Hello, this is my first time writing a fanfiction. If you notice any errors, please feel free to give me constructive feedback. English is not my first language, so if you notice any mistakes, please mention them in the comment section at the end of the chapter. Let's begin the story!
Word Count: 3900 Words
Note: Just a reminder that I've changed the Guild Auxiliary chapter. I've made some changes in it. I've removed a couple of NPCs and added.
Sefirah Castle:
'What do you think about it, World? How is their performance?"
<Mediocre at best>
"That's harsh, but still this has gone on for a long now. If it weren't for my Guild and my isekai plan, I wouldn't have decreased the difficulty level of my Guild. If I were to go by those average isekai Guild rankings, from G to S. Here my Guild is SSS, better than the rating that's provided by those guilds. Now my SSS Guild dropped from SSS rating to D."
'Hm! I even had to take out most of the Area Guardians from their floors to reduce the difficulty and turn off most of the traps.'
"I have to say, it was a good guess from his side. With Five Elements Overcoming, I've made some good changes in my Guild base."
Floor 16: Atlantis
It was a tough fight but they still managed to beat it.
After they had slain the Floor Guardian, they stopped in the city to heal.
They didn't lose as many players as they had imagined. They had just lost 49 players on this floor.
"Areos I've settled all the work here."
"So have I. Let's wait for others. We can all go in at once from now. It's the sixteenth floor now, so the next floor must be the last one or we are near the end."
"Fine, Darkstar should be on his way."
"Oh! The Guild Master of The Son. Didn't his guild get annihilated on the ninth floor? It was their sacrifice that let us clear the floor."
"No, he along with another player from his guild survived it."
"That's great, Sakura call all the group leaders. We can have a meeting before we march into the Castle."
Answering his call, the leaders marched into the Fortress, created using a 10th-tier spell.
There were multiple hideouts laid out on the floor for players to rest and recover. They were healing themselves and others.
Waiting for the orders. Getting these many gamers to follow along is very difficult. Most of the players are rebellious and don't care much about anything.
They play to experience freedom, to escape reality. Just like they escaped from The Root Guild or were kicked out after getting killed.
Trinity or any other guild participating in this raid wasn't a god. Their decision wasn't absolute.
They were also players sitting with the console playing the game for their own reasons. They didn't have much power over others. They could leave anytime they wished.
Players were prideful and egoistic. They didn't give a damn about the game.
But still Areos, Sakura, Rak, Rokka and Kage did their best to guide the players in the raid.
Expecting social outcasts, NEETs, real-life winners, overconfident, Lazy Ambitious, etc. Expecting these people to follow rules, and maintain discipline for raids in a game was too much to ask for. They are selfish.
Everyone is busy thinking of themselves as the main character of the story. The dream is to come out and save others from crisis. To turn the tables and become a Hero.
It was a difficult path but the raid team had managed to come so far.
Areos and Sakura with DarkStar held the meeting with each of the leaders of all the groups. They decided on their next strategy in the meeting.
They have had a kind experience since they initiated the raid. They had been cut off from the outside. They couldn't contact others. The message wasn't usable.
They couldn't revive players killed by NPCs in the guild.
Though they could revive those killed by summoned monsters and mercenaries.
Still, they had persisted throughout their battles till this point.
Still, players could log out of the game, but in Yggdrasil when a player exits the game while in a raid, or battle and when in a quest or mission. It results in player death.
This also played a huge role as many players after getting tired of the raid and those who had work were left with no choice other than to quit the game.
After the meeting, they waited till everyone was together.
The Number of Players left is 580+.
After everyone had gathered together, the army moved forward.
With Areos in lead followed by other remaining Guild Masters.
They entered the giant Castle at the centre of the city.
Areos was in the lead, while the rest followed. As they had to still find their way to the next floor, they divided into groups to search the whole floor to find the exit.
Areos and Sakura were in charge of the Castle, in case other NPCs were lying in wait for them in the castle.
As they walked through the halls of the Castle, they had yet to find a single NPC or monster.
"It's awfully quiet here"
"We have defeated the Guardian of this floor. But I have to say, he sure has spent a lot of money to build this place. The work and the details are just amazing. Every floor is big."
"Yes, he sure is very rich. Oh! Are you having second thoughts now that you know exactly how rich he is and you have confirmed it yourself?"
"Oh! Please, I hate those rich bastards. We common people aren't even considered as humans in their eyes. We are no different than animals to them."
"Interesting, so who hurt you?"
"Why do you think that someone has hurt me?"
"You may not notice it but you spoke with high pitch while b*tching about rich people."
"Just ignore it."
They walked while admiring the works and details of craftsmanship used on the walls.
"This Castle is huge. It is big enough to fit 100 players."
"Yes, Sakura"
Areos and Sakura were each leading 49 players in their team. The rest of the players were evenly distributed across the whole floor, in their search for the way to the next floor.
They roamed the Castle while talking about the game and sharing some information that they deemed appropriate to share.
"So what's up with your Guild The Dragon Spirits?"
"I don't quite understand your question?"
"I've heard rumours that you guys aren't online most of the time. The time you spend on the game is also decreasing."
"Oh! It's just that, unlike this dude, we don't have as much free time as him. My parents are also pushing me to work in the family business to get some experience before I take over."
"Hmm! What's the difference between you and him? Both of you are from rich families aren't you?"
"That's true, but I think you are mistaking something here. Just look around, I'm in no capacity as rich as him. Yes, my parents own a small business, that I would possibly inherit but that's it. I don't have a lot of money to throw around like him."
"Yes. Yes. I get it. All you guys are the same."
"That's hurtful but I'll let it slide this time."
"I am not asking for forgiveness."
"Neither am I asking for it."
