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21.73% The New Naruto / Chapter 5: Chapter 5: The Bijuu Gathering

Capítulo 5: Chapter 5: The Bijuu Gathering

Dawn broke over Mount Myōboku, painting the giant mushrooms and leaves in golden light.

Naruto sat cross-legged on a flat stone, surrounded by the morning mist, as Fukasaku observed his attempts at gathering natural energy.

"Remember, Naruto-boy," Fukasaku instructed, "balance is key. Too much natural energy and—"

"And I'll turn into a toad statue, I know," Naruto finished, keeping his eyes closed. Thanks to his future memories and Kurama's help, he was progressing faster than before, but it was still challenging.

After several attempts and only partial transformations, Naruto managed to maintain a perfect balance for almost a minute before the sage mode faded.

"Impressive progress," Fukasaku noted, stroking his beard. "Having the Nine-Tails help stabilize the natural energy makes a significant difference."

Naruto created several hundred shadow clones, assigning them to different tasks – some practicing wind manipulation, others working on sealing techniques, and a few attempting to combine both.

"I need to rest for a bit, Fukasaku-sensei," Naruto said, settling into a meditation pose. "My clones will continue training."

Inside his mindscape, Naruto found himself in the now-familiar open space where Kurama resided. The massive fox was curled up, but his eyes were open and alert.

"Hey, Kurama," Naruto began, sitting cross-legged before his partner. "I've been thinking about the other jinchūriki..."

Kurama's ears perked up. "What about them?"

"In our original timeline, we couldn't save them. Yugito, Rōshi, Han, Utakata, Fū... they all died before we could help them." Naruto's voice was heavy with regret. "But now we have a chance to change that. Can you... can you connect with your siblings even through their seals?"

Kurama was quiet for a moment, considering. "It's possible," he finally said. "The bonds between us Tailed Beasts can transcend physical barriers. But it won't be easy, and it could be dangerous."

"Dangerous how?"

"If we alert the Akatsuki to our intentions too early, they might accelerate their plans. Plus, not all jinchūriki have the same relationship with their Tailed Beasts that we do. Some might see our attempt to connect as a threat."

Naruto nodded thoughtfully. "But if we could warn them, prepare them..."

"There might be a way," Kurama said, shifting to face Naruto directly. "Through our shared chakra, I could potentially reach out to my siblings. If they're willing to listen, they could warn their jinchūriki."

Naruto grinned. "Let's do it! What do we need to do?"

Kurama rolled his eyes, a hint of amusement in his voice. "First, we need to synchronize our chakra completely. Then, just leave it to me. It's not like you understand the intricacies of Tailed Beast communication anyway."

Naruto's face scrunched up in indignation. "What did you say, you stinky fox? I understand plenty!"

"Oh really?" Kurama retorted, his tails swishing in annoyance. "Tell me then, oh wise one, how exactly do you plan to establish a psychic link across vast distances through multiple seals?"

"Well... I... uh..." Naruto stammered, then pointed accusingly at Kurama. "That's not the point! You don't have to be such a know-it-all about it!"

"I'm not a know-it-all, I just actually know things, unlike a certain knucklehead I'm stuck with," Kurama growled, though there was a hint of fondness in his tone.

"Who're you calling a knucklehead, you overgrown furball?" Naruto shot back, jumping to his feet.

"The only knucklehead I see around here, whisker-face!"



The two continued their bickering, their voices echoing through the mindscape. Despite the harsh words, there was an underlying current of affection in their argument, like old friends who enjoyed pushing each other's buttons.

Finally, after a few more exchanges, Kurama let out a deep sigh. "Enough! Are we going to do this or not?"

Naruto, still pouting slightly, nodded. "Fine, fine. What do I need to do?"

"Just sit still and try not to think too much. It shouldn't be too hard for you," Kurama smirked.

"Hey!" Naruto protested, but he sat down and closed his eyes, focusing on synchronizing his chakra with Kurama's.

As their energies aligned, Kurama closed his eyes, concentrating on reaching out across vast distances to his siblings. The mindscape around them began to shimmer and shift as Kurama extended his consciousness beyond their shared space.

The mindscape suddenly rippled and expanded, transforming into a vast, ethereal space.

Eight massive forms materialized around Kurama and Naruto - the other Tailed Beasts in their full glory.

The mindscape suddenly rippled and expanded, transforming into a vast, ethereal space. Nine massive forms materialized around Kurama and Naruto - the other Tailed Beasts in their full glory.

"What the-?! Kurama, you mangy fox! What's the big idea dragging us all here?" Shukaku, the One-Tail, roared, his sand swirling agitatedly around him.

