Hello, this is my first time writing a fanfiction. If you notice any errors, please feel free to give me constructive feedback. English is not my first language, so if you notice any mistakes, please mention them in the comment section at the end of the chapter. Let's begin the story!
Word Count: 4600 Words
Note: Just a reminder that I've changed the Guild Auxiliary chapter. I've made some changes to it. I've removed a couple of NPCs and added a few.
I am aware that the previous four chapters aren't that good. I felt them lacking and wrong. There are mishmash of words that makes it difficult to read simultaneously.
There must also be many mistakes in them. Though I'm not sure what it is but I've tried improving this chapter.
You can give this chapter a chance and tell me if it is good.
I've tried reading them after uploading, they don't just feel right. Two weeks of break or it might be all the all-nighters I pulled for two weeks. I don't know what it is, but I'm missing something.
It might also be few Fanfics I'm reading here at web novel though the story is great, the grammar and storytelling isn't that great. That could also be influencing me. I'll be frank, I'm very easily influenced by the works I read.
In an Unknown part of Europe,
In a village far from any major cities. It was an isolated and abandoned village. The village was covered by valleys and forests on all sides. It was isolated and abandoned enough to be long forgotten by most of the world.
Adjacent to the village was a hill. Upon the hill sat an old castle. The Castle similar to the village had been abandoned centuries ago. It was abandoned due to the plague. At least the world assumed it to be because of a plague.
Most of the historians believed it as such.
But in reality, it had been abandoned due to a curse cast by the Magus who used to inhibit the Castle. Those who came died a torturous death. Even the mages that came later to solve the issue died by the curse. Left with no other option, it had been decided by the Mage's Association to leave the Castle and the Village as it is.
It was an abandoned village until a few days ago.
It was an abandoned village and it would have stayed as such if not Bruce. Bruce was in search of a hideout, overlooked by the residents of this world. Plus he needed cash and other accessories that he may require to use during his stay in this world.
He used one of the World Items he had brought with him to this world to cleanse the curse afflicting the village.
Presently Bruce stood at the top of the castle overlooking the village.
'Who knew the Holy Grail could also heal places? And that includes curses.'
Bruce thought back to his meeting with Gilgamesh.
'Sakura was shocked by his revelations. She is devastated by the fact that she houses a fragment of the corrupted holy grail.'
Sakura after Gilgamesh's departure looked at The Fool, the god she had summoned, looking for answers.
Despite her insistence for answers, Bruce gave her no answer.
'She might be in a state of shock now. I have told her to rest. But I should get back to her soon.'
Bruce after contemplating his decision teleported inside the Castle.
A lone man could be seen watching a wrestling match sitting comfortably on a bean bag in a room of the very Castle.
"HIT HIM. Just give him a fucking RKO, dammit."
The man was too engrossed in the match as he watched two grown men wrestle in their innerwear in front of a huge crowd, no less. As the match entered its final stage, the man was at the edge, ready to jump.
He intently watched as the opposite man fell, and the referee started the countdown.
He repeated with the referee.
"7, 8, 9 & 10. There you go. That's how you fucking do it."
The man unable to contain his joy, jumped around the room, celebrating the win.
Jumping around celebrating the win, when his eyes wandered to the balcony of his room.
He was startled as he jumped back scared. A man wearing a suit was sitting on the rail of the balcony.
"Oh! It seems you have been enjoying yourself well. I take it that there was no problem in my absence."
The man though scared, looked closely at the man with a suit.
"It's you."
The man calmed himself as he watched the man in a suit for any reaction to his earlier outburst. Seeing The Fool raise his eyebrows at his reaction. He prostrates himself on the floor begging for mercy.
"I'm sorry, oh! Great Fool. I will not commit such transgressions again."
Bruce sighed as looked at the real Fool who was prostrating on the floor.
"Enough of this nonsense. Tell me, did you do it?"
The Man known as X16, checked The Almighty Fool's reaction. Seeing that the Fool had entered the room and was checking out the music player he had bought.
After making sure that the Fool had moved past him, he got up and moved to the table beside the television which he had used to watch the match.