"Then why bother"
"True, so is life. So, Sakura what about you?"
"Well, you are asking about my life irl, I grew curious about yours?"
"I am living off my parents' money currently."
"What about finding a job? You are complaining about rich people, while you are jobless"
"I am job hunting but.."
"What they aren't hiring you because you are old"
"Who are you calling Old."
"I am sorry"
Areos saw a magic circle forming around her, and sidestepped to avoid the attack.
The place he was standing on had sustained damage.
"Hmph! I am 28 years old For your information."
"Oh! Just a year older than me"
"So, 27"
"Yes, what were you saying about Job Hunting?"
"Hmm! I don't usually like to share my story but whatever. I was harassed at my previous job by my boss. So I had to quit, now no companies want to hire me."
"It's fine, I am tired of people looking at me with those sympathetic eyes. If you do feel so bad then why can't they just hire me."
"Well, I'll see if there are any vacancies in my company."
"I wasn't saying it to you. I meant it for those people who rejected me after hearing about my previous workplace situation and the company name."
"If you don't mind, what company did you work for?"
"It's a big company you would have at least heard about it. It's YXZ."
"What is it?"
"Nothing, I'm just surprised. A company with a good reputation as theirs would have such a dark side."
"Which doesn't?"
"What is it?"
"Schhh! Can you hear the sound of the baby crying?"
Sakura was enjoying her time talking with him but suddenly saw him get serious. She switched gears and grew serious too. They were in a raid now. They had a lot running on this raid, they couldn't mess this up.
The sound he talked about, she could hear it now. It got louder with each passing second.
"I can hear it."
"It's coming from there, let's go"
"What? Are you scared?"
"Then what's the problem? This is just a game."
"I know that. What I meant is, aren't you rushing in blindly?"
"Well, that's the fun part here. What use is it, if you are in a game where you don't have to worry about recuperation your actions have. Well, most of them aren't important from a bigger perspective. You are playing it for enjoyment and fun. I am sure even this guy is playing it for fun and enjoyment. Just look at these places. I can't think of the fun he must have had while building this Guild. "
"Let's go"
"That's the spirit"
Seeing her follow along, both of them rushed down the hall. The sound they heard was coming from downstairs.
They moved with their speed, with Areos in the lead because of his monstrous stats as the World Champion.
While Sakura was a Magic Caster.
They arrived at an empty hall, and when they looked around they found other players to have also arrived at the place after hearing the sound.
With nearly 60 players out of 100 already arriving at the hall, they quickly got to work to find the source of the sound. But to not find anything.
They looked around and all they could hear was the sound.
They assembled at the Centre seeing Areos with Sakura to discuss about the sound.
It was when they heard it.
The sound of footsteps.
From a passage connected the hall, to deep within the castle. A man wearing a suit was walking towards them.
In his arms was what looked like a baby wrapped around in a piece of cloth.
He walked at his own pace. His steps though small, so was his speed. But here, he was near them.
As he closed in on them, they grew nervous.
Though no one said anything, there was one question in everyone's mind.
"What was a baby doing in a game?"
Soon he entered the hall, he walked till he was a good distance inside the hall.
Seeing him stop, they grew tense.
Readying their weapons to attack at the earliest.
He was wearing a suit with a long coat and a hoodie attached to it. It covered his face with the mask he was wearing.
It was a Fool's Mask that he had designed from Lotm.
Everyone grew curious about him.
He who walked through the passage, suddenly started singing a lullaby to soothe the baby.
They were on guard against the Mysteries foe.
Especially since they couldn't use appraisal on him. Usually, appraisal indicates whether the opposite person is a player or NPC, if not the stats when he or she has not taken countermeasures against it.
But here they couldn't get anything from him.
Unknown to them, it was God's title at work preventing others from using divination against him.
He came to a stop, after getting to the Centre of the hall. Standing there, he swiped one of his arms through the air, corresponding to his action, an obsidian altar materialised in front of him.
"Create Greater Item"
"He used a spell to create a greater item for it. But it's not one of the items you can create using it."
"It can't be Creation, a super tier spell. Hmm!"
Everyone was on guard.
Ignoring the other occupants in the hall, the masked Fool, set the infant down on the altar.
His every action made others nervous.
With another swipe from his arm, a giant magic circle formed on the altar, with the baby at the centre.
After the magic circle formation was completed, he clapped his hands together and started a ritual.
The players grew more nervous than ever.
Unable to handle the situation, many players lost their calm seeing a scene that would have come straight from a horror movie.
Areos himself was unwilling to take the risk of letting the masked man complete the ritual.
The words were spoken in an unknown language, the foul tongue that caused damage to the players after every stanza.
The decreasing HP, wouldn't have made much difference to the max-level players.
Seeing it, he with others attacked the masked man.
It was the casters who got to him first, spells were rained on him. The warriors slashed him.
Despite the attacks, the masked man refused to budge or defend.
The air crackled with forbidden magic as The Fool chanted in a cursed tongue. The infant's cries echoed, morphing into guttural sounds that twisted the mind.
The damage had been done, with the last strike from Aroes, The Masked Man was on his last leg. A single attack could kill him.
Just when they slowed down, they saw him weakened. They were sure of their victory. It was not until they heard his voice.
The Man who had been silent the whole time when they attacked, except for chanting.
"With this treasure, I summon thee, The Dark One."
Their danger alert from all the battles they had fought, the stories they had read, the movies they had watched. They knew it, it was going to be a tough fight.
Areos unable to stop the process, rushed to The Masked Man and cut him down.
The slash reduced what little HP he had left.
The Masked Man was gone, his body was left of him.
Before they could rest, they saw it.
The body of the infant convulsed, and from its belly, dark tendrils burst forth, growing and writhing like serpents seeking prey.
