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84.21% The Crimson Gardevoir / Chapter 101: Off-road Topics

Capítulo 101: Off-road Topics

It is midday as everyone is scattered about in an extremely large clearing away from their module/campsite. They're not just standing around doing nothing, in fact, they're playing a game that is as competitive for the group as it is fun; baseball. Max had introduced it to them earlier in the day after they settled down, to which they all decided to give the game a chance after having the rules explained to them. To make it fair for everyone, Max, Scarlet and Sally would be on one team while Bonny, Aurora, and May would be on the other. Dusk offered to be the catcher at the base plate while Luna, surprisingly, offered to do commentary as it was something she was curious about trying.

The group is now approaching the end-game, and a few meters away from each other, Max stares down Bonny with a defiant look on his face as she smugly walks towards a make-shift baseplate. May and Aurora are next to Luna as they have recently been knocked out, with Scarlet and Sally spread out on the inner and outer fields.

{Team Max and Team Bonny are neck-and-neck on the scoreboard in the final inning of this friendly, with Team Max leading by just one point.} Luna proclaimed as she stood to the side, playing her role as a commentator. {It's do or die as Bonny walks up to the plate. She makes a home run, she ties up the score and we go into overtime. If she gets out, it's game over and the victory for Team Max.}

"Alright, you cutesy little bunny. Get ready for my signature fastball," Max taunted.

{*Spit* Cool. Are you actually gonna throw it or are you just gonna stand there and look pretty all day long?} The lopunny taunted back.

{Watch out. He's a vicious pitcher.} Dusk advised from behind her.

{I know, don't worry.} Bonny replied with a grin.

After staring her down some more, Max tried to think of the best way to get Bonny agitated.

"Alright, Dusk. Get ready to catch this." Max said before building up momentum for a powerful throw. "Here it comes…!" He then tossed the wooden carved ball at Dusk.

In the split second that followed, Bonny tightened her grasp on her rock-carved bat and smashed into the ball with great speed and accuracy. Due to her immense strength, the blow generated a tiny gust of wind, launching the ball high into the air at tremendous speed, disappearing half a second later.

{It's high… It's long…} Luna exclaimed, watching it fly.

{Yes!} The lopunny loudly exclaimed, dropping her bat and started running.

{Go, Bonny, GO!} May screamed from the sidelines.

Bonny's sprint was always quite a sight to behold; Able to get on all fours and move at incredible speed. Even though they made the terrain larger to compensate for pokémon abilities, Bonny reached the first base in a few seconds.

"Looks like it's a homerun," Max commented while she did so, looking up at the sky.

{Not so fast.}

Scarlet, who was a little bit further away, suddenly disappeared from view. A few seconds later, Bonny reached second base, then third, and thanks to some cheering from May and Aurora, she was looking to go all the way. For a moment it seemed like she was home free, but Scarlet reappeared on the field and threw the ball at Dusk. Seeing that, Bonny made a powerful leap to reach the last base before Dusk could catch the ball.



{Ha ha…! Safe!} Bonny exclaimed, convinced she succeeded.

{…Sorry, Bonny.} Dusk apologized, showing her the ball she caught before she touched the last base.

{Rhaa! Are you kidding me?!} Bonny complained in mild frustration.

{That's the game! Team Max with the win, a valiant effort by Team Bonny… What a match!} Luna exclaimed, adding energy to her words.

"Alright, girls. Let's head back to the module." Max announced, walking towards Bonny with his hand reaching out to help her stand.

{Tsk. I was so close.} She complained some more, grabbing it.

"I know. Good game, Bonny."

{You were just milliseconds too late.} Dusk told her.

{*sigh*I almost tripped at some point, I'm sure that's what cost me. Good game to you too, master.}

"Thanks for doing commentary for us Luna," Max told the zoroark.

{Not a problem at all, little pup. It was actually quite enjoyable.} She replied before turning towards the wooded area. {I'll be back later this evening.}

"See ya, Luna," Max yelled as she walked away while being joined by the others. "So… how was your guys' first baseball game?"

{Very easy to play, but pretty fun overall.} Scarlet answered.

{Not bad, even though my body isn't exactly built for it.} Aurora stated.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I didn't think of your paws when I proposed the game."

{Meh. I managed anyway.}

"True. When I saw this area while talking about human sports earlier today, I couldn't resist having you try." Max said, looking at the vast plains they were in.

{That was pretty much one of the few sports we can play without any special equipment or type of terrain.} Scarlet mentioned.

{Yeah. You need a bouncy ball and a hard floor for basketball, you need ice and skates for hockey…} Bonny pointed out.

"Well, I've never been the very 'sporty' type of guy, so I won't be the one complaining."

{Well, let's rest a little. We'll get back to training later.} Scarlet announced, making the girls disperse.

Max then felt a tug on his shirt.

"Hmm? What's up?" Max asked, turning to see it was his cinderace, Sally.

{Do you think we could… play a soccer game one day?} She questioned a bit shyly.

"I don't see why not. I'm sure everyone would like to." Max assured her, making her smile. "And even if they don't wanna play, we'll have our own match, just the two of us."

Surprisingly, Max's last sentence made Sally's smile go even wider.

{Me? P-Playing soccer with Max… just the two of us?} She mumbled with stars in her eyes.

"Of course. Go easy on me though, I think I've only played soccer twice in my life."

{Don't worry, master. I'm gonna play as fair as I can! Heck, I'll even coach you and teach you how to do tricks.} She said proudly, her chest slightly inflated.

"Wow. That really means a lot, being in such good hands. Er- paws, sorry." Max replied, petting her affectionately.

{Hihi.} The cinderace giggled lightly, liking his touches very much.

"Also, could you do something for me, hot stuff? Don't tell the others, but I have a little surprise for you all."

{A sur-}

"Shh!" Max softly interrupted.

{Oh! S-Sorry.} Sally apologized softly.

"Keep it under wraps for now. You're gonna like it, I promise. Think of it as a little reward for all your hard work." Max said with a wink.