"Pipe down, you overgrown tanuki," Kurama growled back. "This is important."

"Important? Ha! Nothing you say could be-"

"Hey, hey, cool it, you two!" Naruto interjected, jumping between them with his hands raised. "We're all friends here, ya know!"

Shukaku's eyes bulged. "Friends?! With this arrogant furball? Never!"

"Aw, come on," Naruto grinned, unfazed. "I bet deep down, you two are just big softies who-"

"SILENCE!" both Kurama and Shukaku roared, causing Naruto to comically fall backward.

"Geez, talk about anger issues," Naruto muttered, rubbing his head.

The other Tailed Beasts watched this exchange with a mix of amusement and confusion.

"Well, well, if it isn't our prideful older brother," Matatabi, the Two-Tails, purred, her blue flames flickering.

"What's the meaning of this gathering, Kurama?" Son Gokū, the Four-Tails, demanded his red fur bristling.

Isobu, the Three-Tails, floated silently, while Kokuō, the Five-Tails, stood dignified as ever. Saiken, the Six-Tails, bubbled curiously, and Chōmei, the Seven-Tails, hovered with buzzing wings.

Gyūki, the Eight-Tails, observed everything with his usual calculating gaze. "I see you've brought your jinchūriki," Gyūki noted, looking at Naruto. "Though I notice our own hosts couldn't make the connection."

Kurama nodded. "The seals are too strong, and most of them aren't in harmony with you like Naruto and I are. But that's partly why I've called this gathering."

"Explain yourself, brother," Son Gokū rumbled.

Naruto stepped forward, drawing all eyes to him. "We're here to warn you. There's an organization called the Akatsuki that's hunting all of you. In my timeline - yes, I have memories from the future - they succeeded in capturing most of you."

A chorus of growls, roars, and various sounds of disbelief echoed through the mindscape.

"You expect us to believe this tale?" Shukaku scoffed, though there was uncertainty in his voice, having already experienced the earlier connection.

"It's the truth," Kurama affirmed. "And this time, we have a chance to prevent it. But we need your help. You need to warn your jinchūriki, work with them instead of against them."

The Tailed Beasts exchanged looks, centuries of shared history and understanding passing between them. This was unprecedented - Kurama, the proudest among them, advocating cooperation with humans.

"And why should we trust humans again?" Son Gokū challenged. "After all they've done to us?" 

Naruto stepped forward into the center of the gathered Tailed Beasts, his eyes burning with determination. He raised his fist, a gesture that carried deep meaning among their kind.

"Because this time, I swear to give you the freedom that was stolen from you," Naruto declared, his voice ringing with conviction. "And if you need a reason to believe me..." He held his fist higher, chakra beginning to swirl around him. "Just connect with my chakra, and you'll know whether I'm speaking the truth or not."

The Tailed Beasts stirred, looking at each other uncertainly. Kurama watched with pride as his jinchūriki stood fearlessly before his siblings.

"You dare to make such a bold promise?" Kokuō asked, stepping forward.

"The boy offers his chakra freely," Gyūki observed, his tails swaying thoughtfully. "That's... unusual."

Matatabi's blue flames flickered as she studied Naruto. "To share chakra is to share truth. No deception can survive such a connection."

One by one, the Tailed Beasts extended their chakra toward Naruto's raised fist. As they connected, images flowed between them - memories of the future, of battles fought, of losses endured, and ultimately, of the freedom they had achieved together.

They saw themselves fighting alongside Naruto against Madara and Obito, witnessed their brief period of freedom, and felt the truth of his words resonating through their shared chakra.

When the connection faded, a heavy silence fell over the mindscape. The Tailed Beasts looked at Naruto with new eyes, seeing not just another human, but a potential ally who truly understood their worth and their right to freedom.

After the long silence fell, Naruto shifted uncomfortably, thinking the Tailed Beasts were afraid of the future he'd shown them. But before he could open his mouth to reassure them, Shukaku suddenly erupted.

"You stinky fox!" Shukaku roared at Kurama, his sand whirling agitatedly. "Why didn't you tell us about Father first?! All this talk about Akatsuki and future dangers, but not a word about the old man being in the astral plain!"

The other Tailed Beasts stirred at this, their attention shifting sharply to Kurama.

"Father?" Matatabi's flames flickered intensely. "You mean the Sage of Six Paths?"

Kurama's ears flattened slightly, looking somewhat abashed - a rare expression for the proud fox. "I... was getting to that part."