The Dark One, Yog-Sothoth's spawn, emerged in a maelstrom of shadows and tentacles. Its many eyes, glowing with malevolent intelligence, fixed upon the intruders. The members of the alliance readied their weapons, spells crackling at their fingertips, but a palpable dread filled their hearts.
The battle was swift and brutal. The Dark One's tentacles lashed out with unnatural speed, impaling warriors and mages alike. Each fallen member was consumed by the darkness, their screams fading into a chorus of despair. It remained stronger despite many attacks used against it. As it killed players, its HP and MP recovered.
The guardian's many eyes wept tears of black ichor, which burned the ground and flesh alike.
One by one, the players fell, their spells and steel no match for the eldritch might of the Dark One. The last to stand was the World Champion, Areos, who faced the horror with a defiant glare. But as his sword struck true, the Dark One simply absorbed the blow, its form unyielding.
With a final, soul-shattering roar, the Dark One enveloped Areos in a mass of tentacles, dragging him into the abyss.
As he was dragged, Areos using World Break cut off the Dark One. Using the World Item he had been carrying on him, he killed him. The Dark One was slain.
{The Endless Abyss}
A World Item, one of the twenty. A single-use type, will consume any target and seal them in the Abyss. When sealed in the Abyss, the player or target dies. The only possible means to revive is to use a super-tier spell corresponding to it. Equivalent to the True Death spell but a higher version of it with 100% accuracy. With the penalty of setting the level of the target as 1 after revival. However, the character may lose any one job class and a piece of equipment. Plus the curse of requiring twice the experience to progress each level.
World Enemies are immune to the effect, while World Item holders experience death but are immune to the other effects of the item, nor would they be considered defeated by the opponent.
The guild's assault ended not with a triumphant cheer, but with the haunting silence of total defeat.
Areos alone stood in the now silent halls. He had used up the World Item on him. If not for the teleportation banned in the Guild, he would have never used it.
"Shit Shit. Curse him."
He was the God of the Demi-Human race. Similar to Bruce, he was the first player to have created a Demi-Human race. The God title by itself has no limitation but Areos wasn't just that.
He was more, he had killed another God title player. The Human Player with the God Title. When a player with a God title is killed, he usually doesn't receive any penalty but when killed by another God Title User.
He loses the Title.
The Winner of the match receives an upgraded title. It's the only title available in the game. The title affects the lore of the player. There are no other titles in the game except for the special God event title planned by the developers at the start.
The upgraded title is The God of the said race. This title comes with its negatives, if a player were to die outside of any Boss fight, event, or tournament then the player is to lose the title.
The title grants the user a domain. The player according to their race and class can choose any. A domain in simple terms grants you the skills and abilities of anyone God of Norse Mythology.
That meant if he were to die in this raid, he would lose his title of The God of Demi-Human and return to being just The God. While the first Human Player would receive his title back.
"I should just return. I can't risk to move ahead after this."
He had enough of the raid for now. The rest waiting outside or those remaining in the Castle could continue the raid if so they wish.
"Where are you going The God of Demi-Human?"
Areos hearing it, turned around to only find the Masked being he had killed waiting for him in the same passage he had walked in earlier.
"So you're the Lord of The Mysteries. A God is what you call me huh? Interesting, so that should make you the other player to hold The God title."
"Perhaps, perhaps not. What do you think?"
"So what was that old horror scene before? Don't tell me, you like to role-play. Let's fight, one on one."
"If I may ask, what does this fight entail for me? Why should I fight you alone and not just call my friends?"
"Because even I have The God title and not the one you have. I guess that I don't have to say it out loud to you. You already know about my God of Demi-Human title."
"But I am sure you wouldn't know about this one. There is a quest or a hidden challenge in this event. If you defeat another God title holder you become the God of your race. Similarly, if you kill the other two players with God's title, you get the domain that I have but you can now choose between Thor, Odin and Loki. These three had been locked before but now they will be open."
"Interesting, but how do you know about it?"
"They said it to me when I received the title, God of Demi-Human, they contacted me, after all, it was an event that started back in the beta testing phase. We had a chat and they said it. So what do you say?"
"Let's do it. You can heal yourself, I will wait."
"Aren't you worried about other players of the alliance waltzing in here?"
"My guildmates are taking care of them now."
"Fine, that's some confidence you have. I guess it is our loss. The raid has failed?"
"Yes, but let us not let it disturb us. Let's begin the match."
Areos rushed in to finish the fight as soon as possible. He had chosen Viddar for his God Title. It gave him more boost in the physical aspect of his stats.
Bruce kept dodging his relentless attacks.
He used multiple defence spells when he couldn't make it due to the speed difference between them. After all his opponent was a God and a World Champion.
They clashed, while he used spells on him and Areos attacked him with his sword. The sword from the WorlTournamentnt.
Bruce after a couple of minutes in the match, stepped back to make some distance.
Areos, taking advantage of the situation tried healing his HP. It wasn't until he saw him again for the second time today.
"With this treasure, I summon the... Just kidding"
Instead, he retrieved a purple orb from his inventory.
Areos was getting a headache thinking about facing Him once again. So as soon as he saw him using the same skill again, he moved in to intercept but was intercepted by a sword.
A flying sword that was attacking by itself, with no owner. A self-fighting sword.
"It's a World Item, Sword of Freyr. It can fight by itself."
"Just another weapon, that will join my collection."
"Are you sure?"
"The summoning you used earlier has its limit, doesn't it? Summoning a monster of that calibre is not simple."
The Dark One was a strong monster summoned using a skill from Lord of Interstellar Spaces:The Shepherd class. It could be used only once a week.