Leaving the very excited cinderace, Max headed inside the module, where he saw Dusk already taking out ingredients to make for dinner.

"Leave it to me, my precious." Max engaged. "You need to rest for a bit after that game since you've got some training to attend to later."

{I know, I just wanted to at least get started before heading outside.}

"I appreciate that, but I'll manage. Don't worry." Max assured, gently caressing one of her shoulders.

{But...} Dusk protested before seeing his determination. {Oh, alright… I can't really go against my master's orders.}

"No, you can't," Max confirmed with a smirk.

{*Sigh* Very well, I'll leave it to you, then.} The delphox said before heading outside.

"Hold on just a second, you," Max ordered, stopping her with one arm.


"You didn't think you'd leave that easily, did you?"

{I… don't understand…} Dusk softly asked, sounding overly vulnerable while Max glued himself onto her and moved his hands to her rear.

"If you want to leave… You'll have to pay a small fee."

{R-Really? What… Do I have to?} She asked in all innocence.

"Do you have any money on you?" Max asked seductively, fondling her rear and thighs.

{N-No, sir.}

"Oh. Well, you're gonna have to pay with something else, then."


"How about this?" Max said, pulling her closer to him before going for a kiss.

A bit surprised, Dusk softly grasped Max's shirt and shyly returned it. Max firmly grabbed Dusk's butt and gently massaged them during their make-out, which they broke about a minute later.

{Oof! Oh my… Is it getting hot in here?} Dusk commented, lightly waving a hand at her face.

"Really? That's strange, coming from a fire-type."

{It just shows how much of a playboy you are.} She replied, moving her arms around Max's neck.

"What can I say? I just melt when I look at that perfectly hot body of yours."

{Hihi. You should make up your mind, master. Do you want me to train, or to get horny?} She asked seductively.

"Why not both?"

{Have you ever trained at high intensity while being constantly horny?}


{Me neither, and I'd like to keep it that way.}

"Heh heh, alright. I'm sorry, but when I saw you here all alone, I just couldn't resist."

{I hope you're not craving… fox meat again.} She asked in a slightly arrogant manner.

"Ugh… Don't remind me, please," Max cringed. "No need to bring that up again."

{It hurt, and it took days for that bite mark on my left butt cheek to clear up.}

"I'm really sorry, Dusk."

{…I guess I'm partially to blame as well, considering I was the one who turned you on that day.}

"Haha. I don't know what was up with you, but you were uncontrollable. Never saw you so horny and aggressive."

{It happens. Not as much as a regular turn-on, but it happens.}

"Hey, I'm not complaining."

{I never saw you complain about anything, actually.}

"I have everything I could hope for, so there's no reason for me to do so."

{Fair enough.}

"Okay, now. Get out before I cook you," Max said with a smile, breaking the hug.

{Hihi… Good luck with that.} The delphox retorted with an amused and seductive face.

Max slapped her ass as she walked away, making her look at him while biting her lower lips before leaving. Immediately after, Max turned to the oven and immediately guessed as to what Dusk was about to make. He decided to put it off to the side for now since he knew it would take some time to prepare. For now, he wanted to work on the surprise he planned for his beloved pokémon. Since that was also taking a while to make as well, he said "screw it" and picked up where Dusk left off so they could eat before nightfall.

~A Few Hours Later…~

[Dinner's ready.] Max called out to Scarlet on their private telepathic channel they'd developed over time.

She then appeared inside the kitchen a couple of seconds later, looking quite exhausted and out of breath.

"Training hard?"

{Yeah. Generating intense gravity for Bonny while sparring with her at the same time is not easy.}

"I can only imagine…" Max conceded, handing her a square of fabric. "Why Bonny specifically?"

{Eh, you know how she is…} Scarlet huffed before starting to wipe her sweat away. {Just generating a gravity field strong enough for her to work out is a training session on its own for me.}

"What's her limit?"

{About fifteen times normal gravity.}


{She's slow as hell, but still. Maybe I'll ask Dusk to help me out. I think she's almost ready to go further and I can't go higher than that at the moment.}

"She's a real monster in terms of strength."

{You're telling me, and considering she can mega evolve to get even stronger…}

"Who knows, maybe she could rival even a legendary pokémon's power."

{I don't know. That's still pretty high, even for her. I mean, a legendary pokemon's power is basically unmatched. Take Regigigas for example; a single one of his punches can split a continent in half. Bonny's strong, but she is far from being that strong.}

"If she keeps going like this, she could achieve that level of strength in a few years or so."

{Maybe… She has a huge amount of potential, so I guess it might be possible.} Scarlet replied, making her rag disappear after being done with it.

"You all have potential. If none of you can reach a legendary's level of strength on your own, maybe together you could."

{I guess that's a more realistic achievement.}

"I believe in you. You girls are the best, no one else even comes close."

{You bet we are.} Scarlet approved a bit arrogantly. {Moving on, you said that dinner's ready?}

"Yup. Do you guys want to eat outside?"

{I don't know. Am I a gardevoir that loves sucking her master's dick?}

"So that's a yes, then. Take those out for me, smartass." Max retorted, pointing at the plates on the table.

{Right away.} She complied with a smile before using her powers to lift all seven plates. {Wait a minute… What's that smell?}

"Ah-ah-ah, you'll have to find out after dinner," Max said with a smirk.

{Rha! I hate it when you do this.} She complained in mild frustration.

"You're not a big fan of surprises, I get it, but I promise you it'll be worth it."

{That just makes it even worse, because now I want to know.}

"No cheating, Scarlet. No mind peeking or bribes to get it faster."

{Tsk. I hate you.} She complained again before leaving.

"*sigh* That gardevoir…" Max mumbled before stepping outside as well.

Once he was finally finished prepping everyone's food, he joined the others outside who were all sitting around the outdoor table. With Sally insisting on having him next to her, Max sat between the cinderace and Luna. Right as he did, Sally grabbed his arm and hugged it while affectionately rubbing her cheek against his shoulder. It was then finally time for dinner as everyone's food was served. One of the harder parts of having pokemon with different types of diet was trying to vary their meals so they don't always end up eating the same thing. Luckily, everyone was satisfied with their food and gave their compliments to the chef of the night, Max.

