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44.44% The Darkness In Your Mind / Chapter 16: Awakening spell creation

Capítulo 16: Awakening spell creation

It takes us about half an hour to get to the cave that the Vampires live in, the cave has a pair of big double doors at the entrance that are closed. Lano walks up to the doors first and I follow behind him, he then knocks on them and a few seconds later both of the doors open and we are greeted by two people both dressed in what appears to be dark red armor and light red helmets.

The helmets cover their face pretty well except for their eyes which are crimson red in color. One of them speaks up and says "Who are you and what is your reason for being here?" I say "We have come here for important business, who is the leader here at this village?" The guard looks at us confused and a bit cautiously then says

"What exactly is the business that you have come here for?" I look at Lano and he nods , I then say "I am a new demon lord who owns the land this village resides in, thus I have come to discuss important matters with the leader of this village." The guard's face probably would have gone paler if it could because once he heard me say that he showed a bit of fear and surprise.

Lano coughs and then says "So will you allow us entry now?" The other guard says with a slight stutter "O-Of course right this way, I shall take you to the village chief." After he is done speaking we walk into the doors and the other guard closes them behind us and returns to his position, he is obviously still slightly afraid.

The village itself is actually not that big but it still has quite a bit of small houses and stuff in it and a few people roaming around, they all look at us confused as we walk by them but shortly after return to what they were doing. after about a few minutes we arrive in front of a house that seems pretty bigger than the rest of the buildings in the cave.

We then walk up to the building and the guard opens the door for us and we walk in along with the guard. Once we enter the room, we see a man sitting on a chair in the back and the guard walks up to him and bows before saying "V-Village chief, these two men have come here to discuss financial matters with you, the man in the cloak says he is a new demon lord."

The village chief's eyes widen for a few seconds before they return to normal and he says "Is that so, well then welcome to our village my name is Fang Crimson, what have you come here to discuss with me about?" The village chief manages to keep a straight face and doesn't show as much fear as the guards did, perhaps he just doesn't want to look weak in front of me.

I say "Alright, allow me to tell you the two reasons I have come here." I pause for a moment then continue. "The first reason is that I wish to have you pay a small tax for living on my land, we shall discuss details later, and do not worry, I don't not wish to make you pay a huge amount of money or anything like that, and this tax will not go unrewarded, I will use it for various helpful things."

He nods as if understanding and then I say "The second reason I have come here is to ask you to give the blood pact skill to me." His eyes widen once again before saying "Y-You want to have the ability to use the blood pact skill, why do you want it?" I somehow sigh and then say "I shall tell you, in fact I haven't even told Lano the entire reason why I want to gain skills from monsters yet."

I pause for a moment and then continue " Alright, Lano you should listen closely to what I'm about to say as well as you haven't heard it yet either and it is quite important that I accomplish this task." I was thinking for a while on the walk to the village that, if I can create spells somehow, doesn't that mean I should be able to gain a human form again?

Once that thought crossed my mind I became more determined to get the four skills I need in order to see if I really can do that. I pull down my hood and the guard's and even a little bit of fang's face show some fear and surprise. I then say "As you can see, I appear to be a skeleton right now and there is a reason behind this."

Fang's face returns back to normal slightly but the guard's remains as it was when I pulled down my hood. I cough and then continue, "Not even I know the true reason, but if I am correct I believe it had something to do with what happened to me in the past." I tell them the same story I told Lano and both of their faces seem to have gone completely back to normal.

I then say "Now, as for the reason why I am trying to learn the skills of monsters is because I believe I may have a way to return to a human form once I collect a certain amount, I cant tell you how I will be able to return to a human form, because I wish to keep it a secret since it would be dangerous if word about what I am going to do spread, but I hope you will pass on the skill anyway."

After I am done talking Fang closes eyes for a few moments before speaking up "Very well, I shall give you the Ability to use the blood pact skill, you seem like a good man and I respect you quite a bit now, therefore I shall trust you and pass on the skill, come here and hold out your right hand for me so I can give you the skill."

After he says that he stands up and I walk over to him and hold out my right hand like he told me to do. Once I do that he starts to chant something "By thy power and blood I pass down thy skill to someone I deem worthy, O great ancestors I call Upon thy power granted by you so that I may allow this man to bind promises by blood, I hereby grant thou in front of me the power of the blood pact."

