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25% The Fighters (Persona 5 X Miraculous Ladybug) / Chapter 10: Chapter 9: The One where Akira knows.

Capítulo 10: Chapter 9: The One where Akira knows.

(A/N: Behold! More fluff, shipping, and wholesomeness with a side of angst cause why not! Also, after careful consideration, I have decided to christen the Marinette and Akira ship as... Akiranette! Before you ask, yes, I have no originality when it comes to shipping names. Also, it just sounds better than any other name. But feel free to suggest a better name in the comments!)

(Marinette's pov)

It was May 5'th, Thursday, 4 days after Kamoshida admitted is crimes. I was sitting at a table in a fancy restaurant with my fellow Phantom Thieves, celebrating our first success. I was sitting next to Akira on a comfy leather couch that I knew was more expensive than any piece of furniture in my apartment. Ann and Ryuji were both seated in the two armchairs facing the short ends of the table. Ann was eating a cake of some sort, while Ryuji was nomming on a steak dish. Akira was eating a purple soup/curry thing, and I was nibbling on a piece of cherry pie Ann got.

"So good!" Ryuji said with his mouth full of steak.

"No wonder Lady Ann chose this place!" Morgana said. "I have to agree, this place is of high quality," I said between bites of pie.

"Of course it's high quality! This is a famous hotel, after all!" Ann said. Akira smiled and ate another spoon full of purple stew(?). I looked around at my friends, who were all enjoying themselves. I was enjoying myself too. But, still... No! I don't need to think about that! Not when everyone is happy and cheery! Just laugh, Marinette, laugh with your friends! I looked over to Akira, and we made eye contact. He gave me a bright smile that made my heart race. Were the kwamis, right? Do I have a crush on Akira? Before I could come to a conclusion, I heard Ann say something that caught my attention.

"I heard that the police are coming to interview some people at school." She said. "That's troublesome," Morgana said.

"True, our names will come up. People are probably spreading rumors about Kamoshida and us." I say, putting down my plate.

"But, we got 'em pumped up! I keep hearin' stuff like: 'The Phantom Thieves really stole his heart!' I think most people don't believe it, but some of 'em actually seem grateful! Look at this!" Ryuji said, pulling out his phone. We took a look, and it was...

"The Phantom Aficionado Website?" Ann said, looking at the sight pulled up on Ryuji's phone.

"'Well done, Phantom Thieves!' 'Now I can keep going too!' 'Thanks for giving us hope!'" She read aloud.

"Pretty cool, right?" Ryuji asked.

"I think it's really nice," I said while having flashbacks to the Lady blog.

"I was just desperate to deal with my own problems, but seeing other people saying all this feels... Strange," Ann said with a smile.

"Yeah," Ryuji said. I noticed that his cheeks went a little pink when Ann smiled.

"What do we do now?" Ryuji asked Akira.

"You plan on eating?" Akira answered while scooping up another spoonful of purple... stuff.

"huh?" Ryuji said.

"This place has a one-hour time limit, remember?" I said as I picked up another plate of cake and started to eat.

"Oh, crap, you're right!" Ryuji said in a panicked voice.

"We only have 50 minutes left!" Ann said. The two blondes started to panic about eating the entire menu before the hour is up. The two stood up and to get some more food while Akira, Morgana, and I stayed at the table.

"Those two would make a cute couple..." I thought aloud without realizing it.

"I have to agree," Akira said. "Oh! Did I say that out loud?" I said in embarrassment.

"You did, and I have to disagree with you two on that point," Morgana said.

"Just because you have a crush on Ann-chan, doesn't mean you can ruin our fun," I say, taking a bite of cake.

"It's that obvious?" Morgana asked, with his ears drooping.

"Yes, yes it is," Akira and I said, at the same time. The two of us laughed while Morgana hid in Akira's bag. Eventually, the two blondes came back with plates of desserts and beef.

"The beef melts in my mouth!" Ryuji said happily with a mouth full of meat.

"Seriously? Only meat?" Morgana said in exasperation.

"Where should I start?" Ann said, looking over the desserts she got.

"She's all about cake!" Morgana sighed.

"Ryuji-kun, remember to pace yourself. You don't want to choke! Ann-chan, I recommend the lighter cakes before the dense cakes." I advised my two friends.

"Whatever, mom!" Ryuji sighed.

"Thanks, Mari-chan!" Ann said, picking out a cake.

"Don't encourage them!" Morgana scolded me.

"So happy!" Ann mumbled through a mouthful of cake.

"Hey, calories!" Ryuji said with a smirk.

"Shuddup!" Ann said with bright-red cheeks.