{That was nice.} Bonny sighed with content. {It's always a bit more special when it's master doing it. Hem… no offense to you, Dusk.} She added, looking at Dusk in mild guilt.

{None taken.} Dusk assured her. {I agree, actually. Being pampered from time to time is always something to enjoy.} She continued, looking at Max with a smile.

"You guys thought you were being pampered just now? Ha! You've seen nothing yet. I'll be back."

{*gasp* The surprise!} Sally exclaimed, happily clapping her paws together.

{The surprise?} Aurora wondered, confused.

{Oh. Now I'm interested.} Bonny shared.

{I wonder what it is.} May expressed.

{We're about to find out.} Scarlet answered, barely able to contain her excitement.

A short moment later, Max came back with a plastic box in his hands and set it down in the middle of the table.

{What's that?} Dusk asked.

"Well, it's a little something I've cooked up for the first time, so don't expect that it's gonna be over the top."

{We don't care. Open it up already!} Scarlet urged.

Chuckling, Max removed the top of the box to reveal seven muffin-sized and slightly squashed balls of different colors.

"I present you… PokéPuffs." Max announced, making Sally and May gasp in surprise.

{PokéPuffs?} Bonny repeated. {The amazing treat that pokemon would literally kill for?}


{Ohh… they look good!} She expressed while drooling.

"I also took the liberty of decorating them to match everyone's color. You should easily be able to spot yours. Now enough of my rambling, dig in!"

The girls then immediately dug into the box, some more aggressively than others, grabbing the PokéPuff that matched their own color.

{*Sniff* Aah! It smells so good!} Sally exclaimed almost orgasmically.

"I hope it tastes as good as it looks."

{Let's find out, shall we?} Scarlet said before taking a bite, everyone doing the same immediately after.

The outer layer of the puff had a bit of a crusty texture to add some crunch to it while the inside was more soft and chewy, like a marshmallow on the verge of melting. After taking their first bite and savoring the taste, everyone stopped munching as their eyes widened.

"Uh…girls?" Max asked, afraid that he messed up. "H-How is it?"

{Oh…} Scarlet started.

{My god…} Bonny continued.

{Master…} Dusk muttered.

{This…} Luna replied.

{Is just…} Aurora followed up.

{The best thing EVER!} Sally and May exclaimed.

Max then breathed a heavy sigh of relief as everyone continued to munch on their PokéPuffs.

{Mmm…! This is delicious!} Dusk exclaimed happily.

{So tasty!} May commented.

{So… full of flavor.} Luna shared.

{This is the best thing I ever tasted! Thank you!} Sally said.

{You said it!} Bonny approved, already on her second bite. {Forget mansion food… My mouth just found it's one true love!}

"Aw come on, girls. It can't really be that good, can it?" Max said, slightly blushing in embarrassment.

{What are you talking about, master? This is amazing!} Scarlet denied as the others were moaning or expressing their praise. {You really outdid yourself with these. Hot damn, they're so good.}

"That much, huh?"

{Here, you should try it.} Sally proposed to him while handing him the remaining half of her PokéPuff.

"Aww! That's so, so sweet of you, Sally, but I'll have to decline."

{Y-You sure?}

"Yes. There are ingredients in those that humans poorly digest. As good as it may taste, if I eat one of those, I might end up getting indigestion, or worst case, food poisoning."

{Oh… Okay then.} The cinderace conceded, a bit disappointed.

"Besides, I made those desserts exclusively for you, so enjoy every last bit of them." Max justified, scratching Sally's head again.

{More for us, then.} Bonny pointed out.

{True.} The cinderace conceded with her smile back before taking another bite.

"Phew! What a relief. For a moment, I thought I fed you guys trash or something." Max said, sitting back in his chair.

{Come on, you're not that incompetent.} Scarlet pointed out.

For the next minute, Max watched the girls enjoy their treats, the sight putting a wide smile on his face.

{*Gulp* Wow! That was way too good.} Bonny commented after swallowing her last pieces.

{Got any more, Max?} Sally asked, done with her puffin as well.

"Unfortunately, no. The recipe I found for this states that it's best not to feed you guys more than once per day."

{Why's that?} May asked.

"They're made with special sugar that all pokemon can enjoy, but there is a ton of it in those puffs. A pokemon can get diabetes if they're not careful, and I don't want that."

{Aw. That sucks.} Bonny complained. {I wish I could have more.}

"Excessiveness is never good, no matter what. I'll bake you some more from time to time. After all, strong girls that work hard deserve rewards every now and then."

{I can't wait for the next batch.} Sally said, clinging onto Max again.

"I'm really glad you enjoyed it."

{Well, let's digest these puffs a little bit before getting back into training.} Scarlet said.

{Who's gonna train with master today?} Bonny asked.

{I volunteer as tribute.} Luna said, proposing herself.

{Oh. What do you plan to train him on?} Scarlet inquired.

{His speed and reflexes. They're decent for a human-like him, but there's still room for improvement.}

{Well, if it's okay with him…} The red gardevoir agreed, looking at Max.

"Whoever I'm with, I believe that I'm in good… paws. Got it right this time," the human stated before standing up to grab everyone's plates.

{Here, let me do that, master. You've done enough for us already.} Dusk intervened, stopping him.

"That's nice of you, but I'm okay."

{Please, I insist.}

"That's very kind of you, but-"

{Just sit down and let her do this for you.} Scarlet said, using her powers to make Max sit back down.

Giving a thankful smile to Scarlet, Dusk stood up and cleaned the table with her psychic powers.

{We already talked about this, master. Let us help you out from time to time.} Scarlet told Max before he could speak.

"I know, but that doesn't mean I have to turn you all into my personal maids," Max retorted.

{As long as you don't make us wear uniforms, it's safe to assume that we're not.} Scarlet pointed out, placing her hands behind her head.

