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1.14% THE FUGITIVE / Chapter 2: New city

Capítulo 2: New city

Esme groaned and turned over to her side, snuggling her head further against her backpack, her hands resting on the grass. She felt her body shake again, and awareness shot through her like a lightning bolt. Her eyes snapped open, and Esme jumped to her feet, automatically reaching for the knife sheathed behind her cargo pants. She halted her movements when her widened eyes landed on a man in police uniform.

"You can't sleep here," He said with his hands on his hips. Esme relaxed her stance, releasing her knife and nodded her head. It was beautiful to sleep outside in the park; even if the nights were cooler, she didn't mind sleeping with nature. It was odd feeling so relaxed after such a long time; the locked gates kept any annoying humans away, keeping the pesky vampires away. A place full of vampires also meant no werewolves.

"Are you new to the city?" The man asked as he watched Esme stuffing the blanket inside her backpack. She threw it on her back before staring around, squinting against the soft rays of the rising sun.

She looked back at the policeman and nodded her head. "Was it obvious?" She asked, stuffing her hands in her coat pockets as she started to walk away.

"Well, I remember most of the homeless here," He scratched his head, following along the path.

"Oh, I'm not homeless," Esme replied with a small smile. She knew how it looked, and at one point in her life, she was technically homeless, as the humans would put it. As a rogue, she could live happily in the countryside, hunting for her food, but HE was after her, and she could only dream of a peaceful life, lest he died.

"Did you have a rough night in town then?" The policeman questioned doubtfully as he opened the black gate for her to walk through.

Esme started playing with her hands, looking at them as her expression grew sad, then looked away as though what she was about to say was painful to admit. "To be honest, officer, my boyfriend.." She covered her eyes, faking her tears, "I mean.. my ex-boyfriend.. he.. he cheated on me! I left town in a rush, and by the time I made it here, I couldn't book a hotel room, and.. and.. the park seemed the safest place to go, you know what with it being locked.." She blatantly lied, sniffling and hugging her arms.

"You should get an Oscar for that performance," Isana said dryly, suppressing a laugh.

The policeman didn't look convinced either, but with a sigh, he continued with their conversation by asking, "Did you not have any friends or family to go to? A place to stay?"

Esme shook her head. "No family and my friends are ages away. Look, I have enough money to rent a place. I just need a job. Do you know of anywhere or could provide any help?" She looked at him expectantly, wiping away her tears. This wasn't the first time she asked the police for help; it was a regular occurrence, considering she moved to new places regularly. Esme also didn't look like the 'typical' homeless person, just someone down on their luck.

"Of course, I can help you."

Simon was the policeman's name; he ended up helping Esme throughout most of the morning with a cheery smile. It hadn't taken long for Esme to win him over with a little bit of charm and a smile. It was always good to at least know one policeman, but it was like a double-edged sword, he was helpful to know, but if she wasn't careful enough, she would leave too much of an impression and 'putting her on the map'.

That wasn't something she could worry about right now. Esme was sure she would not run into Simon a lot in the city, especially if she kept her head low. Any authorities in the creature's world would actually be whoever controlled the vampire infested city. They were the ones she really needed to steer clear of.

Simon had been helpful in showing the main areas of Chester, where to avoid, and the many shops and restaurants with 'Staff wanted' signs. Apparently, people went missing quite a lot, but the policeman shrugged it off like it was normal. When she questioned this further like a concerned citizen, he stated that most of them either left home or got a job elsewhere without telling anyone and blah blah. Pretty simple excuses that Esme was familiar with.

It seemed Chester had a little issue with vampires. She knew it was a city brimming with them, but it was disturbing to see how 'normal' the humans found their disappearances. Her natural instinct of disgust started to course through her veins at the thought of the innocent humans being fed on and discarded like they were nothing but blood bags. But then she shook it off. It was not her place to get involved, and she didn't want to. This new city was going to be her safe haven, a place far away and her scent covered by those of the vampires.

Esme found a spark of hope filling her chest at wanting to stay longer than she usually did. She squished it down like a bug within in an instant. Hope was a dangerous feeling indeed. The last bit of lingering hope completely vanished when she was brought back to reality, standing in front of another rundown apartment complex in the afternoon, waiting for the landlord, Lenny, to arrive and show her place number 11. It wasn't because of the sight of such a place, she was okay with it, but it was a reminder that she was not on holiday. In order to keep not only herself safe but others she comes across safe, she WOULD leave in three to four months. Unless they found her like the other day.

