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50% The Harmacist / Chapter 1: Vindictive
The Harmacist The Harmacist original

The Harmacist

Autor: unfortunateGambler

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Vindictive

Throughout the omniverse, there are countless civilizations that believe in the cycle of reincarnation. For some worlds, it is an automatic process where the souls of the deceased are guided by the will of the Universe to their next lives; for others, it's regulated by an all-powerful, or not-so-all-powerful, god who judges the worth of the individuals' lives and makes a decision on what hand they will be dealt in the next life.

In certain Multiversal Clusters, centered around one of the many Baseline Universes, the cycle of rebirth is run as a business. The Soul Reassignment Company is in charge of taking the deceased souls of those who died in their Baseline Universe, and deciding what fate should befall them following their demise; whether it be Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, Valhalla, or even becoming part of the SRAC itself, they are the final judges of the boring mortals of their Universe.

Before one is even sent to the infinite office building that floated in the void between Universes, one's life is noted in its entirety by the Department of Judgement. There, one's beliefs, sins, virtues, and circumstances are all automatically compiled and summarized into briefings for the Judges to analyze. When a soul has been properly judged, their files are sent to the appropriate departments for further processing upon.

The actual number of Departments present within the SRAC is as numerous as the different belief systems of the souls they handle. Some of them, such as the Christian Afterlife Department and the Buddhist Reincarnation Department, receive far more clients than others, and thus have more resources and staff. Unsurprisingly, the biggest Department is the Animal Reincarnation Department, but that's a story for another day.

Our focus in this story falls upon a special Department. It is one whose agents can completely bypass the Department of Judgement in their acquisition of souls. One whose reach doesn't just reach the Baseline Universe and its myriad afterlifes, but also the greater multiverse around them. It's a subdivision of the company that, while smaller than the others, has almost infinitely more power than all of the other Departments put together.

It is the Department of Multiversal Reincarnation, also called the Isekai Department.

Within the DMR, the division of work is different from the rest of the company. Below the Chief, there are only three jobs one can take: Agents, Case Workers, and Managers.

Agents are tasked with seeking out souls that they believe would be ideal candidates for reincarnation into one of the countless Universes in the multiverse. They are given free reign on who they choose, be it the purest of saints or the most corrupted of villains. Their judgment is trusted, and they are provided numerous ways of 'capturing' their clients. Some popular examples are random localized natural disasters, such as lightning strikes and wild animal attacks; targeted pop-ups on various electronic devices that play on the average person's desire to escape the reality they find themselves stuck in; and the ever-used Truck-kun, a spirit that could possess any vehicle and claim the client's life.

Once a soul has been claimed by the DMR, they are assigned a caseworker who gives them a list of choices for their next life, based on how they live their original one. Wishes, curses, and the destination of their soul are hashed out depending on their good and bad deeds, and they are sent on their way with their memories intact.

Managers are only called on when a client is being particularly difficult, or a Case Worker is unsure of how their client's requests could be carried out. They have the authority and power to approve or deny anything thrown at them, with no repercussions. Thus, they are selected by the Chief themselves as a way to make sure none of them take their position a little too far.

Now, on this specific day – even though time flows differently outside the Universe and days are not properly measured there – one particular Case Worker was preparing for her first client of the shift. She was well-rested, her flowing white hair tied up in a ponytail, the lightly tanned skin free of any blemishes, and her gray suit free of any wrinkles. The client wouldn't be able to see any of her features in the first place, due to the privacy filters placed on the office, but she had always believed that looking professional helped at least a little.

"Alrighty then, Jessica. Time to start," she mumbled to herself. As usual, a manilla folder appeared in the middle of her desk the moment she was fully prepared to work. Picking it up, she first read the name printed on the cover. "Jackson Whit, huh? Let's see what I can do for you today."

Upon opening it, her eyes immediately scanned the brief summary. "Age: Sixteen…average height, build and weight…red hair and blue eyes…above-average intelligence, but not that much…" She read aloud. "Seems like an average kid. Wonder why Lindsey chose this one?"

It was well known around the DRM that Lindsey, the Agent in charge of collecting souls for Jessica, had a tendency to pick out the oddballs of society. She prided herself on being able to get anybody, whether it be voluntary or by force, and was constantly searching for the most challenging humans to reincarnate. For example, on her last shift the eccentric Agent had sent Jessica a small-time warlord from a third-world country, an incredibly devout priest who was not entirely happy about having his beliefs crushed, and a particularly loyal dog whose owners had left him for days at a time without coming back. It was times like that that she was glad her Manager had approved her request to upgrade her universal translator to work on animals as well.