Upon hearing her, Max immediately imagined her and the girls in maid outfits. Despite it being a bit odd, he didn't dislike the idea as there was this charm that maid outfits seem to bring out in a girl, or girls in this case.

{I just gave you ideas, haven't I?}

"You know how my imagination is," Max replied with a smirk.

{If you really want to make that fantasy real, I'm willing to try one on just for fun.}

"Wait, seriously?"

{I don't mind it either.} Bonny said. {Especially if it gives master an erection faster.}

{You actually already did something like that.} Aurora pointed out.

{I did?}

{Remember, the first winter we spent at Helene's mansion? You'd wear Max's shirt on certain mornings before he'd wear it the following day.}

{Oh, right… I remember now. It was so comfy, keeping me a little warmer and having master's scent all over it.}

"It did look pretty cute on you," Max mentioned.

{Even if it was way too large for you.} Scarlet stated.

{And also a pain in the butt for how much your ears would get in the way of putting it on.} May mentioned.

{Pfft, who cares. What matters is what it did make me look cute. Still does, by the way.} Bonny concluded.

For a while, the group chatted and bickered with each other playfully until it was time to get back to training again. Not too far from the module, Max was in a tiny clearing with Luna facing him.

"That was very kind of you to volunteer to train me."

{I appreciated it when you'd look out for me, so it's only courteous of me to do the same.}

"And that's one point for Luna-claw." Max jested.

{Luna… claw?} She asked with a head tilt.

"Fictional wizard house… that I just made up, heh," Max replied sheepishly. "Kind of watched all the movies back at the mansion during our days off."

{Interesting… Anyways, about our training for today…}


{Before we start, I just want to say that even though we're very close friends, I won't go easy on you, so don't take it personally.}

"Only friends? Pretty sure we're a bit more than just 'friends'." Max replied with a raised eyebrow.

{Well, in a sense, we kind of are…} Luna admitted, tapping on her chin.

At that moment, Max took that opportunity to try to tackle Luna while she looked up. He was fast, but Luna was quicker, as she side-stepped Max and made him fall on the ground.

{Going for sneak attacks now?} Luna commented, a paw on her hips.

"Isn't that something you taught me? Seize upon any opportunity to win?" Max replied, standing up.

{Hihi. It's true, I did teach you that.} The zoroark giggled. {But you're still so predictable.}

"Your hunting instincts and reflexes are almost impossible to overcome."

{Even amongst my species I'm hard to take by surprise, so I can understand your dismay. However, it's not impossible.}

"Like the other day at the camp firelamp?"


"That's what it's actually called."

{I see. Anyway, enough chit-chat. Let us begin.} Luna said, getting in position with Max doing the same.

Once they were ready, Luna began attacking from various directions, using her illusions to mask her movement. Since she was just warming up, she wasn't going at full speed nor was she attacking with lethal force just yet. However, after a little while, she increased the cadence a little, leaving no opportunity for Max to either retaliate or catch his breath. As for Max, he was doing pretty well as he managed to dodge a lot of her attacks. Unfortunately, exhaustion quickly kicked in since Luna was making him go all out, making things much easier for the zoroark. With Max unable to keep dodging, she effortlessly got past his defenses and tossed him onto the ground, to which she then pinned him underneath her with her huge claws and went for a bite on the throat.

{...You're dead.} Luna said after faking biting him.

"You… *pant* *pant* don't give me any chance… *pant* to catch my breath."

{That's the idea. In a real battle, your enemy won't let you have a chance to rest.} The zoroark said before standing up.

"I doubt that they are all… pro hunters like you."

{You're right. Some are even worse.}

Sighing with a smile, Max stood up as well.

{Let's continue.}


{But this time, let's work on your instincts a little.} She said before vanishing into the woods.

"What… are you doing?"

{...Focus, little pup. A threat can jump out at you from anywhere at any time.}

"...Shit…" Max cursed, focusing his attention on his eyes and ears while looking all around.

The woods became silent for a few moments, and all Max could hear was a few animal or pokémon activities in the depths of the woods, probably miles away. Suddenly, he heard a bush rustle nearby and immediately turned to face it, but saw no one. He then felt a presence behind him and turned again, only to be greeted by Luna, who touched his throat with her claws.

{You get distracted too easily.} She told him, tapping the underside of his chin.

"I was sure it was you in that bush."

{You have to be smart as well, little pup. Did you really think I would give myself away by some grotesque mistake?}


{Again.} She said as she faded away.

Until nightfall, both Max and Luna trained together, with Max doing the best he can to keep up with Luna, or at least last as long as possible.

"*sigh* Well, that was a disaster," Max complained.

{What makes you say that?} Luna inquired.

"Because even withMad-Ji's survival training, my performance today was just bad. I couldn't see or sense any of your attacks coming."

{Oh, don't feel so hard on yourself little pup. It's not something you get better at in one day. In fact, this kind of training takes a long time before seeing even the slightest bit of improvement. Let's not forget that I'm a zoroark, and you know how tricky we can be.}

"Well, as a human, we can say that I start a few cases behind."

{I would be lying if I told you no.}

"And you hate lies."

{Yes. However, I can confidently say that you have great potential. In my opinion, this kind of training is the hardest you could ever do, so give it time.}

"*sigh* Well, at least I'm being trained by a sexy pokémon, so it's not a complete waste of time."

{No aspect of any training is a waste of time. Unless you really think so and therefore, I don't see any point in-}

"I don't Luna, slow down," Max demanded. "It was mostly to give you a compliment."

{O-Oh… I see.}

"You're beautiful, you're strong and very committed to me, but you can be a bit dense sometimes."

{That's not very nice.} Luna pouted with crossed arms.

"I didn't mean it as an insult. I was just pointing out a rather burdensome flaw."

{*sigh* I know… I already know about that flaw. I always had a bit of trouble with picking up subtle hints and reading between the lines. Being isolated a lot doesn't really help you develop any proper social skills.}

"It's never too late to learn."

{Despite being far from perfection, I think I've gotten a little better since I met you. Do you think so, as well?} She asked, a bit unsure.

