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50.84% The Cat of Speed / Chapter 30: First Day Teaching

Capítulo 30: First Day Teaching

For Dashing for 4 hours, Dash has gained 336,000

Dash leveled up! LV (2)56 → (2)73

For reaching up to 270, DEX and CON increases by 6.

[Dash Lv (2)73 (17063/22356) - Increases DEX by [50+ 73 *2^(2)%] or 343%]


Flaming Clothing maxed out!

WIS increased by 3 and Magic Control increased by 5%.


Shadow Armor gained 1032 [MP Equivalent] * 2 [Genius] * 240 [4 Hrs] = 495,360 EXP!

Shadow Armor maxed out!

[Shadow Armor LV MAX - Increases the effectiveness of sneak by MP_USE/25, allows for movement through connected shadows, increases resistance against light magic by 25%. ]

For mastering Shadow Armor, INT increased by 10 and Magic Control increased by 5%.


Quest [Elemental Armory] revisited!

5000 EXP awarded for mastering another Armor spell.


Quest [First Practical Lesson] completed!

Rewards: Relationship with Catra improved! [48→58], [58→68] [Chosens], 2000 EXP


Shadow Resistance gained 5160 [Damage taken] * 240 [4 hours] = 1,238,400 EXP

Shadow Resistance leveled up! LV 59 → 95

[Shadow Resistance LV 95 (16170/42850) - Reduces damage taken from shadow/dark magic attacks by 95%. With Steel Body, this is increased to 97%]


Shadow Spy gathered 10 hours of information (4x)

Shadow Spy gained 60 [Minutes] * 40 [Total hours] * 10 [EXP Base] * 4 [Genius & Book] = 96,000 EXP!

Shadow Spy leveled up! LV 32 → 42

[Shadow Spy LV 42 (6350/10500) - You can create up to 5 creatures made out of Shadow magic that, when they are dismissed or reach 48 hours worth of time, will send back the information. 48 hours of information will require 11.4 minutes to shift through.]


     Tigra sat crossed legs as she looked at Shadow Spy before closing her eyes to go through the memories, simply to get rid of them.

     Which resulted in her simply sitting there for nearly 10 minutes with her having to watch a clone of herself run while holding the Spirit Ember from 4 different angles.

     After dealing with the memories, she stood up and stretched.

     "Alright, I have my first class tomorrow." She walked over to her largest desk in her study.

     On the left hand side sat maybe five hundred small books, several pens and pencils, and one empty seat.

     "You sure you don't want help with those books?" Catra asked, reading from her own spellbook in her own chair.

     Tigra got closer before feeling a small increase in temperature.

     "Watch how much heat you produce here." Tigra simply told. She sat in her chair before popping her fingers.

     "But, no. Your company will be enough for me as I write the beginning spells for the students I'll be teaching for the next few months."

     "Are you writing all of your spells into these as well?"

     "No. At the very least, these will be just beginning level spells for now. The highest will likely heat. Three fire spells, two ice, two electrical, and two shadow spells. 9 spells in total that will be used to introduce the ability to use magic to those unfamiliar with the concept."

     "That's going to take a while to master, won't it?"

     Tigra opened one of the books before starting to write down the spells.

     "Ordinarily, yes. Going off of the little data Entrapta managed to get from Mystacor, the spells I'm providing them would take maybe 5 months to master all together. However, I'm going to be their teacher for the next few months and I personally know how all of these spells work."

     "But I've mastered 2 spells in the span of a month."

     "Because you've seen that I learned these spells firsthand and as such, understand that I'm not just showing you weak spells and that these genuinely helped me get to the level I'm at with magic today. The other students likely won't and I'll probably lose a few students within the first week."

     "Is that why you're teaching three things? Which I still think is going to spread you out pretty thin." Catra reminded.

     "You'd be correct if I was still leaving the Horde to do missions every few days. I'll be attending General meetings to get a better understanding of how to set up missions, when they should be done, and learning which Force Captains and Commanders would be best suited to certain areas." Tigra informed.

     "While I would love nothing less than to get back out on the field, I do see why Hordak is keeping me back, for more than just a punishment. All anyone here knows about me is my reputation as the 'Hero of the Horde' due to my actions during the Invasion. Other than that though? 40% of the soldiers here likely don't even know my name or what I've likely done. I also need experience leading people instead of being led."

     Catra hummed before Tigra felt something wrap around the end of her tail.

     "I can contact Entrapta about her progress regarding your training bots. From there, maybe I can also practice the combat style spells alongside you?"

     Tigra smiled lightly.

     "You better. You saw just how much you improved with Fire Fists in the two hours of sparring we did."

     Catra groaned lightly at the mention of their spar.

     "I will never understand your sudden need to turn our sparring match into a dance."

     "Come on, don't act like you didn't have fun during that." Tigra pointed a claw at her. "I saw that smile on your face the second that you dipped me. Acting like you simply didn't want me to hit my head and cause any more 'brain damage' that I already have."

