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52.17% The guardian of the continent (Fanfiction tbate) / Chapter 11: Kingdom of Elenoir

Capítulo 11: Kingdom of Elenoir

Suddenly, all the fog around us was absorbed by the tree, revealing a gigantic wooden door that seemed to stand on its own on the ground. Tess grabbed our hands and pulled us towards the door. When she opened it, I saw a large portal, similar to the one Sylvia had created earlier.

As we crossed it, it felt like we were teleported right in front of the gates. The buildings I saw appeared to be made of a jade-like material. These structures were so perfect and smooth that they seemed to have been carved from a single, enormous stone.

The gigantic trees made this place even more imposing, as they intertwined with the buildings, giving the whole city a distinctive and organic atmosphere. Looking up, I saw houses built on abnormally thick branches that extended from the enormous trunks, even larger than the buildings below, with smoke coming out of their chimneys.

The entire city's ground was covered with thick, soft moss, with only the narrow sidewalks and the main road paved with smooth stone. The dense branches extending from the trees covered most of the city like a canopy, providing shade, but there was a warm, luminous glow throughout the city, thanks to numerous light orbs on every corner and street.

"This is impressive," I thought to myself, as being here was far more incredible than just seeing it in the manhwa.

Meanwhile, shadows darted past us like bullets. These elven warriors exuded a solemn air, dressed entirely in black uniforms with green accents and a golden shoulder pad on the left. The five guards carried rapiers at their waists. I noted mentally that these guards did not emanate any aura.

The guards ignored Arthur and me, suddenly kneeling in front of Tess in unison.

ꟷWelcome back, Royal Princess.

ꟷYou may rise, ꟷshe said in a cold voice, very different from her usual tone.

ꟷPrincess, we came as soon as we saw that the royal teleportation gate was being used. The King and Queen are... ꟷ Before the guard could finish speaking, a cry was heard not far away.

ꟷMy baby! Tessia, you're safe! Oh, my baby!

Towards us ran a middle-aged man and woman. By the crown on the man's head and the tiara on the woman's, one could assume they were the King and Queen. The tall and sturdy King wore a decorated, loose robe.

His piercing emerald eyes tightened as he looked at us, and his fine lips matched his short, military-style hair.

While the King had a solemn and somewhat reserved appearance, the Queen took one's breath away. Despite having passed her youth, age couldn't hide her beauty. Her round eyes shone with a light blue hue, contrasting with her lush pink lips. Her silver hair curled at the ends, and as she ran towards us, it swayed on her back. Her well-proportioned figure could be perceived beneath her dress.

Arthur gently pushed Tess into her mother's arms, and both began to sob; the king, who had fallen to his knees, buried his head in his daughter's shoulders.

The last to arrive was an elderly man who had clearly passed the prime of his life. All his facial features were sharp, and he had a gaze that could kill if you made eye contact. His hair was pure white, tied at the back, and neatly groomed. This old man said nothing, but his eyes warmed slightly when he saw Tessia.

"So this should be Virion," I thought upon seeing him, as there were many things I had read about him. This left a good impression of him as a person.

[Ding, it is detected that the host has arrived in the kingdom of Elonoir and has made contact with the grandfather of the elf princess : Virion Eralith, the conditions to register are met, do you want to do it?]

"Yes, register," I thought, looking around excitedly for what I could obtain from the system.

[Ding, congratulations on obtaining: Sealed Tempest Katana]

Upon finishing the system's voice, a large amount of information flooded my mind, followed by the voice of the Great Sage.

<<Received. Sealed Tempest Katana>>

<<Sealed Tempest Katana. It is a magical katana made of high-purity demon steel embedded with high-purity magical stones/gems. It was created by using the Storm Crystallization and Void God Crystallization of Azathoth and named Tempest Katana. It is a Genesis-grade sword. >>

<<This katana contains several seals, which will disappear as the owner's strength increases.>>

"System, why are the rewards I obtained now and before so different?" I asked, as I had just noticed that none of the obtained objects had any relation to their strength. Though all were incredible, I wanted to know if there was a relationship between the obtained item and the person with whom I registered.

[Ding, this is because each person you register with brings a unique relevance to this world. Therefore, it will not be the same to associate with a main character as with a secondary one. Also, it depends a lot on the strength of this person or potential]

Upon listening to the system and reflecting on it, I was able to gain a deeper understanding. It seems that the nature of the object obtained greatly depends on the significance of the moment and the person one interacts with.

