He was sent to a world where different races and beings wage different types of wars and fight for supremacy.
With a body of a mere mortal, he learned the way of the immortal craft and a different cultivation technique. Making him able to roam the land searching for a place where he could belong.
How can he survive in this dog-eat-dog world he knows not. But combining the ingenious designs of the modern world and immortal energy, otherworldly devastation awaits those who face, the geared immortal.
***Thanks to those who liked the novel. Your rate and comments are of great help.
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Escribe una reseñaLest make this review: 1-We have an interesting world, you get a point +1. 2-Main character is a suppose super spy and genius, but it seems he forgot his brain in the other world -1 point. 3-Characters don’t learn from there mistake and keep making the same mistake, -1 point. 4-The introducing modern technology into this type of story is interesting, +1 point. 5-The over used trope of rich arrogant young master is annoying, -1 point. 6-The Mc has a constant change in personality that is confusing at time, -1 point. 7-The writing/grammar is good and understandable, +1 point. Okay we started at 5 if we calculate all, all the point this is our real review and our final score is 4 out of 10.
The novel is almost perfect. ALMOST, and unfortunately the not perfect part is the MC which is a huge part. I am at chapter 18, and the MC lacks brain function. He almost died once from eating beast meat, to much energy, makes sense. Second time he found a stronger beast and same thing AGAIN, almost died, he is not stupid he just lacks the brain capacity to think: weak best=strong energy, stronger best=stronger energy. If it was earth he would be the stupid kid that touches fire twice because it has different color and his brain could not make the connection. Chapter 17 he lets potential rapists and murders (his age) go free (hell he even protects them from death) obviously later on they push him into a life and death situation. The NEXT CHAPTER he kills someone so so he will get directions to a village (simplified of course, no spoilers). OP MC is ALWAYS <<<<< competent smart MC. I only bother writing the review because how disappointing it is, this could have been 4.6/5 easily with a slightly better MC, no need for perfect.
The Novel itself isn´t bad. But at the Middle 100+ Chapters the Story goes From 4-Stars for me to 3,5-Stars. Now i skipped a few Chapters to look if the Story gets better, but only got More Frustrated. Its like the Author WANT´S to have the MC be Hurt/Busy so that he doesnt go back to his Girlfriend/Familie. I can guess what will happen when MC get´s finaly back only to get Hurt again by his Girlfriend. That is why i Dropped it. The Whole Cultivation of the MC is around chapter 70+ Not more mentioned, till something Big happens. Well if you are a Fan of Harem, then this Novel isn´t for You. If you are a bad Drama Fan then it is something for you.
I was around chapter 80 when i had enough so i write this. This story is another very good idea with avarage execution. The MC is supposedly a "Geared Immortal" and should have gadgets that he can use. IF you think that it will be the case you will be disappointed. He makes a few different kind of gadgets and then even loses most of them right after. What he did not loose, we do not really hear about anymore. AND he is not making anything for problematic situations or to escape.....the most grating thing is that he is supposed to be a genius yet he is not prepared for anything. He goes in head first and reacts to things as they come. He did not make anything unique during the first 80 chapters and im certain that this is how the author is trying to keep the MC from becoming op, but it does not matter because if he does not have a cool tool or weapon to use then plot armor comes and saves his ass! This way the story looses its uniqueness and could be classified as a general xianxia with some western elements with the typical "genius" MCs we are used to see plus a few wapons and very FEW explanations about how something works. So around ch80 he introduces phones....yes i know.....and it would have been okay if it was not the guise of a bull**** reason that tried to hide plot progression elements. His base that has a few hundred people supposedly needed these geniuses decide to sell phones that got the attention of the emperor. And right after this was when i wrote the comment below: "Btw, do you know that they could have sold a miriad different things that are not that advanced?? Come on now! A radio would have been enough and for other revenue? It might be the immortal world but the cultural and tech level is still only medieval or worse............from paper and soap to better farming techniques and other things like printing, wine and liquors. Cola and sprite and other drinks AND FOODSTTUFF!! From hamburgers and pizzas to high quality dishes, they could have opened a restaurant chain where the guards are "only" mortals but strong as fck and get a lots of money that way!!!!! Im getting very disappointed with this story the more i read it because of the miriad unused chances and possibilities! This is another example of a story where the MC is described as a genius but only as far as the author can imagine it. And unfortunately that is not much!" could be executed MUCH better and i can only hope that the remaining chapters and content will get better! It was not thinked through when written that im sure of. Im only writing this to tell you guys to not have high expectations and just read it without expecting an epic novel where the MC is op. He is not, but not in a good way, its like he is forcefully kept from becoming op because of some bull**** reason by the author so he can progress the story. But this fckes up the immersion and the pace of the novel very much for me. I would still recommend this, and you should give it a try. Just dont expect something big, becuase you will be disappointed just like i was and always wait for something truly epic to happen. But no, it will not, at least for 80chapters. The rest....we will see.