"How much do you think one of these costs?! I'll never get a chance like this again!" She added.

"You know, these cakes remind me of the cakes my parents bake back in Paris," I said, taking another bite.

"Really?" Ann asked.

"Yeah, but these are more decadent, my parent's cakes are more simple," I say, matter-a-factly.

"I would love to have one of those cakes someday!" Ann said dreamily.

"Must've been hard on your parents to move to Japan with you," Ryuji said, sadly.

"Actually, they still live in Paris. I live alone in my apartment." I said. The others looked shocked at what I told them.

"Don't you get lonely?" Akira asked.

"Not really, some friends from Paris call me every now and again," I say. A minute of silence ensued, while Ann and Ryuji continued to eat.

"Hey, Akira. How about we get some food?" Morgana asked.

"Yeah," Akira answered. He got up with the bag Morgana was in over his shoulder to get some food. I continued to eat my cake while Ann and Ryuji ate their food. They occasionally shot me worried glances, but I ignored them.

A few minutes later, Akira came back with a lot of food.

"Oh! That's a lot!" I said, looking over the meal.

"Think you can eat it all?" I asked him.

"I'm hungry, and I want to eat," Akira deadpanned. I giggled at that comment.

"Ya know, using better ingredients makes food taste way better!" Ryuji said with excitement. Morgana made a comment about Ryuji's pallet, and pretty soon, those two started to bicker... again...

"Come on, let's make sure this food Akira-kun brought doesn't go to waste!" I say.

"Akira-kun?" Akira asked.

"You don't like it?" I asked.

"Oh! I like! It's just unexpected!" Akira said with red cheeks.

"Are you sure you're okay? Your face is a little red," I told him.

"It's nothing!" He said, scratching the back of his neck. I sighed and continued to eat my cake while he started to eat his food.

"Aside from that, Ryuji, why don't you help them?" Ann suggested.

"Me?! Why don't you help?" Ryuji asked.

"I'm way too stuffed to help!" Ann said with a mouthful of cake.

"Yeah, stuffed with cake!" Ryuji sighed.

"Whatever! Let's just do this!" He said and started to go to town with the rest of us. After thirty minutes of eating, we finished all the food on the table.

"We... did it..." I sighed. I was so sleepy.

"Yeah..." Morgana meowed quietly.

"This is a victory... for all of us..." Ryuji said in a weak voice.

"It was tough..." Akira said.

"I'm proud of our achievement..." I sighed with the biggest smile I could muster.

"Try a tart to cleanse your pallet," Ann suggested.

"Ugh... don't even... Ugh... Gotta go to the bathroom!" Ryuji groaned.

"Me too... Please carry me gently!" Morgana said.

I heard some snooty rich people mutter about us behind the couch Akira and I were sitting. I couldn't make out what they were saying because of the food coma that was setting in. But, whatever they muttered seemingly struck a chord with Ryuji.

"What was that?" He growled, then he burped.

"Don't have time for that! C'mon... let's go!" Ryuji said in a strangled voice. The two boys (and cat in a bag) got up and made a beeline to the bathrooms. While they went to the bathroom, Ann and I talked.

"Mari-chan, can you tell me what's wrong?" Ann asked after a few minutes of idle chatting.

"What do you mean?" I responded.

"Mari-chan, I can tell you have something on your mind. The boys know too. So tell me, what's wrong?" Ann said, gently picking up and hold my right hand.

I sighed, now was the time.

"I'm having some... family issues at the moment," I said.

"Family issues?" Ann repeated. I saw the look in her eyes. I could tell that her mind was racing to all sorts of conclusions.

"It's not a problem with my parents just so you know," I tell my friend.

"It's just that... I'm having some trouble with a cousin of mine," I continue.

"I want to contact her, but I'm too scared."

"Too scared? What do you mean?" Ann asked. Before I could answer, the boys came back.

"Hey!" Ryui greeted.

"Guys!" Ann scolded.

"Why're you so p**** all of a sudden?" Ryuji responded with surprise.

"Sorry, Mari-chan and I were in the middle of an important discussion." Ann sighed.

"We ran into a jerk on the upper floor, so we had to wait for another elevator," Akira said.

"Why are there so many s**** adults in the world?!" Ryuji asked in frustration as he flopped into his armchair.

"It's an unfortunate truth of this world, not everyone is kind and compassionate. There's hardly anything we can do about it." I said. There was a moment of silence that was broken by Ryuji.

"Hey, Morgana!" He said. The cat poked his head out of the bag.

"What is it?" Morgana responded.

"Anyone can have a palace, right?" He asked the cat.

"As long as they have strong, distorted desires." The cat confirmed.

