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60% The Eternal Soldier Reincarnates / Chapter 39: Bonds Are Formed Not Chosen

Capítulo 39: Bonds Are Formed Not Chosen


POV: Astaros


Yesterday I began training with Christine.

It wasn't much but it was enough to get started. I had Christine doing simple practice because well that's all I could offer her.

"To be honest you should be practicing with your master rather than hanging around me." {Astaros}

While her job was to be my liaison that was only in situations where I either wanted to leave the country or cross province borders. It didn't mean she had to be with me at all times. Besides though she had to hand in a monthly report of my activities to the country it was generally non problematic as Christine was more than willing to hand in a skewed report if required.

What was problematic was her attitude towards me. Though I had turned her down in Raven's office she has been trying her best to make advances. No matter how clumsy and Christine-like they may be.

In response to my statement she simply shook her head, while channeling grey mana into the magic circle on the bottom of a potion bottle.

The circle glowed green as the ingredients within began to swirl and dissolve within the solution. Eventually after about three minutes or so it began to settle. A pale green solution now sat in the bottle which filled two vials engraved with preservation spells, which I then placed on the shelf of the storage room we were working in.

Silence permeated the workshop as we worked together, slowly growing more and more awkward.

I recognized she still had feelings for me. But the soul link won't form as something within me is still holding back.

Going forward without it could result in something superficial or possibly lead to feeling that she is less than Dryis or Fillia if she were to find out about the soul link. So with all that in mind it just felt like a bad idea plow forward without it.

I am not going to drag her along on some wild tangent just to crush her heart.

But I really do wonder.

Why isn't the link forming?

I looked back at Christine as she toiled away, creating potion after potion for the pile.

I awoke slowly, my eyes opening to the empty sky of the soul scape. The long grass swayed as I heard pounding paws come running towards me. He is coming.

I got up and turned as a black rocket slammed into my chest.

"OOF, Hey Val how are you doing?" {Astaros}

I patted the lad's head as he happily panted and sniffed my other hand.

"Hey Astaros" {Fillia}

I turned to see both Fillia and Dryis seated underneath the low hanging branches of my soul tree.

"Hey Fillia, Dryis." {Astaros}

They both smiled as I walked up to sit down beside them with Val Systin.

I sat down removing my helm as we sat and watched the swaying grasses. Suddenly Fillia broke the silence.

"You've been calmer recently. Not complacent but less wary and cynical." {Fillia}

I chuckled at this revelation as Dryis leaned into me.

"You've been a lot kinder to everyone. What changed?" {Dryis}

The calm and brightness of the soulscape showed it all. Smiling, I finally responded.

"It's you guys. The house, everyone, I just feel at peace right now. No real worries, no concerns that affect me on a massive level, I just want to relax a little. I am satisfied and so I can afford expensive things like leniency and kindness." {Astaros}

Thus we sat in silence as the other two contemplated my answer and took joy in the fact that they were the catalysts for such change.

Finally it was Fillia who spoke to clear the atmosphere.

"So what are we doing tomorrow? Or is it going to be Dryis and Katia again?" {Fillia}

She raised one eyebrow as her chartreuse eyes literally bore into my soul.

I sighed in fake exasperation.

"Still haven't gotten over that one have you? Well thats fine cause your coming on this mission instead, because we are going to be doing arboreal combat, something you two both are good at." {Astaros}

I then explained the details of the quest as they listened carefully. They would meet up with Val Systin and I would head to grab the certification badges. We would then link up at the south eastern roads, which leads back to the main city of the artizian province.

We would then escort her to the guild building thus ending our mission. As long as there are no problems it should literally be an in and out mission.

"You all got that?" {Astaros}

"Yup" {Fillia}

"Got it!" {Dryis}

I raised my eyebrow at the unresponsive Val who lay under my hand before he grumbled out an affirming woof.

With all that settled we waited for morning, surround by each others warmth and the whispers of the zephyrs.

The next morning we woke up and set out after eating.

"TAKE CARE!!" {Oadry, Nikky}

Both maids saw us off as I headed to the town and the others went to recover Val from his forest patrol duties.

I rushed through the forest alone, something I hadn't done in a while.

There was not the stalking presence of the grey wolves, nor an overbearing one like Lupus or Val. No one ran at my side to keep me company as I leaped over logs and dashed through the undergrowth.

It was neither silent like the day of the drake attack or brimming with life like the areas near the river. It was a simple, peaceful path that I took to the city of Elden, with the only life in sight being the occasional bird and the tall trees.

The burning light of the sun that gave an offering of no respite was rejected by the green canopy which protected the ground that was still wet with glistening morning dew. Damp leaves barely crunched as I dashed over them, my armored body being the only thing to be heard in the forest as I began to reach its edges.