The point is, the kid whose file she was holding wasn't standing out in the way most of her clients did, prompting Jessica to flip to the next page. There, she found the reasoning. "Raised by a family of man-hating women…treated like garbage by both his relatives and the teenagers at his High School… possessing an abnormally chaotic balance of good and bad luck…and yet, he hasn't succumbed to depression or had any suicidal thoughts? Man, this kid is a trooper."

His psychiatric evaluation showed that despite the amount of shit the world seemed to constantly throw at him, he still had a strong sense of justice. A little warping of his mind brought on by his upbringing slightly skewed what he thought about revenge, though.

"'Believes that upon being wronged, he must escalate the situation to the point where the one who wronged him is terrified of what he'll do to them next time,'" she continued reading. "'That is…slightly worrying. It's probably a good thing that he never got a chance to act on it, or else he'd end up in prison."

The final page of the brief introduction to the client was the method that the Agent had used to 'collect' him. Upon seeing it, Jessica raised her eyebrows at the sheer amount of resources Lindsey had put into trying to get this kid's soul. Apparently, she'd started with a week's worth of pop-ups on the few electronic devices he was allowed to have, even going so far as to make them appear on any public devices with a screen that Jackson interacted with. When he seemingly ignored all of those, she switched to physical pamphlets and mail, but hadn't anticipated him throwing out the pamphlets and the mail being shredded by his sexist mother just because it had his name on it.

Noticing that the voluntary options were all failing, the determined Agent switched to the classic method of Isekaiing someone: death. She started with the animal route, directing every species of the animal kingdom the poor boy came across to try to kill him with the best of its abilities. From dogs, to birds, to rats and more, they all targeted him for a period of two weeks without fail. Unfortunately for them, Jackson was used to running away from things and had an easier time dodging this plague than one would expect.

Mother nature was the next asset to be turned against him, as more and more of the world tried to take him out. Trees fell toward him, sinkholes opened up to try swallowing him whole, tornados and violent thunderstorms tried to weep him away and electrocute him, and one time a meteor crashed into his school while he was in the restroom. Once again, none of this was able to even temporarily incapacitate him, as his chaotic luck always swung to the positive at the last second to save his ass.

It was when Lindsey was at the end of her rope when she decided to rely on good old Truck-kun. His record with taking out clients was spotless, and considering that Jackson lived in a very busy city, the spirit had plenty of vehicles to corner him with. According to the report, the chase between the Spirit, Agent, and teenager lasted six hours before the duo finally cornered him in an abandoned warehouse and ran him over.

Oddly enough, despite the report being on her desk for about five minutes, the teenager's soul hadn't appeared yet in the chair across the desk from her. Truck-kun was usually really swift with the deaths of his victims, caring a lot for the psychological impact being run over by a car/truck could bring to a human post-death, so why was her office still empty?

Another five minutes went by, with Jessica being more confused by the second, that a bell rang out in the air and the chair was filled. In it was the same boy whose profile she'd seen in the folder, only with the signs of death on him. When a soul was transferred to the proper department in the SRAC, they still retained traces of whatever caused their death. For example, though his soul wasn't flattened or physically broken like one would expect from one being crushed by a truck, his clothes were torn in multiple places and stained with blood.

As was expected of one who just died, the boy's eyes were filled with shock and no slight bit of trauma. The shock was understandable, seeing as Jessica had glimpsed that he was an atheist throughout his short life, so finding himself in an office after death must be jarring. As for the trauma, death was traumatic in and of itself.

Setting her observations aside, Jessica spoke up, drawing his attention to her. "Hello, Jackson. Welcome to the afterlife. My name is Jessica, and I will be your Case Worker."

To say that Jackson needed a few minutes to adjust would be an understatement. He'd just died of a combination of organ failure and bleeding out from multiple holes in his body, and now he was suddenly in a boring looking office with an indistinguishable person behind the desk? After all of the bullshit he'd been through in the last month, he needed some time to calm down and collect his thoughts.

Jessica was more than happy to give him the time he needed. Having died herself a few centuries ago, and having dealt with the recently deceased on a daily basis, she understood that some people took longer to take in the situation than others. She'd even had one client who had broken down crying and didn't stop for an hour straight.

