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We'll see

I smacked the two marines on the head and made them spit blood. They aren't ready for this. While it's true that no one should know about this incident for now, I'm still here and in this world, there's no one stronger than me. 

I can see that the other Marines are getting desperate and continue bombarding the island. I'm sure Saul will do what I told him and that he will return shortly. But until then, I'll have to take care of the Marines. If I know anything about the Elders, then they won't let this slide. They probably have notified Sengoku by now and if I'm right, then Garp is probably on his way as well. 

The two aren't finished fighting just yet. They stand back up and prepare again. Kuzan creates a large, jagged sword of hard ice, which he points at me.

"Sakazuki, we have to finish him. His bounty isn't that high for nothing.", he tells the magma dude.

"We will kill him here and now and eradicate him from this world!"

"That's the spirit you two, never give up. But at least try to understand the truth of what is happening. You are being used and manipulated.", I say and dodge their attacks. I block the attack from Kuzan and use the other end of my staff to hit Sakazuki and make him fly back. Then I twirl my staff around and smash it against Kuzan's head. 

"Think you two. Think! Were you truly always told the truth? Is what you are told truly what is happening? Or is it fabricated? What about the World Government and the nobles? Are they representing Justice?", I continue and wait for them to attack again. I have begun to radiate my presence which reaches directly into the hearts and souls of others for some reason.

"Inugami Guren!", Sakazuki screams and creates a wave of magma shaped like a fanged doghead and launches it against me. Inugami ... what an interesting name to give your attack. It means dog spirit. Well, let's see what this dog has in store. 

I wait for the attack to reach me and then use my Haki to touch the dog's forehead. As soon as I do that ... the dog becomes a puppy and whines. He lowers his head and uses his puppy dog eyes on me. I am immune to those things.

"Bad dog.", I say and reprimand him lightly. I use Haki, to stop him from dissolving into magma again. I look at the two marines who are watching me pet the magma dog, which had once been a construct formed from Sakazuki's devil fruit.

My presence is having its desired effect. Even the most inhuman of my enemies will be shaken with a sense of terrified awe at my presence. It seems that combined with what I am doing with the dog are making them shake right now. 

"Try to understand. You Sakazuki are full of anger. Anger that must have something to do with what happened to you. While you Kuzan are torn between your sense of Justice and what you think is the right thing since it is coming from the World Government."

I look at both of them and continue.

"There is more to this than meets the eye. Try and look beneath the surface and find out the truth. Only then are you capable of judging the situation for what it is.", I say and smile at them. I said what I wanted and decide to finish this.

I use a powerful burst of Haoshoku to stun both of them. Then I appear in front of them and smash my staff on their heads to knock them out. After all, they still stand in my way. We can't have that. 


Finally, Saul returned with the rest of the scholars and loaded them on the ship. So we were finally ready. 

"How are we getting away from this blockade?", Clover asks me with doubt. 

"I find your lack of faith disturbing.", I say and position myself behind the ship. I put my hand on the back and then ... step forward. 


We disappear from there and I know exactly where to go next. With one step, I bring everyone across the Red Line and to South Blue. I tell all of the residents of Ohara, who aren't scholars to disembark one after the other. I bring them from island to island all across South Blue. The Marines won't find them here and if they want to leave, it's easy right now. 

For the scholars, I have another idea. After everyone who isn't a scholar has disembarked, I step through space again and appear in the Grand Line above the clouds. 

"Wh-what is this?!", Olivia exclaims. Everyone is in wonder and even Clover can't help but marvel at what they're seeing right now. We're sailing on clouds. I take out a hammock that I keep on me at all times and lie down. It will not take long to reach the place that I want, but I can still take a bit of a nap. 

Or I tried to.

"E-excuse me ... Mr. Sid ... what is this?", the small bird asks me. I turn my head to her and look at what she's pointing at. 

"Those are clouds.", I say and she deadpans.

"I know ... but how are we sailing on them? And where are we?"

"Hmmm ... who knows?", I say and close my eyes.


"I believe this is Skypie if the texts are to be believed.", Clover says after looking around. He sure is a professor, with all of that knowledge.

"Skypiea? The sky island?", Olivia asks.

"Indeed. To think that you are strong enough to bring us up here like this. Did you eat a devil fruit?", Clover asks me.

"No. Those fruits tell a disturbing story. I have no interest in eating one of those.", I say.

"What ... what do you mean?", Robin asks me.

"You see Robin here ate a devil fruit. And the other residents call her a devil for it."