Max was simply delighted when Luna opened up to him and showed her vulnerable side from time to time. Not only was she overwhelmingly cute, but the trust she had for him filled him to the brim with joy.

"Of course, Luna." Max affirmed, extending an arm to rub her chest. "You're getting better every day."

At that, Luna gave him a warm smile.

"Now then… what do you say we head back and relax?" Max asked, now heading back to the campsite.

With Luna tailing him, Max arrived back at the module and saw everyone already sitting around the firelamp.

{About time.} Scarlet started. {What took you so long?}

"Well, we-"

{I bet Max tried his luck in getting her to orgasm again.} Bonny said, making May and Sally giggle.

"Heh, I wish…" Max replied as he sat in a chair. "We just lost track of time."

{Alright. I'll believe you… for now…} Bonny complied, a bit skeptical.

"Gee, thanks," Max replied before letting out a sigh of relief.

{Quite the tiring day today, huh?} Scarlet commented, resting her head in one hand while looking at the lamp.

"Well, it could be worse. You could've 'died' a thousand times."

{I hope you weren't expecting to do well against Luna.} Aurora mentioned.

"Not really, I just thought I'd be better."

{This is Luna we're talking about, master.} Scarlet pointed out. {She's like any other predator; no matter the size or the strength of her prey, she'll always give it everything she got to claim it.}

"...I guess so."

{I also did tell you before we started that I wouldn't go easy on you.} The zoroark reminded him.

"I know. I'm sorry, Luna. You don't have to be guilty about this. It's just me whining like a little bitch again."

{Although, we don't get to hear that very often.} Aurora pointed out.

{Hmm… I don't know. Something about his face just screams "little bitch".} Scarlet said, nagging Max playfully.

"Ah, ah. At least I have a pretty face, unlike some."

Right when he said that, Scarlet raised her head slightly and looked at Max out of the corner of her eye.

"...If we excluded your eyes, that is."

{Hmpf. I'll let you have this one because it's true that you do have a pretty face.} She complied, returning her attention to the lamp.

"Heh, heh." Max chuckled foolishly.

Suddenly, the temperature suddenly dropped by many degrees with no one knowing why.

"Brr! The fuck?! Why did it get so cold all of sudden?" Max wondered out loud, crossing his arms to keep himself warm.

{*Shivers* I didn't sense anyone nearby…} Scarlet commented as she looked around.

{Guys, look! Up there!} Sally exclaimed, looking and pointing at the sky.

Following her gaze, the group noticed a winged figure moving through the starry sky. Seeing as it was very dark out, they weren't able to figure out what it was, however, they did notice a trail of mist coming off its body and assumed that it was pretty high up.

{What is that?} May wondered.

{No idea.} Bonny replied.

{Large bird, sudden temperature drop… It must be an Articuno.} Scarlet theorized.

"An Articuno? You mean, the legendary ice-type and a third of the weather trio?"

{What else could fly that high and freeze the air around it?}

Not even a few seconds later, they heard the pokemon give out a melodic yet almost-deafening cry, which wasn't as loud considering how far away it was.

{Yep. That's an Articuno.} Scarlet confirmed.

"Whoa… Amazing!"

The legendary bird of ice then left as quickly as it appeared, disappearing in the distance and returning the air to its normal temperature.

{Wow… That's something you don't see every day.} Bonny commented in awe.

{Or any day, in fact.} Aurora added.

"I've always wondered just how strong a legendary pokemon really is."

{Probably stronger than all of us combined.} May answered.

{That's a bit of an overstatement.} Scarlet disagreed. {They're strong, sure, but they can be beaten. Besides, Articuno isn't the strongest of all the legendaries.}

{So you're saying we might have a chance?} Aurora inquired.

{I don't know. And to be honest, I'm not risking my life just to find out.}

"What'd be the point of trying? I'm sure the weather trio are pacifists."

{Unless provoked, pretty much like every living thing.} Scarlet confirmed.


{If it's alright with everyone, I'll go do my evening patrol of the perimeter.} Luna said as she began walking towards the darkness. {Make sure we don't get any other surprise visits from the wild.}

"Good night, Luna, and thanks. Well, I'm gonna take a quick shower before that Articuno decides to pass by again," Max said before standing up as Luna went out of sight.

{Oh, about that…} Scarlet started, doing the same. {I discovered something nice.}

"Really? What is it?"

{I'll show you.} She replied, grabbing one of his hands and pulling him to the side of the module, out of the girls' sight.


With a grin, Scarlet moved a switch that was fairly easy to miss. In the span of a few seconds, a part of the wall flipped and transformed, revealing a showerhead above them alongside the faucets underneath it.

"...Seriously? What does this thing not have?" Max commented, a bit astonished.

{Isn't it great? Not only can we share showers again, but we can get a good show from you when you're alone.}

"I don't know… I've never been one to really 'show off' my body, so…"

{Of course, I'm not forcing you, but it would make me very happy. I love taking showers with you.}

"Emotional blackmail, huh? Haven't seen you use that card in a while." Max jested.

{I'm sorry. It wasn't my intention, but… unless you really don't like it, it's a win-win for everyone.}


{You have such a nice body, so you don't have to be ashamed of it. I'm actually more worried that it would attract horny females, and… actually, never mind. Maybe it's not such a good idea after all.} Scarlet mentioned, tapping her chin.

"To be honest, what worries me the most is why this is even a thing. Who thought it was a good idea? I mean, I can just imagine a bunch of people in a board meeting, brainstorming ideas for 'Module add-ons' or something like that. The first thing someone comes up with is 'Let's make it so people can take showers outside', and everyone is like '...Give this man a promotion."

{Why are you always overthinking things? It's there, so why not just enjoy it?}

"...*sigh* Well, it will make the module less humid, so.."

{Yes!} She exclaimed silently but happily before turning the shower on with her powers. {I don't think you'll be needing this now.} She continued before making Max's clothes disappear.

