I finish putting my daughter to sleep and go back to my project. My mother has no idea what this thing is, and honestly neither do I. It just came to me one day. I'm almost done building it, I think. So, I decide to take a break from it for a while. I need the energy I have left for my toddler. Some days I wish I could borrow some of her energy. I lay on the couch and close my eyes.
I wake up strapped to a metal chair. "Where the Hell am I?"
"Looks like you're finally awake." A man in a black suit and red tie appears in front of me. His black hair partially covers his face. He has red eyes that stare deep into your soul.
A strange man in a lab coat comes out with what looks like a remote of some kind.
"You have something that I want. And trust me, I will get what I want." His darkened face smiles, revealing white teeth.
"And what's that?" I ask nervously.
He gets in really close to my face. "I want the plans for the interdimensional portal." His deep red eyes stare into mine.
I look at him confused. "The what?"
"The plans for the portal. Didn't he give them to you?"
"Who? What plans?" I have no idea what he's talking about.
He sighs and stands up straight. "There's no way he gave them to you without you knowing." He crosses his arms. "I'm going to ask nicely, one more time. Where are the plans?"
"I swear, you have the wrong girl!"
The man in the lab coat hands him the button.
He grabs it roughly, and presses the red button in the middle.
Electricity flows through my body, making my muscles contract. My screams echo throughout the halls.
We repeat this process multiple times. Asking the same question over and over again.
It feels like an eternity, before someone steps in to stop him.
"Sir, if you keep this up she will die."
He grunts and pushes the button one last time.
I scream once more, my throat is sore. My muscles are still spazzing out in some places. I've unfortunately emptied everything in my body, and I still feel like throwing up.
He kneels in front of me. "Your number is 317. Repeat it."
"Three…..one…...seven." The numbers play over and over in my head. Almost like a broken record. I now realize that I'm soaked in my own drool, and my head is foggy. All I can think about is those numbers.
I'm unstrapped from the chair and dragged somewhere. I don't remember anything after that.
I wake up in a cage, hanging just above the ground. As I sit up, I realize they chopped off my hair, and I'm almost naked.
A few men walk up to my cage in lab coats, I assume they're scientists. "Subject number three, one, seven." One of them looks at a chart.
The woman steps forwards, and stares at me for a moment. "First of all, I want her cleaned up. She'll get a large dose of Serum G, and observe her for thirty six hours. Take shifts, and if anything happens, call me." She takes another look at me above the rim of her glasses. "Not terrible looking, small stature. How much does she weigh?"
One of her lackeys looks at the chart. "One hundred and sixty pounds ma'am."
She thinks for a moment. "She might live, the smaller ones usually do. I'll see you in thirty six hours, my little lab rat." She waves and walks away.
They open the door, and forcefully pull me out.
I'm taken to a tile room, undressed, and sprayed down from head to toe. The water was cold, and I don't think they even used soap.
They throw a white blanket over me and drag to a white room.
I don't even bother trying to fight them, I don't have the strength.
They place me on a cold metal table, and strap me down.
A woman comes in dressed in a hazmat suit. "Let's get this over with." She sighs. She grabs a strap and ties it over my eyes.
I'm hesitant to ask, but someone answers it for me.
"Good job remembering that, she hates being watched while she works."
Not long after they prep me, someone comes into the room.
"Get the Serum ready." She touches my arm, pushing on it. "Her veins look good, let's see if her body can handle it."
I hear a table being pushed over.
Suddenly, there's a pinch in my arm, and I feel something being pushed into my veins.
It feels like it's liquid fire consuming my body. I scream from the pain, my body convulses. I think it's trying to reject it all together. I pull at the restraints, but they're too tight.
Eventually the pain goes away, but it's still really hot in this room.
"Alright, hook her up and keep an eye on her for the next," she pauses, "thirty four hours. Keep me posted."
The door opens and shuts again, I can hear her footsteps go down the hallway.
Her lackeys divide up the shifts, and most of them leave.
So the wait begins.
I feel like I've been waiting here forever, but I guess it's only been a few hours. The shifts have just changed.
They walk up to me and flip through some papers. "How are you feeling?" She asks.
I'm not sure how much I can say. "It's hot."
She presses something against my forehead.
I can only assume it's a thermometer.
"Temperature reads 105 degrees, high fever. Appears to be sweating, looks flushed. Nothing I can do until observation is over." Her footsteps echo away from me, silencing the room once again.