"Getting to it?" Son Gokū stomped his feet, causing the mindscape to tremble. "This should have been the first thing you mentioned! Even if he's passed on if traces of his consciousness still exist..."

"Wait, wait," Naruto interjected, looking between the Tailed Beasts in confusion. "You mean old man Hagoromo?"

Shukaku bellowed. "He's our father, you numbskulls! The one who gave us names, who treated us as more than just masses of chakra!"

The mindscape buzzed with energy as all the Tailed Beasts began talking at once, their voices mixing in a cacophony of demands for more information about their creator and father.

Kurama raised his tails in a placating gesture. "Alright, alright! Yes, Father's consciousness still exists in the astral plane. In our timeline, he helped us during the war against Madara."

"And you're just mentioning this NOW?!" Shukaku's tail lashed out in frustration. "I ought to bury you in sand, you inconsiderate fox!"

"Brother Kurama has always been terrible at sharing important information," Saiken bubbled, their voice carrying a hint of amusement despite the serious situation.

"Father..." Isobu spoke softly, his usually quiet demeanor touched by emotion. "He... he still thinks of us?"

Naruto stepped forward again. "Of course he does! The old man never stopped caring about all of you. He was really worried when Madara tried to combine you all again."

"Combine us?" Chōmei's wings buzzed anxiously. "Like the Ten-Tails?"

"That's part of what the Akatsuki is planning," Kurama growled. "But that's why we're here - to prevent it. And yes, Father is watching over all of us. He always has been."

"Tell us more about Father," Kokuō requested, their usual dignity tinged with yearning. "What did he say when you met him?"

As Naruto and Kurama began sharing their experiences with Hagoromo, the initial anger about the delayed information gradually transformed into a nostalgic gathering, with the Tailed Beasts sharing their own memories of their father and their early days together.

Even Shukaku, though still grumbling about Kurama's communication skills, joined in with stories from their youth, when they were all still learning about their unique powers under Hagoromo's guidance.

Gyūki's eyes narrowed, his tentacles swaying thoughtfully. "Kurama, you still haven't explained why you specifically prevented our hosts from joining this meeting. That wasn't just about seal limitations, was it?"

Naruto's head snapped toward Kurama, surprise evident on his face. "Wait, what? You told me we couldn't reach them because of the seals!"

"Hmph," Kurama shifted uncomfortably, avoiding Naruto's accusatory stare. "There were... reasons."

The other Tailed Beasts exchanged knowing looks, seemingly unsurprised by this revelation.

"Always with your schemes, brother," Matatabi purred, her flames flickering with curiosity. "What are you planning this time?"

"Yes, do tell," Son Gokū rumbled, leaning forward. "Why keep this meeting between just us and your jinchūriki?"

Naruto crossed his arms, glaring at his partner. "Kurama! We're supposed to be honest with each other, ya know! What's going on?"

Kurama's tails twitched in irritation. "Fine! I kept them out because we need to discuss how to approach each jinchūriki differently. Some of them..." he glanced at Shukaku, "are in complicated situations. We can't just barge in with warnings about the future without considering the consequences."

"Like my host's position in Kumogakure," Gyūki nodded in understanding. "B's relationship with A and the village politics..."

"Or Yugito's strict military duties," Matatabi added.

"And let's not forget about Rōshi's self-imposed exile," Son Gokū grumbled.

Naruto's expression shifted from anger to comprehension. "Oh... so we need to plan how to approach each of them without causing problems in their villages or their lives?"

"Exactly," Kurama confirmed. "And some of our siblings might need to... adjust their approach with their hosts first."

"Exactly," Kurama confirmed. "And some of our siblings might need to... adjust their approach with their hosts first."

Several of the Tailed Beasts shifted uncomfortably at this last statement, knowing their relationships with their jinchūriki were nowhere near as cooperative as B and Gyūki's.

Gyūki nodded in agreement. "It's true. B and I have a unique bond, but many of our siblings are still at odds with their hosts. We can't assume all jinchūriki will be as receptive to their Tailed Beasts as Naruto has been to Kurama."

"That's why we need to strategize," Kurama added. "Each situation requires a different approach. We can't risk alienating the jinchūriki or causing political upheaval in their villages. It could make our mission even more difficult."

Naruto looked thoughtful. "I get it now. So, what's the plan? How do we help each of you connect better with your jinchūriki?"

Kurama nodded gravely, his tails swishing behind him. "Also, as you saw in this brat's memories, Matatabi, Son Gokū, Shukaku, Kokuō, Chōmei, Saiken, and Isobu are the ones captured before the war. That means we need to give our enemy some of their chakra to ensure they're ignored, without affecting the future too much."