"For eating a fruit? That's a sad story, Robin. But when I say disturbing story, I'm not saying that you're in any danger. Well except sea water sea stone. But you know that already. What I am referring to, is their origin."

"Origin? How were they created?", she asks. I smile when I see her genuine smile. It was probably a while since she smiled that way. 

"So you want me to tell you everything? Aren't you an archaeologist and scholar? Find it out for yourself."

"Hmm, you're right. I will find out for myself.", she says.

"You will like the place we're going ... all of you will.", I say cryptically.


We finally reached Skypiea and everyone disembarked. We were approached by the same people who welcomed us when the Roger Pirates came here. And it seems I left a lasting impact for some reason.

"Oh, young Sid-sama. We are so happy that you honour us with your presence again.", the leading man says to me.

"It's good to see you again as well. I'm here with a request this time around. I was hoping that you could take these people and have them settle here on your island somewhere. They're all scholars and in need of a home."

"Friends of Sid-sama are also our friends. But I'm not sure whether it would be the best time right now since-"

*Lightning sfx*

I look up and see a young man of 15 years in the air looking down on us with an arrogant gaze. I can smell the ozone that his lighting produced and smile. It seems someone has found that powerful fruit. I was wondering whether someone would find it when I was here the last time. I found it as well since the grumbling it gave off was not to be overheard.

It was a proud fruit and pure of arrogance. But that just made it funny to me. And now someone seems to have eaten the fruit. I guess it hasn't been that long since he ate it. 

"And who might you be?", I ask with a smirk.

"I am god. And this is my land.", he says and prepares a lightning. I deadpan at this. I didn't expect him to get this arrogant. He fires the lightning at us. 

I use my Haki and simply grab the lightning he produced. Yeah, that's how fast my reflexes have become. I use Haki to coat the lighting and just like the Inugami, from Sakazuki, make sure it doesn't dissolve. 

"So you call yourself a god eh? Well, it seems that you need some lecturing.", I say and then throw the lighting back at him.


The lighting hits the 'god' and he falls from the sky. I walk towards him and begin to use some Haoshoku on him. The poor fool thinks of himself as too high. His fruit is indeed one of the most powerful, but to be this arrogant after just having acquired it ... oh poor fool.


I spend some time ... 'educating' the lad. He can't be older than 16 and when I'm done with him, he looks like an obedient puppy. 

"Now, I want you to look after these people a bit, ok? And make sure to train as well. Don't think that you're the strongest just because you ate a fruit, alright? Look after Robin for me and maybe you can also teach her Mantra."

He just nods his head without answering me. 

"You're leaving?", the little bird asks me. 

"I am. I still have someone to meet. I promised him, we'd eat something. He loves his food. I guess if you'd like, I could introduce you two, but he's only two years old right now. And you might want to stay with your mother for now."

"I agree.", Clover says, "If we want to survive, we have to stay here for now. Otherwise, we will be found again and then killed. So staying here for now, isn't that bad."

"I'll come visit you sometime and maybe I'll take you to meet Ace. You'll like him, I'm sure.", I say with a smile.


"A man's word is his bond. Well, that's not always true. I guess there are quite a few despicable men out there. And more often than not, they don't care about keeping their word... Eh, whatever. You can trust me."

"I trust you."

"Good. Well then, goodbye everyone. Take care."

"Goodbye Sid!", everyone screams and they wave at me.


After that, I used another step to appear on Mt. Colubo. I walk towards my favourite tree and for some reason meet Ace who is sleeping under the tree. I can relate to that. It is a very good sleeping spot. 

I shrug and lie down next to him. He is still a small boy, so he's very small. I'm sure his mother will be worried bout him, but that can wait for now. I take the small boy and lay him on my chest and then fall asleep.

I wake up when I feel movement on my chest. 

"Sid! You're back! Great, let's go eat something! What happened where were you?!", Ace is awake and begins to ask me question after question. 

"Well Ace, let me tell you the story of Marines, an island, scholars and a very cool and good-looking man. The man is the main character of this story. And he does look a lot like me. Everyone copies my look nowadays. I can't blame them ... you either got it or you don't."

"Do you think I can also get some of it?", Ace asks me with a hopeful look on his face.

"My poor Ace, you already have so much of it, that you're a danger to all the lady's hearts, my friend. Now let's go, the food won't eat itself."


"But let's tell your mother first. Otherwise, she'll grow anxious."


Last one today. Next is another time skip, with an important event. At least to me.

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