After a few minutes, Jackson was calm enough to reply. "It's…nice to meet you, Jessica. You said that this is the afterlife?" he asked, looking around.

Jessica shrugged. "Eh, kind of. You can think of this as a kind of pit-stop on the way to the afterlife, actually. And before you ask, no I am not God, or a God."

Jackson absorbed that information pretty quickly. He prided himself on his high level of comprehension, after all. "So…how is this going to go? Am I going to hell, purgatory, or something else?"

The Case Worker noticed that he didn't even consider heaven an option for himself. That was a bit sad. "No. What you're getting is a much better chance than anything you could possibly dream of," she stated, hamming things up a little to try raising his spirits. "Unlike the majority of the souls in your Universe, you have been chosen to be reincarnated into another world."

"So," the teenager began, holding a hand up to his chin. "This is like one of those Isekai stories I've read about?"

"Yes," she nodded, opening one of the drawers set into her desk and pulling out the necessary paperwork she would need to fill out. "Due to the harsh life you've had to live, one of our Agents picked you to be one of the lucky few to be sent to a new Universe with powers beyond what you could dream of. All we need to do is-"

"Wait a second," Jackson interrupted, sitting straight up. "Did you just say that someone picked me?"

Jessica was a little put off by the sudden interruption, but it's not like it wasn't something she'd had happen before. "Indeed. Our Agents use their discretion to search through the population of humans and animals to find those who they think would benefit from a new start."

His gaze hardened a little. "Another quick question: if this person hadn't chosen me, would I have died the same way?"

Once again, this was another question that she was used to answering. She quickly flipped through the folder to the relevant page before answering. "No, you wouldn't have. According to our records, you would've lived for another seventy years before dying of old age, surrounded by friends; but with no children or significant other."

Jessica prided herself on being able to read people after the centuries she'd been doing her job, so she was immediately aware that her response did not put the teenager at ease. If anything, she could see a silent fury building within his eyes, only held back by a steel barrier of pure willpower that he'd built up over the years of abuse.

Seeing that her client was only getting angrier the more he thought of his situation, she determined it would be best to move on. "Leaving your last life in the past, your new life will have many more opportunities for you! The first of which being a single wish that you can make."

Jackson's ears seemed to perk up at that. "A wish?" he asked. "What exactly…can I wish for?"

"Aside from more wishes? Anything you can think of, really," she replied with a smile, happy that she seemed to have distracted him. "Some wish to become gods, demigods, or a thousand different other races; others use their wish to specify a fictional world they wish to inhabit, in which case powers related to that world are automatically assigned to them; and still more wish for Systems, Objects of Power, or special abilities to help them in their new world."

The teenager thought it over for a few seconds, before asking his next question. "If I don't use my wish to pick a world, will a world be picked for me?"

"Yes," the suited woman replied. "Should your wish not include your destination, you will be sent to a random world. It could be one that you are familiar with from various works of fiction, or one that has never been written about and you'll be the first one from Earth to visit it. Considering how big the multiverse is, there's no telling where you will end up."

"Can I wish to go back to my old life?" he inquired, surprising her a little.

She'd seen some of the highlights of his life, and it was definitely not one that she'd personally want to return to if she were him. Nevertheless, she answered. "No, that's another rule. Since you died in your Universe, you can't go back to it."

Silence stretched on between the two as Jackson sank deep into thought. As he did, Jessica took the time to arrange the appropriate paperwork for the various types of wishes he might make. He didn't seem like the kind of person to choose the world he'd end up in, so she put that set of papers at the bottom of the stack. The ones she put on top were the Species and Power sets, mainly due to him being a teenager.

It was just as she was finishing arranging everything that the boy spoke up. "I've decided."

She smiled brightly at him, not that he could see it, but she hoped it would make it into her voice. "Great! So, what do you want to wish for?"

Instead of the excitement at whatever he had decided on that she expected, the look in his eyes sent a shiver down her spine as he replied. "I want whoever picked me for this to suffer."

Time seemed to stand still as Jessica slowly registered what he said. "…excuse me?"

