Wang mansion
Wearing a golden shimmery dress which barely covered her breast and thighs, Wang Juan finally stepped out of her room after two days.
"Where are you going wearing that?" Looking at the indecent dress, Wang Xindai added, "You are not stepping out of the house wearing that."
Rolling her eyes at her father, Juan snapped, "Whatever I wear or do is none of your concern daddy."
"Juan, don't you dare use that tone while talking to your father." Flora shouted.
"Mom, dad let sister Juan do whatever she wants. Maybe she is going for some girls' night out." Wang Ziying said.
"No I am not and stop being fake nice with me. You already have all their love and support so I guess you can stop with this fakeness of yours."
"Juan," Xiandai shouted.
"It's alright dad, I know sister Juan is just upset."
"Mom, dad I am home." Wang Liying shouted before rushing towards her parents holding a trophy in her hand.
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Happy reading ^_^