An assistant like you really is one of a kind. I can't tell if I'm lucky or cursed. But what exactly would I have gotten you from the Nasuverse?"
Eyes twinkling, she leaned in with a mischievous grin. "Oh, perhaps that locket you keep so carefully sealed?"
Curiosity piqued, he settled more comfortably as he asked, "Why would that abomination of an item even catch your interest? The risk hardly seems worth its beauty."
Sighing at his obliviousness, she extended her hand with an expectant look. Reluctantly, but with a smile, he placed the small box containing the locket in her open palm.
Taking out the locket, she turned away from him. "You won't put it on me yourself? It's quite the challenge with all this hair," she teased.
"And why would you risk wearing it?"
"Isn't it bound to your soul? There's a pact between you and it. And besides, I'm immortal—I'll go when you go, I won't die before you, nor after you, my Gallant Knight."
Laughing softly at her response, he fastened the locket around her neck. She raised her hand and cast a spell with a gentle grace. "Greater Creation Item, Mirror."
Admiring her reflection, she twirled around in delight, admiring the look of the locket, a small, pleased giggle escaping her.
Stepping down from the table, Bruce extended his arm to her. "Shall we, my Delicate Damsel in Distress? Call all the Guardians first thing tomorrow. You choose the location." Linking arms with him, she smiled and replied, "I'll handle it. So... what now?"
Bruce grinned. "I'll rest. Maybe goof around a bit. Let's forget about the Overlord Verse, the Guild, and just... enjoy today. Doing whatever we fancy."
She chuckled. "An interesting idea. Let's go."
**The End**
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