"From your confusion, I'm betting that whoever it was didn't tell you the full story of what they did to me?" he asked, not waiting for her to nod or shake her head before continuing. "It's only now that all of the pieces are coming together for me, but it all makes sense now. The constant pop-ups getting in the way of me completing my assignments, leading to me failing them and getting beaten by my mother. The dogs, cats, and birds attacking me and ruining what few sets of good clothes I had, not to mention making me late for school and having to stay back for detention. The world itself seemingly trying to kill me with all of those natural disasters happening so close, leading even my closest friends to distance themselves from me so they wouldn't get hurt. It was all an attempt to get me here, wasn't it? No matter the cost?"

The Case Worker didn't like where this was going. Lindsey's report didn't include any of the fallout from her attempts to forcefully take the boy to the afterlife. If anything, her efforts only seemed to make Jackson's already harsh life worse. A pit started to form in Jessica's stomach as she noticed that he hadn't even mentioned what actually killed him yet.

"Then came the car chase that ended it all," he continued, his glare never letting up. "My life may have sucked, but do you think that I wanted it to end that slowly and painfully? With half of my bones crushed and pain practically blinding me as I slowly bled to death? Terrified of fading to nothing, as I didn't believe that life after death even existed? Do you honestly believe I wanted to go out like that?"

Jessica had just enough presence of mind to slowly shake her head.

The boy let his glare slightly fade. "That is why my wish is this: I want whatever motherfucker decided that I should die a slow and painful death for their amusement, to have that happen to them. I want them to experience it over and over again until they truly understand what it's like to die cold, alone, and afraid."

This…wasn't something the woman knew how to handle. It was the first time she'd ever encountered someone who would use a wish with limitless potential to punish someone. Then again, she remembered the part of his psych eval stating that he believed in escalating a situation as punishment.

"Hold on a second," she said to the boy, before picking up a phone resting on the table.

A few buttons later, and she was connected to her Manager. She explained the situation as quickly as possible, and the man on the other line seemed as shocked as she was, and took a look himself into the records the SRAC kept on all of its employees. Upon finding what he was looking for, he let out a low whistle.

"Lindsey really did that to a client?" he asked. "Just to keep her record?"

"It seems that way, Sir," Jessica stated. "What…do we do about this?"

A moment of silence passed, before he spoke again. "While this may be the first time I've seen a client use their Wish to spite an Agent, this isn't the first time that a client has used their Wish for something other than assistance in the next life. Usually, it's something like making sure a loved one has a happy life or saving a preferred species. Either way, we do have a policy for this kind of situation."

"And what would that be, Sir?"

"You see, these types of people just will always refuse to use a Wish for themselves. The first few times we encountered them, we tried implementing what was known as the Three Wishes Clause, making it so they can have up to two additional Wishes to take with them. Unfortunately, they always used the extra Wishes the same exact way as the first. I bet if we gave that boy there this treatment, he'd just use the Wishes to make more people from his previous life suffer."

"Luckily, the Chief came up with a better plan about a hundred years ago which we're going to follow now," he continued. He then explained the process to her, ending it with making a new short stack of paperwork appearing in the middle of her desk.

Hanging up the phone, Jessica turned back to Jackson. "We'd be more than willing to grant your Wish. Lindsey, the Agent who caused all of this to happen to you, will be dealt with in the manner you have specified as punishment for going beyond what was necessary for collecting your soul."

The grin that appeared on the teenager's face was full of righteous fulfillment. "Thank you."

"It's no problem!" Jessica smiled back. "Although, I must inform you that, due to the nature of your wish, the process for your reincarnation will have to be changed a bit."

"Oh? How so?" he asked, tilting his head to the side.

"It is necessary for us to send you to your new world with some kind of advantage to help you stay alive, but due to your refusal to make a Wish for yourself, and the nature of the Wish that you made, the Chief has personally crafted the reincarnation package you are being assigned."

Jackson sighed. "I knew it was risky, but I couldn't let that bitch get off easily. I'm man enough to take my lumps."

"At least you understand the situation," Jessica nodded, more than happy that he was being agreeable. "First and foremost, it has been determined that your vindictive personality and skewed sense of justice are likely to cause more troubles than you'd be able to handle upon being transported to a new world, so we are not only giving you powers, but also limitations."

"Fair enough."

"When you are reincarnated, you will be transformed from a Human to a Conceptual Spirit," she stated, pulling a piece of paper up from the top of the stack. "Essentially, a Conceptual Spirit is like an Elemental Spirit, only instead of embodying a force of nature, they embody a concept. Some examples of ones we've reincarnated in the past have been the Spirit of Freedom, the Spirit of Friendship, and the Spirit of Love."

