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28.57% The Kryptonian Saiyans (Marvel x DC) / Chapter 2: Benjamin Parker (Kyga)

Capítulo 2: Benjamin Parker (Kyga)

Kyga, the boy sent to Earth-616, was found by an elderly couple that lived in Queens, New York. Their names were May and Ben Parker. They were unable to have children, so they considered Kyga to be a gift from God. They named him Benjamin, after Ben Parker himself, and raised him as their own son.

Shortly after adopting Benjamin, the couple also took in their nephew, Peter Parker, after his parents disappeared, leaving their son behind.

Like brothers, Peter and Benjamin Parker grew up together in a loving household. Despite Kyga having powers, such as super strength and flight, his family saw him no differently than anyone else. However, they all thought it was best for him to hide his powers and live a normal life until he was old enough to be responsible with them, so that's what he did.

At the age of sixteen, Benjamin and Peter Parker were high schoolers on a school trip to Oscorp, the largest science corporation in the country. Benjamin, with his short, spikey black hair, stood next to his cousin as the two looked at the Oscorp displays in front of them.

Peter was too busy trying to take a picture of the Spider in front of him for his club, while Benjamin was busy looking at the girls seemingly checking them out. "Dude, look." Benjamin whispered, poking Peter with his elbow to catch his attention.

Peter with his brown, middle-parted hair, put his camera down and looked over at what his cousin was referring to. There were three girls looking at them, Cindy Moon, Mary Jane Watson, and Gwen Stacy. All three girls waved at the boys, causing both boys to smile like dorks and wave back.

However, they were quick to realize that the three girls weren't waving to them at all, they were waving to Lily Hollister, who was behind them. Lily walked past the boys, catching up with the group of girls before walking away. "Oh..." Benjamin uttered. Peter sighed before continuing to take photos for his club, while Harry Osborn came from behind, placing his hands on the cousins' shoulders with friendly roughness.

With his playboyish appearance, including his neatly combed brown hair, green eyes, and chiseled jaw, Harry teased his two friends. "You two are so lame!" Harry said, laughing at how the two boys made themselves look foolish in front of three of the most beautiful girls in school. Girls weren't really the two Parker boys' expertise, both being seen as nerds by their classmates.

Both boys were the shy type, not really having any friends outside of Harry Osborn and each other. Despite being so powerful, Benjamin wasn't very confident in himself when it came to being a 'normal' high school boy. Peter was the same way, just lacking in the powerful department. However, thanks to his cousin being around, Peter was rarely bullied for his awkwardness as Benjamin was intimidating due to his natural size and muscles.

They were just nerds.

"I don't see you talking to any girls." Peter muttered, continuing to take pictures with his old-school camera.

Harry scoffed. "Says you. Who do you think Lily was just talking to." Harry said with a confident grin.

"You mean you were talking to her. You barely let girls speak, you just talk about yourself." Benjamin voiced casually, looking at the spiders that Peter was photographing.

"You're just mad that you get zero bitches. I get it." Harry told the buff nerd nonchalantly, pushing him playfully, though Benjamin did not move.

"I'm just not interested in dating right now." Benjamin pushed Harry with the smallest fraction of his strength. Harry stumbled, before attempting to push the Kryptonian again, but to no avail.

"You're a fucking wall. What do you eat?"

"What doesn't he eat..." Peter whispered, remembering the many times Benjamin cleared out entire buffets. He was even banned from a few.

As Peter said this, he could feel something crawling on his arm. He looked down from his camera to see a spider on his hand, a radioactive spider that should've been on the display in front of him. Before Peter could react, the spider bit him.


The spider chewed into him, causing the boy to scream. "Ah!" Peter dropped his uncle's camera on the ground and broke it. Both Harry and Benjamin immediately turned around to see the broken camera on the ground, causing Benjamin to flick Peter in the arm.

"Nice going, Pete. You broke Dad's camera." said the half-blooded Saiyan. His flick was so hard, it made Peter begin to rub his arm due to how much it stung.

"Yeah, great job, Butterfingers." Harry added.

Continuing to rub his arm, Peter began making excuses for himself. "It wasn't on purpose... something bit me. I think it was one of those spiders." Peter said, pointing toward the case where the spiders were.

Harry laughed. "Yeah, okay, Pete. You'd be dead if that happened."

'Dead?' Peter thought. 'Am I going to die?'

Benjamin, seeing Peter's fearful expression, couldn't help but laugh. "I'm sure you're fine. They wouldn't let something so dangerous get out of those containers. It was probably a house spider or something." Benjamin looked over his cousin's shoulder, spotting their class moving on to the next exhibit. "Our class is leaving, let's go."

