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61.11% The New God Of Destruction / Chapter 11: A Different Timeline And A Reunion.

Capítulo 11: A Different Timeline And A Reunion.

(3rd Person Pov)

After Jin Mori came out of his confusion, he undid his Ultra Insticnt transformation returning back to his base form with the silverish aura of the Ultra instict technique surrounding his base form. His eye's scanned the area he was transported to as he frowned.

"Just where in the world am I?"

The sight of so much destruction made him angry. 

"Has the God Of Destruction of wherever I am not done anything? So many deaths will lead to a decline in the mortal level of the universe. And if the mortal level falls too low this universe is as good as erased."

His brows furrowed as he sensed movement coming from under him. Not to mention how he sensed the seemingly never ending amounts of Ki this individual possesed.

"It's in no way God Ki. So it's most likely ordinary Ki that the saiyans use. I should have guessed that the saiyans wouldnt be the only species with the ability to utilise Ki, but how is this individual able to have a seemingly infinite normal Ki without dying?"

Jin Mori landed on the ground where he got a better read of the situation going on underneath him.

"Someone's living underground?"

To not cause any damage to any furniture or devices that might be underground, he stretched his senses and found the entrance as he made his way underground. When he reached the bottom, he found a young woman who was sleeping on a rather beated up couch. 

She was a slender, curvy and beautiful woman of above-average height and fair complexion. She has shoulder-length blonde hair, although its specific shade varied between light/golden or platinum that parts over her left temple. She she wears a blue denim vest and skirt (with the Red Ribbon logo on the back of the vest) with dark blue tights, a brown belt, brown boots, and a black shirt that has white and black striped long sleeves.

Jin Mori took in her living enviroment before he called out to her.

"Excuse me."

Then not even a second later, he was being bombarded by thousands of Ki blasts which were all nullified before they even reached him due to him creating a thin barrier out of his power of destruction.

He sensed the young woman trying to escape, so with a single step he appeared directly in front of her with his arms crossed as he spoke.

"Calm down. I have no intention of harming you."

Android 18 jumped forwards as she tried to escape from Mori only for her to crash directly onto Jin Mori who stood in front of her once more with a look asking if she's calmed down.

Android 18 gritted her teeth as she tried blasting him directly in the face, only for her energy blast to be nullified before it even left her palm. Upon realising that she really had no way of escaping this mysterious individual, she exhaled nervously as she spoke.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Jin Mori. And may I know what your name is?"

The adroid took a deep breath to calm herself down as she answered.

"Number 18."

Mori blinked in confusion for a bit, before he shrugged and responded.

"Nice to meet you miss 18. I would like to ask you a few questions. And I'm not taking no as an answer."

Android 18 pursed her lips before she sighed and motioned for him to go sit at the nearby desk. Mori obliged, sitting down on the desk near her couch. He was quite surprised that she didn't run away, and instead flopped down onto her couch. She took notice pf his surprised expression as she rolled her eyes and spoke.

"I'm not dumb enough to try and escape someone who's movements I can't even track, and can also seemingly nullify my attacks."

Mori looked a little sheepish having expected her to actually do such a thing before he coughed into his fist and questioned.

"*Ahem* Let's begin this q and a session."

Instantly, Mori's entire personality took an entire 180 becoming increadibly serious as he questioned.

"My first question. What in the world happend here? This place reeks of death, there's a kind of chill in the air."

Android 18 looked surprised by Jin Mori's words as she questioned him.

"How can you not know what's going on?"

"Answer my question first."

His voice sent chills down her spine as she coughed before answering.

"It's because of the individual known as Goku Black."

Jin Mori blinked in surprise as he questioned.

"Goku Black?"

Android 18 nodded her head as she recounted.

"That's right. One day, the saiyan son Goku just began raining terror on the city killing civilians indiscriminently. Anyone that tried to fight back against him was executed live. Not even the Z fighters were capable of stopping him."

Mori closed his eyes digesting the information he has just received. He opened his eyes as he asked another question.

"What happened to this universes God Of Destruction? Surely someone like this Goku Black would've already been made aware to the God Of Destruction to deal with."

Android 18 gave Mori a confused look as he froze before speaking.

"Do you not know what a God Of Destruction is?"

Android 18 shook her head causing Mori to frown before he sighed and went on to ask his next question.

"How long has this Goku Black been active for? Did he ever give a motive to his senseless killings?"

