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25.8% The Great Swordsman Of The Shinobi World (Paused) / Chapter 16: Reflections of the Past

Capítulo 16: Reflections of the Past

The next morning, Hayashi and Hinata set out together at 8:45. They arrived at the clearing right on time, where Shino was already waiting, leaning against a wooden stake.

"Good morning," Hayashi said, nodding at Shino.

Hinata followed with a soft "Good morning, Aburame-san."

Shino replied, "Good morning. Just call me Shino." His face was hidden behind sunglasses and a raised collar, making his expression unreadable.

As they exchanged these simple greetings, the three of them started to feel more at ease with each other.

Hayashi and Hinata moved on to the next stake, each attending to their own preparations.

Hinata busied herself organizing her ninja bag, while Hayashi took a moment to relax, closing his eyes and letting out a slow breath, his bamboo sword held loosely in his hand.

Just then, Shino approached them.

"Yusuke-san, do you think we should come up with a battle plan?" he asked, showing a keen awareness of their situation and implicitly recognizing Hayashi as their team's leader.

As he watched them, it became clear that Hayashi and Hinata were inseparable. They were always together, and Hinata naturally deferred to Hayashi's lead.

Despite his reputation as the top student, no one dared to challenge them openly, knowing it would only invite trouble.


"We'll be comrades from now on. Just call me Hayashi," he said calmly.

"As for battle plans, there's no need for that. We can cultivate team awareness in the future. Right now, we have the opportunity to spar with a Jonin. I won't pass up this chance."

Shino nodded slightly, his expression unreadable. He didn't seem to take offense at Hayashi's confidence, but it was hard to tell.

He simply returned to his original position, waiting for Kurenai to arrive.

As they waited, a gentle breeze rustled through the clearing. Hayashi's gaze wandered, eventually landing on a small puddle of water near their feet.

The morning sky was perfectly replicated in its calm surface, with clouds drifting lazily across it.

He crouched down to examine the puddle more closely. "Interesting," he murmured.

Hinata tilted her head curiously. "What is it, Hayashi?"

He gestured to the puddle. "Look at how perfectly it reflects the sky. It's almost like..."

His voice trailed off as a memory stirred by the natural mirror before him.

The world around him seemed to fade as his mind drifted back to another time, another life - his previous life.


The audience in the small theater was excited as Hayashi, aka 'The Magnificent Mirrormaster', stood center stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he announced, his voice low and mysterious, "tonight, we're going to explore the deepest corners of the mind!"

His gaze swept the audience, landing on a middle-aged man in the front row. "Sir, would you like to join me on stage?"

The man, looking a bit nervous but curious, made his way up.

Hayashi gave him a reassuring pat on the back."Okay, my friend, get ready for this. With a flick of my wrist, we'll unlock the secrets of your mind!"

He snapped his fingers, and suddenly, a series of mirrors appeared above them, floating in mid-air. The audience gasped in amazement.

"These mirrors," he explained, his voice low and dramatic, "will reveal what's going on in our volunteer's mind. Let's start with something easy."

He turned to the man. "Sir, think of a number between one and ten, and write it down on this piece of paper without showing it to me."

The man nodded, took the paper and pen, and scribbled down a number. He folded the paper, keeping it hidden from view.

In an instant, the number '7' appeared in one of the mirrors, glowing softly.

"Now, sir," he asked, "would you show the audience the number you wrote down?"

The man hesitated for a moment, then unfolded the paper and held it up for everyone to see.

The crowd erupted into applause as they saw the number '7' scribbled on the paper, matching the number in the mirror.


"Let's dig a little deeper," Hayashi continued. "Think of a color, any color you like."

The mirrors flickered, and a vibrant green filled one of them

"Forest green," Hayashi declared. "Your favorite color, perhaps?"

The man nodded, looking shaken.

Hayashi's grin turned mischievous. "Now, let's get personal. What did you have for breakfast this morning?"

The audience leaned in, eager to see what would happen next. The mirrors swirled, and then an image of a steaming bowl of oatmeal with sliced bananas appeared.

The man's eyes widened in disbelief. "That's... that's exactly what I had!"

The crowd erupted in applause, but Hayashi wasn't done yet.

"For our final surprise," he whispered, "let's uncover a secret. Something you've never told anyone."

The man paled, looking nervously at the mirrors. They started swirling faster and faster, images flashing by too quickly to see.

Hayashi clapped his hands, and the mirrors vanished in a burst of sparks. The audience gasped, then applauded wildly.