And so, the three teens walked out of the exhibit. Harry and Benjamin had a lot of fun with the rest of the field trip, however, Peter couldn't help but feel more fearful by the minute. His heart rate increased, his body felt hot, and he felt as if he were ready to collapse.

By the time the Parker boys got back home, Peter immediately went upstairs, took off all of his clothes, and jumped into his bed, finally getting a rest. Benjamin, however, stayed downstairs and greeted his parents.

"Hey, Mom!" Benjamin said as he walked into the kitchen, kissing his mother on the cheek before placing his arm on his father's shoulder. "Sup, Dad."

"Hey, Benny!" Both parents said simultaneously, hugging their son with one arm.

"What'cha cooking, Dad?" Benjamin looked over his father's shoulder to see a massive bucket filled with noodles, enough to feed ten families. Due to Benjamin's metabolism, they had to make giant portions just for him.

"Spaghetti, your favorite. Where's Pete?"

"He's not feeling well. He went straight up to his room. He may or may not be avoiding you because he broke your camera. Go easy on him, yeah?" Benjamin whispered.

Ben sighed. "It was old anyway. It's no big deal. Tell him dinner will be ready in about fifteen minutes."

"Sir, yes, sir!" Benjamin said before walking over to the stairs and jumping to the top in a single leap, making the house shake.

"What did I say about jumping in the house!?" Ben yelled from downstairs.

"Sorry!" Benjamin apologized, looking over the railing at the top. He then walked into his and Peter's shared room, cracking the door open.

"Pete? Are you alright?" Benjamin asked, peeking into the room. Peter was fast asleep, Benjamin didn't bother waking him. "More spaghetti for me."

Fifteen minutes came and went, and the family, minus Peter, found themselves at the dinner table. Four plates were out, filled with spaghetti, though Peter's seat was of course empty. "Where's Peter?" May asked.

"Fast asleep. He did say he felt like he was going to collapse. I'm sure he's fine though. I guess he won't be needing this." Benjamin reached over to grab Peter's plate before pouring more spaghetti onto his already monumental plate.

"I hope he's alright..." May whispered.

"Pete's always like this. Overworking himself until the point of exhaustion. I think it's a Parker trait." Ben said with a bit of a laugh.

"Glad I'm adopted. I don't want whatever Parker genes make that kid work himself like a horse." as Benjamin spoke, pieces of food were shooting out of his mouth onto the table. Somehow he had already eaten what seemed like five servings of spaghetti.

"Swallow your food before speaking, dear." The boy's mother told him before the three of them continued on with dinner without Peter. Peter slept the whole night, remaining unmoved from the position he lay in when he first jumped on his bed.

The next day came, and it was the weekend.

Usually, Benjamin was the first one to wake up in the morning, however, he was shocked to see Peter standing in front of the mirror, flexing his new massive muscles. Benjamin rubbed his eyes, making sure he was actually seeing what he thought he was. "Pete?" The boy spoke with a groggy voice.

Peter turned around, having a massive smile on his face. "Guess you aren't the only muscled-up Parker."

"What? I don't understand. Have you been working out in secret?"  Peter was as skinny as a twig just the day prior, it didn't make any sense for him to suddenly look like an Olympic gymnast.

"Check this out." Peter said, hesitating for a second. "Also, don't tell Aunt May and Uncle Ben." Peter jumped in the air, attaching himself to the ceiling using only his fingertips. As he hung, the boy smiled at his cousin before taunting him. "What do ya think?" 

"So is that all you do? You have sticky fingers?" Benjamin asked, causing Peter's eyebrows to furrow.

"No." Peter said, detaching himself from the ceiling before approaching their bunk bed and lifting it with a single finger. "I have super strength too." Peter said proudly, lifting the bed and his cousin who was still on it.

"Can you fly?"

"Well, no, but I have an idea." Peter smirked as he said this. Benjamin knew that smirk, he knew it well. It was the look Peter gave him when his inventor's brain had activated. Benjamin was into science himself, so he immediately lept from his bed, floating down gently before landing in front of his cousin. "I'm listening."

"Web-shooters." Peter told his cousin enthusiastically. "I have the powers of a spider, right? Well, a spider needs webs."

A massive smile grew across the Kryptonian's face. "You're a genius!" He whispered, however, his smile soon faded. "Wait... are you gonna make me steal from the lab again?" Benjamin asked.

Peter shook his head. "It's not stealing, it's borrowing. It'll be fine." Peter rolled his eyes. The two of them had  borrowed things before, so this was no different.

"But Dad said-" Before Benjamin could try and weasel himself out of it, Peter interrupted him.

