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12.3% The Emperor of Darkness (DxD) / Chapter 8: Chapter 8: A beauty in trouble...

Capítulo 8: Chapter 8: A beauty in trouble...

The month passed calmly. Except that Valerica got more aroused. They made out for almost one hour. Ddraig says that it's because of the mark.

So until they finish the mark by doing bedroom activities, they will want to do it each day more, until they won't be able to resist anymore.

Issei continued to train and improve his body and sword skills.

Issei wasn't informed about the brigade in a while so be decided that it was time to ask if they found anything about the chaos brigade plans.

"Hey Val, did you find anything about the chaos brigade?" Asked Issei seriously.

"We think that the rumours are true. Chaos brigade is recruiting people with sacred gears or powerful mages" Said Valerica.

"And do you know who is the leader yet?" Asked Issei.

"Unfortunately not, but hopefully it's nothing too serious" Said Valerica.

"Alright, I am planning to build a Dragon faction with Tannin.

So we are training dragons just in case. And I'll be the leader of the said faction" Said Issei.

"Really? that's unexpected " Said Valerica.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that either, there aren't many dragons left, so I thought I could help with building the Dragon faction, but I didn't expect him to make me the leader of the faction" Said Issei.

"Well, I think you'll do great" Said Valerica giving Issei a peck on the lips.

"Yeah, thank you" Said Issei with a blush.

"Personally I think you'll do fine, you do have leadership skills you just didn't put those skills into use yet" Said Albion.

"Albion is right partner, just believe in yourself, and you'll do fine, me and Albion will help you.

We made a communication link so that you could talk with Albion just like with me" Said Ddraig.

"Thank you Ddraig and Albion, your support does calm my nerves a bit" Said Issei happy having brothers like these two dragons.

The rest of the day went boring for Issei. Valierica and her team got information about an attack in the underworld, so they had to inform Sirzechs about it.

Issei walked into the living room right when everyone teleported to the underworld.

"What's going on?" Asked Issei out loud.

"Probably Azazel called for an urgent mission or something like that" Answered Ddraig.

"Yeah, most likely" Replied Issei as he went back to his room.

.....ONE HOUR LATER.....

"Hmmmm. I wonder when they will return. I have a bad feeling" Said Issei. Ddraig wanted to reassure his partner but got interrupted.

"Issei, can you hear me?" Contacted Albion.

"Yeah Albion, Is there a problem?"

"Chaos brigade are attacking the underworld at this very moment.

The devils managed to almost fight them off but they have a hostage who is an important person.

Valerica and her team can't help because they will be exposed as traitors to the brigade and we think devils won't be in control for too long.

So I'll send Ddraig the coordinates and get here immediately" Said Albion hastily.

"Alright, coming" Responded Issei immediately.


"Release the brigade members from the prison or I will kill this girl here!!" Demanded a chaos brigade member as he held a beautiful girl in a tight hold as he pointed a sharp dragged at her neck.

"What to do? I can't just reveal myself" Wondered Valerica.

But before anyone could do anything, a crimson red armour with draconic features landed a powerful blow on the chaos brigade member killing him instantly.

The armour's helmet disappeared and revealed a handsome man.

The girl immediately blushed.

When Issei saw her he couldn't keep his eyes from a beautiful girl who appeared to be in her late teens with a whimsical aura. She had long purple hair and orange eyes.

She wore a white noble dress with cleavage that exposed part of her big breasts, high slits with sleeves. She also wore a black mini skirt. Issei had a new strong desire to protect her.

"Are you alright?" Asked Issei.

"Y-y-yeah, thank you" Said the girl.

"What's your name?" Asked Issei.

"M-my name is Ingvild Leviathan" Said Ingvild.

'So that's the important person, no wonder, another Leviathan' Thought Issei.

"That's a beautiful name, now how about we get out of the battlefield?" Said Issei while smiling kindly.

Ingvild only nodded shyly while still looking at issei's eyes.

Issei immediately grabbed her bridal style and flew away at astonishing speeds.

"Was that Issei?!" Shouted Rias at top of her lungs.

Yeah, there was Rias and her peerage defending the underworld.

"Yeah, that was my mate" Replied Valerica with a smirk.

The brigade retreated and the area was checked by Kuroka, Bikou, and La fay, and it was safe to finally come out.

"WHAT?!" Shouted all the girls.

"Alright let's calm down, and miss Valerica, you'll have to tell us what's the meaning of this, and where is Ingvild" Said the redhead man who was Sirzechs.