X16 sat on the chair and booted up his computer.
"I'm almost done with it. The location you're asking for is very difficult to find. Does this place hold any special significance to you, Mr. Fool?"
Bruce kept the record back at the stack.
"Despite being in your 20s, you still fancy such old records, X. Enough to buy this antique Gramophone."
"My caretaker used to listen to them. Growing up, that's all I have listened to. So, you could say it's a habit now. As for the Gramophone, I got it from the Blackmarket. Do you wish for one as well? Currently, there is an antique Gramophone on auction.
It's better than this one if you do want it. Just say a word and I'll place the order. The auction is going to close today at midnight."
"Wouldn't that mean that I am very lucky to have come to meet you today wouldn't it? Place the order and get some classical orchestra and other music records for me with it."
"It will be done, sir."
X16 paused his work as he looked back at Mr. Fool. He looked at how The Fool was checking out the records and thought back to what he had seen in the eyes of the one known as The Fool.
The Temple and all those people sacrificing themselves to him.
It gave him goosebumps whenever he thought of it. Even now he has nightmares thinking of the city he saw in those eyes.
He knows not of such a city, if whether it exists but everything he had seen with The Fool proved his hypothesis.
His every move cemented his hypothesis leaving no room for doubt.
'The Fool is an Alien God. He has come here to participate in some Holy Grail War. Though a being of his stature wouldn't need a wishing granting chalice.'
He was sure of it.
The Alien God or a popular term used by Litterateur to call someone like him an Eldritch God or an Outer God is only here for his amusement. He was here To play with the forces of Earth.
'Oh! I'm sure this is no coincidence. You knew it and you are here. You can never Fool me with your deceptions Mr Fool.
If one day you were to tell me that you are a normal human being with some powers or you used to be a human. Believing the Earth to flat and we are in a simulation is more believable than you being a normal homosapien.'
In this abandoned village, Bruce was not alone. With him was X16. X16 though not from the village was a hacker who was dragged here by Bruce.
Bruce was confounded by his money problem. He had all the gold and the riches the world had to offer. Now, with his Yggdrasil currency, Ring of Draupnir and Gate of Babylon he didn't have to ever worry about money.
Though he had all the gold and gems, this itself gave rise to a new problem. One which most would welcome with open arms. He had gold but had no paper money or a bank account with any currency that was usable in this world.
He could exchange gold and gems for money but for what? Cash? How much would he exchange? There was a limit to the amount of money he could use. Storage was never a problem for him but when it came to buying stuff. He couldn't just drop a bag filled with money every time and not expect the people to roll with it.
To not have to hypnotize people every time he made a big purchase, he came up with a better plan. To hire a hacker to manage his assets. Usually, World would have handled all these chores.
He still had the good consciousness to not rob people or it would be better said that his pride refrained him from doing it. So, he had the hacker create a fake identity for himself.
Gave him the gold and a few gems to exchange for money and crypto. Later use the identity to create multiple bank accounts to deposit the money. Bruce was using him as a scapegoat.
Bruce when he thought of the problem had used the Well of Urd, one of the 8 World Items he had brought with him to the Fate Verse. Using the first mode of operation had led him to the hacker. Later using divination he had located X and kidnapped him to the abandoned village.
"So, X. How long do you think you would need to track it?"
"I've already closed in on the location. I've managed to get the approximate spot of what you described."
X replied to The Fool as he projected the map of a region on the Big Television hung on a stand.
"I've shortened the search result to this place here. The place you're asking for is somewhere in this 89 km radius region. If you wish for a more accurate location, we will need a good archaeologist to help us."
"That is good. So, you'll need an archaeologist huh? Take this"
X picked up the emblem that the Fool had placed on his table. He looked it over, wondering what it was.
"It's a teleportation item. With it, you should be able to teleport to any location you have been to before. It runs on mana, one full charge should help you use it 10 times.
Then you will need to again charge it. I've already charged it once. Also, I've mailed you some pictures of the possible location with some clues.
That should help you. As I've said, do this and I will give you enough gold to last you a lifetime."