When Lenny finally arrived, Esme was a little taken back. The man was in his thirties, dressed up in a suit and tie, his hair slicked back as though he was meant to be going to a business meeting. Esme shifted from one foot to the other, standing off to the side, not convinced by this businessman and still looking around for this so-called Lenny.

That was until he called out to her, his face expressionless as he started to lead the way. Esme followed him, but her heightened hearing picked up a conversation between two men guarding an expensive blacked-out car, their guns on display. They were discussing some gang in another neighbourhood.

Lenny was either some top-notch CEO, or they were potentially mafia. Looking at the area she was viewing, she leaned more towards potential mafia. Why would a CEO rent out a place here when there was a whole city full of stunning apartments with views?

"So, Lenny.. What's the neighbourhood like, be honest with me. I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself, but I need to know what I'm getting into here.. I need a place that won't bring the police knocking at my door asking for a statement.." Esme rambled on from behind him. She liked to keep herself out of such things, but she needed to know if there was going to be any issues. She needed to stay out of trouble, but like a magnet, it always seemed to be attracted to her.

Lenny stopped and faced her, a smirk forming on his face as he looked her up and down, no doubt taking in her speech about being big when in fact, she was 5ft2 with no ounce of fat on her body. "You know, I already like you, kid. I own the building, and although it doesn't look like much, I still have standards on the tenants I rent out to. I don't want any headaches. If you can do that, then this will be a beautiful friendship." He smiled, which was both unsettling and charming at the same time.

"Definitely mafia," Isana whispered.

Esme nodded her head to both her wolf and the landlord. "I won't be a headache if you won't be mine, Lenny," She replied cheekily, earning her a smile.

Lenny showed her an apartment on the second floor; it was similar to her last place except for the fact that the bathtub/ shower was placed in the kitchen, missing the shower curtain. Esme turned around, raising a brow at Lenny, who shrugged. "Well, the place has.. character for sure. Does the shower work?" She asked as her gaze still swept around the small apartment. At least this place seemed to have been cleaned after the last tenant. Place number ten was disturbingly disgusting.

"It does," Lenny replied, leaning into the tub and turning the taps on. Esme nodded her head and placed her hand under the hot tap, satisfied that it was indeed heated. She wasn't one to complain, but the rent was much higher in Chester than the last places she'd stayed at.

"If I can move in today, I'll take it," She said, eying the dreary coloured walls.

"Do you have furniture to move in?" The landlord asked; his dark eyes were watching her like a hawk as she placed her bag on the kitchen counter before opening the patio door that screeched open unwillingly. She walked onto the balcony, leaning over the rails before responding,

"I'll get some." Esme was observing her surroundings. The balcony faced out towards the road that led back to the inner city. It was quite a sweet spot where she could see who would enter the complex. She looked at a few of the scarce trees and saw some security cameras facing the building.

While she was looking at them, she could feel Lenny observing her. "I actually have a spare couch I was going to throw out. You can have it if you want?"

Esme looked back at him in surprise. Out of all the places she'd stayed at, this was a first that the landlord was so.. nice. She didn't know if she liked it or not. A guy in the mafia offering charity? Maybe she judged him too quickly. "That would save me sleeping in the tub, thanks," She smiled politely.

Lenny nodded his head and pulled out his smartphone, and said, "I'll send some guys over later. Maybe at 6? I have your number so I can text you to confirm."

"I'm actually working tonight," She replied nonchalantly, leaning her back against the balcony rails, shoving her hands in her coat pocket as she stared back at him. It wasn't a complete lie, she wanted to go job hunting, and from the number of places seeking help, Esme was confident she would find something by the end of the day.

"I'll give them a key, so you don't need to worry about being here," He paused and looked at the anxious expression on her face and continued, "if you are happy with that arrangement?"

Esme took her time in replying. She didn't know how she felt about others entering the place, but looking for another apartment was out of the question now; the landlords might ask her for more details before renting to her. At least with Lenny, Esme could pay him 'cash in hand', no details required. As long as she paid him, he didn't need anything more.

"That's fine," She finally replied. "Oh, here." She pulled out some cash and handed it to him, "Four grand- the security deposit and first months' rent."

Before arriving, she had the money ready in her coat. She didn't want Lenny or anyone else seeing where she kept her cash. There wasn't much, but it was a lot more than most carried with them. If that money went missing, then it would make things even harder for her.

"Cheers," Lenny thanked her and placed the money on the inside of his suit jacket. "Here, your keys."

