New York, Manhattan
Morningstar Manor
In a Bright room, a man with blond hair sleeps.
Letting loose a yawn, the man awakens, revealing the whitest eyes ever. After a moment, they start to glow white, then red, and finally, they stop glowing and turn the purest blue.
Sensing a great power, Lucifer turns his head as a soul slams into Lucifer. Outrage at the attempted possession Lucifer starts to summon his power but stops as he feels his power return at full force and instead of being possessed he merges with the other soul deciding to allow it he lays down and falls to sleep.
After a minute, Lucifer awakens again and notices instantly that the two memories, personalities, and souls merged into one entity.
Hmm, it seems that in this multiverse, Archangels had the power to form custom vessels and forms. Although they didn't offer to stabilize them or grant them a 10% boost of power, they did offer them protection from banishment and a level of resistance against everything that could harm them.
This means the Frequency egg which was used to banish him into Nick on the show would have no effect nor would the spell to send him back to the cage.
On the flip side taking Sam as a vessel should they come to an understanding would not only gift him those resistance but would stabilize his soul and grace, increase his power, and heal all mental and spiritual problems he would have currently have at the cost of himself and Sam merging into one being and never being able to leave the vessel.
Besides all that, the only good part is that it takes the true Vessels of Michael and Amenadiel combined to match his power currently, but in Sam, he would equal Father in Chuck.
Taking a moment, he crawled out of bed slightly surprised as he realized that he hadn't taken someone to bed.
It seems he was a version of Lucifer who was a combination of Lucifer of the DC Comics and Show, Supernatural, and Constantine.
Through his memories, Lucifer smiled as he looked around his $150,000,000 75 beds 78 baths 5 SQ Mile Manor with 3 sublevels the first and second floors were a Library, Armory, and Servant Quarters. The Last Subfloor was a Massive 26 FT by 26 Wide Pool.
'' Sir, can we assume your ritual worked'' His Butler Eric questions.
Letting a smile come to his face, he turns to his Butler and says as he makes his eyes glow a whitish red '' Yes, it did''
Please, Eric said '' Then sir, I would make you aware that while you finished your ritual a Celestial Energy had entered earth that bares the signature of the Phoneix force''.
Flinching at that, Lucifer orders '' Find the new host of the Phoneix Force and keep watch should someone search and/or take said host you are to watch the situation. Should said situation negatively affect the host now or in the future, you are to remove her and all in the new caretaker's care and use our resources to remove said Caretaker's life while turning his resources and influence for our own''.
Eric a Half Vampire-Half Demon Hybrid bows and says '' Of course... I'll put Andras on the case''.
Chuckling at that, Lucifer replied '' Of course, but tell him not to seduce the host the Phoneix would burn him alive''.
Snorting at that, Eric walks away at the thought of the Great Andras Marquis of the 7th Dimension of Lust being destroyed due to attempting to seduce the Phoneix itself.
Watching Eric, walk away Lucifer let out a sigh and murmured '' I wish... the soul knew my powers... the only wish worthwhile is the Spital Farm world and Shop''.
Shaking his head, Lucifer gathered his power and sacrificed the Inventory he had copied right after he woke up and the map his power had already gifted him.
With the collected power he created and changed the mulitverse to include the worlds of Naruto, DBZ, Charmed, TVDU, Buffyverse, Good Omens, Lucifer TV Show, Lucifer Comics, Sandman Comics, Sandman TV Show, God of War AU, Riordianverse, Potterverse, Elder Scrolls, Mortal Instruments, Game of Thrones AU, A Song of Ice and Fire AU ( The Dragon Cub), Lord of the Rings Universe AU, Castlevania, Dracula Untold, Underworld, Castle, John Wick, Taken, and Merlin.
While increasing his power along with the monsters, demons, pagans, and gods of this Mulitverse making the Omniverse more in line with the comics than the Anime, TV Shows, Games, and Movies along with changing the world enough that this world isn't automatically the darkest but one of the free worlds where there was no comics, tv shows, anime, or movies made on it.
Thus, he'll have no Canon Knowledge beyond as a reference.