A great spell, that summons a monster of level 108. A superior version of Dark Young summoned using the super tier spell.
"But I wouldn't be as confident as you just yet."
Since he couldn't let him about his other avatars. He decided to use it again.
"Jewel of Souls, a World Item for summoning magic spells and skills.
It lets the player use summoning magic or skills without any payment, a costless summoning and those summoned don't use up the player's space.
If a player has already summoned the maximum number of summons he can, then with this item he can still summon more. Though it has a limit, what is it to you? Enjoy the game now."
{Skill, Summoning of The Dark One, spawn of Yog-Sothoth}
The monster under his control brought Areos down to his knees. With little to no HP left, Bruce with a single 10th-tier Summon Meteor spell ended his life.
[God Slayer]
[You have been promoted to God of Heteromorphic Race]
[Domain: Choose a God whose skill and abilities you wish to inherit]
[~ You have completed the Hidden Event, Now you have unlocked Odin, Thor and Loki]
[Thor: Have the power of Lightning and strength boosted and skills related to Thor's legacy]
[Loki: Have the power of Illusions and defence stats boosted with skills related to Loki's legacy]
[Odin: Have the power of Magic, Death, War and Divination. Plus the Stat boost and buffs your talent in Arcane. The Master and The God of Runecraft]
"The decision is simple. I choose Odin, The All-Knowing Father. Master of Runecraft, that's a crazy title right there."
<The fight is over. The raid failed.>
'Hmm! I had been jumping around collecting World Items, it was bound to happen. I thought it would be fun to play with them a bit. Also, to leave a legacy. I wish to let the gamers of Yggdrasil know that I was here. They already know me from the Guild rankings but that's not enough. It should be something more memorable.'
<This should have been satisfactory>
"Yes, speaking of World Items, World locate the Endless Abyss. I want it."
While conversing with World, Bruce returned to Sefirah Castle to plan his revenge arc.
'It wouldn't do right to let them be after they have had the guts to attack my Guild. There should be a revenge arc, more so because I get to loot a lot of weapons, items and gold.'
The Avatar that was killed in the hall, wasn't his main avatar. It was a skill from his Vampire avatar.
The skill allowed him create a single perfect replica of his avatar. Same stats and skills. Access to all Avatars.
The replica had taken it upon himself to bring the infant to the Hall. Though it wasn't required but he felt it is needed.
In Asgard
"So what of it?"
"Don't you two have something to say to us?"
"What is it?"
"How come 600 players who had managed to ascend 16 floors get wiped out in a single floor."
"Most damage was done by the players of the Guild. The amazing coordination and prowess. It was amazing. They fought with better coordination than NPCs."
"Is that it?"
"No, it was the Dark One."
"Who is the Dark One?"
"It's a summon monster, summoned using a skill of some strong rare class. It was able to kill more than 50 players all alone. That includes Sakura and I."
Everyone at the table turned silent. The meeting continued between the players involved in the raid. They had a final meeting before they departed.
Everyone had left except for Areos and Sakura. They were standing outside the meeting room inside their guild. The Guild of The Holy Spirit.
"Let's go for now. We can think about it later."
"Yes", Sakura replied to Areos.
"So, Sakura I was thinking about your problem. It's not out of pity and you shouldn't feel that you need to accept the offer."
"What job is it?"
"Among all the job opportunities that I am aware of, it's my assistant post.'
"Why am I not surprised? You wish for me to become your assistant. Doesn't that sound suspicious?"
"You can think what you wish to think about it. I had a great time raiding that Guild. We could cooperate. We didn't fight much. You are also smart and those are the qualities that any person would look for in their assistant. Also, I promise to pay you well. "
" What is the name of the Company? "
" YXZ Corp. I know that you didn't have good experience in my company and I promise to remove the guy who gave you tough time, but this time you are here as my assistant. It will be different, you'll only be answering to me and no one else. "
"Yes, but.. "
"Just give it a try. We will meet on Monday morning at 9. Be there on time."
"Don't worry, I will be there. Others wouldn't have the courage to speak or do anything to you."
"Fine, I'll give it a try"
"Good, then see you."
"Then what about Yggdrasil, Areos?"
"I'll be quitting the game. I've had my fun. It was great till it lasted. I'll delete my account. I need closure from it. After all, I have my life to concentrate on."
"Okay, I think I'll do the same. If your job doesn't come together for me, I'll still have to go about job hunting. I can't waste my time here."
"Then what about the Guild?"
"I'll let others take over it."
"Hmm! I'll quit now. I have work to do. Good night"
"Good night to you too."
In the year 2132, A World Alliance had been formed in Yggdrasil of 3672 players and with NPCs they numbered 4700+. A raid was conducted on the Guild The Root by the alliance.
The raid failed.
It was a humiliating defeat, despite the difficulty level of the guild being reduced.
**The End**
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Hello, this is my first time writing a fanfiction. If you notice any errors, please feel free to give me constructive feedback. English is not my first language, so if you notice any mistakes, please mention them in the comment section at the end of the chapter. Let's begin the story!
Word Count: 5160 Words
Note: Just a reminder that I've changed the Guild Auxiliary chapter. I've made some changes in it. I've removed a couple of NPCs and added a few.
Due to my college work, I was unable to upload the chapter sooner so I've made this chapter longer. Increased the word count.
Bruce in his Doppelgänger form was hovering over the skies of Asgard.
If it's not solving all your problems, you simply aren't using enough of it."
The players had used violence against him by attacking his guild. Now it was his turn to strike back. Seeing the dropping player base, which wasn't apparent at first but now he could see it.
He was sure of it, this would be the end of the War. There won't be any gathering of players of that stature in the future.