I'm left with nothing but silence, nothing to hold onto. My thoughts are working against me. I'm thinking about my family, and friends. Most of all, I'm about my daughter. I can't keep track of time in this Hell, I can't help but wonder how long it's been since I've seen her. Her sleeping face is all I can see, but when she wakes up her mother is nowhere to be found. I just hope that my mother came home in time to take care of her for me. I miss them all so much, it makes my heart ache. Tears well up in my eyes, but when they come out they burn. It feels like someone poured gas, and threw a lit match onto my face.
The observation ends and they toss me back into my cage.
They give me a small bowl of food and a cup of water.
Slowly I eat and drink what I can, but this fever doesn't help at all. I have no willpower to even move. I just lay in the corner , sweating profusely. After a while it gets really cold, making it hard to sleep. Eventually, I curl up and try to warm up. It takes a while but I do fall asleep at some point.
I wake up to the lead scientist lady and the red eyed man standing in front of my cage.
"Amy," he says, "what the Hell is this thing?"
"Don't you remember Mark? This is three, one, seven. You assigned her to my care about a month ago." She leans on his arm, waiting for his approval.
"Hm." He looks me up and down. "What all can she do?"
"Well, we haven't officially tested anything yet. She should have speed, strength, and night vision. I think her skin is almost impenetrable at this point. She got Serum G, if you'd like I can enhance her even more."
He's silent for a moment. "She looks kind of like a werewolf to me. Why is that?"
Amy looks at my chart. "I'm not sure, I'll have to run more tests."
I look down at myself, and sure enough Mark is right. I grew white fur, and it looks like parts of me are made of armor plating. My heart races as I continue to see myself in this strange state. I let out the loudest roar they've ever heard.
They all cover their ears, except him.
He just stands there and stares at me. "Proceed with an upgrade of your choosing. I want you to have better control of her, no more setbacks. I don't have time for these things." He turns and walks away, leaving me to cry in the corner.
"Alright, you heard him! Prep her for surgery! Move it!"
I feel a sting in my back, and I'm quickly forced to sleep.
Once again I'm strapped to a chair, my body is back to normal. The room is white, just like all the others.
"Good morning sunshine!"
I look up and a woman is standing behind a small window.
"Let's have some fun shall we?" She presses a button, and some large speakers come out of the walls beside me.
I hear them turn on.
After a moment two, she plays a high pitched frequency on them.
I try to cover my ears, but my arms are tied down. The sound pierces my ears, but I refuse to scream knowing it's what she wants.
She switches the sound off. "You like that sound? Let's see if we can find the right frequency to make you change. I think I have a few extra tools that might help too." The look in her eyes is psychotic.
Great, now they have me in the hands of a sadistic torturer. We are definitely going to be here for a while.
It takes her a longtime, but she did find a noise that will make me transform.
Come to find out, transforming is actually quite painful. They release from my torture, and they take me to a jail cell instead of my usual cage.
Still in my wolf form, I try to relax and slow my heart rate. Surprisingly it actually works, and I change back to normal. I collapse onto the dirty mattress, and in my raggy clothes. My fever is still up there, I think I've had it for a few days. My body aches all over. I need to get some sleep, hopefully my fever breaks soon.
It's been a really long time since I've seen Amy or Mark. I'm grateful for that. To my surprise, one of the lackeys has actually been nice to me. I can't help but feel like there's something different about her, she doesn't act like the others.
I hear footsteps from down the hall. I'm curious if it's her or not.
Amy appears in front of me, looking angry. "I swear she took too long with you. She just had to interrupt me just before I gave you something new. This time I get all the time I need." She pulls a Gun out of her pocket, and loads a syringe into the barrel. She pulls the cell door open and grabs me by the hair. She forces my head down to the floor.
The syringe is pressed against the back of my neck, and some sort of liquid is put into my body.
"I'll see you in an hour." She shuts the door behind her, leaving me in the cold.
What is she going to do this time? I can only imagine what she has up her sleeve.
It doesn't take long for me to get tired, but I have to fight it.
Her lackeys come to get me, for more preparations. I lay there and just let them do their thing. I learned pretty quick that fighting them will only make things worse for me.
They give me a second dose of a sedative, and I'm out like light.
I'm back in bed, strapped to it of course. I look down and there are bandages on my wrists. They don't feel right, it's like there's something inside that shouldn't be there.