While also making the supernatural more like the other worlds.
Such as the Demons and Angels of Good Omens and their abilities added to theirs.
The last of the power was used to claim 100 Hell Dimensions along with 100 Heavenly Planes and cross them with 10 Unclaimed Dimensions.
This increases his power to match Father when he takes Chuck but Not Father in his true form.
No, the only way to match his father would be with Sam, Michael with Adam, and Dean with Amenadiel each of them would need to say yes and have the aid of the other Archangels.
He needs to get rid of the shop or the spital farm.
After a moment, of thought he absorbed the Spital Farm and merged the Farm with his Dimension which would serve as his Captial with all the same properties of the Spital Farm save that it only has everything from the moment of creation not self-updating or self-care like the soul wish.
Using the energy he destroyed the farm itself after moving everything.
First, he gifted the souls who made a deal for love and/or political/ economic power bodies that would charge them with taking care of his dimension.
Which was now, filled with things that need taken care of and protected as the dimension is now filled with life.
To care, for everything he created a council of twelve demons/ fallen angels in charge with himself as the King and made Crowley his Hand.
They would be a small council similar to Michael and His Valyrians before the lands pissed off Gaea forcing him to only save the small folk and a couple of houses.
Hmm, he should check on his Champion and his family. The last he checked the Dragons, Roses, Suns, Lions, and Direwolves had all moved to Europe where they rebuilt their power.
Grabbing his clothes for the day, Lucifer jumped into the shower ringing the intercom he ordered'' Eric, please look in on the Targaryens, Tyrells, Starks of the Direwolf Kind, The Lannisters, and the Martells''.
'' Of course, sir the last I checked three years ago The Targaryen Family and the Starks had married into the other family merging into one large Criminal Family. I'm certain that those we save have become 12 of the 100 Members of the High Table and some of the Top Merchant and Criminal Families in the world.
Your Champion Jaehaerys Targaryen and his wife Margaery Targaryen along with his inner circle and children last I heard was in the Pocket Dimension of Arda aiding to defeat Morgoth and her Lieutenants''.
Letting out a sigh of relief Lucifer focused on the great power he had sacrificed using the dwindling power to change the personality and history of Father, Mother, and Aunt Amara.
Thus, he didn't need to take over heaven as Father would have that well in hand even though he was currently taking a break while Zedkiel the Archangel whose Grace is used to make Ghost Riders was captured with a hundred attempts each ending in the death of those who have tried to save the Archangel from Mephisto.
Strangely that act had not only changed himself but his siblings and demons as well they were now a mixture of Good Omens, SPN, Lucifer from the Show and Comics, and Constantine.
Now, at full power, he could match Loki, Hela, and Thor combined or in layman's terms be Capable of Destroying two Galaxies with no life in a Massive attack all at once at the cost of 1000s of years with no power.
Or one whole Galaxy for galaxies with Life.
A Solar System if the Galaxy has solar systems with more than one Planet with life.
A Planet in the Galaxy is protected by an Elder God.
Or if the planet is like Earth protected by an Elder God, Multiple Gods, and a few Celestials they can only physically move it or use 40% of his true power to destroy the planet. But only if they allow it.
If not, the planet could resist his full might.
(It is why Galactus is such a threat, he can negate or lessen their presence with his own and force them to physically stop him and Galactus can smack around 8 Mid-level Celestials or match the Progenitor from whose blood the Mutants and Inhumans were created.
And that's alone his Heralds match the First Archangels in Power.)
Physically, he matches a Hulk capable of lifting the city of New York back into place if it starts to sink. And the extra grace will boost his power until he matches a Hulk capable of smashing a planet to nothing but at a slower rate than the Hulk. Meaning unless he uses 10 Hands of Gods at once he would not match Broly once he's capable of destroying a planet before Broly manages to break his spine.
( DBZ is the strongest above most gods save Cosmic, Celestials, Otherworldly, and Galactic with only a few managing to match Celestials in power.
The Gods of Life and Death are the most powerful of the Otherworldly gods.
In terms of power, it goes Skyfather, Elder, Galactic, Otherworldly, Celestial, Multiversal, Cosmic, and Omniversal.
