Vanguard, also known as Ethan, was born as a superhuman in a medieval world where magic prevailed. As the only superhuman in existence, he faced discrimination and animosity from others who practiced magic. Despite this, Vanguard grew up with loving parents who treated him well. However, his obsession with superheroes and the desire to become a hero caused criticism from friends and family who considered it childish and unrealistic.
In an effort to prove himself and become stronger, Vanguard dedicated himself to intense training and physical exercise. However, he still felt inadequate and was frustrated by his perceived weakness. One day, while returning from school feeling upset and broken, Vanguard heard a cry for help. Determined to take the opportunity to become a hero, he confronted a thief who was stealing a woman's purse.
Tragically, the thief reacted by shooting Vanguard, resulting in his death. The story ends with Vanguard's death and his readiness for reincarnation.
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