<p data-p-id="7e526136578bc27a0292ac72634f1e4f">Lazari looked around. She was in an unknown place...it wasn't heaven but it wasn't hell either. She was standing in complete darkness and she couldn't feel anyone around her..that was until she heard something.
- Have you gone mad?! You know that your father forbids you from going to the barrier!- She saw a young maid arguing with someone..a princess?.. The girl had black hair which ended in red and her dress was a mix of black and deep red.
- I don't care! I want to see her again! Even if Father forbids it that princess is the one I want!- the next second the two women disappeared and another two appeared...this time the princess had white hair which ended in yellow and her dress was a mix of white and bright yellow..
- P-princess you know very well that the king forbids you from going there!- the maid spoke to the princess as if she was afraid...but by the tone of her voice it wasn't the princess she was afraid of but the king.
- I am aware. I know what my father said but I wish to see that princess at least once more...even if it means disobeying the king- in the next second the two people disappeared again.
<p data-p-id="8ad35e8f4375a0692cefab81dd71dbd0">Lazari couldn't figure out what was happening...a few seconds later the two princesses appeared right in front of her...they looked straight at her and started circling around her.
- She is quite interesting isn't she dear?- the princess in the red dress asked.
- I have to say she is talented...maybe even more talented than you and I- The princess in the white dress responded. Lazari looked at the two confused about why were they judging her and what was all this..it only took a few seconds for the two princesses to disappear and Lazari was left alone.
<p data-p-id="979cf1be244d30a7acf3730bd0a2e7cd">The princess woke up and immediately looked around. She didn't remember anything only her dream and that she crossed the barrier...she was inside a room..the place was unfamiliar for her. A few minutes later the door opened and Liam walked in.
- P-princess you're awake!- he walked over to her bedside and sat down in a chair near it.
- Liam...what happened?..Where are we?- She tried sitting up but couldn't. Liam immediately helped her sit up and looked her in the eye.
- You fainted...after that my family and I took you to a trusted friend of ours. Knight Max was one of our royal knights when my family lived here and he is still loyal as ever. He and his daughter agreed to give us shelter after we told them what you did- hearing his words Lazari felt at ease. They had people here who they can trust...but she didn't know why she fainted..did she extend too much energy?
<p data-p-id="ae5e23dfb0b14a85069ea0f66c7029d1">After talking to Liam Lazari learned about the people who took them in. Max was not only a royal knight but also a very trusted person to the king of hell himself. His daughter Yua is a very strong warrior and a powerful magic user. The place Laz currently was in was the second floor of their home and the rest of the royal family were near there all this time. Liam told her that his parents are very grateful for what she did and that they wish to express their gratitude once she is doing better...and they were worried about her once she fainted. That surprised Lazari since no one was really worried about her back in heaven except the royal staff in the castle.
<p data-p-id="9cc605055a0a364fd918e5ec275b4722">Not soon after Liam left Laz stood up and walked downstairs. Once was down six people looked at her. Four of them were Liam's family and the other two were the two demons who took them in.
- Princess you are awake!- Liam's mother hugged the princess which was unexpected..but she didn't mind and returned the hug. Once the two let go Lazari got a better look at Liam's family. He had two younger siblings one sister who was about ten and a younger brother who looked about six. The most noticeable family trait was that all four of them had the same light red eyes.
- So you are Lazari... Prince Liam talked about you a lot while you were unconscious. I am Max and this is my daughter Yua- The two demons smiled at Laz. Knight Max and Yua had darker skin colors. Both had black hair that ended in a slightly darker red and their eyes were darker than Liam's.
- It's a pleasure to meet the both of you.- the princess smiled.
- Lazari- Liam spoke from the corner of the room. - Yua will be training you from now on. Knight Alexander informed my parents about your mission and we agreed to help.- Laz looked at Liam in disbelief for a second before smiling.
- thank you. I know that what I am planning might sound...crazy..but I want to know the truth- The royal family nodded in agreement.
<p data-p-id="d0ab40c904c50601e328df1e2678ace1">One hour later after everyone ate and talked about what the princess did Yua took Lazari outside.
- Do you know how to wield a sword?- Yua asked as she started setting up the training dummies. The princess nodded.
- I was trained by Alexander at the castle and he said I wasn't half bad for a beginner- The girls chuckled a bit and Yua gave Laz a sword.
- We will see how well you can fight princess- Once the dummies were set up Lazari tied her hair up.
<p data-p-id="cee3bce9197eb3519539c4b6467b5586">- You know...you remind me a lot of her- Liam was standing right next to the house just as the girls were about to train.
- I remind you of who?- Laz looked at the prince confused.
- You remind him of Princess Leila...my father and I also see the resemblance..- Princess Leila...the daughter of Satan and the rightful heir to the throne.
- How do I remind you two of her?- Laz loosened her grip on the sword handle.
- Well...your red eye and black hair...all you need is for it to end in a dark red color and I would think I am looking at her- Liam walked over to them.
- Your actions speak for themselves. Leila was always ready to go into risks if it meant that she can save people she cares about...only if she wouldn't have done that for Angelica..- Laz looked up at Yua.."Angelica"..the name she had to wear for ages..
- Can you two...tell me about them?..Leila and Angelica?...If it's not a too sensitive topic of course- the princess still had her manners straight. She wanted to learn about them but she knew that the loss of a princess can be devastating to everyone in the kingdom.
