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50% The Dragon God of Origin / Chapter 4: Fight

Capítulo 4: Fight

The next week went by in a flash and every day was typically the same thing, I would go to school, after class I would pass out fliers for a little while for Rias then go do a summoning contact if I got a request, which didn't happen to often, if I didn't than I would come back home do homework, or work out, (hey staying in shape is important) or plan some pranks and go to bed then my day would start all over again. However, one night I decided to figure out my sacred gear and then test the whole magic thing… Sitting cross legged in my room I stared at my sacred gear.

"Okay… sacred gear… What can you do?" I asked staring at the black and white gauntlet. "Umm… Armor up? Power on... It's morphing time? Seriously? Nothing?" Sighing I shook my head and tapped the gem. "Come on you mean to tell me you're just a piece of armor? I got murdered for this?" Dismissing the sacred gear, I decided to focus on the magic, if I remembered any book I ever read that involved magic the only thing that they all had in common was belief, magic words really didn't matter… Well in some media it did but I rather focus on the belief thing, that seemed easier than anything else.

Taking a deep breath and closing my eyes, I decided the very first spell I should try was fire… Because of fireball duh. Breathing in and out I focused my breathing and tried to remember my first experience with fire, but nothing really came to mind expect for the fire from that dream… The one with the dragon, yeah it was painful but it was perhaps my most vivid memory of fire. Lifting my hand, I summoned whatever will power I had to try to make that fire come to life within my hand.

Slowly I opened my eyes and stared in shock… It was fire… real true fire, burning brightly in my hand. "Sweet merciful Mary… I did it…" I said with a grin on my face. Taking a deep breath, I tried to get a feel for the magical flame. It was warm, but not uncomfortably so. However, the magic or mana or whatever it felt different from the magic that I sensed Akeno doing, whenever magic was done at the club house I could feel like a tiny shiver of electricity was going down my spine. This was completely different. Instead it felt like it was coming straight from my gut, like I had a fire burning deep inside of me and of me and it was released into my hand.

"This is crazy… "Taking a deep breath I shook my head. "Okay…I will need to talk to Akeno or Rias about this later…" Shaking my head I took a deep breath released my will and the fire went out. You know it's funny but I was worried that for a moment that summoning elements or using magic would be draining I guess I'm tougher then I-Hey why is the world spinning?

The following morning was a pain in the ass, it felt like my brain was trying to crawl its way out of my skull. Which made school unbearable so after lunch I headed to the nurse's hopping to sleep my headache off. The sleep was extremely peaceful and when I woke up the headache was gone… However, the headache was soon replaced by panic. Rias Gremory, the most beautiful girl in school, and my devil master was asleep wrapped around me, completely naked. "Okay either I am really lucky…or screwed…" I whispered to myself staring directly at Rias's breasts, now I am not a pervert but I mean come on what teenage guy wouldn't want to grab a pair of naked breasts that were right in front of them. However, I knew better… And why are my fingers flexing like I'm getting ready to grab a stress ball? Slowly I tried moving away from her breasts but stopped the moment I saw her waking up. Tilting my head beside quickly I looked around trying to look innocent but I am guessing that didn't work as Rias just smiled knowingly at me.

"Oh, Zach good afternoon."

"Um Hi…Rias… I mean President." I said turning beat red in embarrassment. "So, um…. why are you…naked and asleep with me?"

"I just wanted to take a nap and saw you were in here and decided to join you." She yawned stretching her arms up, raising my eyebrows up in shock I fell off the bed my nose bleeding.

"Zach! Are you alright? Did it really bother you?" She asked with a pouty look on her face.

I shook my head and sighed.

"No, not at all just in fact it was perhaps the most peaceful sleep I have had in a while." Rubbing the back of my head I looked around the room to make sure we were alone. "Just your completely naked is all." I mutter. "And I don't want to get sued for sexual harassment."

