/ Movies / The MARVELous Harry Potter
4.58 (43 valoraciones)
In the aftermath of the epic battle against Voldemort, Harry Potter finds himself thrust into a whole new world—the Marvel Universe. Graduation was meant to mark a new beginning, but fate had other plans. Now, armed with his magical prowess and an unwavering resolve forged through years of adversity, Harry joins forces with Earth's mightiest heroes, the Avengers.
Harry must grapple with the challenges of adapting to this new reality while staying true to his own principles. Harry's journey unfolds, intertwining magic and technology, as he learns that heroism knows no boundaries—even across universes.
Prepare for a spellbinding adventure where the wizarding world collides with the Marvel Universe, where magic meets technology, and where Harry Potter steps into a new role—as an Avenger.
{this story was basically abandoned and i decided to adapt this story in my own writing style and a lot more help from chatbot. Story is more or less the same as abandoned one so i will try to progress this story as much as possible. It's name is same on fanficton.net.}
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Escribe una reseñaIf you want to see a magically weak, physically weak, bumbling Detective Harry Potter in over his head in a world where he could be fking destroyed by even the weakest villain. Read this, it's good for you.
the book doesn't reinvent Harry Potter or the MCU but it does allow you for a second to see a beautiful scenes (not counting the horse c**k) and a story that doesn't go too far from what we know about both Properties but allows us to see how much the author shows care for this book. but I'm not happy with the current amount of chapter backlog as certified book worm I can drop a 20 chapters in less than an hour. and for this the author must compensate me with 20 Arcs, yes Arcs or Volumes not chapters
Binge read all 23 chapters released at this time in one go. Really enjoy this and am looking foward to more!
A really god story ! The romance with Domino's really a good choice and i'm curious to see Harry visit Hasgard .
Nice. It's not often that you find a good Harry Potter in Marvel Fanfic. I'm enjoying it so far. 😁
This this is a must read for any HP and marvel fans omg i myself didnt know i was missing this from my life but im grateful i came across this AMAZING read and highly recommend any and all to read.
A very good HarryxMCU crossover. At this point of the story, I'm wondering what the Master of Death entails.
The premise is that Harry Potter gets isekai'd into the MCU. Good potential for a story if Harry remains at around the same power level, unlike Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard. The Freddy Krueger plot was unnecessary in my opinion, but for the rest, great stuff. Definitely a recommend
Autor whitethief274
technically not my story even if I am doing a lot more modifications than needed. but quality should never be compromised. So, do tell me if there are any mistakes somewhere in the story.