The water then became hot enough for Scarlet to get under the shower head before motioning Max with a finger to come closer. With a slightly discouraged smile and a sweatdrop, Max complied and joined Scarlet as she curled her arms around his neck.

"Ah! Slightly hotter than what I'm used to."

{Want me to turn it down a little?}

"No, it's fine. I'll get used to it. It's pretty much the temperature I use after a little while."

Scarlet then looked at Max with a very warm smile.

{Y'know… Every time we do anything involving water, I just can't stop thinking about how we first met. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy every time.}

"Is that why you love showering with me so much?"

{Mainly, yes, but that's not all. As you already know, I also love seeing your naked body.} She replied seductively.

"I see. However, wouldn't doing that all the time make the magic of the moment disappear?"

{I highly doubt it. How could I get tired of the day you changed my life for the better?}

"...True. It's pretty crazy when you think about it. I'd never have guessed I'd end up here when I saw you on the other side of the lake."

{We were meant for each other. Our paths would have crossed one way or another.}


{Well, let's wash ourselves now so we don't give Bonny any extra work.}

"Agreed. I still don't see the point of an outdoor shower. I mean, not all pokemon would want to see their trainer naked," Max mentioned before he began washing himself.

{Who knows. Maybe it's for bigger pokemon who cannot enter the module.} The red gardevoir guessed, doing the same.

"...That… makes sense, actually. Good thing that you're all small enough to get in."

{And to sleep with you.}

"That too. Conveniently, the space of the bed is just enough to fit all eight of us."

{*sigh* Everything's just perfect.} Scarlet said, hugging Max tightly, both having soapy bodies.

"Hehe, don't jinx it."

Soon enough, Max was almost done and only one part was left to do. As he was about to get into it, Scarlet stopped him by grabbing one of his wrists.

{Let me take care of that.} She told him with a lewd grin.

Letting go of his wrist, she made her hands extra soapy and grabbed his penis. Lowering her eyes, she began rubbing and washing it, all while focusing on his tip. It came to no surprise that she was enjoying it all the while her dexterous hands were slowly making him hard.

{Thank you… Now it's gonna be even easier.}

Scarlet then pumped him carefully, making sure to rub the soap everywhere. She even left his shaft to take care of his balls, massaging them with her three-fingered hand.

{You know, I've been kind of unfair to them, focusing on the most interesting part of you. It's been a while since the last time I licked or sucked them.}

"I'm sure… they don't hold a grudge against you."


Then, after focusing again on his shaft, she stopped to rinse herself properly.

{Here you go. It should be extra clean, now.}

"Thanks for the help."

{My pleasure.} She coaxed, briefly licking her lips.

"Hmm. Such a dirty and perverted gardevoir. Have you no shame or decency?" He asked playfully, grabbing her hips.

{No. Should I?}

"Yes. It's inappropriate to give someone like me a pokemon like you."

{Really? So that's what you like most about me? Being a gardevoir that plays with your dick?}

"Hem… well… not just that, but…"

{Hahaha! It's so easy and fun to tease you even after all this time. I still don't know if my love for sex was all me, but I'm glad that you enjoy it. If being a slut is what makes you happy…}

"Not a slut, Scarlet. If anyone's the slut, it's me, the guy who mates with pretty much every attractive pokemon I find. You love lewd stuff, but you're only passionate about it with me."

{I don't see that as a bad thing, but if anything, you're my slut.}

"Damn straight, Love."

A few minutes later, they finally finished showering and turned off the water.

{Ah! Feels good. Nothing like a refreshing shower to make me feel like a new gardevoir.}

"Yeeeup. Hot showers are the best. Now, all we need is towels."

{No we don't.}

Scarlet's eyes immediately glowed blue and instantly dried off their skin.

"Ah, right. I almost forgot you can do that."

{Hihi. Such a silly master I have.} The gardevoir commented before starting to float away.

"Um… Can you also bring my clothes back?"

{Nah. Too lazy.}

"What? Why are you…" Max started before she got out of sight. "...Damnit. I'll remember this, Scarlet."

With a discouraged sigh, Max turned to head to the front door. After turning the corner, he tried to get inside as fast as possible, only to get stopped by a voice.

{Stop right there, master.} Bonny said behind.

"H-Hi girls…" Max started, looking at his entire party, sitting around the lamp. "I'll be back in a moment."

{After showing up like this? I don't think so. Come over here.} She ordered with claw motion.

"Can it wait?"

{I said… Come here.} She ordered again in a much firmer tone.

Max let out a sigh of defeat as he walked over and joined them, butt naked.

"What is it?" Max asked, now standing next to her.

{...Nothing. I just wanted to see it up close.} The lopunny replied with a lewd smile, looking at his manhood before lightly grabbing and pumping it.

"Sorry about my… *ahem* lack of proper attire, girls. It's because Miss Reverse-Shiny over here didn't want to give me my clothes back," Max accused Scarlet while glaring at her.

{I don't hear anyone complaining.} Scarlet replied proudly with crossed arms.

{I don't mind it, Max.} Sally mentioned, staring at him.

{You know what, master…} Bonny started, rubbing her nose against the hardening shaft. {Working on your sense of shame would be a nice training exercise.}

"It's not that I'm ashamed, it just feels a bit awkward walking with my junk exposed for all to see."

{Uh-huh…} Bonny replied nonchalantly as if she wasn't even listening to him.

Then, all of a sudden, she decided to give it a few licks before sucking it for a brief instant, making sure to make as much noise as possible when she freed it.

{There you go. Just a little tease.} Bonny said with a wink.

{You're the one making it more awkward than it really is.} Scarlet stated. {Personally, I think you're putting on a pretty good show. It's like having a front-row seat to a live porn movie.}

"Whatever," Max retorted before turning around to walk inside the module, the girls giggling all the while.

"...Thanks, Bonny. I just cleaned myself, and now it's already covered in lopunny saliva." Max mumbled, now in front of his dresser before putting on some underwear.

Deciding to just wear that, he went back outside to join the girls.

{Oh…? Did Bonny turn you on that much?} Scarlet commented as he was sitting.