"Same with stealing treasure and having a change of heart?" Ryuji continued.

"That would be the case!" Morgana said.

"Where are you going with this?" I asked.

"I was thinkin'... maybe with this power we have, we could change the hearts of the s**** adults out there," Ryuji said.

"You mean... you wanna continue as the Phantom Thieves?" Ann asked.

"I've been thinkin'... We put a lot of effort into changing Kamoshida's heart, but nobody believes in The Phantom Thieves. Plus, all those guys who were just dealin' with it, are thanking us. Us of all people!" Ryuji explained.

"There are a lot of victims who need a beacon of light to turn too," Akira said.

"I... I agree," Ann muttered.

"We can't ignore people in need," I added.

"True!" Morgana said. From that day on, I became a member of The Phantom Thieves of Hearts! To be honest, I thought it was going to be similar to my work as Ladybug. But it was so much more than that. If I had known what's to come, I don't know if I'd joined The Phantom Thieves so eagerly.

(Akira's pov)

As we were exiting the hotel, Ann pulled me aside for a moment.

"Hey, Akira-kun!" She whispered.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"While you guys were in the bathroom, Mari-chan and I had a chat. You know how she's been acting weird?" Ann asked.

"Yeah?" I said.

"She told me she's been having some issues with her family, specifically her cousin," Ann told me.

"Her cousin?" I asked.

"Yeah..." Ann confirmed.

"Could you make sure she's alright?" Ann asked.

"I'll do my best," I told her. She smiled and jogged to Ryuji's side as he was walking home. I saw Mari walking to a bus stop, looking deep in thought. I power-walked to her.

"Hey, Mari-san," I said to her.

"Akira-kun? What's up?" She asked.

"Umm... Is it okay if I walk you to your apartment?" I asked.

"Sure!" Mari said with her bright smile. But, I noticed it was not as bright as it was on the first day of school when I first met her. I made a plan in my head: First, walk Mari back to her apartment. Second, send Morgana back to Lablanc. Third, go to Mari's apartment and check up on her! Perfect Plan!

(Time skip! Brought to you by Joan of Arc chasing around Arsene for being a demon! Arsene: Calm down, you crazy woman! Joan: The power of Christ compels you demon spawn!)

Okay, Mari's in her apartment, and Morgana just went back to Lablanc. Now to check up on Mari! I went up to the front desk and asked which room Marinette was in. The woman behind the counter told me it was room #15. I thanked her and made my way to that room. When I arrived, I could hear faint sounds behind the door. The sounds were suspiciously similar to sobbing, and I grew worried. I knocked on the door, but nobody came. I rapped the door again, a little harder this time. But nobody answered the door. I tried to open the door, it was unlocked. Mari seriously forgot to lock the door. I walked inside and looked around. Mari had a pretty comfortable apartment, I wonder where she got the money. Mari's crying soon met my ears, and I followed the sound to her bedroom.

I walked into her bedroom and saw Mari kneeling on the ground, sobbing over a picture that she clutched to her chest.

"Mari-san?" I whispered. She jumped at the sound of my voice and turned to me.

"Akira-kun?! What are you doing here?! How did you get in here?" Mari asked/yelled.

"The door was unlocked, and I heard crying," I answered calmly. I walked over to her and kneeled down next to her.

"Ann told me you had family issues, do you want to talk about it?" I asked her. Mari sighed and looked me in the eyes.

"To explain everything, I need to start from the beginning. Do you have time for my story?" She asked me.

"Of course," I said.

"This is going to be a long story, so get comfy." She told me. We sat on her soft bed, and she started to tell her story.

(Time skip! Brought to you by the Kwamis opening the door for Akira! Did you seriously think Marinette forgot to lock her door?)

"... Then, I flew to Shibuya to start anew. I was so focused on myself and how I could escape my problems, that I forgot about the consequences my actions would have on my family." Mari said, finishing her story. I was trying my best to absorb the information my friend just told me.

"So, let me get this straight!" I said.

"You were once a girl named Marinette Dupain-cheng, who lived a regular life in Paris. But one day, a girl called Lila Rossi came to your school and started to lie. You were the only one who saw through her lies and tried to speak out against her. But, as a result, she turned your friends against you and bullied you for two years. But one day, you had enough and went to your last remaining friends for help. They helped you fake your suicide and moved you here in Japan to start a new life." I summarize.

"I know it sounds like overkill, but it was the only way to start a new life away from the drama in France," Mari told me.

"In my opinion, you made the right choice," I told her.

"Really?" she asked.

"This Lila girl sounds like a real bully, and your classmates are idiots for believing her. You made the right decision Mari-san. You got away from a toxic life and got a chance to restart." I explained.