"Some secrets," Hayashi said with a wink, "are best left untold."

As he led the stunned volunteer off the stage, the audience was still oblivious to the hidden projectors, the weeks of research on the volunteer, and the team of assistants feeding information through a hidden earpiece.

The real magic was in the way it all came together to create an illusion that felt almost true.


Hayashi blinked, snapping back to reality as he gazed at the puddle. He stood up slowly, a thoughtful look on his face.

"Weird," he muttered to himself, "I haven't thought about that in years."

His expression changed, and he looked at Hinata, who was watching him with concern. "Is everything okay?" she asked.

He nodded, a small smile on his lips.

"Yeah, I'm fine. That puddle just reminded me of something from a long time ago. It's crazy how memories can come flooding back from the smallest things."

Shino, who had been quietly observing, spoke up. "Our brains make some weird connections, don't they?"

"Definitely," Hayashi agreed. He looked at his teammates, an idea forming.

"Hey, since we're waiting around, want to see a little trick? It's not as fancy as what that puddle reminded me of, but it might be fun."

Hinata nodded eagerly, while Shino's interest was betrayed only by a slight tilt of his head.


"Alright then," Hayashi said. "Does anyone have a coin?"

Hinata nodded and handed him a shiny coin from her pocket. He held it up for everyone to see, then closed his hand around it.

When he opened his hand again, the coin was gone.

"Where did it go?" Hinata asked, her eyes wide with surprise.

Shino leaned in, intrigued despite himself. "Logically, it has to be in your hand," he said.

Hayashi grinned, showing off his empty palms. Then, with a quick movement, he reached behind Shino's ear and 'pulled' the coin out.

"Impossible," Shino muttered, adjusting his glasses.

Hinata clapped in delight, and Hayashi's mind started to wander.

He thought about Kurenai, a genjutsu specialist. 

"I wonder," he mused aloud, "if Kurenai-sensei could teach me more about genjutsu."

He paused, surprised at himself. Since arriving in this new world, he'd barely thought about his past life.

But now, faced with a teacher renowned for her illusory skills, he realized he might have overlooked a valuable connection.

'Maybe there's more of my old self I can use here than I thought,' Hayashi thought, tucking the coin away as they waited for their new sensei to arrive.


Just moments later, a figure appeared before them. Her red eyes scanned the trio with a warm smile.

"Sorry for the wait. Let's get started," Kurenai said.

Her gaze settled on Hayashi and his friends. "Today's exercise is simple: snatch one of these three bells from me," she announced.

"You can use any method you like - sneakiness, direct confrontation, or cunning tactics. If you manage to get a bell, I'll treat you all to a barbecue feast."

But then, things took an unexpected turn. Kurenai pulled out three glowing orbs from her pouch.

Each orb glowed softly, casting an strange light around the clearing.

"Let's make this more interesting," Kurenai said, her voice low and mysterious.

"The goal is still the same - get one of the bells from me. But be warned, these orbs here hold secrets you might not want to uncover. Use them wisely, because they could either help or hinder you."

With that, she tied the bells around her waist and handed one orb to each of them.

Hayashi's eyes narrowed as he stared at the glowing orb. He had never seen anything like them in the series before.

Suddenly, Kurenai suspended the orbs in the surrounding air.

Each orb hovered at a different height and distance from the others, moving in a gentle, hypnotic rhythm.

"Hinata!" his sudden shout caught everyone's attention.

"Yes!" Hinata responded quickly, pulling out a strip of cloth from her ninja bag.

Hayashi took the cloth from Hinata and swiftly tied it around his eyes.


After handing the blindfold to Hayashi, Hinata and I exchanged a curious glance. We were both intrigued by the mysterious orbs.

What secrets did they hold? And what challenges would they pose?

"Shino, Hinata, observe closely," Hayashi instructed, his voice steady despite the adrenaline pumping through his veins.

"We need to figure out the patterns, find openings, and seize the moment."

Responding to his directive, Hinata and I jumped back, putting some distance between ourselves and Hayashi.

While she seemed to understand his plan, I just followed suit, trusting my instincts.

Kurenai-sensei watched with a curious expression, one eyebrow raised in skepticism. "You think you can take me head-on?" she inquired.

I exchanged a nervous glance with Hinata. Our attention was drawn back to the orbs floating around Kurenai-sensei.


Suddenly, I felt a shift in my senses. A disorienting wave crashed over me, leaving me dazed and off-balance.