- Oh...uh..Yua are you fine with talking about them?- The girl nodded and Liam took a deep breath before starting. - Well..Leila even tho she was born a demon her heart was in the right place. She was kind to the demons and legitimately cared about the kingdom. She didn't even hate angels...it never mattered to her when her father tried to make them seem like an enemy she always judged their actions not their species- the prince looked Lazari in the eyes.
-...the same was true for Angelica. She didn't care what anyone was she only judged their actions...the two of them met at the barrier and after talking almost all night the two quickly became as close as sisters...or maybe even as close as lovers.- Yua sat down on the ground and so did Liam.
<p data-p-id="e4c4599bbe43267b936d4fc98d72794e">After a few seconds of thinking Laz sat down near the two..it didn't take long for her to ask a question she wanted to know the answer to since she met Liam.
-...What do you guys think of heaven...and of god?- The two demons looked at her surprised by the question.
-...don't get me wrong heaven is beautiful but..under HIS rule it's corrupted. None of the angels are supposed to learn the truth of anything that happened that day...to be completely honest not all of us demons know the truth either.- Liam spoke his thoughts first..that wasn't the answer Lazari expected.
-...I have never been to heaven but from what I've seen..the angels are kept in the dark about everything. If you ask me..I would rather stay here than go to a paradise where I will be lied to every second of my life- Yua looked up at Laz and let out a sigh. She stood up and started walking back inside to leave Lazari and Liam alone.
-....both of you are right- Yua stopped walking as Laz stood up. Both of the demons looked at the princess in almost disbelief.
- What?..- Liam also stood up.
-...You heard me. Both of you are right. Liam you heard what god said about me didn't you?...I have never been a princess so don't call me one. If I find out the truth...maybe we will be able to finally show the angels the truth. I was there and witnessed their so-called king lie to an innocent woman and her child about a soldier's death. He said it was a demon that killed him but no...the king himself did.- Yua looked at Laz as if she had said something forbidden..and Liam didn't have any better reaction.
- Lazari...y-you saw the king...- Yua didn't finish the sentence but Laz nodded.
<p data-p-id="e3e2a838a7312879ad278ac244609f48">The three of them stayed outside for the rest of the day. Yua trained Lazari and Liam told her about the things she should know in hell.
- Oh and if people will look at you interestingly that's because the rumors of what you did have already spread- Liam said that just as Yua's sword clashed with Lazari's.
-...excuse me what?..Rumors?- Laz didn't look at Liam since she was focused on sparring with Yua but by the reflection on her sword she saw the prince nod.
- Wait you didn't tell her?...I swear Liam..- Yua attacked Laz who parried as soon as she saw her trainer charging.
- I am sorry Okay?..I forgot to mention it..thanks to the fact that you risked your life for a demon you earned respect here in hell. There have been a few rumors going around about what you did for me- While listening to the prince Lazari attacked Yua and managed to knock her down to the ground. She then extended a hand and pulled her trainer up.
- You could've said that earlier you know- Laz looked Liam in the eyes.
- Yua! Liam! Lazari! Come inside it's late!- Max shouted from the doorway.
- Coming Dad!- Yua shouted back. Liam immediately left as Yua started packing everything back.
- Let me help.- Laz reached down to pick Yua's sword up and the two girl's hands touched. Laz looked up and blushed a bit. Yua quickly picked her sword up and looked away.
- I-I will manage packing this up. You can head inside Lazari- Laz quickly stood up and after she put her sword into the place Yua got it from she headed inside. It was an eventful day that's for sure...after eating and saying good night Laz went up into her room..well more precisely to the room she got to call her own and she sat down on the edge of the bed.
<p data-p-id="c6d338522ec90e7c986c23bc754b6a92">- I wonder...what in the two realms can keep the adoptive daughter of God up this late- Liam's mother Lilith walked into the room.
- O-oh...it's nothing- Laz smiled sheepishly.
- Lazari dear I have three children it takes more than this to lie to me- The woman sat down next to her on the bed and took her hand.
-...I am worried. I..I just don't want to cause trouble in this realm and don't wish to drag anyone into that trouble with me- Laz looked into Lilith's eyes..she saw kindness in them..something that Laz only experienced from the castle staff and the knights under Alexander's command. Lilith sighed and pulled the princess into a hug.
- Laz..we all agreed to help you didn't we? It's no problem..to be completely honest this is the least we can do. You saved my son..I am forever in your debt- Lazari teared up..this was the first time in a good while that she actually felt..loved. Liam's mother was kind and treated Laz as if she was one of her own.
- I...thank you. I can't really back down now can I?- She chuckled as Lilith let her go and wiped her tears away.
- You really can't darling...we will be behind you I promise. My husband and I have many connections here in hell so don't worry. Everything will be alright- With that Lilith stood up and walked to the door. She stopped and looked back at Laz. - If you ever need someone to talk to I will always be available. My room is right next to yours- with that she exited the room and left Lazari alone.
<p data-p-id="f994b64e17f5c66ae5d625eafe4c70ec">Laz changed into something more comfortable and decided to lay down. She looked at the ceiling still having some doubts...but she was sure about one thing. She will figure out the truth and she won't back down no matter what problems she has to face.