X was shocked to hear what the emblem was for. He could have never guessed for something like it to exist. He turned around to ask more questions about the emblem to the Fool, but the Fool had left.
'I wonder what is hidden in that location for an Eldritch God to take an interest. From what I've seen, he is not desperate to find it. He is just interested in it, well whatever is in there.
I wonder what important thing is hidden in the region of the old Kingdom of Uruk? An item that could interest an Eldritch God must be something very special and important.
An item, more important than the Holy Grail. Huh! I doubt it, what could be more important than an Omnipotent Wish Granting Chalice?
I wish I could participate in the War but facing Arthur Pendragon or Hercules does sound dangerous.
Getting your wish granted that is if you are alive till the end.
Though they are strong players in this game. But I doubt even they would have imagined an Eldritch God to happen on their game.
I should get to work, but The Fool is a tolerant being. He is quite a lax guy. Nothing like those Eldritch Gods mentioned in the novels.
He even humoured me for his reason for being here on the planet. Even told me the history of the so-called Holy Grail War.
What sort of Eldritch God would be so relaxed? Going by his personality, there must be some antique piece hidden in the Ancient City of Uruk that he is interested in or must have forgotten on his last visit.
Equal exchange huh! He did say that He believes in equal exchange. So something like the law of conservation or the law of equal exchange.'
Fuyuki City, Japan
Bruce teleported inside the Matou Mansion as he made his way to the room he had chosen for his tentative stay here at the Mansion.
He sat down at the study to read the Book on Magic that he had yet to complete.
'I've sent him the pictures I got from Well of Urd. He should be able to find it by this week. As for Sakura, I'll have to handle it today.'
Bruce was engrossed in his reading when the room got darker. As if the very darkness was eating away at the light in his room. Sensing the anomaly, Bruce puts down the book.
"What's the update?"
Answering his call, an Arch Shadow Demon rose from the ground. The Demon escaped the embrace of shadow, and the effects of his arrival took effect.
The darkness embraced the room, darkening it. In the room with no light, the Shadow Demon kneeled before The Fool.
Upon coming to this World, Bruce summoned a special Demon, a unique demon that requires an item to summon in the game.
It was a high-level Demon but was weak when it came to defence. It had considerable power for its level, a level 80 summon.
'Shadow Demons are quite weak and could be detected by the Servants.
Whereas the Arch Shadow Demon specializes in staying undetected. You will need a level 100 player specialising in Assassin or Ranger build with the best detection skills to be able to sense them. They were part of the limited item queue in the cash shop.
Though I have used the cash shop item to summon this one. But I have the Crown of Shadows after beating the Shadow Dungeon.
It's a World Item that I had gotten from the dungeon two months before the End of the Game. With it, I can summon Him with no cost, but sadly it's in the Guild.
I suppose the Guild is in the New World.
I wonder how everyone at the Guild is doing? In the New World without their Master the World with them. She should manage.
I should move to the New World as soon as possible. Seeing that I was summoned to fight in the Holy Grail. Maybe finishing the War could take me back to the Guild in the New World.'
Bruce sighed thinking of the future and turned his head to look at the Arch Shadow Demon he had summoned to keep an eye on the school where Sakura, Rin, Shirou and Shinji attend classes.
"So, what is it Shadow?"
Seeing its Master, Shadow was too excited and it couldn't control its feelings. He ran back to his Master and knelt in front of The Fool as a lost puppy to its master. Bruce could imagine Shadow wagging its tail despite it having no tail.
"Oh! Supreme One, my Master who compasses the whole of existence in his palm. I've completed the task you had assigned me.
As the Supreme One foretold the strings of Fate, it played out as the Supreme One had surmised. The Mortal named Rin saved the mortal Shirou. Shirou also managed to summon a Servant who was later attacked by the one you had described as Lancer and Archer.
Now, those mortals have left their abode to meet with the priest. These foolish mortals, think of themselves as the Masters of their Fate, when it is the Great Supreme One pulling the strings of Fate.
They surely do not realise it but they are puppets dancing at every turn, moving at the behest of their Marionette The Great Supreme One, The Fool.