One of the helpers comes in, and takes the bandages off. Revealing the monstrosity in my body.
I look down at them, and there are long cuts on my forearm.
"Can you clench your fists for me?" He asks.
When I do, blades come out of the cut and slowly move. They resemble saw blades, ready to cut anything they touch.
He writes in his clipboard. "Release."
I relax, trying not to freak out.
He goes to leave for the next person.
She walks up to me and smiles. Hey, how are you holding up?"
I'm relieved to see that it's her. The only person who is nice to me. I'm not sure how I'm still sane, but my guess is that she has something to do with it. "Tired." I manage, I don't get to speak much anymore, so my voice is hoarse.
"It's okay, I get it." She pretends to write in the clipboard. "I need you to do something for me."
"I need you to be in your cell before eight o'clock tonight. I have a surprise for you."
I look into her eyes, looking for a hint of lying.
"I can try but, no guarantees. Who knows what else they want to do to me."
She chuckles. "I'll take it. They should put you back soon. THey are going to have a test for you soon, please prepare yourself."
"What test?"
She sighs. "From what I've been told, you are going to show your strength. That means you're going to have to kill someone." She sits down in a chair.
The hours tick by slowly, and she was right. They do take me back to my cell.
I'm given a small amount of food and water, and I try to savor it.
They come back after a while, dragging me away by my hair.
I try to pull away. "I can walk you know!"
I'm dropped to the floor and slapped across the face, hard.
"Then walk you piece of shit." The guard continues walking, almost leaving me behind.
I wish he did.
I stand up and follow him to a fortified room. The walls and floors are heavily armored, like they're ready to test some sort of bomb. Up high on the wall is a small window, for spectators.
Mark stands up there with Amy by his side. He holds his chin and stares me down.
A large man stands in the center of the room, chained to the floor.
"Kill him, and be sure to put on a good show for him." He leaves the room, and locks the heavy door.
I stand there in the doorway, staring up at Mark. We lock eyes for a moment. The hatred and anger I have towards him wells up in my heart. Black rims form around my eyes, and I force myself to look away. Staring at him gives me a headache, it's almost like he tried taking over my soul. Either way, I don't have the heart to kill someone.
"Begin." I hear over the intercom.
I look back up to the window, and shake my head. "I'm not doing it!"
Amy looks over to the person at the control board and nods.
A button is pushed, and a high pitched noise is played.
I try to cover my ears, but it doesn't help. I feel myself changing into a monster. My own claws dig into my head, it hurts but the pain from the noise is much worse. I look over and the man standing in the middle of the room is Mark. That evil man that made into this thing.
I charge at him with full force, digging my claws into his flesh. Ripping his limbs off one by one, and tearing out his heart. Blood covers me almost from head to toe. I look up and see that he's up in the window. Using my hind legs I jump up to the window and try to break the glass. Kill him. It's the only thing I can think about. I almost break the glass, the door opens behind me.
A shot is fired, and something stings my back.
I roar in anger, and attack the guards coming in. I manage to kill off most of them, but Amy comes down and hits me with a sedative.
My body weakens, and I collapse to the floor.
"I hope you're impressed."
I don't hear what else was said, my body forced me to sleep.
I wake to a noise beneath the floor. Sitting up, I take a quick look around. It's oddly quiet, and there aren't even any guards around.
Tap, tap, tap.
There it is again! I put my ear to the floor, waiting for it to happen again.
A minute or two later, it taps again.
Out of curiosity, I tap back. Tap, tap, tap.
There's silence.
I sigh. 'It was fun while it lasted I guess.'
Beep, beep, beep.
I place my ear to the floor. What is this beeping?
Suddenly there's an explosion, and the floor collapses beneath me. I fall through the floor with it, and see a beautiful night sky filled with stars.
The air flows around me, nearly taking my breath away. The piece of floor falls away from me, falling faster than my frail body.
Someone wraps their arms around me, and pulls me in close.
I look up to see their face, and I see the silhouette of a young man.
His eyes are green, and seem to glow in the dark of the night. I feel a sense of comfort looking into them.
It's really cold being this high in the sky, but at the same time I feel warm. Must be yet another fever, I've had too many to count.
He gently touches my cheek, as I close my eyes to sleep. "We need to get her out of here, and fast. I think she's getting hyperthermic."
