/ Fantasy / The Originals: Henric Mikaelson

The Originals: Henric Mikaelson Original

The Originals: Henric Mikaelson

Fantasy 3 Capítulos 13.8K Visitas
Autor: King_Ace_

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"I never wished for any of it, neither will I regret being who I am. I will love, protect, defend and kill for what I have been destined for. This is my creed"
-Henric Mikaelson

This is a what if vampire diaries cross world with other movie series. take note I own no characters or movies mentioned in this fanfiction, my goodness, even the mc was resurrected by yours truly. it's my first novel, please support this Padawan.
p.s if the pic on display is yours and you want it removed...halla me.

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Autor King_Ace_