Esme grabbed her keys from the palm of his hand and followed him to the front door. Lenny nodded his head once as a farewell and walked away. She liked him; he didn't ask questions even though there was curiosity in his eyes. Esme closed the door and looked back at her bare apartment.

"Well, this is depressing," Isana murmured, "Could we at least paint the walls.."

"Waste of money. You know that," Esme replied before running the bath. It was a new experience taking a bath in the kitchen, but maybe that was a story worth sharing one day. She chuckled darkly at her own foolishness as she stripped and climbed into the bath.

Who would she tell?

After scrubbing up and changing into black jeans and a black long-sleeved blouse, she threw on some boots and her coat before leaving with her backpack to check out the vacancies. It took her twenty-five minutes until she arrived at the city centre. There were buses that could take her, but she preferred walking; it helped the restlessness bubbling up inside of her. If she didn't train, go running or shift into her wolf form much, her moods plummeted, and her wolf became aggressive.

It had been a week since she last shifted, and although her little run to the train station helped, it wasn't enough. At some point, she would need to find the safest place she could run freely without the fear of being found out. There was a reason why cities were not full of werewolves; they couldn't shift freely and would become restless. But this was the price she paid for a little extra protection, not that the vampires would ever help her, but the pack would not search for her here.

"Let's look tonight, please!" Isana pleaded with her, pulling at her heartstrings. Esme nodded in agreement; it would help settle her nerves.

For the rest of the day, Esme became increasingly frustrated from the job vacancies. Each place seemed ecstatic at hiring her, but there was one issue, unlike the little villages and towns she stayed at before with little café jobs with cash in hand. The shops and restaurants here went through protocols to make sure she had no criminal record, she paid tax etc. What a bunch of bull. This was why it was more challenging living life as a rogue on the run.

Esme sat in a coffee shop by the evening, slumped forward, staring outside the window, and people watched. The only distraction from watching the bustling city was when her phone chimed. At first, she almost freaked out because nobody messaged her, but then she remembered the latest contact on her phone was her new landlord.

[ 6:30pm Message from Lenny ]

[ 6:30pm: It's done.]

Blunt and brief, as expected.

Esme closed her phone and wondered if there were any places in the city that would take her on and pay cash in hand. This experience made her realise just how isolated she had been from the outside world two years ago. Yet even now, being on her own, she was still learning. Esme knew it was basic knowledge, but her upbringing was not exactly normal.

She felt frustrated, though. How could she not know that things would be different in a city such as Chester?

"Hey sweetie, we are closing in ten minutes." Esme nodded her head with a smile at the old lady who had been sweet enough to give her a free cake with her coffee.

Esme stood up, scraped her chair away and brought her cup and now empty plate to the counter. "Oh, you didn't have to do that, honey," The old lady waved at her before continuing to dry some washed up plates. Esme liked the cute café that seemed to be odd in such an extravagant street. It was a little rundown but had this homey feel to it.

"Nonsense," Esme replied and leaned her elbows on the wooden counter. "By any chance, are you hiring?"

"I'm sorry, but we aren't." The lady smiled sadly, and Esme could tell that she really was apologetic. For some reason, this lady brought out her softer side, like she could really be nice without faking it.

"No problem. Thought I'd ask! Thanks for the cake!" She turned around and left the café, the door's bell dinging as she stepped out into the cool night air. Checking her phone, she didn't realise how long she'd stayed in there. Her thoughts must have made her lose track of time; it was now 8:30pm.

With a sigh, Esme turned down the street, her steps slow as she took in the sights of the city. She made sure not to look like a complete tourist, though, not that anyone could mug her, but it was just a hassle. She pulled her hood back up over her head, keeping her head warm from the chilled evening, but her hands dropped to her side, and she stopped while passing the alleyway next to the coffee shop.

The smell of blood caught her attention, and she looked down the dark alleyway. Don't get involved, Esme; this doesn't involve you. But although she split between leaving the area and checking it out, her decision landed on the latter. With a groan, she made her way down the alley, keeping her footsteps quiet as she stepped over puddles and merged herself with the shadows of night.

The smell of blood grew stronger as Esme got closer to another alley on her right. She stopped and leaned herself up against the wall. Down the path, Esme watched as a man suddenly collapsed behind two green wheelie bins, clutching his bloodied chest and cursing.

From here, she could see the man's brown eyes ringed in red. He was a vampire. Esme glanced in the direction he seemed to have come from, and standing there with smug smiles on their faces were humans holding bloodied stakes and crossbows.

They were hunters.


Kelly_Starrz Kelly_Starrz

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