The smell of tomato sauce and grilled meat wafted in the air as a faint white smoke floating from the frying pan.
Raine wiggled her legs that dangled from the countertop where she was sitting. Her eyes attentively followed Torak's every move.
It had been almost an hour since he insisted on cooking something for her.
Torak moved swiftly as if it wasn't his first time inside the kitchen. He himself couldn't believe that he had this side inside him, he wouldn't have thought that one day he would cook something, moreover it was for another person.
But, to think he did this for his mate, there was nothing to be ashamed of.
He stood there, with the spoon in his hand while tasting the spaghetti. "I am sure I have put it right…" He murmured to himself.
The spaghetti looked delicious, but the taste wasn't as he expected.
Raine jumped down from the island and approached him, she grabbed the spoon from Torak's hand and tasted it by herself.
Edited by: Fikydiamond
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