The Multiversal Gods are the Gods of Destruction and Creation. Such as Lord Beerus
Omniversal is those like the Strongest One-Above-All.)
Letting out a sigh, Lucifer left his thoughts and headed over to the little bar in his Manor and let loose out a sigh as he sipped a 35,000$ Bottle of Whiskey.
After a moment, he says to himself '' I have three Manors in New York on the Outskirts each of them on at least 5 Miles of Land. I could turn two of them into Schools for the Enhance and Mutants''.
Deciding on his path, Lucifer pulled out his phone and ordered '' Eric set things up so that the Manors in the Outskirts of New York are turned into Schools for the Enhance and Mutants include Inhumans, and make the School a Boarding School that houses all year up to PH.Ds. Also please start a global corporation called Morning Industries I want a Global Company that deals in Communication Technology, Technology, Transportation, Aerospace, Marine Ships, Security, Robotics, Nanotechnology, Bioengineering, Medical, Entertainment, Space Technology, and Space Transportation.
By Entertainment, I mean Movies, Music, TV Shows, Anime, Comics, Toys, Game Consoles, and Video Games, and By Communication I mean Software, Hardware, Computer Technology, phones, security for items such as firewalls, things of that nature''.
Eric making notes asks '' How much is the budget for these two objectives''?
Lucifer answers '' My Power Schools is to be Given 40 Billion Dollars each with the best of the best including contracts and contacts with some of the biggest companies in the world including ours. With the best Lawyers to defend the schools and students. Along with the best private security. The Company is to be given the Entire He'iel account''.
Eric gulps at that and says '' Are you sure, sir that's 62 Trillion Dollars''?
Lucifer waves that off and says '' I'll tell them I want Mars and Titan Terraformed by 2014 and that I want Asteroids around Jupiter along with the various Moons being mined by 2006. Have our lawyers start working on laws to protect those with Superpowers, Mystical, Magical, and Supernatural I at least want them considered Minority groups and those who go after one arrested for being Racists as if you go after Blacks and/or Jews''.
Eric says '' Understood I'll get in contact with your contacts and place a few demons in charge''.
Pleased Lucifer places the phone down turning on the Speaker he orders '' Place Baal in charge of getting the schools ready with Asmodeus in charge of getting the company ready. Tell Baal and Asmodeus in exchange they shall be on the board for both''.
Eric's eyes alight at that and says '' I'll get right on that... I'll need a week to get everything set up sir''.
After a moment of thought Lucifer ordered '' Hire Stark, Oscorp, and whatever other company you can think of that can create armor, shields, artificial gravity, and weapons for the various Transportation and spaceships. Also, hire them to create different power sources for said creations and the transportation and ships. I want them clean not using fossil fuel''.
Eric's eyes alight replies '' Done''.
Satisfied Lucifer hunged up and murmured'' I'll start writing the Boys Comics and placing ideas of various Animes, Cartoons, etc that Morning Industries can't take on itself''.
Having an idea of what Morning Industries could and couldn't produce based on his divination powers Lucifer snaps his fingers creating 8 clones to work on the Anime, Cartoons, Movies, Comics, TV Shows, Toys, and Games that the company can support and start a direction while he finished the glassed and prepared to travel the world and place the idea and get them support to make what he places inside their minds a reality.
( Not that it matters but the Boys Comic Book writer was creating multiple versions of the Compound from A to V creating more than just humans given superpowers but Aliens, Magic, magical creatures/races, Supernatural of all types, Mythical ( Gods and Monsters), Afterlife and so much more. The reason why Aliens and Humans have powers is because of either the various Compounds or they are either magical or supernaturally involved. There are also more companies than Vought with the Government having 3 Compounds Compounds G, H, and S allowing them to create 10 that can match Homelander and Solider Boy or G which is the most common and used by Soldiers. 1.0- 8.0 on each version for stronger versions of each compound. Compound M will allow normal humans or superpower beings to use one branch of magic.
May mention a episode later or something in like a one-shot.)
With his planning, done Lucifer sent Eric away as he finally left his private quarters in the Manor.
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