"Please tell me that I'm not going to become one of those," Jackson begged with hope in his eyes.

"Don't worry, they were just examples," Jessica smiled at him. "Now, continuing on: while technically more powerful than Elemental Spirits, due to abstract concepts having more applications than physical elements, Conceptual Spirits also have limits placed upon them so they don't upset the natural order of whatever world they find themselves in. These restrictions depend upon the world the Spirit is sent to, as well as the power held behind the concept itself."

The teenager nodded. "I get it so far. What is my concept going to be?"

"Unsurprisingly, the Chief has taken your personality and morals into consideration, and determined that the concept you will be merged with will be Revenge, Essentially, you will be the Spirit of Revenge."

"…like the Ghost Rider?" Jackson asked, his mind immediately going to the films starring Nicolas Cage

"Kind of, but both more powerful and less powerful at the same time," the suited woman replied. "As the Spirit of Revenge, you will practically embody the phrase 'An Eye for an Eye.' Even more than you do now, for better or worse.

"As for the powers that come with it, you'll be given four blessings, and one restriction. Which would you like to hear first?"

It didn't even take the boy a second to decide. "I'll take the restriction first. It'll probably make the blessings sound better."

"Alright. The restriction placed on you will be that you can never harm any being more than they deserve. It doesn't matter if it's an infant or an evil overlord; if they do not deserve the physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental damage you can cause them, then they will not experience it. This also applies to the side effects of your actions, such as property damage and psychological scarring of bystanders."

To most, this would be a completely good thing. Not having to worry about ruining lives or hurting the innocent. While these boons did appear in Jackson's mind, the main thing that struck a chord with him was the fact that this would completely nullify his belief in escalation. How were his enemies supposed to leave him alone if he didn't put the fear of God into them whenever they screwed with him? He'd been anticipating the time when he could let out all of his pent-up rage on the first person who screwed with him in the next world, but now he had to hunt someone down who actually deserved it?

'This is bullshit!' he screamed in his head, keeping his external expression neutral.

Taking his silence as a signal to continue, she did. "As for your blessings, the first one is the ability to heal any wound that was not the victim's fault, and return it to the one who caused it. For example, If person A were to hire Person B to break Person C's legs, then healing person C's legs would return the damage to Person A, since they were the one who ordered it in the first place. This can also be used on yourself, as well.

"Blessing number two is the power to force a person to experience all of the sins they have committed from the point of view of their victims. It doesn't matter how much more powerful than you they seem to be, as long as you can touch their head they will be subjugated by this power.

"Speaking of sins, Blessing number three is that your power level in any confrontation is dependent on the sins of your opponent. For a mass murderer, you'll be strong enough to punt them out of the atmosphere.

"Finally, your fourth Blessing will be an ability that all Spirits have: Conditional Immortality. To summarize it, you can technically be killed, but your nature as the embodiment of a concept will make it so you come back to life in a set amount of time, depending on how you were killed."

This was a lot to take in for Jackson. On the one hand, he had the restriction that he couldn't truly take out all of his anger on his enemies if they didn't deserve it. On the other hand, there was the immortality, ability to heal almost anything, and superhuman power when facing scumbags in a battle.

"So, basically," he said, stroking his chin in contemplation. "I'm a Harmacist."

That statement caused Jessica to tilt her head in confusion. "A what?"

"It's a gaming term one of my friends told me about. Basically, a Harmacist is a character that doubles as a healing unit and an attacking unit."

"Hm…it does seem to fit," Jessica mumbled. "I take it that you have no grievances with your blessings and curses?"

"I have plenty of grievances with the curse, but I'm not really in a place to fight back, am I?"

"No, you are not. Shall we move on?"

Jackson waved his hand for her to go ahead.

"Alright then." She pulled out another paper. "Unlike your species and power set, your world will not be pre-determined. Upon being sent away, your destination will be chosen at random, at which point your existence as a Conceptual Spirit will be woven into the very fabric of the Universe you find yourself in."

This brought Jackson as much excitement as it did dread. He'd had friends whose taste in games, books, and movies greatly varied, and he knew through conversations with them how much the various worlds within them differed. They ranged from fantasy worlds where good fought evil, to futuristic dystopias, to modern slice-of-life environments where almost nothing interesting happens, and even to hellscapes where hope is near-nonexistent and the average human was an insect in comparison to those in power. The boy knew that with the randomness of the selection process, he could conceivably go to any of these types of worlds.