As the family embraced in their reunion, the guards looked at us as if they had daggers in their eyes.

ꟷ It's better that they change those eyes with which they look at us,ꟷ I said in a serious tone, gaining Arthur's side, while my hand quickly wrapped in mana and cut the tip of one of the soldiers' weapons.

ꟷ Protect the royal family,ꟷ said one of the soldiers, causing some of them to approach them, while others drew their weapons and aimed at us. Meanwhile, Arthur also positioned himself for anything.

ꟷ Stop, wait, they're my friends!ꟷ exclaimed little Tess, noticing what was happening.

ꟷ Alright, everyone back off,ꟷ sounded Virion's deep voice as he approached us calmly, looking at us with curiosity. "Apologies for our guards' behavior."

ꟷ No worries, it was our mistake initially,ꟷ responded Arthur, also bowing as a gesture of respect.

ꟷ As the King of Elenoir and father of Tessia, I must apologize for this unsightly appearance, and more importantly, I want to thank you for accompanying and bringing our daughter safely,ꟷ said the King, standing up and approaching. "Please, accompany us to our home so she can rest. Then you can tell us what has happened."

Noticing this, the guards backed away from us. As we were about to follow them, Tess approached and took Arthur's hand, much to the surprise of the people around.

Seeing this, I simply smiled as I removed the hood from my head. These days, staying to guard the tent at night, I've been feeling quite cold, so I made myself one.

When I removed the hood, my silver hair shone brightly, further highlighting my pointed ears, which caught everyone's attention in the room. My amber eyes, accompanied by the crescent moon symbol on my forehead, attracted all the gazes that were previously fixed on Arthur, making me feel uneasy.

"What? Why are they staring at me? Aren't there plenty more elves to look at?" I thought as I approached Arthur to tease him as usual.

ꟷ Brother, grabbing your sister-in-law's hand in front of the parents on the first meeting? I must say, that takes guts,ꟷ I whispered, causing the latter to look at me with warning eyes.

ꟷ You!... That's not true!ꟷ Tess said, her face flushed with embarrassment.

On my part, I just smiled, enjoying teasing them both a little. But what I didn't anticipate was that, out of nowhere, I would be tightly embraced. This caught me by surprise and I was momentarily paralyzed. Then, in the next moment, I realized it was Tess's mother who had come to hug me.

I glanced at Tess, trying to ask her what was happening, but she was also looking at me with uncertainty. So, I turned to my brother, who also shook his head.

ꟷ You're just like her...ꟷ said Tess's mother, hugging me tighter.

ꟷ Like who?ꟷ I said, puzzled.

ꟷ You should be Alex, right?ꟷ Virion said, approaching along with the King.

ꟷ "Do you know me?ꟷ I said, puzzled, then looked at Tess. ꟷ When did you talk to him about me?

ꟷ She didn't talk to us about you, it's just that we know your mother,ꟷ replied the King, with a certain emotion in his voice.

Upon hearing this, several ideas crossed my mind, leaving me unsure how to react. Although I resembled the elves greatly, being a reincarnate, I always thought I wouldn't have a biological mother, or they would be minor characters in the world, so I never worried about it, as I was quite happy living with Arthur and his family.

But this wasn't the time to dwell on it, I had to act. So, I quickly approached Arthur with a look of perplexity and doubt.

ꟷ Brother, why did mother never tell us that she had met the royal family of the elves?

The atmosphere fell into an uncomfortable silence for a while, as Arthur stared at me, unsure how to explain it. How do you explain to a 4-year-old that his mother isn't really his mother and that he wouldn't really be his brother?

ꟷ Cough, cough, this place really isn't the best for talking,ꟷ said Virion, making everyone nod, so we decided to continue walking towards a more private place.

After an uncomfortable and exhausting journey that seemed much longer than it actually was, we arrived at the castle. However, instead of a castle, it appeared to be a massive tree. This tree, which would likely require hundreds of people to encircle it with their arms, was made of white stone, which I assumed had somehow undergone a petrification process.

As we passed through the front gates of the tree, I was pleasantly surprised by how impressive the interior of the castle was. There were two curved staircases forming a circle, and in the middle, floating, there was a gigantic chandelier. This chandelier seemed to be made of the same light orbs that were scattered throughout the city.

Without even bathing, the welcoming party seated us at a rectangular table on the ground floor. At the table, I sat next to Arthur, while Tess's father was at the other end, Tessia's mother and herself were on the side of the table, and the grandfather was on the other side.