"Sure, but I don't know where Ingvild is right now" Said Valerica.


"Are you hurt anywhere?" Asked a concerned Issei.

"N-no I'm fine" Said Ingvild shyly while she blushed.

"Cute" Issei muttered but Ingvild heard him and blushed even harder.

They looked at each other's eyes captivated by their beauty.

But suddenly somebody interrupted them.

"Having fun?" Asked someone from behind issei.

Issei turned around and saw Valerica pouting with arms crossed.

"N-no I was just..." stuttered out Issei nervous about what will happen to him.

"You know, I don't mind sharing you, but no harems, there can be a love triangle tho" Said Valerica smirking

Hearing this issei's jaw dropped and Ingvild blushed like she never had before.

"I think we should bring you back Ingvild before devils come searching for you" Said Issei.

Issei then teleported Valerica, Ingvild, and himself back to the underworld.

"Issei is that you?" Asked Sirzechs.

"Yes, it's me Zechs" Replied Issei.

"Issei" Said Rias silently but Issei ignored her.

"I'll explain everything to you at your office. Valerica and Ingvild can come if they want" Said Issei.

"Sure, right this way" Said Sirzechs.

"I'll go home with my team, so you'll be with Ingvild" Said Valerica as she teleported away.

In the office, Issei explained everything that happened to him, except the part about building a faction and learning Ddraig's signature flames as those flames terrified the factions.

"I can't believe something like this happened to you" Said Ingvild while tears streaming down her cheeks.

Issei cupped her cheeks and whipped her tears away.

"I'm fine hime" Said Issei.

Ingvild blushed at his sudden touch and her new nickname.

"I don't want to leave you alone like this" Said Ingvild shyly with her head turned away.

"I'm not exactly alone but I'll enjoy your company" Said Issei smiling warmly.

"I'm really sorry for what my sister did to you" Apologized Sirzechs.

"It's..... fine Zechs. I don't have anything against devils just ORC except for Rossweisse, Ravel, Kiba and Gasper plus they are grown up enough to make their own decisions" Said Issei.

Hearing this Sirzechs calmed down a bit.

"How can I ever repay you. Maybe you desire something. This will be like an apology token." Said Sirzechs.

"Well, I would love to get some land in the underworld near dragon mountains" Said Issei.

"Alright, but why there?" Asked curious Sirzechs.

"Well I'm a dragon now, so I started to love dragon apples, I want as much land as I can get" Said Issei not saying the true reason.

"Alright, I understand, in a week or so, you'll get your land" Said Sirzechs.

"Thank you Sirzechs, now I'll take my leave" Said Issei.

"Alright Issei, goodbye" Said Sirzechs getting to his paperwork.

Ingvild immediately got saddened because Issei is leaving but Issei saw her expression immediately and had a great idea.

"Hey hime, where do you live?" Asked Issei.

"In the Leviathan mansion, here in the underworld" Said Ingvild.

"Alright, but how about you move in with me into Valerica's mansion? I bet it's lonely alone here" Said Issei.

Ingvild's eyes lit up with extreme happiness. For some reason, she didn't want to leave him and stay by his side.

"Are you sure about this?" Asked Ingvild with hope in her voice.

"Of course I'm sure" Replied Issei smiling.

"Alright then, I'll do it I'll go get my things" Said Ingvild before teleporting to her mansion.

"By the way Issei tomorrow is Ingvild's birthday and we are planning her a surprise birthday party, so could you bring her back here tomorrow evening" Said Sirzechs while smiling at Issei

"Sure thing Zechs" Said Issei.

"And by the way, you'll have to go back to school. I already prepared a house here in Kouh" Said Sirzechs.

"Ugh I forgot about school" Groaned Issei.

"You'll be going with Ingvild to the same class, so I ask you to look after her" Said Sirzechs.

"I would've done it anyway" Replied Issei.

After fifteen minutes Ingvild arrived with two bags.

Issei immediately took the bags from her to carry.

"Ingvild, we can't go live in Valerica's mansion" Said Issei.

"O-oh... it's fine, I'll just get my bags back then" Said Ingvild saddened by the news.

"No need because we're both moving to our own house in Kouh. We will be going to the same school" Said Issei.

Ingvild suddenly started jumping out of happiness while Issei chuckled. Ingvild then noticed what she was doing and started to blush badly.

"So shall we go home hime?" Asked Issei.

Ingvild only nodded because she's still not used to her nickname.

They teleported to their new house.