"Not really. I just thought that since it's almost bedtime for me, there was no need to dress if I'm gonna remove them anyways."

{That's a bummer. I thought you were doing that for us.} May said.

"...I guess it could be for that too," Max admitted.

{Aww. Isn't he just the kindest master ever?} Scarlet mocked him a little.

"*sigh* Anyway, I was thinking; Now that we can take our minds off of those rumors for a while, maybe we should start discussing our plan for the next gym battle."

{What's making you think that we're in the clear now?} Aurora questioned.

"Well, we got Trisha and Azzalec as allies, so I can only imagine that things'll get easier for us."

{Trisha? I know I've heard that name from somewhere…} Bonny said, thinking of where she could have heard it.

"She's an absol we met at the pokemon center daycare in Sierra Town."

{Sierra Town…} Bonny repeated, not quite able to put her finger on it.

"You know, the place where you met another lopunny and-"

Before he could finish, he felt Scarlet lightly slapping his shoulder with the back of her hand.


{Oh… I remember now.} Bonny replied with disappointment in her voice. {That jerk who only wanted my ass.}

"...Oh. I'm sorry, Bonny. I completely forgot about it. I'm very sorry."

{Eh, don't sweat it, master. I'm over it now, but it's still an unpleasant memory.} She assured him while waving her paw dismissively. {However, I do remember something about an absol.}

"Yes. She also said goodbye before saying that she was going on her own journey."

{Oh… Yup, everything's coming back to me.}

"She's doing well nowadays, in case you were wondering. She's even got a mate and has her own territory."

{That's pretty cool.}

"Indeed. She said she's rather influential in a small part of the wild, so there's that."

{Um… Who are Trisha and Azzalec again?} Sally asked, a bit lost.

"Trisha was a pokemon we met in a pokemon daycare a long time ago. We talked for a bit and we, uh... sort of helped each other with our needs."

{He means that they fucked.} Bonny stated with a smirk.

"...Yeah, thanks for reminding me."

{You're welcome.} The lopunny challenged him with a proud smile.

{You really are popular with females, huh?} Sally stated.

{Kinda. He's had a couple of quick flicks before and after we met you.} Scarlet pointed out.

"But you girls are by far my favorite," Max pointed out quickly, not wanting her to think less of him.

{Hmm…} Sally hummed, tapping her chin while looking away. {The fact that I have a mate that is very desired by many is kind of… nice in a sense.}

{I know, right?} Bonny said. {He's sexy, and the best, and he's our master. We're so lucky to have him!} She exclaimed, hugging Max's closest arm.

{I agree. Out of all pokemon he could've chosen, he chose us. I just wish that it could be more 'just us' sometimes.} Aurora mentioned.

"I do try my best to focus mostly on you."

{I was just saying.}

{Hehe. I'm really happy to be one of his pokemon.} Sally said with a silly smile.

"And I'm really happy to have you all. Anyway, back to our prior topic… Trisha is a good friend of ours. She even told me that she will try her best to dissipate those rumors, so we can trust her."

{I see. And who was the other one again?}



"Well, she's-"

{A mythical nobody that we should just forget about.} Scarlet cut rather abruptly.

{Huh?} Sally wondered, confused.

Scarlet's sudden aggressive behavior surprised the girls a bit, but they were able to understand why pretty quickly.

{Ah, now I know why she was mad the other day.} Bonny said.

{As if she deserves our master's love juice.}

"Without pulling the pin on that grenade again, she's a very honest pokémon, so there's that too."

{So in short, we have two big names in our pocket?} Aurora shared.

"More or less, yeah. I don't know exactly how much influence they actually have, but it's a start."

{So that means we can just put that rumor shit behind us already.} Scarlet said, hands behind her head. {It was getting pretty old.}

"For once, I agree. Now, about that gym battle…"

{You said that it was a fighting-type gym, right?} Aurora started.


{So you can already count me out.} Bonny complained, her head on her paw in disappointment.

{Me too, thanks to my steel-type part.} Aurora followed.

"This time around, Dusk will be our main damage dealer thanks to her being a psychic-type, not counting Scarlet, so she's a must. Unless you don't want to," He asked, looking at his delphox.

{It's okay, master. Battles don't bother me as much as they used to, so I don't mind a little fight every now and then.} Dusk explained.

"Great, thanks. Unfortunately, Bonny has a weakness against fighting-type. Let's see… May could be our second choice."

{Isn't she a steel-type? I thought it was weak against fighting-type.} Sally pointed out.

"It is, but May's fairy-type as well, which is strong against fighting-type."

{So she basically has a neutral resistance against that type.} Scarlet added.


"And then, for the last one…" Max continued before looking at his cinderace. "How about you, Sally?"

{Huh?!} The cinderace exclaimed, taken by surprise.

{Good choice since she's not particularly weak against fighting-type.} Scarlet said.

{Yeah, and it could be her first real fight too.} Bonny pointed out.

{Whoawoahwoahwoah! H-Hold on there, guys!} Sally fervently protested, shaking her head and waving her paws in front of her. {I didn't agree to this!}

"Oh. You're right. We didn't ask beforehand. Our bad."

{Why wouldn't you agree, though?} Scarlet questioned.

{Because… picking me's not a good idea.} Sally assured her.

"Why? You're just as much of a fighter as anyone else here."

{Yeah, Sally. What's wrong?} Bonny asked in a motherly tone.


Sally then became very uncomfortable, which was visibly clear in her body language.

{I'm… I'm just not good enough, and I don't want to make you guys lose.}

"Hey, now, Sally." Max softly said. "How would you make us lose?"

Sally then looked at the group before staring at the lamp, her paws intertwined.

{...You saw how I lost against that incineroar, right? There's no way I'll be able to go on par against stronger pokemon, much less win. I don't have your guys' battle experience, I don't know as many moves, and… I'm not as smart as any of you…}

Max was feeling very bad for her and wanted to go hug her strongly, but thought that it would seem like he was babying her rather than helping her. He instead opted for the pragmatic approach.