I then burst forth into the grassy plain that was the surroundings of the town of elden. The guards on the wall instantly awoke from their sleepy morning slouching as a silver blur came rushing at the gates.

However as they prepared to fight I slowed down and skidded to a stop. Now recognizing me as the Silver Fenrir they gladly welcomed me inside the walls after I paid.

Though many were happy to see me I rushed past them heading to the guild as I really just wanted to get this mission done.

Bursting through the door I startled the entire guild as I came barreling through right up to the receptionist's desk.

Some adventurers cackled and laughed at the fact that I had scared the receptionists awake while others clapped at my boisterous entrance.

"I'm here for the guard badges." {Astaros}

The startled woman behind the desk was the same one that had fainted trying to tell me the reward and thus her face paled at the sight of me.

"Haaaaaaah, can you just hand me the badges? I'm in a bit of a hurry. You don't need to force yourself to greet me." {Astaros}

She just nodded, swallowing before looking down and pulling open a drawer and handing me a pouch of badges.

"Thanks for the help" {Astaros}

I took the badges and instantly dashed back out, speeding towards the gates as she timidly waved at my retreating figure.

After leaving Elden again I was slightly surprised at the fact I didn't see Kali. Normally she would have been right there ready to bother me but she wasn't.

Well that's something I need to watch for I guess.

I dashed back into the forest and began to traverse southwest to meet up with Fillia and the others.

And fifteen minutes later I caught up to them.

The birds scattered in fear as something massive crashed through the forest towards the meeting point.

I ran up to a more clear area downhill as I spotted the deep black fur of Vals Systin's fenrir form as he raced along below me, the pants coming from his jaws making sound as if he were a hellhound out to collect souls.

I leaped and skidded downhill as I stumbled and crashed into the bottom of the ravine, before rolling and continuing to run as I came up beside him.

I looked up to see Dryis with a massive grin on her face as the wind blew her hair back while Fillia sat in front of her scanning the area as I came crashing down from.

"Well that was loud and unnecessary." {Fillia}

I laughed as I prepared my retort.

"And it's nice to see you too you lazy fox. Get off his back and start running with me." {Astaros}

She laughed as Val sped up and passed me.

"NEVER YA TINCAN!!" {Fillia}

This foolishness continued all the way to the meeting point. Bickering and laughing all the way.

And it all stopped as we found the entire caravan under siege.

"So who is who?!?" {Fillia}

We looked out onto the battlefield from the bushes as men clashed against each other in clouds of dust and dirt.

I pulled out badges and handed them to everyone before showing one to Val.

"Anyone who doesn't have one is the enemy. Anyone who does is an ally. Try not to kill women and children as even if they don't have one of these they may still be civvies. Otherwise they're bandits." {Astaros}

Both Dryis and Fillia nodded.

I turned to Val.

"Eat anything that's not a child or woman without this thing okay?" {Astaros}

"Brfff." {Val Systin}

I smiled at his accepting response.

"Then allow me to move first." {Astaros}

And so I leapt into the fray.


My silver armor glinted in the sunlight as I hovered at the apex of my jump for a moment. I then came crashing down with the same speed and wrath as a meteor.


I landed with a crash, blowing away all the dust of the battle. as I diffused the impact by spinning down to one knee while drawing the Shattered Star in a glowing scarlet slash, seemingly foreseeing the last sight of many men to come. The slash connected with a man fighting an armored guard, cleanly cleaving his torso from his body and sending both pieces flying as other bandits looked upon the monster which had now arrived. Following my lead both Fillia and Val Systin busted out of the bushes, Val tumbling to the earth as his maw opened and took in two bandits, crushing them before they could even react in a massive splatter of blood and gore. He then stood and thrashed them around, staining the earth red as ligaments tore and bloody shredded limbs flew through the air. Fillia slid beneath him, firing two arrows as they caught up to the flashing form of Dryis, who rushed forth as though made from lightning itself, her blade cutting through the scimitar of a swordsman bandit and splitting him down the middle as Fillia's arrows put holes in the skulls of his companions who turned to strike her.

The smell of human blood and scorching flesh filled my nostrils as my mind and body was set back into the predictable flow of a human battlefield.

I was a soldier long before men fought wars against each other. And here I am again fighting long after.

My hand instinctively reached back as a young fool thought to stab me from behind. I grabbed his skull and crushed it without him even being able to react. Who was he? It didn't matter because his future was decided the moment he came to face me.

My blade cut metal and flesh, up and down it went as I cut down bandit after bandit. They were but meat on the cutting board and I, my friends, am a master chef.

"AAAAHHH" {Bandit}

A bandit ran forwards to stab me with a knife he was holding, tears in his eyes as he betrayed his body's will to flee and rushed me.


