In his presence, I could see past the druggish haze he tried to lose himself in, and I saw the man he had already carved himself out to be, even if he still didn't fully comprehend it yet. I knew the intentions he had as soon as soon as I had regained my memories, but temptation was hard to resist when it came to power and corruption, most especially in the palace. And that was one of the reasons why I had to distance myself from him, along with the fact that he was no longer under his fathers control so he had the right to meet who he wanted…and do what he wanted, as much as that thought utterly destroyed me inside. He had all of these rights, but for some reason I couldn't imagine him looking at anyone that way he had started looking at me recently, or watch anyone as intensely as he does to me. I should have well and truly thrown him out when I noticed he was watching me in my most private moments as well, especially after the way he treated me when I did the same all of those years ago…but there was still a small part of me that was selfish and greedy when it came to him. Since that man came into my life I had always looked up to him as much more than my brother's only and best friend…I couldn't really explain why, but I indeed always craved his acceptance, his warmth that even he wasn't aware that he possessed…and his love. It simply wasn't fair! I knew….keeping myself form him was the right thing to do, and I really did had so much to accomplish before Hwi got me married off…but I had always loved Seon-Ho and I always will…he was the biggest reason why I had sorted out his father for him. But Hui-Jae was something that he had brought onto himself and I had no time for petty fights over men when I had a short timeline to accomplish a lot.
But I had his eyes, his lips, his strong build and and his voice in both my mind and heart despite his conflicting behaviour as I carried on doing my embroidery pieces, which I was also starting to do my own pieces separately. My uncle had ruthlessly taken away everything from myself and my brother whilst also bringing shame onto my late mother and claimed my father's hard work as his own when he flourished a wealthy business just by association to him alone. But he left us orphaned and alone with no support, he even joined in as crowds in the village would laugh at me when I had my epileptic fits, along with his poisonous daughter who never liked me from the start. She was so obsessed with me that she wet out of her way to harass and bully me almost everyday, so much so that I had to start saying in our home by choice, rather than societal norms. Truth be told, I had already planned on getting my revenge for myself and my father as soon as I had regained my memories and I came across her the next time I was allowed out to the market. She was bringing someone down to their knees as usual and humiliating them with whatever she could get her hands on at the time. Even the cost of her shoes could have scored me enough epilepsy medicine for at least 2 months My father despised my mother's greedy family just as she had despised his high and mighty one. My brother felt the same, although Areum always seemed to go easier on my brother more than anyone else. And I had only 4 months to complete this before being hauled into the palace to face god know's what…
Seon-Ho was still on my mind and the memory that I lost in the inn as almost half the day's work had gone by. I wondered if he had built up his apprentice again; he lad lost so much weight after I had specifically hand picked those maids to watch after him…I knew he was watching my every move in my home but what he didn't know was that I was watching him as well. I could't help myself…I knew that he loved somebody else but he was just so…alluring…and he was one of the most well built men I had ever come across. And the way he was always looking at me wasn't exactly helping matters either…
….I was so lost in thought that I didn't even realise that my face was beginning to heat up as I had my supervisor call out for me a few times before I had even noticed. The whole room went deadly silent as I stood up to make my formal greetings to a man who looked like a professional. He looked extremely strict, but when I heard that he had specifically wanted to meet the person behind my designs, I couldn't help but notice a small smile appear on his lips as he seemed to just stare at me for a while, as if was trying to figure out who I was.
"This is the woman who embodied those handkerchiefs that were displayed in that shop close to the palace? She barely seem's 20 years old." He wondered out aloud as the other girls started to whisper around us. The truth was, that even in the lowest of places I always seemed to be a topic of discussion as trouble just seemed to follow me everywhere, or rather people who were like my cousin continually tried to provoke me as I did things differently from everyone else. I had my own methods, tricks and way of thinking in this Confucius country that 'didn't suit the way things were done here.' The supervisor confirmed his suspicions, and before I knew it I was being taken away for a 'private meeting' in one of the most expensive restaurants in town! They even gave me an outfit to change into, that was how reputable that place was…and it was a place that I knew my uncle had his eye on as a new source of investment.
'Let's get straight to the point then' he stated as soon as he treated me to about 10 dishes that I could barely get through. 'Although you work for one of the most reputable embroidery business in our village, your work has far surpassed those of everyone else who had been lucky enough to have their work displayed in the shops. I have been one of this family's biggest clients for many years now, ever since their work started to flourish. But recently their work seems to be rather repetitive and dull lately. Your work however is fresh, and you seem to have used a rather new technique that bring your embroidery to life. What is the secret to your method if you don't mind me asking?"
"It's a secret method that I have worked on myself, and it's not for sale, no matter how many times you ask me or you treat me to expensive things" I smiled sweetly at him, retying to retain my laughter from the fact that he took me as a simple girl who would fall for anything that a man said. His shocked face said it all before he tried to cover it up. "So, where do we go from here, since you're so interested in my work?" My brother had taught me a few things before I left him to work, including how to deal with businessmen since he was busy setting up a few weaponry shops of his own. He hesitated at my question, so I got up and thanked him for the meal before I started walking away. I tried not to look behind me as I noticed how he had gotten up behind me. I made my way back to my workshop before I was to go back to another one of my jobs and pick up a little boy that I had been caring for as a part time nanny. I walked past the market where my embroideries where selling out like hot cakes. I had walked around slowly on purpose so I could hear all the of the positive comments everyone was saying about my work…about my mother's embroidery technique that my father had taught me before he…
I had started embroidering again as soon as I recovered my lost memories and I started embroidering everything I could get my hands on to keep up the practise. I made countless things for Seon-Ho as an excuse since I realised that he was watching me when he rejected them over and over again. I had initially gotten a hold of my uncle's general patterns from the shops so I could practice in the Nam mansion so I wouldn't have a problem being selected as a worker. And I had been a diligent worker for the past month or two, but now that I knew the family was coming to the village for a business stay for at least a couple of months, I could start carrying out my plan against them.
"Yeon! Are you even paying attention to me?" "How did you find me, Ae-Cha?" "Myself and the Young Master have been looking all over for you. We wanted to study together and…." "I have already finished all of my assignments for the following month as I have some work to catch up on, but you are welcome to carry on without me. Ae-Cha really needs the help anyways and I am far too busy to accommodate her…" Seon-Ho wasn't officially part of my life, so why was I suddenly nervous? I didn't want him to see my relationships with other people, because I knew that whatever he had planned for me still despite his betrayal in the palace with Hui-Jee, that he was going to isolate me from everyone apart from my brother and maybe his men. I could understand his intentions to some extent since my men knew that I wasn't the most extroverted person, but now more than ever, I needed to set some boundaries between us and having these new relationships can be a way to do that.
"Well since we are all here, then why don't we talk a little walk to give ourselves a break from work? I have been studying since 5am and I really need some food to fill me up for later. Shall we all go an inn…hey, what is that? Is that a fire in the distance?" "What are you talking about…"
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