"You're right, Sally. You don't have a good move pool, nor do you have as much experience as the others." Max confirmed, making everyone look at him in slight confusion. "But you're not dumb, Sally. I mean, not a lot of pokémon can say they've got a photographic memory as you can. However, there's something that you must know, something you have a lot of trouble understanding; All those past battles aren't about winning or losing… same goes for future battles. Yes, you'll face strong opponents, some that are much stronger than you. Let me be the first to tell you that it doesn't matter here, not with me. I don't want you to feel pressured about winning, I just want you to do your best and have fun. Matter of speech, naturally."

{I actually do find battling fun, personally.} Bonny stated.

{Same.} Aurora followed, both laughing lightly.

{But… what if I make you lose multiple times?} Sally inquired.

{Then we'll just retry as many times as we need to.} Scarlet assured her.

Sally then looked at her with a slightly skeptical face.

{But… you won't like it, and…}

{No one here will care in the slightest if you 'make us lose' as you say. If we lose, then we lose. Isn't that right, girls?} The gardevoir replied, looking at the others, with what all replied negatively.

{...Really?} Sally asked, very unsure.

{Are you calling us liars?}

{N-No! I would never!} Sally fervently assured her.

"It's okay, Sally. None of us really think that way about you," Max reassured her. "But just like she said; If we lose a fight, if we get knocked down, then we're gonna get back up, put a smile on our faces, and go to work ready to kick ass the next day. And if we lose one more time, then we'll just train harder and try again. Rinse and repeat as many times until we do win."

{...What if it lasts forever?}

"Then expect us to make an early retirement," Max jested.

Still unsure, Sally rubbed one shoulder uncomfortably.

{You have nothing to worry about, Sally.} Bonny assured her. {We're not a professional nor competitive team. If only you knew the number of times I was mad at myself whenever we lost a fight.}

"It took her a while, but she managed to understand that it doesn't matter if you win or lose. I know you're probably hungry to achieve success and victory, but doing so just puts a bunch of unneeded pressure on yourself."

{...I just don't want to make us look bad.} The cinderace admitted.

"You won't. And even if you do, so what? Let the world call us trash for all I care. I will always put your well-being first above anything else, that's how I roll."

Not responding, Sally looked at the lamp.

"That being said, I won't force you to fight. We can wait until you're ready."

{...I'll think about it.} Sally replied before smiling a little. {But… thanks, guys.}

"We're here for you, Sally," Max affirmed, with the cinderace growing more comfortable.

{It's just… I don't want to lose you. You guys are the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I don't want to ruin that. I finally got real friends and…} She explained while briefly looking at Max, allowing him to notice her watery eyes. {I'm… scared that you'll-}

{It's okay, Sally.} Dusk reassured her, gently rubbing her back. {We understand. You're finally able to see that life could be much more than what you were used to. You felt true happiness, so it's normal that you don't want to lose it. However, I can assure you that you have nothing to be scared of.}

"We may argue or even go at each other's throats every now and then, but nothing that justifies throwing someone away," Max added.

{...I-I'm sorry.} Sally said, wiping her eyes. {I was just surprised by the sudden demand.}

"No worries, Hotstuff. Anyways, if Sally doesn't feel ready in time, then I guess that leaves either Aurora or Bonny. It's not the best, but they are solid fighters that could get through it."

{What about you, Scarlet?} Aurora asked the gardevoir. {You still don't want to fight? Your psychic powers could sweep whatever that gym throws at us.}

{Nope.} Scarlet simply replied.

{That's too bad. I would have loved to see you go all out. Been a while since we saw that.}

"To be honest, I'm kind of with Aurora on this one." Max supported, gently tapping Scarlet with one elbow. "Seeing how powerful you have become is kind of arousing."

{Really? Well, maybe I could show off a little next time we're alone… just for you.} Scarlet replied with a lewd smile, rubbing her fingers on the underside of his chin.

{Alright, if Sally decides to fight, the team is settled; Dusk, May, and her. But if she doesn't, that would lead us to a small problem.}

"Which is?"

{Who's gonna replace her between me and Aurora?}

"Hmm… good question."

{Here we go again.} May said with an amused smirk. {Another difficult decision master can't make.}

{Bonny… If you really want to fight, I can let you take my spot.} Aurora proposed to the lopunny.

{I was gonna say the same thing.} Bonny replied.

{Ultimately Max, you're gonna have to choose, it seems.} Scarlet remarked.

"I wish we could let it up to fate, but maybe we should take a more strategic approach this time."

{Oh, master using his brain. Now that's a turn-on.} Scarlet said, grinning lewdly.

"Both have disadvantages against fighting-type; Aurora with her steel-type, and Bonny with her normal-type. However, fighting-types more often lean towards physical strength, which shouldn't be a problem for Bonny, especially in her mega-form."

{I propose Aurora.} Bonny said. {I may be strong, but Aurora is almost as tough as May. She could endure hits better than me.}

"But you're slightly faster than her."


"Hmm…" Max pondered with closed eyes and crossed arms, tapping his fingers on his arms.

{Fighting-types are pretty resilient as well, so Bonny could be a good choice.} Luna remarked as she returned from her patrol, having listened in to their discussion.

"Oh, hey Luna. And you're right. No matter how strong their defense, she would just pulverize them easily."

{Yet, on the other hand, Aurora has special attacks, which could be very useful against melee attackers.} Dusk stated.

"*sigh*Decisions, decisions…"

{Alright, how about we leave it in the air for now?} Scarlet proposed. {We can always choose when we're there.}

"You're right." Max conceded. "We'll get to that when the time comes. Moving on from that, what do you girls want to do this evening?"

{How about a collective rape?} Scarlet proposed, somehow having Max's underwear in her hands, twirling them in a helicopter motion.

Instantly, Max looked down and noticed that he was naked once again.

"Wah! Damnit, Scarlet!" Max exclaimed, hiding his junk.

With the girls laughing, Scarlet threw the underwear back to him so he could put them on again before carrying on with the rest of their evening.

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