The mentioned Tailed Beasts tensed at this revelation, a mix of emotions crossing their faces.

"You want us to willingly give up our chakra?" Shukaku growled, sand swirling around him agitatedly.

"It's not ideal," Gyūki interjected, "but it might be necessary to maintain the timeline while we work on preventing the worst outcomes."

Matatabi's flames flickered thoughtfully. "It's a risky strategy, but I see the logic. If we appear to be 'captured' as before, it might buy us time to prepare our jinchūriki and allies."

"But how do we ensure they only take a portion of our chakra?" Chōmei buzzed nervously.

Naruto stepped forward, his face set with determination. "We'll figure it out together. Maybe we can create some kind of chakra clone or something that looks convincing but isn't the real deal."

"The kid's got a point," Son Gokū rumbled. "We need to be clever about this. It's not just about giving up chakra; it's about deception."

Kurama's eyes narrowed. "Exactly. We need to fool our enemies while preserving our strength for the real battle ahead. It won't be easy, but it's necessary if we want to change the future without alerting our foes to our knowledge."

The Tailed Beasts exchanged uneasy glances, realizing the complexity and danger of the task ahead. They knew that this plan, while risky, might be their best chance at altering the grim future they had glimpsed through Naruto's memories.

Gyūki raised one of his tentacles in a calming gesture, his deep voice cutting through the tension. "Everyone, let's not get ahead of ourselves. According to the memories we've seen, we have at least two years before the Akatsuki begins their major moves. That's plenty of time to develop a complete plan."

"Two years?" Shukaku's agitation seemed to settle slightly.

"Yes," Gyūki continued, his tone measured and reassuring. "We don't need to rush into hasty decisions. We can use this time to carefully plan how to distribute our chakra, establish better relationships with our jinchūriki, and set up safeguards without raising suspicion."

Kurama nodded in agreement. "The Octopus is right. We need to be methodical about this. Rushing could alert our enemies that something's different."

"Two years also gives us time to help our jinchūriki grow stronger," Matatabi added, her blue flames flickering more calmly now.

"And to figure out how to communicate with them without causing chaos in their villages," Chōmei chimed in.

"Then let's use this time wisely," Gyūki concluded. "We can meet regularly through our chakra connection to refine our strategy. For now, let's focus on establishing initial contact with our hosts - those who haven't already."

The other Tailed Beasts seemed to relax slightly at this more structured approach, recognizing the wisdom in taking time to plan carefully rather than acting on immediate fear and urgency.

Isobu shifted forward, his single visible eye showing concern. "What about me? I don't have a jinchūriki host right now. After Yagura..." he trailed off, his massive form rippling with unease. "I'm currently free in the ocean near Kirigakure."

"That's actually an important point," Kurama interjected, looking thoughtful.

"Indeed," Gyūki added. "Your situation is unique, Isobu. We know from the brat's memories that you'll eventually be sealed within Demonic Statue, but for now, your freedom could be both an advantage and a vulnerability."

"Maybe we could use this to our advantage?" Naruto suggested, his face lighting up with an idea. "Since Isobu isn't bound to a jinchūriki right now, he could move more freely and help us prepare without village politics getting in the way."

"But that also makes me an easier target," Isobu rumbled, his shell shifting slightly. "The Akatsuki might come for me first since I don't have a host to help protect me."

"Then perhaps we should discuss whether to change this part of the timeline," Matatabi suggested carefully. "Or find a way to protect Isobu while maintaining the appearance of vulnerability."

The gathered Tailed Beasts fell into thoughtful silence, recognizing that Isobu's unique situation would need special consideration in their planning.

Naruto stepped forward, scratching his head thoughtfully. "Hey, I might have an idea! What if I create a special summoning seal for each of you? You could use it to call me if you're in danger!"

He paused, his expression becoming more serious. "But... it's not gonna be easy or quick. I'll need to modify my dad's Hiraishin jutsu, and that's some really complex fuinjutsu. It took him years to perfect it, and even though I have his memories now, modifying it to work with Tailed Beast chakra... that's gonna be tricky."

"How long would it take, kit?" Kurama asked.

"Probably about a year, if I work really hard on it," Naruto replied, crossing his arms. "The Hiraishin uses specific chakra signatures, and each of you has different chakra types. Plus, I need to make sure it won't interfere with your existing seals or jinchūriki bonds. It's gotta be perfect, or it could be dangerous."

"A year?" Son Gokū rumbled. "That's still within our timeline."