I simply reached out and thrust my hand into his chest. Clawed, metal fingers stopping him on the spot as I grabbed his lung, tearing it out with his throat following through the hole.

I rewarded his bravery with nothing but a gruesome death. Am I cruel? Maybe. Did he deserve it? The blood on his knife told me so.

I turned to watch a man pop under Vals foot as he roared at the others while they fled.

Perhaps he had died better than others.

Fillia was cleaning up the mess with Val as Dryis sat down beside a carriage. I walked up as I shook the blood off my metal claws squatting down so we were at eye level. Her internal turmoil was very easy to see as it poured through the soul link in waves. Perhaps it might have been better to not bring her. Perhaps the experience will harden her skin a little. Whatever the outcome I must see to her mental stability. This was one of her first times just slaughtering others without a second to focus on guilt or remorse. And now it was catching up to her.

The first kill is the hardest? Nonsense. It's when you realize you can take someone's life with the wave of your hand that things become complicated. 'If I don't control myself someone dies' or 'if I lash out in anger someone could get killed'. It's this kind of thinking that causes hesitation. It doesn't make you think 'should I kill them?' it makes you pause as nothing passes through your mind as you fear your own ruthlessness.

And I have seen how all to fatal that can be.

Far too many times to count.

"Dryis, look at me." {Astaros}

Her eyes were glazed over while she gripped and let go of the sword, over and over again.

She was in shock.

I clapped in front of her and her eyes fluttered as light returned to them. Good. She's at least responsive.

"Dryis you've killed people. You cut down bandits like they were nothing but nonetheless they were people." {Astaros}

Her eye widened as she began to tear up and cry.

"Wipe your eyes and feel this remorse, but also rejoice. Look."

As she wiped her eye I pointed at crying child running to his mother as a guard ran up and embraced them both.

"Look at what you have saved." {Astaros}

I placed a bloody hand on her shoulder, staining her pauldron red as she looked upon the merchants and travelers celebrating their survival.

"Never forget that what you have killed are people. You have taken lives. Just don't forget that you're saving them as well." {Astaros}

Her face lightened up slightly but the saddened expression adorning it didn't change. She was coming to terms with what she did. Good. Bend don't break. Thats the rule of the battlefield.

Follow it or snap into insanity.

I stood up as that was all the consolation I could offer without making up her mind for her. She needed to figure things out herself. Otherwise she'll become dependent on me for immediate support every time something like this happens.

I walked over to the guards who were now taking a short rest while also staying wary of the giant wolf rag-dolling bodies.

"What happened here?" {Astaros}

A guard looked up at me with dead fish eyes as he smiled and sighed.

"First let me thank you for saving my life. Had it not been for you I might've been swiss cheese right now." {Guard 1}

I nodded, accepting his thanks.

"As for what happened, it was a classic case of highway brigands, just on the large scale. Luckily you and those three showed up. Thanks for the help man. I really did think those were my last moments." {Guard 1}

He was in a slight state of shock as well I see.

"It wasn't luck that brought the Silver Fenrir of Elden to our caravan, brave guardsman." {???}

The area fell quiet as soft footsteps approached me.

So I turned to face the powerful presence that approached me. My eyes were not disappointed as I turned them upon who had interrupted us.

Pale blue icy eyes that radiated regality and elegance. Beautiful sleek skin with rosy cheeks. Luscious lips, and shining golden hair that flowed down her gorgeous robes. They were as white as snow and adorned with streaks of gold and pink. Her charming figure curved and flowed as she moved. A jingling shakujo was held in her fair left hand as she approached me.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Astaros Systin. I am priestess Aurora Heliodor. I thank you on behalf of all the travelers here." {Priestess Aurora}

She bowed before presenting a smile which forced me to raise an eyebrow. The guards on either side of her, like thorns on a beautiful flower, also bowed but I didn't care. The smile she had presented me. It was fragile, brittle and utterly empty. It was a shell hiding something inside. But as they say.

Stare into the abyss and it'll stare back.

As I would come to regret peeling it back.

"It was nothing worth your concern."

I then walked off to talk with Fillia who had attempted to capture a bandit. I honestly didn't care about the beauty standing in front of me offering her thanks. I was in a foul mood as I stalked off to speak with Fillia and shake down Val for the body of the fool he was chewing.

Yet intrigued eyes followed my every movement. I made one single mistake today. And it was this day a bond would be forced into existence.

Blue_Robin Blue_Robin

Well then guys what are your thoughts on Christine? Why isn't the bond forming? Is it a problem with eithers trust? Or something more sinister.

Anyways remember these words carefully. You don't choose the yandere. It chooses you. Take these words as a premonition of whats to come

next chapter
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