Revelar spoilerHad a lot of potential but mc has trash character that doesn't fit his background things go down hill really fast around chapter 4! kept reading hoping it would get better but it just kept getting worse not for me good luck to all who want to read it.
The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .The mc is stupid .
It's just the repeat of same thing again and again. like he does something (going somewhere, trading, walking around) and there are people trying to kill him like every fucking person are his enemy or something. Or he roams around and suddenly find someone injured or dying, then he helps them if they are male then he helps them and that's it but if they are female then they fall in love then confesses to each other then share a kiss then something happen and they seperate from each other and while all this is happening he gets too strong secretly but looses all his power due to that something and then finds a new way to get stronger and then repeat. There is more that is he learns something new and then when he gets into fight he suddenly couldn't use it because author doesn't want it. And he teaches people around him godly techniques but he himself has learned but never used them as if his fist and simple sword moves are better than those techniques. Well I have only read around 120 chapters so far so I don't know if it gets better later but I am already fed up with it so I am dropping it for now until I am bored enough to read it again.
It was a great novel but when it reached the mistaken identity volume, I had to drop it. I might come back later and just skip over that volume but everything before that was pretty good.
Well, I don't like this novel. Because MC is too soft-hearted. Examples: 1) enemy kidnaps the girlfriend of MC , but MC just warn and forgive the enemy. 2)in chapter 349, enemies tries to kill MC many time by using guns , but MC just again warn them. 3) then , even after getting warned, enemies again tries to capture the two women of MC , but again MC just warned enemies. 4)in same chapter, a young master of a clan attacks MC with shotgun. But MC just warn than man. But the young master of that clan says, " he'll get mc'women" and MC says, " come and try". Good novel became waste novel, because of the character of MC. I think MC is just waiting for worse to happen to his girls and himself. A true looser MC. Even a dog attacks a person , who tries to harm that dog. I am going for another novel.i had of this novel.
This was a story with really great potential which was quite brilliantly shown in the beginning. However, by the 120 chapter, it just took all of that potential and happily chucked it out of the window. In the beginning, the mc was quite good and sensible but as the story progressed, all the sensibility went away. The mc kept trying to get stronger but due to some reason or the other he kept going back to zero. In the beginning, it was still fine as stuff kept improving fast. But by the end of it, the mc just got his cultivation back a little and after less than a day he was again back to horribly injured regular mortal. Also as the novel progressed, it was said that the mc is getting better in terms of smartness and strength but to me it seemed like he was getting dumber and weaker. I started this series thinking that it would be different from other cultivation series as I was utterly sick of the regular Chinese cultivation series due to repeating plots and stupid characters but it turned out that this is way worse as in those series at least the mc isn't as pathetic as this guy normally. So I'd say that you should not read this unless the author changes it up to become better again or you enjoy an overly stretched series where the mc is just being tortured by the author again and again whenever he tries to make any progress and always ends up becoming trash. I am not the kind of person to normally judge series on the reviews as I have found that many series I find good tend to have reviews saying that it's trash and many series I find trashy have reviews saying that it is one of the best ones out there. However with this series, I think the reviews are spot on about its quality and after reading it, I regret not believing the reviews. It just seems like the author doesn't want the mc to progress at anything and just be stuck in a constant loop where he gets stronger and then just loses all of it. After reading this I feel like cultivation doesn't make anyone better but only makes them weaker and dumber as can be seen with the mc who, after losing his cultivation twice, ended up half like a regular Chinese character who can't seem to ever win at even the things he might have handled easily in the past with the only difference being that he sometimes has some guns that others don't have.