Once he is finished with the chant a drop of blood that seems to have bright red tiny magic circles all over it drops out of His hand and splashes onto mine, it then seems to seep into my bones disappearing completely. A few seconds later a large bright red magic circle appears on my hand for a few seconds and then disappears just like the blood did.

He then sits back down and says "Alright, it is done, now lets discuss that tax that you told me about." After quite a bit of talking Lano managed to get us to an agreeable tax that they would have to pay and in return for them paying that monthly we will eventually give them better housing once we have a way to do so.

After we were done in the vampire village we made our way through the other villages, it went pretty much the same way in each village and in the end I managed to get the skill of each monster as well as us agreeing on fair tax prices. I gained the vision skill from the specter imps and the strength enhancement magic skill from the magiogres.

Now all that's left is to go ask the wolf brothers for their skill and tell them that I will go get them again once I get a builder that is capable of making good homes for them in my land. I tell Lano where we need to go and he knows the way since he passed by there on the way to the manor in the first place, since I don't know how to get back there since we teleported to the manor, he leads me.

It takes about an hour but eventually arrive at the den, once we do the wolf brothers come out of the cave knowing that we are there, probably because they have memorized what I smell like. Once they exit the den Falmer says "Ah, Brine where have you been?" I tell them about me being a demon lord and they aren't very surprised because I am so strong that they expected something like that.

Sater then says "Well, now that you have explained to us why you have been gone, why are you here?" Falmer says "Yeah, why would you need to come back here to see us, it must be something important right?" I nod and then say "Yeah, the reason I came back here is to ask you for something and also to tell you something that will help you out a lot."

Falmer says "Ah, alright then go ahead and tell us." I say "First of all allow me to tell you what I have planned that will help you and your pack out." I pause for a moment then continue "I plan to find a builder or a few that could build some homes for you in my land that way you don't have to live in this cave for any longer since it will eventually put a strain on your bodies being in the cold."

They both smile and then Falmer says "Alright, thanks for letting us know, tell us as soon as you have some homes ready for us." I nod and then say "Now the second thing I came here to do is ask you for something." I tell them about how I think gaining skills from monsters will allow me to gain a human form again and they look like they understand completely once I'm done explaining.

Falmer says "So the reason your here must be to ask for the skill to have a better sense of smell am I correct?" I nod and then say "Yeah, would you be willing to give it to me?" Falmer nods and then says "Sure, you have helped us quite a bit and are also going to give us a better home so of course I will give you it, come over here and hold out your right hand."

I do what he said and then he holds his hand over mine and begins to chant " By thy power and blood I pass down thy skill to someone I deem worthy O great ancestors I call Upon thy power granted by you so that I may allow this man to enhance his sense of smell, I hereby grant thou in front of me the power of the nose of a Red Eyed Wolf."

Once he does the magical drop of blood falls from his hand and into mine and disappears, a few seconds later a red magic circle appears and then disappears again. I have now gained four skills each from a different monster just as the note had said to do, now all that's left is to follow the rest of the instructions that were on the note.

I decide that I should head back to the manor first because we have been gone for quite a while, also, I left the book in my room before we left to get the skills from monsters. We say goodbye to the wolf brothers and then head back to the manor. The walk back to the manor was uneventful just like the others, it seems that Zemor might have been the only one with the balls to attack me.

I decide that I should still be cautious just in case, after all I'm sure that he isn't the only one who doesn't feel threatened by me allying with Rein. Once we get back to the manor I tell Lano to go let the others know that we have returned but not to bother me for a little while as I am going to see if my idea was correct.

He seems to understand what I mean by that because he nods and then smiles saying "Yes my lord, I shall make sure they don't interrupt you while you are attempting to regain a humanoid body." He then walks off to find everyone and do as I said, after that I head upstairs and into my bedroom. I then grab the book off of my bed side table.

I also pick up the note that I placed next to it and read the instructions one more time. After confirming what I must do I turn over the note and see what must be wrote on the front of the book, it says 'Spellious creation'. After I write that on the front of the blank book I draw a line in the middle of each page and number them top half to bottom half. Then, I say the chant written on the note.