Even the players who would wish for revenge and call arms after this raid would fail to gather players. Finding Players capable of breaching The Root is an impossible task.
Now it was his chance to strike back. He had started his attack with Asgard. Flying alone in the skies of Asgard watching the hustle and bustle of the Asgard, The World of God's.
To be precise, he was right above The Centre City of Asgard. Usually, it would have attracted a lot of attention but Bruce was here with a World Item, Helm of Darkness. A helmet from Greek Mythology.
When worn by a player, those without World Items would fail to notice him.
"Asgard is a great World to start the Game. It has the largest and the best Centre City in all nine worlds.
There's the Castle of All-Knowing Father, the Hall of Valhalla, etc.
Especially the Castle of All Knowing Father is a great spot for beginners and small clans. It's a multifunctional place. It was designed for guilds but it's mostly used by clans and small guilds. They can rent space in the Castle for their Guild Base or Clan Base.
Its plus point is that the clans and guilds here can't be raided the usual way.
There's a limited number of places that could be rented. They also have to participate in the Battle in halls of Valhalla, to be eligible for the place.
The ranking there determines if their clan stays or disbands.
In case another clan wish to rent the space, they have to challenge an existing clan in the Castle and defeat them in the Battle. If the Clan fails to respond to the declaration of war against them within a week, they are kicked out of the palace."
Bruce after surveying the location, the Centre City of Asgard. He flew a good distance from the city.
He flew through the forests, rivers and planes till he had entered a hilly region. The hills were covered with trees.
He flew till he reached a hidden cave in the depths of the mountain. After entering the cave, he checked for signs of other players. After completing his search he retrieved The Spring of Calamity and placed it atop an altar he built using Create Greater Item.
After placing it, he roamed around the cave a bit.
By the time he was looking around the cave, a player had entered the cave.
<Others are ready>
"Great, let's get this party started."
Bruce took off the Helm of Darkness and placed it in his inventory.
Later, Bruce passed the Achilles Shield to his Guildmate after retrieving it from his storage. The player after receiving it, entered the cave to safeguard the World Item placed in it.
"Let's start the Raid. It's payback time."
Similarly, in Jotunheim, his Guildmates were waiting with Ahura Mazda near the Centre City.
Whereas others with the Standard of Conqueror in Midgard awaited Him.
So were his remaining guild mates waiting with Apocalypse Bringer in Alfheim.
The Fight had begun, it was The Root vs. The World Alliance.
His objective for this raid was simple, nothing grandiose. To kill as many players as possible. To also fill D'endrrah.
A World Item he had saved for just this occasion. It's a World Item similar to Avarice and Generosity. But unlike them, this item could store HP, MP, EXP, and Stamina and convert it into Cosmic Energy.
As per its description, the Cosmic Energy could later be used for any purpose. It can also act as a substitute for any of the mentioned sources.
The Item absorbs all types of energy, which later is used for casting Spell or Skill with HP, MP or EXP cost.
A player couldn't absorb the said energy for experience but could use the energy to cast super tier spells like Wish Upon A Star that require experience or any other skills.
For this very purpose, he had let them find his Guild. Though he could have just attacked directly, skipping all the unnecessary tasks,
"But where is fun in that? As long as I have World, I don't have to worry about these guys catching me off guard."
He had already used it in his guild, The World Alliance had done a great job at providing him with so much cosmic energy.
He wished to fill the D'endrrah, but ironically its capacity was infinite. So were Avarice and Generosity's.
With his antics, he had set a record to beat and defend against the largest Raid Party Alliance in Yggdrasil or any other game in the market to date.
The Root, its name had skyrocketed after the Raid. It's news everywhere. It was a trending topic in every gaming community.
Especially the Final Fight recorded by Diablo_69. He was a player present in the Grand Hall of Atlantis, where Bruce had summoned The Dark One, using a divine tier item, the Child of The Old Ones.
In his fight against Areos, he said otherwise but before the Raid, he had used Ouroboros to get a skill.
A skill, he had named as Arcane Scholar.
With it, he could do a lot of things. For one, he could enchant spells or skills into items of his creation or others irrespective of any limitation but there still exists a limit.
He with World's help had created the Infant's body, The Child of The Old Ones. It was Infact a Golem with an infant's appearance. He had cleverly hidden it from the view of the players to not be subjected to appraisal from them.
With his skill, he enchanted it. So at the time of his fight with Areos, he was still with the ability to summon the Monster.
Many players have also taken to the internet to complain about the display. The act of sacrificing a baby to perform a ritual was not acceptable to many. Many condemned The Root for its action. They were frowned upon by many.
Yggdrasil had to take action, they banned and restricted building items or NPCs like infants.
Bruce received a warning from developers for his action.
It was also the reason why Dark One was able to take out most of them so easily. Many were repulsed and scared. They were frightened to control their avatar. They couldn't defend themselves.
In the end, he did accept their warning.
"The urge to point out their hypocrisy. They sure have double standards. I knew of the reaction. It was just for fun.
They can ignore all the kids dying in the real world but can't accept or watch it happening in a game."
It was just a one-time thing, Bruce had pulled it off successfully, and he wasn't going to continue it. He couldn't imagine having to see an infant die, albeit it being a Golem with life in the New World. His consciousness wouldn't allow it.
The rest is history.
After setting up the Spring of Calamity, after having activated it Bruce got out of the Cave. He Sped through the forest.
The Player, his guildmate stood guard. Protecting The World Item on his behalf.
After he neared the Centre town, he didn't get out of the forest but rather chose a tree near the town.
He sat on it, waiting for the show. The spring had started its work. It's a curse and negative energy spreading across the whole World. The black jarred miasma-inducing liquid poured from the jar held by The Goddess statue.