"I just can't sleep unless I'm completely nude, and then I need a stuffed animal or a body pillow to make it just right. Plus, it's only sexual harassment if one or both parties find it uncomfortable and given how it looked like you were looking at me I would say you enjoyed it." Rias smirked playfully at me. "And I don't mind."

So, I'm just a body pillow huh? Coldly shrugging I just let it go I don't really mind I mean she is beautiful and all, but he wasn't a guy who thinks with his d*ck, otherwise he wouldn't survive in a society like this with his devilish handsome looks.

Seeing the cold look in my eyes, Rias said, "Zach, are you alright?"

"Yeah, don't worry about it President." I said while trying to break free from her grasp which unfortunately failed due to the current gap of strength between them.

Laughing Rias leaned forward seductively barely covering her chest. "Do you like looking at my chest Zach?" She purred.

Coldly shrugging, I just went with it and nodded my head a bit.

"Would you like to touch my chest?" She asked leaning in even closer her lips just a little way from my mine.

"It depends on the situation whether I would like to or not." I said while rolling my eyes.

Gently touching my shoulder, she leaned up whispering into my ear. "You really are unique."

"Of course I am."My sense of caution suddenly tingled as I thought that she was planning something.

"Then…I…. need…. you….to…. get…another... contract." Standing up Rias quickly dressed and winked at me. "I will see you at the club room then Zach." After that she left me all alone in the nurse's office. Sighing I rubbed my face trying to figure out what the hell just happened, Rias offered me a chance to grope her? Why would she do that and why the hell did I go with it? Looks like I fell for her tricks now I get extra work, leaning back on the bed I closed my eyes. "I'm not waking up again until the world makes sense…"

Getting up slowly I stretched out and looked around confused. "Where am I?" Smacking my lips, I waited for half a second as my brain rebooted. "Oh, nurse's office, right." Shaking my head, I pulled out my phone and saw school was already over. "Might as well go to the club house." Standing to my feet I stretched out again and climbed out of the bed and walked out the doors of the school. "I still can't believe I slept for so long."

However, as I was walking I was stopped by Kiba who came running up to me with a relieved smile. "Hey Zach, there you are, we've been looking all over for you, where were you? Rias needs you back at the clubhouse right away." The blonde asked with a questioning stare.

"I was asleep in the nurse's office dude." I said staring at him as we both walked. "I didn't realize I asleep for so long. Sorry to worry you guys."

"It's fine man, now come on let's go."

Nodding the two of us headed for the clubhouse and when we got there, Rias was sitting there looking a little out of sorts, while Akeno was gently tapping her foot, the only one that looked more or less normal was Koneko but she wasn't eating any junk food. Were they all that worried about me? That's sweet.

"Good news everyone I found him." Kiba announced which caught everyone's attention.

"Zach, you had us worried. Where were you?" Rias asked using her 'I'm the boss' voice.

"Right where you left me a few hours ago, I was asleep in the nurse's office." I said with a raised eyebrow. "Did anyone seriously not check there?"

Everyone just looked at each other kind of sheepishly before shaking their heads which caused me to sigh.

Clearing her throat Rias stared at me. "Regardless you had us worried, you as a whole have attracted the attention of two fallen angels, now give me your phone."

Raising an eyebrow, I reached into pocket and pulled my cell and handed it over to Rias who for a few minutes began to type something into my phone before handing it back. "So… What did you do?"

"There I put all our numbers in it, if you run into something you contact us right away, got it?" Rias said still using her boss voice.

"Yes ma'am." I saluted slightly which caused her to snort while the others just shook their heads.

"Good, now I need you to do something. Koneko is doubled booked on requests, will you help her out?" Rias asked folding her hands together.

Shrugging I smiled. "Yeah sure, unless I got any requests?" However, Rias shook her head no and that was kind of sad, but eh that's life. "Then I guess my answer is yes."

"I'm sorry." Koneko said bowing slightly at me.