"No shit, have you looked at her?" A woman answers him. "She's clearly starving, and she's practically naked. Being this high in the air is very dangerous. We should have waited for them to get closer to the ground."
"And let them potentially get to her brain? I don't think so, we can't let him have the plans that Felix made. It's the last thing he would've wanted."
"Look, I get that you want to protect what he created. But putting it in a random girls head was not smart."
"Now isn't the time sweetheart." He looks down at me. "Don't worry, you're safe now."
I take his hand and sleep.
I'm surrounded by warmth, it's really nice. Not like the cold metal floor I'm used to.
There's muffled talking close by, I can almost make out what they're saying. I open my eyes to find that I'm suspended in some kind blue liquid. There's a mask on my face to breath, yet it still feels like I'm suffocating. I desperately push on the glass. I need to breathe!
The glass breaks and I'm flushed out of the tank. I rip off the mask, gasping. I cough up some sort of black, sticky substance. Is this what happened when Mark tried to take my soul?
I'm covered in a black jacket, and lifted off the ground.
"You're pretty strong to break the glass. What the Hell did he do to you?"
I look up to see a young man. His brown and green hair pulled back into a small bun. Black rimmed glasses hang on the bridge of his nose. His bright green eyes look into mine, comforting me. Telling me it's all gonna be okay.
"Who are you?" I ask, shivering.
"My name is Sean, but everyone calls me Jack."
The room gets colder, and he leads me out of the room.
"Let's get you fixed up, we have some things to discuss."
Once I'm washed and dressed, I'm guided to a large room with a large computer setup. Jack sits there, doing something on it.
"Sit right here." The woman whispers. "He'll talk to you in a second." She sounds like the woman that was with him when they got me. Her hair is long and brown, and her eyes are kind of like his. They're brown with green spots in them. She's very pretty, I'm kind of jealous.
Jack turns around in his chair. "Thank you Sam." He stands up next to her and kisses her on the cheek.
I turn away, not wanting to watch.
"I'll be back later with some lunch." She leaves the room.
He sits back in chair, and looks me up and down. "Shall we get started?"
I sit there in silence.
"Do you have any questions?"
"I don't even know where to begin. How do I know if I can trust you?"
He sighs. "I'm going to tell you what's been going on. And how you got involved. Okay?"
I cross my legs, and get comfortable.
He thinks for a moment, unsure of where to begin. "It all started with Felix, he was a good friend to Mark and I. He somehow found, or was given an idea to build an interdimensional portal. It allows you to travel to any parallel universe you want. At first, we all agreed not to touch it. But Mark had other ideas deep down.
"He wanted to use the portal to spread his influence, and gain more power and money. Eventually he was obsessed with the idea and tried to convince us to get on board with it. Felix and I took the plans and transferred them to a random person in the world for safekeeping. When we tried to escape from him, Felix didn't make it out. The plans for that damn portal, went to you. We were trying to find you ever since."
"So I'm caught up in a fight between you and that asshole, over something in my head?" I ask, frustrated.
"Yes, but I need some time before I can take it out. And that thing in your living room, is the portal that we've been protecting."
"How did you know about that?"
"I know a lot of things about you. Your family is safe and that portal was destroyed." He leans into the back of his chair. "I didn't think that he'd find you first."
"They usually do."
"You know what? Come with me." He gets up and goes out to the hall.
I quickly get up to follow him. Once I get out to the hall, I'm hit with dizziness and nausea. I lean against the wall waiting for the room to stop spinning. Did I get up too fast?
Sean holds out his hand. "Are you okay?"
I smack it away. "Don't touch me!" All my energy seems to be drained from my body, and I'm not sure how.
"Must still be the side effects of the procedure." He reaches for my arm to steady me.
It's the same spot where Amy injected me. I smack his arm away, accidently cutting him with my nail. "Don't-" Before I finish my sentence I collapse into him, exhausted.
"It's going to be fine. I'm going to take you home." He picks me up and carries me away.
I wake up in some sort of bedroom. It feels like I've been here before, but I'm not sure when.
There's a smaller bed beside mine, a closet and a few posters on the wall.
I slowly sit up and get out of bed. As I stand up I wait a second just in case I need to sit back down. Once I'm good, I make my way down a long hallway.
I hear some people talking at the end. It sounds like Sean and someone else.
"I'm not sure how much she remembers of you, or her daughter. I'm sure she'll come around eventually."
"Thank you for finding her. How can I ever repay you?" A woman asks. Her voice sounds familiar.
