/ Fantasy / The God Of All People: My God Domain Is The Endless Abyss 1

The God Of All People: My God Domain Is The Endless Abyss 1 Original

The God Of All People: My God Domain Is The Endless Abyss 1

Fantasy 373 Capítulos 294.5K Visitas

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Chu Hao has traveled to a different world where everyone has the opportunity to become a god.

And everyone here can design their own exclusive world of God's Domain! Beautiful and delicate fairy world? The majestic dragon's nest plane?

The ancestral witch world in the beginning of chaos?

These are too weak, my design is an endless abyss!

Here is the endless, suffocating horror land!

Here is a place where the environment is extremely harsh and life is extremely dangerous!

This is a place where there is no morality and never stops killing!

This is the home of the abyss demons and the final destination of the chaotic evil spirits!

not my novel!!!!!!!!


No RomanceStrong to StrongerSystemTransmigrated ProtagonistEvil ProtagonistMale ProtagonistGod Ability


not my novel!!!!!!!!


not my novel!!!!!!!!


not my novel!!!!!!!!


not my novel!!!!!!!!


not my novel!!!!!!!!


not my novel!!!!!!!!


not my novel!!!!!!!!

Lord Of Ravens

Parents Strongly Cautioned


  1. Atrox_ashborn
    Atrox_ashborn Contribuido 18
  2. Heyun
    Heyun Contribuido 12
  3. Shariik_Orkwa
    Shariik_Orkwa Contribuido 7

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  • Antecedentes del mundo

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i want to welcome the author of this story and i want more uptade bécasse is a very good story and i want morre

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