Bruce had been waiting for the players of Asgard to move. A good amount of time had passed, and the miasma in the form of mist had covered a lot of area.
With every second, the players were cursing the idiotic player for having activated an unknown cursed item.
All players, NPCs, and monsters irrespective of their designation fell. As the mist of the curse spread across the World, those without instant death resistance those without protection and resistance against the negative energy and those who were weak died.
The players enraged followed the mist out of the centre of town to hunt the perpetrator.
The other players spread across the map also made their way to the location.
The Spring of Calamity had a huge flaw, unlike other World Items. Most World Items' effects wouldn't be cancelled when their user dies. Even in death, the effect caused by them using World Item remains. But at the death of the player, the Spring of Calamity would transfer its ownership to the killer.
The Slight Goddess favoured The Strong.
It was then within his power to choose. To either stop the plague or get assist kills from Slight Goddess.
The mist travelled the World, its effect affecting all those in the mist. A disadvantage of the mist was that it didn't let players affected by it teleport, it didn't allow them to escape the mist by teleportation. The Goddess was obsessed with her prey and once caught in her clutches, she didn't let go.
As Bruce spotted those flying dots from the town, he flew to intercept them.
As fate had it, Heteromorphic Players were subjected to debuff in any Human or Demi-Human World.
Alas, he couldn't transform into his Human Avatar, The Slight Goddess didn't differentiate between allies and enemies. All were equal in her eyes. The caster and World Item holders were spared of her Wrath.
A big flaw in her powers was that it didn't affect powerful Undead allies.
Her prowess killed and caused damage to powerful Undead in enemy ranks but it didn't affect powerful Undeads belonging to the same party as the User.
A big loophole or one of its functions. It wasn't just Undead Allies, but even those teammates with max negative karma irrespective of race were spared of her Wrath. At the same time, humans or other race allies were subjected to her Wrath.
So Bruce had to change his Avatar. He as planned started the War with Undead Avatar.
Mors was the name he had given to his undead avatar.
'Mors means death in Latin. I don't have great naming sense so. There's nothing I can do with it.'
As players made their way to the forest, they saw Him hovering in front of them. It wouldn't have raised much suspicion if not for the player being from the Undead race and the mist.
Not a lot of players had come, only a small group of players were successful in making quick judgements. The rest were still gathering their allies to attack, regrouping and planning.
Rak, the World Champion of Asgard was at the forefront of the attack team. With him were his guildmates. Accounting for 74 players stood facing Mors aka Bruce.
"If it isn't Rak, The World Champion of Asgard."
"Great, so you do know me. Then it makes things easier. There is no way you can take on me and my guildmates all alone. So just spill it, who are you and why are you here?"
"Also what is this mist? Is it a World Item?"
The players with Rak questioned Mors for the answer, but throughout their questioning Mors remained silent.
Observing his silence,
"I don't think there is any use of further questioning. He isn't answering any of our questions." Rak was the first to raise his weapon.
Mors remained silent. As Rak closed in on Mors, his sword was just an inch away from Mors when he teleported.
'Hmm! A delay in teleportation. That's crazy, for it to have worked. He must have predicted my actions and reaction to his every statement. My speed and my guildmates' reaction.'
It hadn't been long since the match started, Rak had only swung his weapon once but he was terrified.
'He didn't cast any spell at the time of my attack. Was it a coincidence or preplanned?'
'It must have been a fluke.'
It wasn't just Rak who was shaken up by this event. A few of his guildmates who noticed the phenomenon were also shaken up.
Mors who had maintained his silence so far, spoke.
"I'm not alone."
Rak was unable to use appraisal on Mors just like the players from Raid weren't able to appraise LordofTheMysteries.
'Maybe it's an event. That could explain a lot of things.'
"I have my Guild with me."
The statement from Mors was the last nail in the coffin. Rak was terrified of the skills of the player named Mors.
"You players waltzed in my Guild and expected to get away Scot free. Now it's time for retribution."
Mors after his declaration cast a spell,
{Widen Magic: Cry of Banshee}
An instant death spell had been cast, and a woman's scream echoed in the surrounding area. But it was of no use, all players present had instant death protection.
Seeing the spell cast, he moved forward with his skill.
{Skill, The Goal Of All Life Is Death}
A special skill accessible by those who master necromancy magic tree.
A skill that helps any spell bypass all instant death protection.
After the "Cry of Banshee" the skill had been activated.
After he had cast it, Rak and others withstood the attack.
After the spell effect died down, they saw it.
A clock had appeared behind the skeleton. By the time they could make note of it, the needle in the clock ticked.
The countdown had started.
As a World Champion and a Guild Master of a big Guild in Yggdrasil, he had heard of this skill.
Rak had researched and collected a lot of information on Yggdrasil.
Though he knew not of the class that the skill belonged to.
He knew its effect. A skill that aids spells to bypass instant death resistance and protection.
Knowing what he did, it would be foolish to let the Skeleton Mage complete the spell.
He rushed in to strike. To cleave through his HP and kill him before he could complete his accursed skill.
It wasn't him alone, many of his guildmates joined him while a few teleported to escape its range.
It was Rak who reacted to Mors first. Rak was confident to be able to cut the Skeleton Mage standing in front of him.
He was just one step away from slicing his sword through The Skeleton.
He wished to use {World Break} on him.
When he was within striking distance, he had been immobilised.
He stopped, he couldn't move his body. Golden shimmering chains covered with black inscriptions, what looked to be runes he had been seeing in the Halls of Asgard.
The supposed Golden Chains had bound him.
Rak could hear it. He heard him, The Skeleton Mage laugh.
As he looked at the Skeleton Mage, he heard him speak.
"I'm Vengeance!"