Smiling I walked over to her and ruffled her hair which annoyed the smaller girl. "Don't worry about it Koneko, we're friends." Waving to the group I walked out the door. Since it was still light out I walked to the summoners house, I mean I could fly but then again I really doubt Rias wants to read the paper and find my ass on the front page, however soon enough the day gave way to night leaving me to walk alone in the moonlight, getting to the house I had to admit it looked like a nice place. The house was large with a nice gate, opening it up I headed straight toward the house and saw the door was open…okay that is a sure sign that something is wrong. Pulling out my phone I call Rias but didn't get an answer, sighing I left a message letting her know something is weird here and something could be up.

As I walked into the house I almost gagged at the smell, it was the same smell that was all over the place where we faced the stray devil. It was blood. Summoning my sacred gear despite the fact I didn't know what it could do, it still could come in handy. Slowly creeping toward the only room that was filled with light the moment I did I regretted it. The room was completely trashed the furniture was over turned or outright destroyed, the worst part was the body of an old woman who was chopped to pieces, gagging I turned around only to find an even worse sight. In front of me pinned to the wall was an old man who had been crucified upside down with his stomach cut open his lower intestine was all over the floor.

Falling onto my knees I threw up the contents of my stomach, coughing I shakily stood to my feet when my head felt like it was on fire. "Fuck what is wrong with me?" Yeah, I have seen the worst thing ever seen but

"Punish the wicked words to live by. Yes, wise advice to heed from a holy man." Turning to look at the voice I saw a silver-haired man letting his tongue hang outside of his mouth. Standing to his feet I got a better look at him, he was wearing a white priest outfit with a gold cross hanging from his neck while he wore a black long coat with gold lining.

"You just walked into the wrong house my friend." Bowing to me the mad man grinned. "Freed Sellzen here at your service, and you must be the scared little pussy whose devil ass this holy priest is going to exorcise." Dancing in place the mad priest smirked.

"A priest!?" I started to back up…. Yeah, I better bolt there is no way I could take on this guy, not yet at least.

"Yep I work for a certain devil purging organization you may have heard of." He purred out, staring at me with a hungry look in his eyes.

"If you're a priest then why did you kill these people!?" I snarled digging my fingers into the palms of my hands.

"Summoning you was proof they were done being human." Turning to look at the dead bodies he shrugged. "End of the lines sinners, so I had to chop them up into little bitty pieces. Except the old guy that was just for fun."

"You're a sick bastard!" Glaring at this monster I felt something snap inside me, I don't care if this guy is a priest.

"Putting down degenerate devils and the lost souls that cry out to them is my job." Reaching into his jacket Freed pulled out a large pistol and what looked like the hilt of a sword. "And no one is better at then me." He said as a blade of pure light sprung from the hilt.

"Holy shit a lightsaber!" I want one… I will take this thing from him I swear if its the last thing I do, that lightsaber will be mine.

Grinning Freed pointed the sword at me."Close it is a holy sword of light and the first thing I'm going to do is cute out your evil heart." Taking aim at me with his gun his face twisted into a manic grin. "Then with my righteous gun I will blow a hole in your wicked demon face." He laughed. "How does that sound devil!" Leaping forward Freed swiped his sword at me, jumping back I avoided the slash only to see his gun facing me, acting quickly I tried to get out of his line of sight but the mad priest's bullet struck my shoulder.

"GRAH!" Gripping my shoulder, it felt like my entire body was burning.

"How do you like my bullets? They have been blessed by an exorcist I hope they taste good scum bag!"

"Damn you!" Rolling over I glared at the priest.

"Ohh is the devil angry? Perhaps it is time for me to send you back to the abyss from whence you came!"

"Bastard!" Pushing past the pain I jumped to my feet and punched the mad priest in the nut sack. Dropping to his feet the madman grabbed his crotch his eyes bulging out of his head. "The fuck is wrong with you!? Why would hit someone in the balls!?"