"Awaken Spellious creation, answer my calls and become one with the world, the time has come for your power to be released and to help magic creation be started up once again, give me the ability to create new spells, give me the ability to allow others of thy choice to create new spells, and finally give me the power to understand all that is foul, awaken Spellious creation!"

Once I say that I feel the book begin to shake and then a few seconds later an odd purple magic circle appears on the book, what's odd about it, is that it doesn't have any runes on it like normal magic circles do instead it's just a blank magic circle. Then after a few seconds multiple magic circles shoot out from the first one and proceed to land on my body.

Shortly after every part of me is covered with these blank magic runes they start to disappear, then once they all disappear a voice echoes in my head "You must think of a runic language, this language can be altered in color for different kinds of spells that such but for now the main founding language's color will be dark purple."

I know that voice, it's the shadow man, I look around the room and notice that he is standing against a wall with his arms folded as if he's waiting for me to do something. I nod at him and then begin to think, a few minutes later and I have thought up a runic language and decided on the look for each letter in the alphabet, the name of this runic language will be Void Talk.

The shadow man nods at me before walking up to me and standing there for a moment. I say slightly confused "W-What is it?" He then puts his black silhouette hands on my shoulders and says "Good job, now you have done something great, I shall take my leave for quite a long time, when I am ready I shall return to you, but before I go let me tell you something."

He pauses for a moment before continuing, "Some times things that are dragged down into a dark abyss may come back eventually if it is needed by someone who has the ability to fully explore said abyss." The shadow man then disappears into thin air and as soon as he's gone I understand what he meant and so I pick up my quill and begin to write once again, this time on the first spell page.

Once I am done writing, the spell I just wrote emits a dark purple light for moment and a few seconds later the light fades away and what I just wrote down that was black only seconds ago, is now a dark purple color. I don't waste any time hesitating and immediately start the chant for the spell I just created.

"Thy has sinned before, thy has committed acts that may not be forgiven by most gods, thy has suffered greatly, and thy has overcome true sorrows just to get to this point, thy has even lost thy former being as a result of that suffering, but thy has gained companions over time, thy has also gained enormous power over time as well,"


I yell out as loud as I can for the final words of the chant "ALLOW ME TO BLEND IN WITH SOCIETY ONCE AGAIN, I CALL UPON THE VOID WHERE THE SHADOWS RESIDES TO ANSWER MY REQUEST, NOW OPEN GATE OF THE VOID AND LET MY THIRST TO FEEL AGAIN BE QUENCHED." Once I have finished the chant it feels like the manor itself begins to shake.

Then a few seconds after that beneath me what seems to be a portal opens up and I fall into it instantly. Once I fall into the portal, I'm in complete darkness, nothing to be seen anywhere, the only thing I can see is the entrance which came from and even that disappears after a few seconds for some reason.

Then as soon as the entrance disappears I see a giant pair of glowing purple mist eyes appear in front of me along with a mouth, the giant misty face smiles at me and then disappears. Not long after that a mist that is a combination of purple and black starts to engulf me. Then, once it has covered my entire skeleton, the process begins.

My leg bones seem to begin to change making me feel a bit shorter than I was before but not to bad and my bony arms and the rest of me experienced a bit of this change too, but again not to badly, then once that seemed to stop happening, muscles and organs begin to form on me slowly, followed by skin.

Then great looking dark purple hair started to grow on my head, it stopped when it was about down to where my eyes would be at the back of my head and on the front of my head it stopped just above my eyebrows. Then my ears and nose began to appear, and finally, my eyes appeared, I cant see what color they are because I don't really have a mirror with me, I'll check when I'm out of here.

Once everything finished forming I was sent back out of the void gently and landed on my bed sitting, I then walked up to the mirror in my room and looked over myself fully, my eyes are a beautiful light grey color and I have a great looking slightly pale skin. Once I looked at myself in the mirror I got a massive grin on my face and then laughed and shouted at the top of my new lungs


Demonlord_KuraiShi Demonlord_KuraiShi

ya know what guys, just to let y'all know, it may seem like he wasn't a skeleton very long, but that's OK there is a reason you will learn eventually.

next chapter
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