"THE F*CK YOU ARE!!!", Rak couldn't delay it anymore.
Rak was just having an unlucky day. First, it was his work pressure and now this.
He shrugged off the chain binding him.
Gleipnir a World Item was useless against players with World Items.
It did stop his charge but he didn't lose his stats pertaining to physical aspects of his character and was able to easily shrug it off.
'This should be a World Item.'
Spells rained down on Mors. Mors taking advantage of the surroundings dived into the forest. He maneuvered through the forest. Taking trees as covers, he ran.
Now, it was Rak who was confused. Wouldn't the spell activate near him and not on them?
Wouldn't they be out of the range of the spell?
"But no matter, it doesn't change the fact that he attacked us."
"We don't have much time. Ignore him and let's find the item that started this."
"Possibly this could be the work of a World Item."
"True, but why did he run away? He couldn't be thinking of jumping on us after the spell is activated."
As Mors escaped into the woods, Rak's guildmates assembled near him pitching in their ideas.
Rak was confused by his action. But he knew that he couldn't underestimate players from The Root.
The Guild that he thinks the skeleton mage belonged to.
"It doesn't sit right with me to leave him alone. Who knows what he is up to?"
"Fine, how about we split up?"
"That will do"
They were hurrying to find him.
Half the players Sped through the plains to the source of the mist. While the rest rushed into the woods to find him.
And they found him fast.
He wasn't hiding.
He was right there, in the open.
Mors was sitting on a stone in a comfortable position, looking at them.
Alas, it was too late. The hand was just one tick away from striking the final mark.
They were sad to have failed him from activating the skill but we're elevated to be outside the range of the spell.
Still, it eluded Rak. What use was it to activate a skill with no enemies in the range of the skill?
He looked up, to see the army of players rushing towards the source of the mist.
An army that dwarfs the Raid party. All of Asgard was on the move.
Asgard hosted the highest player base in the whole of Yggdrasil. Though the player base of Yggdrasil had decreased. Asgard was still in a league of its own.
The number of players in Asgard was equal to the number of players in three or four other worlds.
Though it boasted the highest player base, the unity among them was non-existent.
It still had more players than what few Worlds had in their prime.
Asgard called for players. It was the home of Gods, which players wouldn't desire to build their home base in Asgard.
Asgard was also the world that had been explored the most. Most of Asgard had been mapped.
It was an advantage that came with a larger player base.
Rak, contemplating the Skeleton Mage's action was hesitant to rush in blindly.
It was until the needle struck its final mark.
Twelve seconds had passed.
Hearing his teammate shout, he didn't even get the time to respond.
In that instant, death had descended.
Silence encapsulated the World.
The Eclipse class was unique. Only a few managed to acquire it. Its description spoke for itself. The flavour text or the lore of the class. "Only overlords who have truly mastered death can acquire this class and eat away at all life like the sun is eaten away at in a solar eclipse."
The mist that had almost covered the whole of the World, converged and diverged.
They the players despite the Instant Death protection had been receiving damage from the curse, negative and plague. It was continuous damage, they had been building upon it, but their recovery and consumption of health potions aided their endeavors.
Their Instant Death protection had been penetrated, the mist claimed the lives of all who had been in the World.
Rak, couldn't speak. Or it would have been better to say that he tried to speak but wasn't able to produce any sound.
Every player, NPC and Monster in Asgard was now officially dead except for those carrying World Items and World Enemies.
Since the Mist had successfully managed to cover the whole of Asgard, a World had been plagued. Which prompted the summoning of The Slight Goddess.
She had arrived to collect the souls.
All players and NPCs in the game had been hit by a no respawn penalty for 30 minutes.
That wasn't the end of it. They also lost a single Racial Class and were reset to level 1.
Unlike Endless Abyss, they didn't have to earn double the experience to level up and no revival for one day.
Rak stood there standing seeing his guildmates and players fall. Bodies raining Down from the skies of Asgard.
He stood there watching it all.
He and everyone who had watched him activate the skill linked it with Banshee's Cry.
It wasn't their fault. Mors had portrayed it as such.
Seeing only Rak survive from those who chased him here, Mors spoke to him.
"What was it that you were saying?"
"Amazing, this is mind-blowing. How did you do it?"
"A magician never reveals his secret."
"A Magician huh! Quite the role-playing. Now shall we get started?"
"Let's get to it."
As Rak tightened his grip on his sword, he watched as the Skeleton Mage took out a black helmet from his inventory.
It was his instinct to use appraisal on every item. But he wasn't able to find anything about it.
'A World Item. How many world items does this guy or his guild even have? It is crazy as it is, this guy alone managed to kill almost the whole of Asgard. Could this get any worse? Let's just get this over with.'
Bruce wore his Helm of Darkness and with it, he retrieved Zeus Wrath.
Seeing the Skeleton Mage take out another weapon, Rak was flabbergasted.
'Yet another World Item. Just how many of it does he have?'
"I can guess as to what you might be thinking but desperate times call for desperate measures."
"It is just us two here. After killing all those players, you aren't nervous now, are you? I am World Champion after all"
"Not quite right, I have fought World Champions and even won. My schedule is packed up. I don't have much time that I could give you. I would have enjoyed fighting you without these but I have somewhere else to be."
"You don't think that this is the only World we are attacking do you?"
"I get it now. That's the reason it's just you here."
"Yes, let's get this over with. I also have to aid my guildmates."
"If you don't mind answering. What's your name?"
"Mors. World Champion of Asgard I am Mors, your friendly neighborhood Overlord."
Rak didn't wait for the call, as he rushed towards Mors. Lightning strikes the place he was standing before. As Mors had raised the Zeus Wrath to the sky.
A barrage of lightning struck near Mors, creating an effective shield against Rak's advancement.