Android 18 pondered before she answered.

"He's been killing off people for several years now. And he hasn't given any motives. Most likely he does it for his own amusement."

Mori nodded his head as he spoke.

"I guess I can understand the general situation. As I said earlier, you may ask me any questions, and I'll answer them to the best of my abilities."

Android 18 was surprised he was actually willing to answer her questions. So she nodded her head and she questioned.

"As I asked earlier. How can you not know what's been going on?"

Mori shrugged as he responded.

"It's because I've been training on an entirely different planet before being brought here somehow."

Android 18 digested his words before she nodded and continued.

"Earlier, you asked me about this so called God Of Destruction. Could you explain to me who or what they are, and why did you expect them to have dealt with this problem of Goku Black?"

Mori nodded as he explained.

"God's Of Destruction, are exactly as their titles propose. They are Destroyer's whose jobs are to maintain the mortal level of the universe they preside over by destroying creatures, entities or even mortals that pose a threat to the prosperity of life for the residents of said universe, and working alongside the Kaioshin's to ensure life is properly flourishing in their universe."

Android 18 was rather surprised by Mori's words as she questioned.

"And what happens if this Mortal Level is extremely low?"

"Then, said universe is erased from existence."

Mori's words shocked Android 18 deeply. However, upon hearing his words, she couldnt help but ask.

"Are you perhaps a God Of Destruction?"

Mori's shook his head as he spoke.

"I am a candidate for the position as the next God Of Destruction."

Android 18 nodded in understanding as Mori continued.

"Though I am a candidate, I have bested my universe's God in combat. So, till I return to the planet of the God Of Destruction I am still considered a candidate."

Android 18 nodded her head before she took notice of the scarlet coloured tail wrapped around his waist as she blinked in surprise and asked.

"Are you a saiyan?"

Mori nodded his head as Android 18 looked preplexed at the revelation.

"Hold on. A saiyan is the next candidate to become this God Of Destruction?"

Mori raised an eyebrow as he questioned.

"And? Do you have an issue with the saiyans?"

Android 18 quickly shook her had in denial as she spoke.

"No! I was just surprised is all. I had assumed that those chosen to be the next God Of Destruction, are all from a specific divine race."

Mori chuckled at her words as he shook his head and replied.

"Nope. Anyone from any race can be chosen as the next God Of Destruction. There are just a few conditions needed to be met to become a God Of Destruction."

Android 18 was surprised at this revelation as she questioned him about it.

"And what are these conditions?"

"The first and most important condition is that you must be capable of using God Ki. It doesnt matter even if you somehow meet the other conditions. Without God Ki, you can never be chosen as a candidate."

Android 18 was surprised at his words as she questioned.

"Is that silver aura around your entire figure this so called God Ki?"

Mori shook his head and explained.

"Nope. This silver aura you see around me is because of a technique. I have this technique active at all times, and the sign that it's being used is this silver glow."

Android 18 was rather surprised at his words, but before she could ask another question, she trembled as a malevolent Ki signature had just appeared.

"Hrrm? This ki. Is this the Ki of Goku Black?"

Android 18 nodded her head as Mori got off his chair as he spoke.

"Well, this is certainly an interesting development. I shall go have a little chat with this Goku Black. See if I can scare him out of this universe."

Android 18 was surprised by his words as she questioned.

"Scare him? You mean you wont kill him? Arent you a candidate to become a God Of Destruction? Why would all you do is scare him if he's lowering the mortal level of this universe?"

Mori sighed as he answered.

"It's because I am the candidate to rule Universe Seven. Not whatever universe this is. I shall leave the killing of this Goku Black to this universes God Of Destruction. The least I will do is stop the casualties from rising any higher."

Android 18 sighed but still nodded her head. It's not like she can do anything to force him to kill Goku Black. Just getting rid of that bastard until this universes God Of Destruction hopefully does something.

As Mori was beggining to walk out of Android 18's secret lair, he turned around, and asked jer a rather odd question.

"By the way. The eightieen in your name. Does it represent your age?"

Android 18 blinked in confusion as she blurted.


"You know! Like the reason you call yourself Eighteen is because your like one of those girls who like to claim their forever eighteen."

A Ki blast was hurled at his face which was erased as he smiled seeing her irritation. He waved his hand goodbye before dissapearing out of the hideout heading in the direction of Goku Black.