Your servant cannot fathom what you can see, my lord. Fate is but a servant serving the whims of the Supreme One."
Bruce got lost in the strings of Fate as he listened to everything the Shadow had to say. Now having given its report and completed its task, Arch Shadow Demon expectantly looked at The Fool asking for praise. Also, waiting for its new orders.
'That was extreme. So this is what Momonga had to take. I think I can now understand his pain a bit. It's not bad to hear your subordinate praise you. But when you are running against time, it becomes quite a hassle. I do not wish to miss their fight with Hercules.'
Shadow expectantly looked at The Fool feeling happy for completing its task. Shadow looked The Fool in the eye in happiness. It was then that it saw. Thousands and Thousands of worms sprayed across tar-like substances. All stitched together in human form. Unlike the worms it knew of, these worms had a single big eye at the centre.
Those eyes reminded it of those one-eyed Oni's. But these eyes were quite terrifying for it. It struck fear, madness and despair into anyone who dared to look at it without permission. It only had one thought looking at those eyes, that it could cause anyone, even himself included to lose their sanity if The Supreme One, The Fool wished.
Shadow straightened up as it looked at the Fool with reverence and devotion.
Bruce after contemplating the information he had received from Shadow, decided on his plan of action and then looked at the Shadow he had summoned. He was shocked to find the sudden change in its attitude.
It was at first pleased with itself for having completed the task, waiting to be praised like a puppy. But now, it was looking at him with devotion and reverence. It had the look of a fanatic
'To be honest that look of yours scares me a little bit. World! Help me with this mess.'
Bruce was in a conundrum, thinking of ways to give the best reply possible to the Arch Shadow Demon. He couldn't get himself to disappoint the lad.
Remembering those puppy dog eyes the Shadow gave him a moment prior was pulling away at his heart. He was having a tough time deciding on his answer when he sensed it.
The Arch Shadow Demon moved back to the shadows sensing Sakura's arrival. Though Bruce hadn't explicitly mentioned it to hide its existence from Sakura it was something innate to the Arch Shadow Demons.
They only showed themselves to their summoners. After all, they prided themselves on their scouting and infiltration skills.
Bruce looked as the Shadow returned into the shadows. Returning the light to illuminate the room, with just a second delay Sakura opened the door to Mr. Fool's room.
"I presume you have something you wish to ask of me?"
Facing the Fool's questioning right after entering his room, threw her off the game. She weakly asked him,
"How do you.."
"How do I know huh? For one, you are here in my room at such a late hour. You have never come to me at this time of the night before.
Secondly, you have a troubled expression on your face. I presume it is about what Gilgamesh said to you."
Having given up on the idle talk she had thought of before addressing the issue with The Fool. Sakura agreed with his statement.
"It is an interesting topic but I think you should meet the priest for this topic. He should shed some light few of your questions. After all, he used to be your father's student. He also is the overseer of this Holy Grail War. You should meet him just for formality."
'Also, because I have a few things I want cleared up. With this, I can finally find out which route this is. I'm sure it's not Sakura's route. If not, she would have already been taken over by Angra Mainyuu.
But I can't just throw away the chances of it being Sakura Route, as I have already killed Zouken. The progress in Sakura may be delayed. Seeing the development so far, I'm leaning towards this being Saber or Rin's route.'
Sakura is doubtful of why Mr Fool would suggest she meet the Priest. She still agrees with the suggestion.
"I'll meet the Priest as you have suggested Mr Fool. When do you think I should visit him?"
"Now is a good time. The Priest must be attending to other masters right about now. We can go after them."
"Okay", Sakura was unsure of the reason before but now. She had this nagging feeling. It wasn't her or the Blonde Guy that made her come to this room. The Blonde Guy and her had been playing the Fool's game all along. Without the others knowing about anything.
Now that she thought of it, was Gilgamesh the King of Heroes that she met the other day, The Blonde foreigner. She had been thinking of it. After meeting him, she tried recalling his name. But couldn't and yet Mr. Fool answered her question without even asking.
She had to know. Who he was ten years ago?
"Mr Fool, who is Gilgamesh and what is he doing here?"