'Seeing it being inspired by Greek Mythology. An item belonging to Hades, I had expected it to be related to the undead but it's quite different.
The helmet helps me pass through any barriers and walls plus it makes me invisible. There is also the effect of fear and madness debuff with the Aura of Death to those who look upon me and to those I use it on.
Lastly, it can create chains that sprout from the ground, those who are touched by the chains are pulled into the underworld.
With an instant death skill, those without instant death protection will be unable to free themselves of the chain except for those who have equipped a World Item.
Lastly, it can summon shadow construct. Creatures of shadow, the monster made of shadow.
I would have expected it to be able to summon undead, seeing that it is Hade's artifact but whatever.'
Shadow constructs rose from the ground following Mors' arm. His gestures summoning more of those shadow armies. The shadow constructs had the appearance of imps, wolves and many more.
'These guys are similar to what Shaltear summoned in Overlord. In the fight against Momonga.'
All of them simultaneously attacked Rak. The fight continued as Mors kept on summoning shadow constructs and undead using his spells and skills and also enhancing them with his abilities and skills.
The fight continued, Rak could do nothing but defend as he was forced to face those summons. He swung his weapon, and with every swing, the enemies disappeared. They were killed with every attack but the number kept on increasing. While fighting them he was subjected to lightning strikes back-to-back.
Paired with attacks from Mors he was down on his last leg.
'Weapons or World Item in general focus on only one aspect. They have only one ability and are unrivaled in that aspect. There are a few exceptions though, those are the mythological and divine weapons of the Gods and the Heroes. They have multiple abilities but not all of them are absolute abilities, most of them are just add-ons.'
{Super Tier Magic, Fallen Down}
Mors with the super-tier spell managed to eliminate Rak, The World Champion of Asgard.
As fate would have it, the Raid continued.
It was a massive success, they had managed to raid 4 Worlds and successfully defeat a horde of players and monsters. Though they didn't intrude on the guilds they still got a lot of loot.
Bruce was now sitting at the top of the Castle of All-Knowing Father. The Castle is of Gods, as he watched the whole Centre City.
He had also acquired quite a haul from this raid. Especially the World Items,
The Caduceus, A World Item that has the power to revive players, Monsters, summons and NPCs. No Limit to amount of players that can revived once activated. Usable only once per day.
Those revived face no experience penalties.
Aegis, A Shield World Item, similar to Achilles Shield but unlike it, this can reflect all skills and spells. The user can't equip any other weapon when holding the shield. This can be used to reflect all attacks but is of no use against physical attacks.
Anubis, A long obsidian black staff. A red orb at the top held by grey roots coiled with the Staff.
An undead summoning staff. The symbolisation of the Power of The God of Death.
Erebus, Erebus is capable of inflicting a massively powerful area of effects on targets with a positive karma value across the entire world. Alternative of Ahura Mazda.
Morpheus, A World With the Power of Dreams. Can be used to put the players or targets to sleep, spanning the whole world. An item that can be used to control their dream. Plus the ability to show a good dream or experience nightmares.
Can also be used to create a phobia. The phobia or the fear inflicted upon the target is random.
Styx, A World Item, that can be used by a player to drag any target into a spiritual realm. The river separates the world of living and dead. Both the user and target aren't able to use their power here. While their body is immobilised in the Real World. A sitting target for the allies of the user or the target pulled into the space.
The spiritual realm cannot be breached by anyone, even those with World Items.
The target is not affected by the pull if he so possesses a World Item. Other World Item holders or other entities can't spy on or detect the realm or its activation.
Bow of Artemis, The legendary Golden Bow from the Greek Mythology. Never misses a target. The bow does not require arrows. The Bow has the strength and prowess to affect the terrain and afflict different conditions to the target.
Holy Grail, A healing-type artefact. A World Item with the power to heal.
Atlas, A World Item that has the power to locate any player, object, monster, or NPC. With the power to teleport the objects and players as per user discretion. Also, can be used to teleport the user to the said object, player or location with no Limit. Even has the power to bypass barriers created by Other World Items like Ouroboros.
These were the World Items he acquired from the Raid with another World Item from an event.
He like every time rushed to complete the event. It was the fight against The Prince of Abyss. After defeating all Lord of Sins in the past, when he fought and won against the Prince of Abyss, he got the World Item, Yggdrasil Leaf.
Yggdrasil Leaf, The World Item, with the power to create a barrier. A dome barrier blocks players from entering or leaving the dome. The land is transported to different dimensions. It's a shield or barrier-creating item to protect against intruders.
Similar to the World Separating Wall, a Wild Magic spell was used by PDL.
The Raid was a success.
Bruce in his Doppelgänger form kept looking at the city. He had been silent the whole time.
'It's been 7 years since the beginning of the game. Within a couple of months, it's going to be 8 years. Only four years will be left before I will be gone from this World.'
His gaze lingered on the Halls of Valhalla before he stood up.
"Veni, Vedi, Vici"
[ I came, I saw, I conquered. ]
His muttering lingered in the Palace as he teleported from his place.
Sooner had he teleported, players started appearing in the Centre City of Asgard. The City that had been empty till now was now filled with players as they spawned in the city. Soon the city of Asgard was filled with players appearing or after reviving when they were killed by the Spring of Calamity.
In the year 2133, The Root had declared War on four Worlds of Yggdrasil. Where Bruce alone managed to conquer Asgard and kill off all the players in the World.
While his Guildmates eliminated the players in Jotunheim, Midgard and Alfheim.
The Root didn't attack any Guild, all they did was eliminate the players, NPCs and Monsters they got their hands on. It was yet another milestone achieved by Bruce in Yggdrasil Game.
**The End**
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