"Yeah," Naruto nodded enthusiastically. "And once it's done, you'll each have a direct line to me. If the Akatsuki shows up, just activate the seal, and BAM! I'll be there in a flash, dattebayo!"

The Tailed Beasts exchanged looks, considering this potential safeguard in their growing arsenal of defenses.

Son Gokū nodded his massive head, his fiery mane flickering with approval. "This idea has merit, even beyond our current predicament," he rumbled thoughtfully. "Once we gain our freedom, such a seal could serve as a safeguard, a way to call upon an ally in times of need."

The great ape-like Tailed Beast paused, his eyes narrowing as he considered further implications. "Moreover, this could prove invaluable against humans with unusual or unexpected abilities.

We've seen throughout history that humans can develop strange and powerful techniques. Having a way to summon aid quickly could be the difference between capture and freedom."

"An excellent point, Son Gokū," Kokuō added, stamping a hoof in agreement. "This seal could be our insurance policy, not just against the Akatsuki, but against any future threats we might face."

The other Tailed Beasts murmured in agreement, seeing the long-term potential in Naruto's proposal. It was clear that this idea was gaining traction among the gathered bijuu, offering a sense of security that extended beyond their immediate concerns.

Naruto grinned, pleased that his idea was well-received. "Alright, then it's settled! I'll start working on the seal right away. In the meantime, we'll keep moving forward with our other plans."

Kurama, sensing the meeting was drawing to a close, spoke up. "If there are no other matters to discuss, I believe we can conclude this gathering. We've made significant progress today."

The other Tailed Beasts nodded in agreement.

"Remember," Gyūki added, "stay vigilant and keep in touch. We're stronger together."

With final nods of acknowledgment, the Tailed Beasts began to fade from the shared mindscape, returning to their respective hosts or hiding places.

As the last of them disappeared, Naruto turned to Kurama. "Well, partner, looks like we've got our work cut out for us."

Kurama smirked. "Indeed, kit. But I have faith in your abilities. Now, let's get back to the real world. You've got a seal to start working on."

Naruto's eyes snapped open, his mind buzzing with excitement and determination. He jumped to his feet, startling Fukasaku who had been patiently waiting nearby.

"Alright, time to get cracking, dattebayo!" Naruto exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air.

He formed a hand seal, and suddenly, puffs of smoke erupted all around Mount Myōboku as his shadow clones began dispelling group by group. The rush of memories and experiences flooded his mind, but Naruto was too focused on his new mission to get distracted.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" he shouted, and with a massive explosion of smoke, a thousand Naruto clones popped into existence, covering the landscape as far as the eye could see.

"Listen up, you guys!" Naruto called out to his clones. "We've got a super important mission! We need to create a new seal that can summon me to the Tailed Beasts. It's gonna be tough, but we've gotta do it!"

The clones cheered enthusiastically, ready for the challenge.

"Alright, split into groups!" Naruto continued. "Some of you hit the books, others start experimenting with seal designs. We're gonna crack this thing no matter what, ya know!"

As the clones dispersed, each group tackling a different aspect of the seal research, Kurama's voice echoed in Naruto's mind.

"Oi, kit," the fox grumbled. "Don't forget about that perverted sage of yours. As much as I hate to admit it, he's pretty good with seals. Might be worth asking for his help."

Naruto's face scrunched up in thought. "Eh? Pervy Sage? Oh yeah, you're right! He's a seal master! But... ugh, he's probably off peeping at hot springs or something."

Kurama snorted. "Better to have a pervert's help than no help at all. Besides, this is important enough that even he should take it seriously."

"Fine, fine," Naruto grumbled, but there was a hint of a smile on his face. "I'll send a toad to find him. But if he shows up and starts going on about his 'research,' I'm gonna Rasengan him into next week!"

With that, Naruto bit his thumb and slammed his hand on the ground. "Summoning Jutsu!"

A small, orange toad appeared in a puff of smoke. "Yo, Naruto! What's up?"

"Hey, Gamakichi! I need you to find Pervy Sage and tell him to get his butt over here pronto. We've got some super important seal work to do!"

Gamakichi saluted with his webbed hand. "You got it, boss! One pervy sage, coming right up!" And with that, he disappeared in another puff of smoke.

Naruto turned back to his army of clones, who were already hard at work. "Alright, you guys! Let's show Pervy Sage what we can do before he gets here! We're gonna create the most awesome seal ever, dattebayo!"

The clones cheered in unison, their enthusiasm echoing across Mount Myōboku as they dove into their research with typical Naruto-style determination.

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