It was a spacious house with two stories.

It had one kitchen two bedrooms two bathrooms and one living room.

They went to their rooms and unpacked their belongings.

Issei informed Valerica that he will be living in Kouh in an apartment before grabbing his belongings.

When they were done they made a delicious dinner together.

After dinner, they went to sleep.

The next morning Issei and Ingvild spent their day in Kouh town going to an amusement park, arcades, and restaurants and bought her a beautiful necklace with a silver dragon's head which had green eyes.

Ingvild loved it and had it on for the rest of the day.

They got back to the apartment ready to make some dinner thinking it was over.

"Hey hime, come over here for a moment," Said Issei.

Ingvild came into the living room and saw Issei standing with a magic circle under his feet.

His magic circle had both heavenly dragon marks merged into one.

"I need your help with something, can you come with me for a moment?" Said Issei.

"Sure" Replied Ingvild happily.

When she stood next to Issei he immediately wrapped his arm around her waist bringing her closer.

Issei teleported them in red and white flames.

When they arrived Ingvild couldn't see anything only issei's slightly glowing emerald green and frost blue eyes.

"SURPRISE" Shouted everyone in the room as the light turned on.

Ingvild got scared and with a yelp, she jumped onto Issei hugging him tightly.

Issei and everyone chuckled at her reaction.

Issei leaned to her ear and whispered.

"Happy birthday hime" Said Issei smiling warmly.

Ingvild had tears of happiness in her eyes.

The party started everyone was talking with each other and wishing happy birthday to Ingvild.

Of course there was ORC too, but they just stayed in a corner and just stared at Issei except for Rossweisse who wasn't present for some reason.

Kiba was elsewhere in the room.

Everyone then left Ingvild alone with Issei, as the guests continued the party.

"Are you enjoying hime?" Asked Issei with a smile.

"Yes very much, thank you Issei" Said Ingvild happily.

"But I just brought you here, I didn't prepare anything for the party" Said Issei.

"Well, I did enjoy our date in Kouh" Whispered Ingvild. Due to Issei's enhanced dragon senses, he heard her loud and clear.

"Glad you enjoyed that date" Said Issei with a smirk.

Ingvild blushed a bit because Issei heard what she said.

Then the music started playing and couples started dancing.

"May I have this dance?" Asked Issei as he raised his hand for Ingvild to grab.

"E-eh?" Ingvild was surprised for some reason and started blushing. Issei found her reaction cute.

"You know you're way too cute for your own good.

May I have this dance, my lady?" Said Issei with a smirk.

"Dummy" Replied Ingvild as she took issei's hand shyly and both of them started dancing.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the room, Rias thought it was a great chance to talk with Issei while offering him a dance.

But all her hopes were crushed when she saw Issei dancing with Ingvild with a big smile.

Rias felt hurt seeing Issei with another girl dancing.

While Issei and Ingvild were dancing, Ingvild felt a little uncomfortable because some people were looking at her with inappropriate gazes.

"Um... Issei, the stares are making me uncomfortable" Said Ingvild shyly while pressing her head against his chest.

Issei looked around and indeed a lot of men were looking at Ingvild with lust.

Issei's eyes glowed bright emerald and and blue as he directed his bloodlust towards them.

All of the men shivered and turned away from them.

"There, better hime?" Asked Issei with a smile.

Ingvild only nodded shyly as they continued dancing.

After the party, they returned to their house.

"Tomorrow hime we will be going to school so tomorrow you will hear a lot of my past how I was a huge pervert and all, but that's not the point right now you can introduce as my girlfriend so that the guys won't annoy or harass you" Said Issei.

"Oh" Responded Ingvild simply.

"Of course, if you don't like this idea then you can introduce yourself as my cousin or something" Said Issei hastily.

"N-no I don't mind being your girlfriend" Said Ingvild shyly.

Issei then warped his hand around her waist.

"Then want it to be official? Will you go out with me hime?" Asked Issei.

"Y-y-yes" Answered Ingvild blushing. While Issei had a satisfied smile.

Issei then raised her head by her chin and kissed her a gentle and chaste kiss. When he broke the kiss they stared at each other's eyes and it took only a second to lean again and this time it took longer.

After ten minutes they parted.

"That was amazing hime" Said Issei.

Ingvild couldn't answer Issei as her brain fried completely and had a smile on her face.

Issei smirked at the smile she wore and took her by the hand and led her to his bedroom.

They both cuddled with each other until they fell asleep...

next chapter
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