"Don't worry about it, besides it's-" He notices my presence. "Good afternoon, I hope you slept well."
The woman looks at me and gasps. "Jesse?" She stands up and runs towards me. "We missed you so much!" She holds my face and looks me up and down.
I look at her confused. How does she know my name?
"Don't you recognize me? I'm your mother." She hugs me tightly. "Arizona is going to be so happy when she comes home."
"Who's that?"
She looks at me in shock.
Did I say something wrong?
"I told you she probably wouldn't remember much. A lot has happened since she's been gone."
She sighs. "I should go get her, maybe then her memory will return." She grabs her keys and walks out of the front door.
Sean stands up, and places a hand on my shoulder. "I'll be checking in on you almost everyday. But, before I leave, there's something I need to do." He puts on a metal glove of some sort, and holds his hand in front of my left eye. "Don't move, I don't want to accidentally kill you."
I try to stay as still as I possibly can.
"This will only take a second."
A red light appears in front of my eye. I think it's getting closer. Suddenly I feel something enter my body,just above my eye. Luckily it doesn't hurt, it just feels really strange.
"This is where it's going to enter your brain, and take out the plans. This way, Mark won't get his hands on it." We stand like this for a second and I can hear the frustration in his voice. "Where the Hell is it?"
My head starts to pound, almost like a drum.
He slowly takes his hand away from my eye, revealing a long needle.
I cover my eye. "That was in my head?"
An SD Card pops out of the glove and Sean puts it in his front pocket. "I'll come by a little later to make sure nothing is wrong with you, but before I leave." He places a finger at the base of my neck.
I feel a pinch and I smack his hand away. I gently touch the spot, and find a small amount of blood on my finger. "What was that?"
"I put a small tracker in your neck. If by chance Mark does come after you again. We will be able to find you a lot easier."
The door bursts open and a little girl stands in the doorway. "Mom?"
Unsure of what to do next, I open my arms for a hug.
She runs at me and gives me the biggest hug she can, and knocks me over in the process.
I'm not sure how, but a bunch of memories came flooding back. I'm not sure if it was all of them, but they are the ones that are the most precious. Thinking about them brings tears to my eyes.
"Amy, where is she?" Mark asks, filled with rage.
"Our last location was near a remote town. We can chart our course there and find her." She says nervously.
"I know exactly who took her, and there's no way I'm letting him get in my way again!" He shoves the contents on his desk onto the floor, breaking his computer. The glass shatters and cuts his hand.
Amy rushes to stop the bleeding but he tosses her across the room.
"The best way to find her would be to broadcast the trigger sound. Maybe then she'll take Jack out in the process." He leaves the room.
Amy sits on the floor of his office, wondering what happened to the love of her life. How did he change so drastically? Why is he so power hungry and hateful of others? Is she even on the right side of this fight?
My daughter lays next to me in bed, sound asleep.
Sean sits in a chair at the other end of the room. "Did you ever finish it?"
"Why would you ask? You said you already destroyed it."
"Just curious, I can't stand the silence."
I smile. "No, I didn't finish it. I'm glad that I took a break from it. I only had a few parts left."
We sit in silence for a moment, until he speaks once again.
"Listen, I need you to do something if he comes back."
"If he does, try to run from him. But if that doesn't work, attempt to stall. I'll be there as soon as I can."
"What if he plays the trigger sound? I'm still at a disadvantage."
"Just run until you can't run anymore."
I sit up. "Why does this feel wrong?"
"Well, you've been gone for almost five years. Your mind has almost forgotten what it's like to have a family."
It's been that long? It felt like I was only gone for a few weeks.
Sean stands. "I'll come back tomorrow, try and get some rest." He leaves our room, and shuts the door behind him.
Ever since he's brought me home he's checked on me every day. I think it's been about a week since that happened.
I still have problems keeping track of the days still. When Arizona is at school, I try to get some sleep. I can't sleep much at night.
When I do sleep I always have nightmares. I wake up screaming, and sweating. Whenever that happens Sean would be there to calm me down. He would usually pin me down and force me to look at him. "Breathe." He would say. His bright green eyes would stare into mine, and somehow I would feel comforted. Sadly there has been a few times where I've attacked him. I'm glad my mother hasn't seen my other form yet, I don't want to break her heart.
I take a deep breath to relax.