With everyone ready, the first to speak was the king.

ꟷ Boy, what's your name?

ꟷ Forgive my late introduction. My name is Arthur Leywin, and I come from a remote village in the Kingdom of Sapin. King, Queen, Elder, knights; it's a pleasure to meet you all,ꟷ Arthur introduced himself. He stood up, slightly bowing his head towards each of them, and then sat back down.

After he finished introducing himself, I decided to do the same. So, I stood up and introduced myself.

ꟷ My name is Alex Leywin, I'm his older brother, nice to meet you all.

When I finished my introduction, I could feel the air in the room stagnate, but I decided to ignore it for the moment.

ꟷ Little Art, who are your parents? They were adventurers,ꟷ Virion asked, looking towards Art.

ꟷ Yes, both my mother and father were adventurers before I was born. The group they were in was called the Twin Horns,ꟷ Arthur replied calmly.

ꟷ So, did they give you their last name?ꟷ This time the King asked, looking at me.

ꟷ No... not that I remember,ꟷ I said casually. ꟷBut since my brother's last name is Leywin, as his brother, shouldn't I have the same last name?

Upon hearing my response, the atmosphere in the room relaxed considerably. I noticed Arthur sighing next to me, relaxing a bit.

ꟷ Oh, I see,ꟷ said the king with a slightly softer tone. ꟷMy name is Alduin Eralith, and this is my wife, Merial Eralith, and my father, Virion Eralith. We are Tessia's family, and I suppose I'm your uncle," Alduin said, pointing at me. "Because your mother is my younger sister and Virion's daughter.

ꟷ What? My uncle?ꟷ I said, surprised in my heart, as I didn't expect this.

ꟷ The story is a bit long, so we'll talk about it later,ꟷ said Virion, changing the subject.

After that, Arthur began to tell the whole story. He made sure to be very vague when telling them how we had arrived at Elshire Forest; he simply said that we had been separated from the family after encountering bandits, managing to survive luckily. Inevitably, he had to tell them that we were mages.

When he mentioned this, everyone, even Tess, showed looks of complete disbelief. But it was understandable because it was impossible to imagine that children of our age could become mages.

When he mentioned Tess's part, the king couldn't help but bang the table.

ꟷ I knew they had to be humans...

ꟷ They were slave traders. Both them and the bandits kidnapped not only elves but also humans, even Alex and I were victims of them,ꟷ Arthur corrected. ꟷFortunately, we caught the slave traders off guard and managed to get rid of them before freeing the princess and escorting her here.

ꟷSo you're telling us that two four-year-old children 'luckily' killed four adults; one of them was an enhancer, and you're just brushing it off,ꟷ said the king's father, seated across from Tess, shifting in his seat so that only two of the chair's legs touched the ground.

ꟷ That's right. Two of them were asleep, and the other two left their guard down, so getting rid of them wasn't very difficult,ꟷ I corrected this time, while tapping the cup in front of me with my index finger. Then, the cup cracked into several small pieces. ꟷThat's the reality.

The old man only responded with a lazy shrug.

ꟷ As my brother mentioned recently, it's been over four months since we saw our family. We don't plan to stay long in your kingdom since we want to meet with them soon, so I was wondering if you had a teleportation gate that could take us to the city of Xyrus or somewhere in Sapin,ꟷ I commented, as that was the main reason why Arthur had originally come, and although I already knew what would happen next, it was necessary to mention it.

ꟷ Are you really leaving?!ꟷ exclaimed Tess, jumping up from her seat, her face in a panic state.

ꟷ Are you going with him?ꟷ Virion asked, looking at me.

Upon Tessia's question about the possibility of returning home, I responded decisively:

ꟷ If there's any chance of going back, we'll definitely take it. We both miss our family,ꟷ I said. Then, I added with clarity and determination: ꟷBesides, of course, I'll accompany Arthur. After all, he's my brother. Although it's said that you are my uncle and grandfather, I've grown up with Art and have been with him since I can remember.ꟷ I expressed these words with the intention of avoiding any possible emotional conflict in the future.

ꟷ But Art...ꟷ The princess was quite sad to hear that we were leaving.

But her words were heard by everyone in the room, which provoked different expressions among them, while I noticed the grandfather's laughter.

ꟷHey, hey, you worry more about Art than your supposed cousin in front of you, who also helped you... Ayia, love blinds girls,ꟷ I thought silently, shaking my head.


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