"The only thing I don't get is how you're not able to talk to your cousin," I said. Mari sighed, then started to explain.

"Well, I guess my fear is to blame." She said.

"Fear?" I asked.

"Yeah... I'm scared that she'll hate me for what I did. She'll hate me for faking my suicide." Mari said, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

I looked at her, she looked so broken and scared. This was the same girl that kicked a fully armored shadow flying into a wall and faced down creatures of nightmares with the rest of the Phantom Thieves. Without thinking, I pulled the small girl into a hug (A/N: No joke, when I researched Marinette's hight, she was 4 ft. 11 in. or 1.5 m. But, since she's older, let's say she's now 5 ft. 3 in. or 1.6 m. Also, Akira is 5 ft. 9 in. or 1.7526 meters!). She seemed surprised for a second but hugged me back tightly. She sobbed into my shoulder while I rubbed her back comfortingly.

"I-I'm s-s-so s-scared of people h-hating me." Mari sobbed.

"It's okay, Mari-san. It's okay." I whispered soothingly. This continued on for a minute or two before Mari calmed down. I let go of Mari, and she dried her tears.

"Marinette Dupain-cheng, your cousin, if she honestly loves you, will hear you out and listen to your story. If she really loves you as a sister, she'll support your decision to live here in Japan." I told Mari.

She looked up at me and smiled a smile brighter than the smile she gave me the first day we met.

"Thank you, Akira-kun," She said. I felt my heart flutter and butterflies dancing in my stomach. Then, a random thought came to mind.

"This is probably none of my business, but how did you fake your suicide?" I asked. Mari looked nervous at that question.

"Well..." She started, but someone cut her off.

"We helped her out on that one~." A voice said in a sing-song tone. I jumped to my feet instinctively and put my hand to my waist, where my gun is kept when I'm in the metaverse. But this is the real world, and I didn't have my pistol or my knife with me.

"Wow, you sure are jumpy~." another voice chided. Marinette got up and looked around the room with an annoyed expression on her face.

"Come out, you guys! There's no need for this!" She said.

"Mari-san, I thought you lived alone," I said.

"I don't live with any other humans." She told me. Suddenly, small comets of color bolted out of nowhere! They bounced and flew around the room, sometimes spinning around Marinette or me. After a minute or two of colorful madness, the balls of light settled down and started to float around Marinette. I counted nineteen of them, each one a different color.

"Meet the Kwamis, gods, and Zodiacs incarnated into little mouse size creatures," Marinette said in a powerful yet tired voice. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. There were nineteen, floating, animal-themed things floating around Marinette. And every single one of them was staring at me.

"Uhhh..." I said, trying to figure out what to feel and what to say.

"I can understand if this is a lot for you. But if we can summon monstrous beings that represent our inner power, then there are gods that look like animals." Mari said.

"When you put it like that, I guess it makes sense," I said with a sigh. Marinette introduced me to all of the Kwamis. Tiki, Kwami of Creation, Plagg, Kwami of Destruction, Nooroo, Kwami of Transmission, Wayzz, Kwami of Protection, Trixx, Kwami of Illusions, etc. For some reason, Plagg was very interested in me.

"So, you're Akira," He said to me.

"That's my name," I responded.

"I like you, Akira," The Kwami told me, then flew out of the room.

"What is he up to now?" The red Kwami called Tiki asked with exasperation in her voice. The black cat soon returned with a silver ring in its hands(?).

"Here, kid!" Plagg said, offering the ring to me.

"Plagg! What are you doing?" Tiki said, snatching the ring away from Plagg before I could take it.

Marinette explained to me why the Kwamis were freaking out.

"The Kwamis are tied to the Miraculous, magic jewelry. They're kind of like genies, in the way that they can sense their holder's wishes. But, they're different because they can lend a person their powers for a short while if you possess their Miraculous and say the right words." She told me. Marinette separated the two Kwamis.

"Tiki, this is Plagg's decision, and he is going to make it whether you like it or not." She told the red Kwami. Tiki sighed and flew to Pollen to chat.

"Plagg, are you sure you want to give Akira your Miraculous?" Mari asked the black Kwami.

"Yes, I am!" Plagg responded.

"Are you sure? This looks a lot like one of your more impulsive ideas." Mari said.

"I am very sure! I don't know how to describe this feeling, but he feels natural to me!" Plagg said. Suddenly, I was entrusted with the Ring of the Black Cat, while Marinette held the Earrings of the Ladybug. Why is my life like this?

(A/N: I just wrote three thousand words in a few days... I didn't know I had this type of potential. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, cause' I sure as heck enjoyed writing it!)

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