It's late afternoon and Arizona has a club meeting so she won't be home until later. So here I am in bed.
I look out the window, and I swear I hear the trigger sound. Looking down at my arm, I see it slowly start to change. The sound slowly gets louder, and louder.
No matter what happens, just run.
His words echo in my head.
I burst through the window and run to the outside of town. I make my way to the countryside, out in the cornfields. Eventually the sound will drive me insane, and I can't let that happen so close to home.
I run until I'm exhausted and lay on the ground. I've fully changed at this point, but it's fine as long as no one can see me.
I catch my breath as a black car pulls up alongside me. The sound is gone but I know who it is inside the car.
The car door opens and he gets out of the car. He stares at me with his red eyes, though one of them is blackened.
"Who punched you in the face?" I ask sarcastically.
A few bodyguards come out after him.
"I see you've been well, Jesse." His voice sounds a little deeper than before.
"All thanks to Sean. He's been helping me get my life back."
"Your life doesn't belong to you anymore. I thought you knew that." With a wave of his hand they draw their weapons and aim at my chest.
"I don't have the plans anymore, he took them back."
"Oh, I don't care about that anymore. It's time I end Jacksepticeye once and for all! You're going to help me whether you like it or not." He smirks.
I ready myself for a fight, but my legs are jelly.
His men fire at the same time.
I manage to dodge them all by ducking underneath the flight path. I grow my nails into daggers and cut their heads off with the last of my strength. I force myself to run towards Mark and aim for his heart.
He grabs me by the throat, easily dodging my attack.
I dig my nails into his arm, drawing blood but it doesn't seem to do anything to him. He doesn't even grimace from the pain.
"You've become...a monster!" I manage to say as he squeezes my throat shut.
"Don't forget, you are also a monster! And I have almost everything I need!"
Those words stab me in the chest. Am I a monster too? My vision goes black, and I can't breathe.
"You'll be the perfect bait for him." Is the last thing I hear before he throws me in the trunk.
I wake up and it's really bright. When my eyes adjust I take a look around.
We are in a field, dotted with a few trees here and there. The grass is long, and a pretty green color.
I'm kneeling on the ground, and I find myself chained to a pole.
"Finally awake?"
I look up and Mark is standing beside me, watching.
"Where are we?"
"The final battlefield."
So this is where it finally ends.
I feel a slight pain in my neck. They must be tracking where I am right now.
I sigh, once he gets here I'll break the chains. Given my strength it should be pretty easy.
"He's here."
I look into the distance and I see Sean materializing. Sam is by his side.
Mark walks forward, and they meet in the middle.
Sean's face is mixed with anger and concern. "You have officially gone insane Mark. It's time to end this once and for all."
"What makes you think that? You still have Anti dont you?"
"Unlike you, I don't use him to get what I want."
What in the world are they talking about?
"Sean," Sam puts her hand on his shoulder, "please don't go that far. Last time it was hard to bring you back." She stands to the side and watches.
"Don't worry, I remember."
Mark pulls a knife out of his sleeve and tries to stab him in the throat.
Sean dodges and tosses a shock magnet at him. "Sam, go by Jesse! I may need her help."
She runs towards me, but someone blocks her path.
I look up to find Amy standing in front of me.
She's holding what looks like a pistol.
Sean and Mark continue their hand to hand combat in the background.
"I don't want to fight you Sam." Amy says.
Sam readies herself for a fight. "I don't want to either. So don't make me."
I take a closer look at her face, and it looks like she's been crying.
I stand up and break the chains. "You see it, don't you?"
"Shut up!"
"He's not the Mark you used to know. I don't even think he's human anymore."
She whips her arm around and hits me with the butt of her gun. "I said shut up! You don't know anything about him!"
I hold my cheek, it felt like a slap to the face.
"She's right you know." Sam chimes in.
Amy just shakes her head. "It's too late, Darkiplier has already taken over."
We all look over and see that she's right.
His skin has turned grey, and his eyes are completely black. He's also managed to hurt Sean in the shoulder. He tosses the knife at his feet. "Face it, you need Antisepticeye. Bring him ou, now."
Sean picks it up and rolls the handle in his hand.
"Don't do it!" I yell. I run over and try to land a hit on Mark.
He knocks me to the ground, and picks me up by hair. He jerks me head up. "If you don't, I'll snap her neck."
"Really? This is what it comes down to? I'm not worth it, just take care of my daughter."