"Who cares what Uncle Ben says? We'll give the chemicals back when we're done like we always do. Besides, you owe me after all the times I made stuff for you. You didn't have a problem borrowing back then." Peter dug his index finger into his cousin's hard chest.

Peter was right, this wasn't their first time stealing supplies. They both knew it was wrong, but they thought it was fine since they always returned them to Oscorp after. It was as if they were never missing.

"Fine. Fine, but you're going to be the one to steal them since you're all super now. I'll fly you there." 

The two boys flew over to the lab, landing on the roof before walking over to their usual entry point, a vent that was already loose. Peter made finger guns toward his cousin before crawling into the vent like a spider with a mask and his backpack as he began making his way toward the supplies.

After about twenty minutes, Peter reemerged with the supplies in his backpack, celebrating slightly, before Benjamin flew them both back home before anyone would notice them.

In their room, the two boys put all of the ingredients together, creating what they called web fluid. The web fluid consisted of the following materials:

Salicylic acid.



Carbon Tetrachloride.


Potassium Carbonate.

Ethyl acetate.



And Sodium Tetraborate among a few other things.

Using parts from some water guns they had in their room and some parts from a Halloween costume, the two had created two web shooters, one for each hand, which looked like two massive silver gauntlets.

Once they were done, the two were super excited to try them out, though Benjamin thought it would be best to return what they borrowed first.

The two boys flew back to Oscorp, entering back through their secret entrance. Benjamin waited outside for Peter, checking the time on his phone as time continued to pass. Ten minutes passed, which was no big deal. However, once twenty minutes passed and Peter hadn't returned, Benjamin was worried. Thirty minutes then turned into forty before Benjamin received a call from his father.

"Get down here. Now!" Ben yelled through the phone, knowing that his son was atop the roof waiting for Peter.

Benjamin flew down the backside of the building before walking around the side, finding his father and Peter standing beside a police car, along with Norman Osborn and a few cops. Ben stomped toward his son, grabbing him by the shoulder before yelling at him. "What did I tell you about-" Ben looked around, seeing that it would be best to save his yelling for later. "Just get in the car."

Both Benjamin and Peter got into Ben's car, sitting beside each other in silence for a moment. "I'm sorry, Benjamin. I guess they noticed the stuff was being taken and replaced so they waited for me to come back... Harry's dad said he won't press charges this time since we're friends with Harry, but he doesn't want it to happen again."

Benjamin looked at his feet, not really knowing what to say. 'We were almost arrested...' He thought. The police wouldn't be able to hold him, but he was raised to follow the law regardless. "It's my fault. I flew us here. I'll take credit, okay?"

"No way. I made you do it. Plus, Aunt May and Uncle Ben go easier on me. I'll take the credit." As the boys spoke to each other, Ben opened the driver's door before waving to Norman Osborn.

"It won't happen again. Sorry about that, Norman." Norman waved back as Ben said this, not really that phased by what happened. In fact, he thought it was more funny than anything else. He and Ben just wanted to teach the boys a lesson about what happens when you steal. He wasn't at all mad at them. To him, it was just boys being boys.

The three drove silently until Ben parked the car in front of their home, turning off the ignition before finally speaking to the two boys. "We need to talk."

"Your Aunt May and I are worried about you two. Benny is out here fighting kids at school..." 

"He was protecting me. He didn't start those fights!" Peter defended Benjamin, but Ben didn't care what the reason was.

"Yeah, well he sure as hell finished them..." Ben said, silencing Peter. "I know what you guys are going through, I was a young man too."

Both cousins looked at each other, thinking the same thing. 'No, he doesn't.'

"At the age you two are at right now, you're becoming men. You're becoming the men that you're going to be for the rest of your lives. Please, just be careful what men you're turning into. I raised you both to abide by the law, not break it.

Just because you can break the law, doesn't mean that you should." Ben turned around looking at both of his boys.

"I'm speaking to both of you when I say this. With great power comes great responsibility."

Neither one of them truly understood what he meant by that, however, they both nodded and acted as they did.

"And I know I'm not your real father-" Before Ben could continue, both boys interrupted him.

"That's not true." Benjamin told him.

"Yeah. You raised us, Uncle Ben. You're more of a father than most." Peter added, bringing a smile to Ben's face.

Ben began to tear up before pulling the keys out of the ignition. "Just stay out of trouble, alright? No more stealing." He said to both boys, cueing them both to nod. "We will." They said in unison before the three of them got out of the car together.

"When we get inside, act like I scolded you heavy." Ben told the two boys. "I don't want May thinking I'm being too easy on you two."

Both boys nodded, fixing their faces to look like they just had their ears assaulted by their father's words before entering the house together.

SurelyNotEli SurelyNotEli

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