"It's not the worst thing I could have done to you!" Gritting my teeth as I gripped my shoulder in pain as I kicked Freed's face knocking him away from me. Knowing I wouldn't last against someone like Freed I tried to run but the priest recovered faster then I gave him credit for and using his sword of light he slashed my back cutting me deeply.

"Fuck!" I shouted landing in a pile of blood.

"To slow devil scum, get a guy all worked up and try to leave him halfcocked that is no way for a lady to treat a gentleman like myself." Raising his blade, I thought it was all going to end until the sound of screaming girl made him stop. "What the hell Asia what are you doing here? Are you done creating the barrier already?"

Asia what is she doing here!? My brainscreamed as I saw the terrified face of the young nun who was shocked at this horrible sight.

"Don't… please don't do this!" She cried, turning away from me Freed shrugged. "Oh, right you're a newbie well then it's time you learned this is what the job is my dear. We dispose of unfortunate people who have been bewitched by the evil devils."

Turning to look at her partner for a moment Asia was horror struck when she saw me. "No, it can't be..."

"Asia, I…" I tried to explain, looking confused Freed turned to look at me then at Asia. "What's going on do you two know each other?"

"Zach… why are you here?" She nervously asked fidgeting in place.

Sighing I turned away from her feeling ashamed. "I'm here because…I am a devil Asia..."

"No that can't be true."

"I didn't want to lie to you…I swear that I didn't." I turned back to look her in the eye.

"Oh heavens." She looked like she was on the verge of tears.

"Not that this isn't heartwarming but you and friend here have no business being together the fallen angels have expressly forbidden all forms of contacts with our kind and theirs have you forgotten that already?" He leaned in close to Asia.

The fallen angels? They are in league with this idiot? Wait does that mean…Yuuma? Shit this isn't good.

"Now then shall we do what we came here to do?" Freed said placing his sword near my neck. "Not that it matters but I hope you have said you're prays!" Running in front of Freed Asia blocked him from delivering the final blow.

"Asia…" I said a little awe struck, despite the fact this guy was utterly insane, and I was a devil she was still trying to save me. This girl knew nothing but kindness.

"You've got to be kidding me with this." Freed rolled his eyes.

"Please don't I beg you for mercy, forgive this man of his sins father couldn't we just let him go?" She begged trying to save my life.

"That thing isn't a man it's a devil, you made a pledge to defeat our enemies."

"I'm a guy just to clarify, got a penis and everything. Seriously your making it sound like I'm some kind of freak, like you." Grinning I grunted out in pain as Freed kicked me. Worth it.

"It doesn't matter to me what he is there is goodness in him I know it, you can't just kill him how can you actually believe the father would approve?" She pleaded, snarling Freed raised his sword. "This is bullshit!" Slashing his sword, Freed cut through her clothes causing her to scream and cover herself.

"Don't you touch her!" I tried to stand but the cut on my back was stopping me from moving around too much….Shit I need to make a move.

"Have you lost your fucking mind!? What are there maggots growing inside that stupid head of yours." Slamming his sword into the ground and placing his gun away Freed grabbed Asia by the chin and lifted her up slightly.

"Damn it I told you not to touch her!"

"Our fallen angel friends said I'm not supposed to touch you, but I don't give a damn about that now. You know what happens to naughty girls don't you!?" Slamming her into the wall the mad priest grabbed his sword and pined Asia's hands above her head with it as he folded one of her breasts and used his gun to lift her skirt. "Why shouldn't an outstanding priest do what he wants with a filthy tramp like you hehe." He pressed the barrel of his gun against her panties causing the girl to cry out in pain. "That's not so wrong, is it?"

"No please don't hurt me!" She cried out.

Standing to my feet shakily I grit my teeth in pain. Noticing me Freed rolled his eyes.