"I'd rather have you live." He turns the blade in his hand and slices his throat.
"No!" Sam yells behind me.
Darkiplier smirks, finally getting what he wants.
Sean kicks him in the face, sending Mark flying back. He pulls me out of Mark's grip.
He stands up straight and he looks different. His eyes are black, and his neck oozes black blood. His aura has darkened too.
Mark stands up, and sets his jaw back into place. "It's been a long time, hasn't it? I don't recall your kick being that powerful."
"His emotions are strong, which make me stronger. Shall we?"
They go to punch each other, and they're fists collide with each other. The shockwave of their power nearly knocks me over. They go at it almost at the speed of light. I can barely see them.
I watch them as close as I can, waiting for the right time to strike.
A short while later, they stop.
"You're better than I remember." Mark wipes the blood of his chin.
This is my only chance. I quickly sharpen my claws and plunge my hand through his chest. His heart is beating in my hands.
He coughs up blood onto my shoulder.
"Ew." I whisper.
"Shut up, you deserve it. Guess my life is in your hands now."
Anti smiles. "Go on and end it. It's what we came here to do."
Why do I feel like I'm in a trance all of a sudden? I can't control myself anymore. I look down, and Mark's black blood is crawling up my arm. In a panic I squeeze his heart into pieces. The blood and pieces squish between my fingers.
His blood drops to the ground, and soaks into my shirt.
I remove my arm from his chest.
He goes limp and collapses to the ground. "Thank you." I hear him whisper.
Antisepticeye starts laughing. "Finally he's gone After years of torment!"
I look down at the blood on my hands. It's a mix of black and red. We didn't just kill Darkiplier, we killed Markiplier.
Amy screams in the distance.
I feel a slight sting in my back. When I check, I find broken pieces of a bullet on my shirt. I'm not surprised she tried to kill me, though I think her delusions are wearing off.
Sam pins her to the ground, and takes the gun away from her.
I collapse to the ground, finally realizing what just happened.
Anti steps in front of me, holding out his hand. His fingers are twitching.
I take his hand and he lifts me up, pulling me close to him. I try to pull away but he's not letting me get away. "What are you doing?" I ask nervously.
"I need your help, to kill off the people in the world. This body is mine now."
My heart races. "Yeah, can Sean come back please? You're making me uncomfortable."
This makes him angry. "That's never failed before. I guess I'll have to force you!" He forces me to look into his black eyes.
I'm not sure what kind of power he can use, but it feels like he's trying to swallow my soul. "Sam!"
She runs to break us apart, just before I'm taken completely. She covers his eyes. "Sean, please come back to me." She begs, a single tear goes down her cheek.
He catches it before it falls, he looks nervous. "He promised that he'd never let you cry again."
"How did you know about that?"
"We share the same body, Iknow everything."
We stand in silence for a second.
"I'll bring him back, on one condition."
"And what would that be?" I ask, irritated.
He looks me dead in the eyes. "I want you." That's all I hear, just before he collapses into Sam.
She lays his head on her lap, and strokes his hair.
"I'm gonna pretend that that didn't happen, though he didn't get to finish what he was saying." I sigh. "Where will you go now?"
"I'm not sure, that's up to him. But I think a long break is in order."
"That sounds like a plan, but can you take me home before you go? I kind of need a shower, badly."
She nods. "Of course, but there's something we need to do first."
Sean wakes up and holds his head. The cut on his neck is gone, and the blood has also disappeared.
"What should we do about the body?"
"We'll take care of it, you should focus on reconnecting with your child." Sean stands up, slowly. "Let's get out of here." He walks behind me and sticks a needle in my neck, knocking me unconscious.
I wake up in my bedroom, rather soar.
I look over and find a note by my bed. As I reach for it, I notice that there are bandages around my wrists.
I open the note and read it.
Hey, you're going to be sore for a while, but we reversed what we could.
Sam and I are leaving for a while and I'm not sure when we will return. I promise I'll come see you when we come back. Just be safe for me.
P.S. Don't trust Anti, no matter what he says.
I sigh. "I'm not stupid Sean, but what he said doesn't sit well with me. I swear I'm going to have nightmares for the rest of my life."
My daughter comes into the room and snuggles up to me. "Is it over?"
"Yes honey, it's over."
I wonder if I'll ever see them again. Who knows, I just want to live a normal life from now on. Though this would make a really interesting story to tell.
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