"What do you mean 'woven into the fabric of the Universe?'" he decided to ask, hoping to draw his thoughts away from the building anxiety.

Jessica could see the question for what it was, and answered without hesitation. "Each Universe has a Will of its own that governs the Concepts contained within. In your case, the Concept of Revenge will be dependent on what the Universe determines to be good and evil. Most Universal Wills have a similar definition of Sin and Virtue, but there are a few outliers where logic is flipped. You will only know when you get there."

As much as he wanted to inquire more, the teenager concluded that it would be best to experience it when the time came. "I've got nothing more to ask for now. Please continue."

"Perfect." Now the suited woman took out the last document in the stack. "The final orders of business to address are your method of reincarnation, and Endless Task. The first two are simple: instead of forcing you to experience birth and growing up again, you're going to be transmigrated at your current age to a random part of the world you're being sent to. Your appearance may change a bit due to the change in race, but that's something for you to explore when the time comes. "You'll also be assigned memories and an identity upon arrival, should you find yourself somewhere where that is necessary, so your sudden appearance in the world doesn't alert the authorities or deities, whichever applies."

Jackson nodded in both thanks and understanding. He would've hated to consciously experience life as a baby, not to mention going through whatever the Spirit equivalent of puberty would be.

Jessica went on. "Moving on, the Endless Task is a mission our Conceptual Spirits are assigned in order to make sure they don't run amok in their new worlds. Rewards of increasing value are given to those who regularly comply with their Task, while punishments of similarly increasing severity will be administered if you continuously fail to meet the Task's specifications."

That sounded fair. Even with the limiter put on his ability to harm others, he was still powerful enough to overturn multiple criminal empires if he put his mind to it. He didn't want to think of what trouble the Spirits of Love and Friendship could cause if left to their own devices. (Reference to my story MGQ Eeveelution, for those who haven't read it.)

"Your task will be to heal a minimum of ten individuals per week," the Case Worker continued. "It doesn't matter how bad the injury they've received is, what side of the morality spectrum they lie on, or if they are a person you've already treated before. You just have to use your first Blessing to return the damage to whoever caused it. Healing yourself is the only thing that doesn't count."

"Fair enough," Jackson agreed. He didn't think he could get away with that, anyway.

"As previously stated, whereas ten is the minimum to avoid punishment, you will receive rewards should you go above and beyond this goal. The value of the rewards will be proportionate to the number of individuals you've healed, as well as the severity of the wounds you've removed from them. It will all be calculated by an automated system.

"Please do note, though, that this automated system should not be confused with a System," she advised, somehow emphasizing the capital S. "You will not have a System to assist you in your new life, as Conceptual Spirits are powerful enough on their own without getting reality-breaking System mechanics involved. The automated system will merely administer items that are relevant to whatever universe you find yourself in."

This was another thing that Jackson could agree with. One of his friends had explained to him the idea of Systems in the stories she liked to read, and he found the idea of constantly having to worry about stats, missions, and HP/MP/SP bars to be unappealing. He'd made it through his old life without having to rely on some all-powerful System to help him, so he was sure that his next life would be the same.

"With all of that out of the way, the only thing left to do is to have you sign here," Jessica stated, sliding one last piece of paper toward him. "Once you sign your name on the dotted line, you will immediately begin the process of reincarnation and assimilation into your new universe."

The teenager took a deep breath as he looked down at the sheet of paper. Knowing that if he thought too much about it he would be stuck there forever, he grabbed the pen the woman was offering him and quickly wrote his name on the dotted line. In the next instant, he was gone, never to enter that office again.

Jessica leaned back in her chair, finally letting the stress of the encounter all flow out. "First client of the shift. That was ONLY the FIRST CLIENT," she groaned to herself. Something deep in the pit of her heart told her that this wouldn't be the only difficult encounter she would have today, and she found herself hoping that the next Agent to be assigned to her wouldn't bring her as much trouble as Lindsey had.

And thus, another shift cycle went by in the SRAC, with absolutely nobody caring about the pain and torment one of their Agents was being put through as a punishment for her deeds. The only change her actions brought about in the company was a new footnote added to the Isekai Agent Handbook:

[If a client refuses reincarnation multiple times, it is better to find a new one, rather than provoke the current client into taking revenge. See Incident L for more details]

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