"Look boy if you want to watch this go down you must pay, nothing is free in this life don't you know that?"

"I'm not kidding around." I glared as I griped my knees trying to remain standing. Whistling Freed pulled his sword free and took a fighting stance. "Well, well think you can take me down? Then come over here and show me what you got!"

"No, you don't have to do this!" Asia cried.

"No I have to, this freak not only slaughtered innocent people here but he also just tried to rape you, I won't let anyone get away with that kind of shit!" Rushing forward I slammed my left fist into Freed's face knocking him on the ground. "Come on, there is a lot more where that came from. I didn't study Chun kuk do for nothing."

Rubbing his face Freed spat out some blood. "I will admit I'm impressed." He said standing to his feet shakily. "Let's say we go for a new world record of how many pieces of meat I can chop you into!" Jumping up I watched Freed try to chop me in half, Asia's screams echoed through my brain, I wouldn't let this maniac kill me. Crouching down I prepared to get out of the way when a bright red light appeared in the room and took the form of a pentagram.

Jumping out of the way I saw Kiba fly through the circle the knight had his sword already drawn he blocked Freed's strike. "Hey there Magnus, thought you could use a hand." He said looking back at me with a smile.

"This is gross." Akeno said as she stepped through the portal. "Talk about a nasty mess."

"An exorcist." Koneko said as apathetically as ever.

"Thanks for the save." I said thankfully. "Though way to state the obvious Koneko."

Breaking the sword lock with Kiba Freed jumped back with a look like it was Christmas morning and we were his presents. "Oh, hell yes now we got ourselves an old fashion gang bang."

"You're done here sorry to disappoint you but he is one of us." Kiba glared at the mad priest.

"Oh, I'm far from disappointed trust me. So, what's the deal he is the pitcher and you're the catcher?" He asked leaning forward running his tongue along his lips.

"For a priest that is quite the mouth you got there." Kiba muttered.

"What are you the impiety police? Get off your high horse douchebag hunting your kind is my only concern. So, stop preaching and let's get to it!" Freed shouted as he spread his arms out wide.

"Oh, this guy certainly is a piece of work." Akeno said eyeing the priest.

"And you are a hot piece of ass my dear." Freed hugged him feeling flustered. "Those eyes they are killing me! Oh, there is nothing more than I lust over then a sexy devil bitch."

"If you want it then come and get it!" A lance of black and red energy shot out toward Freed almost hitting him, appearing out of the portal was Rias who stood in front of me guarding me from the mad man. "But I really don't think you can handle it; nobody hurts my servants."

"President…Rias..." I manage to grit out through clenched teeth… Dang my back is hurting.

"Well look who finally decided to show their tits, don't you get ahead of yourself you know I just hurt him! Wait don't ignore me!" Freed shouted as Rias turned her attention to me.

Turning to face me Rias smiled softly "It'll be alright I'm here."

"He got me by surprise but I will do better I promise." I lowered my head ashamed at how this kind of turned out, leaning down Rias gently touched my face. "Look at how hurt you are."

Looking up into her eyes I could see she was hurting for me. "I am the one that is sorry Zach. I sent you into the hands of an exorcist and I had no idea. There was a barrier in place here until a moment ago, so we didn't even realize."

Zach thought, 'You also forgot to save me from death back at the time with Yuuma you know.'

Glowering Freed kicked Asia. "You were supposed to make the barrier! Bitch! Die!" He shouted as he kept on kicking her.

"You bastard!" I slowly started to stand with Rias's help, Rias glared at the mad priest. "I never forgive people who try to do harm to one of my servants nor do I forgive those who pick on the weak and I especially don't tolerate wretches like you your terrible evil has no place in this world." A red aura appeared around the red head as she spoke, building up her magical power Rias was going to strike this bastard down. "That is why I am here to purge it."

Backing up Freed for the first time felt extremely nervous. "Well shit big red over there could be a problem. I may need some back up."

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