Android 18 scoffed as she laid on the couch to rest. After all, she was having a peaceful rest before that self proclaimed God Of Destruction Jin Mori interrupted it. She twisted and turned on the couch for a few minutes, as her eyebrows twitched in annoyance before she huffed as she thought to herself.

'Ugh. Now I can't sleep anymore. And I can't even leave this underground bunker I've built without risking being seen by that saiyan Trunks.'

(Meanwhile with Jin Mori.)

Mori having sensed the evil Ki of Goku Black had flown over to check it out. He supressed his God Ki signature to prevent alarming Goku Black, when his eyebrows raised upon sensing a similar Ki signature to Goku Black's, except more divine.

'A Kaioshin? It doesn't have any similarities to the Destroyers, or even an Angel like Whis, and the only other divine race I can think of are the Kaioshins.'

As he approached them, he witnessed a unique looking machine floating out of a large dome like building as Goku Black sent a ki blast towards it. But Mori having sensed the Ki Signature of another individual still inside, increased his speed reaching the human instantly as he raised his hand nullifying the Ki blast as the glowing machine dissapeared.

Goku Black looked dumbfounded at the sight of Jin Mori who ignored him as he looked at the person he had just saved.

She had blue hair, and was wearing a lab coat over an orange shirt and a pair of jeans with a rather youthful face.

"Are you alright miss?"

Bulma Briefs blinked in surprise at the mysterious youthful individual with the long scarlet hair, his mysterious pair of scarlet eyes with those golden cross irises and his increadibly muscular physique. The first thought that came into her mind was.

'Oh my, he's so hot~'

However, upon realising her own thoughts, she coughed in embarrassment and answered.

"My name is Bulma. And I'm fine thanks to your timely save. But if I may ask, just who are you?"

Jin Mori gazed at the astonished Goku Black as he answered the question asked.

"My name is Jin Mori. Do you have anywhere to hide?"

Bulma shook her head as she answered.

"I don't have anywhere to go to."

Mori nodded his head as he erected a barrier around Bulma using his Ki surprising not just Bulma, but Goku Black who exclaimed in shock.

"That Ki! That clothing! There's no doubt about it, you are a God Of Destruction!"

Mori slowly levitated into the air coming face to face with Goku Black as he responded.

"And what if I am? Is there a problem with that?"

Goku Black narrowed his eyes before crossing his arms as he spoke.

"Tell me. What is a God Of Destruction doing in this universe? The God's of destruction are forbidden from interfering with anything happening in other universes."

Mori nodded his head in agreement as he answered.

"Though your words are true, I'm sure the God Of Destruction of this universe will appreaciate me stopping you from dropping the mortal level of this universe even more lower than it might already be. And besides, since when do the Kaioshins employ saiyans to wreak havoc upon the universe?"

Goku Black didn't seem surprised by Mori's words as he answered.

"Mortals received the divine gift of intellect, the potential for wisdom, but they misuse it to destroy the beauty of creation. Mortals do not succumb to evil, they are the evil. They create it and spread it with minds they shouldn't possess. How can we call ourselves gods if we watch this plight and do nothing to stop it?"

Mori hummed listening to Goku Black's words as he mused.

"Are you proclaiming yourself a God saiyan? Does killing the weak feed your God complex? After all, how can you claim to be one when your serving a Kaioshin."

Goku Black snorted as he answered.

"Do not misunderstand Destroyer. I am a God. I simply took over this vessel because it has potential to help me achieve my goals."

Hearing the words of Goku Black, Jin Mori questioned.

"Ah. So your also a Kaioshin?"

Goku Black nodded his head and his answer caused Jin Mori to burst out laughing shocking Bulma, Goku Black as well as the recent arrival of the Kaioshin Zamasu. Mori wiped away the stray tears from laughing to hard as he spoke.

"Forgive me. I couldn't help but laugh at how ludricious your words are. You claim to hate mortals, and yet you possess the body of one? He must have made quite the impression on you for you to be willingly using his body despite your "hatred" for mortals. Or do you plan to kill yourself once you've accomplished your goals of ridding the universe of all mortals?"

The recently arrived Zamasu agreed with Jin Mori as he spoke.

"You see? Even this God Of Destruction agree's that parting your divine shell for that of a mortal is pathetic."

Goku Black became annoyed by Zamasu's words as he replied.