Another one......wasted....just like mc from The Nine Cauldron, ( training more than 20 years to become the greatest hitman , but when he got to another world....hahaha...he just like an ignorant mc, who can't even think when someone plotting against him....for a guy who know what human be like a normal guy....thats....worst)
The story started off good, I loved the forst two arcs but the third didn't have enough focus on MC to the point where he was a side character and 4th arc only mentioned him once up to where I was. There are grammatical errors but still perfectly readable, character development was good world building is nice and overall a decent first attempt for a writer. The story just completely lost my interest by the 4th arc mistaken identity and I don't want to spend money on it anymore. Still worth a look since some people will like it.
Story so far is amazing. Like how the different concepts of power mana and Qi are used and expanded upon. I also have to say I’m looking forward to more “mortals” showing up cultivators and maybe evening manipulating the elements better than the proud cultivators.
i will only said this don't waste your time and money on this wasted novel repeated story line same thing over especially after 110 chapter it get more ridiculously bad i have no word for.i m event writing this review to remind new reader that it is ridiculously bad novel so don't waste u time n money on this n for the PPL who hate hates harem or ntr like i do pls don't waste your time here bro
what bugs me the most is the yo-yo in his cultivation. from weak to somewhat strong, to trash, to really powerful, to weak.... it's frustrating to read.
Revelar spoilerI have read up to chapter 39, but now I have to drop it, because the points I dislike are too much to read further. I love the idea of the story and the beginning of it is awesome. But the following points made me dislike the story: - Too many love interests. Within 39 chapters, we have been introduced to 3 female love interests and they appeared within a chapter after their predecessor disappeared. The more female love interests appear, the less each of them appear to be unique and great. It is also really hard to feel the MC's dedication and love to them, if he moves on like he is changing socks. - MC is immediately caring and giving to those love interests, even though they just met and barely know each other. So all those "loving" actions of his have no weight behind them. You can't feel a relationship developing at all. - Because the title of the story "Geared Immortal" I really thought we would get to see an interesting mix of our society's technology and xianxia "technology". But quite franky, you get barely anything in this regard. - MC has no specific goals he is moving to, so the majority of his actions after leaving his "starting cave", it is just passively reacting to events or helping out the current female interest. Problem with helping out the female interest is that they are not likeable and he barely knows them, so most of the time you are wondering why he is going the mile to help them. If he is doing something, it is so short and brief that it's already over before you notice.
Revelar spoilerThe story has vast potential, but the mc's are contradictory towards his background. 1. he is a retired spy at 20? yet he makes so many mistakes regarding keeping thing secret that is mind boggling. 2. he is a crafter and you experience barely any crafting. 3. any women that shows up he become subservient. 4. he cultivates yet he doesn't claim to be a cultivator, where it could had solve a few headaches. 5. the conflicts feel force. Other than that you get the same xianxia crap with young masters, trying to harm mc over petty was very interesting at first but once the women started to show up his intelligence took a nose dive, and became just like any other xianxia, nothing new really, which is sad.
Revelar spoilerAn excellent read covering science cultivation light and dark and many variables to make a fantastic reading experience. Keep up the good work I want to see how this story unfolds.
Autor Shynobi
1) The concept is such that it has a lot of scope. The MC can create all kinds of stuff like modern appliances, mystic tools used by cultivators, military weapons, instruments which combine modern and cultivation techniques (such as a very low altitude satellite or a drone, etc). In short, just about anyone one can imagine, and its selling point is the part where MC astonishes others with his superior instruments. 2) The MC can be shown to occupy a no man's land, which he develops into some kind of organisation like a clan, sect, company, kingdom or empire. 3) The MC can win multiple battles against other individuals or organisations, with his superior instruments and modern knowledge. 4) The MC can woo many girls and ...(you know what I'm talking about) These were the possibilities, and I rated as such. Cons - 1) Writing is not fluidic. It doesn't feel smooth. Although I didn't find any major grammatical mistakes, the scene description feels broken. 2)The author is totally not good at writing romance. All romance scenes are cheesy, however they are not unbearable. 3) The MC does not feel ambitious. No signs of organisation building. It won't be interesting to read the MC living like Tarzan in the forest. 4) There is no awesomeness factor in MC's cultivation technique. It is kind of boring. ** I've written such a long review as I have a lot of expectations from this web novel.