My mind struggled to separate fact from fiction, and before I knew it, I was trapped in a genjutsu.

I tried to reconnect with my insects, but their presence vanished into the darkness.

I reached out, desperate to communicate with them, but all I got was silence - an unsettling void where their familiar hum should have been.

Through the haze of the illusion, I saw Hayashi stumbling. Hinata, too, looked lost and confused, her expression mirroring my own desperation.

Is what I'm seeing even real?

I poured all my energy into breaking the chakra flow. And then, suddenly, the genjutsu's hold on me weakened, and my mind cleared.

I caught a glimpse of reality.


As I turned to Hinata, a creepy haze clouded my vision. A chill ran down my spine, freezing me in place.

Hinata's gentle smile warped into a grotesque grimace, her features twisting into monstrous shapes.

Her eyes, nose, and every defining feature melted away, leaving a gaping void where her face used to be.

I felt a sudden sense of disorientation, like the ground beneath me was shifting. I stumbled, my ears ringing with a strange, muffled sound.

It was then that I realized the pounding in my ears was my own heart, racing with fear.

Hinata's warm smile seemed to mock me now, her gentle voice whispering cruel taunts in my ear.

"Creep," it hissed, the word echoing in the void around me.

"Creep," more voices joined in, each repetition amplifying the dread that gripped me.

"Creep. Creep. Creep."

The chorus multiplied, surrounding me in an endless sea of malevolent murmurs.

"Creep!" Was that my own voice? 

Frozen in terror, I realized I'd fallen prey to a genjutsu again. I tried to disrupt the chakra flow, and as the genjutsu dissipated, my senses slowly returned.

Hayashi faced off against Kurenai-sensei, but this time, she was the one faltering, not him.

But as I watched, a nagging doubt crept into my mind. I couldn't shake the confusion.

When had I fallen prey to the genjutsu?

When had doubt clouded my judgment and led me astray?

Did I fear being called a creep? Was that what had led me down this path?


Hayashi draw his bamboo sword and assuming a stance. "Teacher Kurenai, please be cautious," he warned.

It was almost laughable - a freshly graduated Genin advising caution to a seasoned Jonin like herself.

Yet, there was something about his intensity that gave her pause.


As Hayashi moved forward, his other senses on high alert due to the blindfold, but he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease.

Something didn't feel right

The weight of the orbs' influence pressed down on him. The strange sounds they made stirred something deep within him.

And then, like a veil lifting from his mind, he realized the truth: the genjutsu was being transmitted through sound.

He scrambled to think of a solution. He didn't have anything to block the sound, but he knew he had to act fast.

Hayashi covered his eardrum with a layer of Armament Haki, hoping it would disrupt or weaken the genjutsu's hold on him.

Then he glanced over at his companions.

Their movements were slow and uncertain, their perception of reality distorted by the orbs.

But it seemed he was immune.

Drawing on his training and the power of his haki, Hayashi focused his energy. 

Suddenly, a dark red energy burst forth from Hayashi's position.

The force sent shockwaves rippling through the clearing, echoing like thunder through the surrounding forest.

The ground quaked beneath them, and Hinata and Shino broke free from the genjutsu, their senses returning as if they were emerging from a deep sleep.


Kurenai's confidence began to waver, shaken by the unexpected turn of events.

She felt a strange, disorienting pressure, and for a moment, her consciousness slipped away.

For the first time, doubt crept into her mind, making her struggle to regain her composure.

As she faltered, her defenses weakened, leaving her momentarily vulnerable.

But as the strange phenomenon faded and the clouds disappeared, she felt a bit better. Still, the doubt lingered.

"Let's continue, Kurenai-sensei," he said as he sensed that his companions were free from the genjutsu.

Relying on his heightened perception, he anticipated Kurenai's movements, remembering how she dodged his previous attack.

Hayashi darted forward, and Kurenai tried to use auditory genjutsu on him again, utilizing the orbs.

But to her surprise, he remained completely unaffected, and her plan fell flat.

Facing his oncoming charge, Kurenai swiftly retrieved a handful of kunai, preparing to meet his attack head-on.

Malphegor Malphegor

Hello, everyone. It took me a while to write this chapter, and it turned out to be longer than the others, so I hope you'll bear with me. I put a lot of effort into it, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you notice any errors or have any feedback, please don't hesitate to comment. I'm always looking to improve my writing, and your input is invaluable to me. Thank you for your support, and I hope you find this chapter to be a worthwhile addition to our story.

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