"I only gave up my divine body because this one allows me to grow stronger at a much quicker pace than my previous body."

"Alright. That's enough out of the two of you. Answer me now, if the both of you are Kaioshin, then which universe are you from?"

Zamasu bowed respectfully as he answered.

"We are both the Supreme Kai of universe 10 Zamasu. A pleasure to make your acquaintance Destroyer."

Jin Mori blinked in surprise as he responded.

"I'm in universe ten?"

Zamasu shook his head and answered.

"No. This is universe seven."

Jin Mori froze as he blinked dumbly before questioning.

"Hold on. Universe seven? The same universe under the jurisdiction of the God Of Destruction Beerus?"

Zamasu nodded his head as Mori questioned baffled.

"What in the world are the Kaioshins from universe ten doing in universe seven? And why haven't the Kaioshins of this universe, or even it's God Of Destruction done anything?"

Jin's question was answered by Bulma.

"Hey Jin Mori! The Kaioshin your talking about were killed by Babidi's henchmen a few years ago."

Mori blinked before he spoke.

"Seriously? The Supreme Kai died?"

Bulma nodded her head as she explained.

"My son once fought alongside the Kaioshins to prevent the resurrection of Majin Buu. He succeeded, but it costed the life of the supreme Kai Shin."

At the end of Bulma's words, Jin Mori finally understood where he is.

"I'm in a future alternate timeline of universe seven. A timeline in which the God Of Destruction Beerus has passed due to the death of the Supreme Kaioshin. In other words, the two of you are intruders upon the universe which I am to rule over."

By the end of his words, the atmosphere had turned cold as Zamasu, Goku Black and Bulma all shivered at the iciness in his tone. The sky crackled with thunder as a massive condensation of God Ki swirled in the atmosphere as both Zamasu's looked up into the sky with horror etched onto their faces as they witnessed a massive storm cloud that covered the entire galaxy they were in. It crackled with divine thunder as the two of them didn't even hesitate to try and use their time rings to escape.

Alas, before they could even try pouring their Ki to activate the time ring, both of them found themselves without both their arms and legs as Jin Mori spoke.

"I am the God Of Destruction of universe seven. Kaioshin of the tenth universe Zamasu. Foolish Kaioshin Goku Black. The price you will both pay for the harm to the mortal level in this universe shall be your demise. Consequences be damned."

The Kaioshin Zamasu healed his severed limbs instantly and tried to run away as fast as he could without aid of the time ring to escape. And a few seconds later, the same unique looking machine from earlier appeared seemingly out if thin air as the three people inside of the machine looked on dumbly at the massive storm cloud.

Jin Mori raised his palm into the air, and clenched his fist as his ominous voice echoed throughout the entire area they were in.

"Strike down. Destroyer's Nebula Lightning."


Two massive purple divine bolt infused with Jin Mori's power of destruction struck down true upon it's intended targets completely killing off Goku Black, body and soul. Jin Mori watched impassively as the completely destroyed body of the Kaioshin Zamasu regenerated as Mori clicked his tounge and spoke.

"Immortality huh?"

As Zamasu completely regenerated, Jin Mori forced Zamasu to his knees with just the pressure of his Ki as he spoke.

"Good news for you. Since your immortal, I'll seal you away. So I hope you enjoy eternity living in nothingness."

Mori picked up a piece of stone on the ground, and after infusing it with his God Ki, he used a sealing technique taught to him by Whis to seal away Zamasu in the stone before he stored the stone away and dispelled the barrier surrounding Bulma as he spoke.

"I take it you are fine miss Bulma?"

Bulma dumbly nodded her head, before she took notice of Jin Mori's gaze upon the time travelling machine she had built.

"Come out. All three of you."

Mori's voice was authoritive, as the machine opened up and out came three individuals. One who looked exactly like Goku Black minus being a Kaiyoshin, the next was a boy with similar hair colour to Bulma.

'Must be her son.'

And then, was a man Jin knew as a smile graced his face and he spoke.

"Yo Vegeta! Long time no see!"

The saiyan prince Vegeta looked confused at the individual standing before them. But one thing he definitely did notice was the overwhelming amount of God Ki coming off the man, as well as his tail and the uniform of The God Of Destruction he wore.

The saiyan Goku was the first to speak.

"Hi there! I'm Son Goku, who are you?"

"My name is Jin Mori. The God Of Destruction of Universe Seven."

next chapter
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