"Oh! Gilgamesh was the Servant your father summoned. He survived the war to live to this day. He is quite tenacious."
It was a shock to her. There were a lot of questions she wished to ask but she told herself. She will have time to ask them. Now, only one question swirled around her mind. It was related to her survival after all.
"Mr Fool, did you not feel anger when he called you that?"
The Fool who had been reading the book from the moment she had entered the room. He had answered her every question while keeping his eyes still on the book. Looked away from the book placed the book down on the table and looked at her.
"Humans are quite different. Each is different from the other. While some are prideful some are humble. Gods are also different from one another and yet they are similar to humans in that regard. Some are kind and benevolent, and some are prideful and cruel.
Gilgamesh here is the famous King of Heroes. He is a Mongrel, there is no doubt about that. After all, he is 2/3rd Divine and 1/3rd Human. He has a Goddess for a mother and a Human King for a Father.
Moreover, why would I be bothered with what a mortal had to say? I blink and they are gone. That's the lifespan of a mortal like him. Yet, I do sometimes feel the need to show them their place. Throwing dirt upon me is an insult."
Sakura intently listened to what the Fool spoke. She was surprised to find him stopping midsentence. It was also the first time, Mr Fool had spoken to her for so long. Their every conversation so far had been short. She couldn't fathom the anger the Fool was feeling.
While The Fool was giving a speech he had thought of on the spot. He had been a fan of these contemplations and deep thoughts. Overthinking does throw a man in a loop. He liked thinking of abstract concepts. He did like philosophy.
Unlike Shadow, where he had to be direct with his message. Here he could play around with words. Sakura's question by itself was philosophical, which enabled him to go full-on philosophical mode.
He went on and on, unbeknownst to Sakura, who was fully engrossed in his answer and was contemplating the information he fed her. Bruce was sensitive to the environment. The room remained the same but he could see Darkness engulf what little light was illuminating the Mansion outside his room.
He could guess the reason, The Arch Shadow Demon was furious at Gilgamesh for insulting him. He had to say his true thoughts rather than circling with words. Something to please it and satisfy Sakura simultaneously.
"Gilgamesh is a prideful man. The truly powerful ones do not retaliate as barbarians. When you have power, when you are truly powerful when you are the strongest.
Most in such conditions do not work more trying to gain more strength. Some do, but for most of them, it is to remain at the top. They do it to satisfy their ego.
To Gilgamesh, he wouldn't be upset or bothered when a person retaliates after his bad-mouthing session. But when you do something that hurts his pride, then you can consider your revenge to be complete.
Most of them do wish to do such but they fail when he attacks back.
Well, that is not going to be a problem for me. I will play with him. But not now."
'I don't remember if it was Gianopoulos or Sidwell from Suits. I don't remember who said it but they spoke the truth. We are not in this for money, we are in it for winning and money is to just set the record straight. And another one was, we are in this to stick it to others. I wholly and solely believe in it.
Gilgamesh's provoking irked me but I stood down. I wasn't sure of my winning chances while protecting Sakura. But now, I will have my payback. He will have to wait, for starters, I could steal his prey.
Angra Mainyuu and Hercules could be next.
Me defeating him would beat the purpose. After Shirou is done with him, I could deliver the final message.
I'm a Gilgamesh fan but I'm for sure not into BDSM or anything similar. He is a very irritating person to talk to.'
Hearing it wasn't just Sakura who had calmed down thinking of the implications. The darkness that enveloped the Mansion, pulled back for the light to shine.
Whereas Sakura was treading a different path than Arch Shadow Demon. She was thinking of the implications of his statement.
She was confused by his answer a bit. She was sure of it, Mr Fool was playing with him and would play with him till he saw fit. In the end, he will cut off his wings throw him to despair and watch him burn.
It wasn't the only thing she could make out from his statement. It wasn't apparent but from what she could understand of it. Mr Fool viewed both Humans and Gods in the same light. To him, there is no difference between the two.
'Which only leads to one conclusion, that Mr Fool is someone beyond our understanding. He is above everything.'
**The End**
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