     "Still think that Rose is lying about you being alright." Catra grumbled.

     "Hey, don't forget that Rose is who I mainly go to when I'm injured enough to actually need help. Which, in fairness, hasn't been for a long while. Excluding all of the check ups and such."

     "Exactly!" Catra threw her hands into the air with that. "She's just gotten used to the amount of craziness involving yourself at this point. I need a second and third opinion when it comes to your health."

     Tigra rolled her eyes before focusing back on the books.

     Even with her high levels in writing, it would take about 3-5 minutes to copy all nine spells with instructions into the book. While that doesn't sound like that long, especially considering how long it took to learn them, she needs to do this about five hundred times.

     Meaning this would take 1500 to 2500 minutes total if it was consistent. Or roughly 25 or 42 hours.

     She thought about using her fire clones to at least write down the fire spells.

     Turns out, they also are giving off their own heat and can cause a few pages to catch fire if they touch the pages directly, should the area be dry or one of their bodies flicker with flames.

     So, until she can find some way to make clones of herself that won't cause problems through magic typing, she's stuck writing them by herself.

     That's what Tigra and Catra did for a few hours before Tigra stopped at 100 books.

Writing gained 250 [EXP per Book] * 100 [Books] * 6 [Hrs] = 150,000 EXP

Writing leveled up! LV 71 → 105!

Every 5 levels, WIS increased by 1.

Every 10 levels, DEX increased by 1.

WIS increased by 7 and DEX increased by 3!

1 hour of writing can now be reduced to 6 minutes.

[Writing LV 105 (2652/5250) - What would take another person an hour to write, you can do in 60/(LV/10) minutes. 5.7 minutes per hour]


Quest [The Lorde's Shadow] revisited!

Objective: Level up Strategy, Hacking, Programming, Security, Reading, Writing, ???, ???, and ??? to Level 100

Reward: 5 skill points or 1 trait point


5 skill points chosen.


Writing will not prestige, but your level will not have a cap for EXP required to get larger.


     Tigra walked down the hall, wearing two large bags on her hips while carrying another in her right hand. On her left and right, she had two clones looking the exact same way with two bags on her hips as well.

     She stopped in front of a door that slid open with some noise.

     She walked into the large training room she reserved for the next 4 hours as she figured that it would be a good time frame for the three things she planned to teach.

     She saw a flood of people in the room but actually less than she expected.

     She could make out some who were obviously Academy aged but could also make out a few Captains and several Commanders.

     They were all talking amongst each other but she spotted a few who noticed her and stopped talking.

     She didn't make a noise as she moved to be in front of the mass of people as more and more of them started to notice her and the chatter grew quieter and quieter.

     When she stopped, no one was talking.

     "I'll keep this blunt and straight to the point," She began. "If you have shown up at this time slot, that means that you are interested in magic, how you can use magic, or simply to see how I can teach others.

     To me, it does not matter the reason you are here. All that matters is that you listen to me. You may ask questions. You may ask for help. I simply ask that you focus on actually using the time slot for this training for that. Training.

     You will treat this as if I was one of the instructors in the Academy. Most of you are older than me, have been training longer than me, and have been in the military longer than I have been.

     But I have been using magic longer than you. I have mastered the spells that I am teaching you long ago. I know how to use these, practice these, and learn these. In that regard, I have more experience than anyone in this room.

     So believe me when I tell you that I will only teach spells that you are capable of learning right now. If you are expecting to be able to shoot fireballs, expect disappointment. If you are wanting to move as fast as I do, expect to run into a wall.

     You are new and as such, you need to learn to crawl before you can walk. Walk before you can jog. Jog before you can run. Run before you can sprint."

     Tigra reached into one of her bags and pulled out a spell book.

     "How many are there?" She asked one of her clones.

     "91 today." The one on her left informed.

     She nodded to herself. "This is the spell book that I will be handing out to every single one of you. All of the spells in these books are safe to practice. If someone is hurt using these, it was likely intentional." She laid out. "No ifs or accidents."

     "Form three lines for us. It does not matter what line you get in. You will be getting a book regardless. This is just to streamline the process of handing these out."

     It took roughly 10 minutes before everyone ended up with a book.

     Tigra snapped her fingers, creating the rest of her 11 fire clones.

     "You will split up into 6 groups. I don't care if one group has 10 or 25. Two of these clones will be helping each group while I'll be helping the odd clone out."

     She is pretty sure no one here realized five shadows were pitch black instead of a murky gray shadow.

     Another 10 minutes found everyone in their groups.

     "Since these clones can only help with fire spells - at the moment, we'll be focusing the next few days on the first fire spell: Flame."

     All of the Tigras held up their index fingers before a blue flame appeared above them.

     "As it looks in the demonstration and in your books, this spell is simply turning whatever amount of magic you have into energy. Most of you are probably wondering how you even do that, as you likely have not felt magic go through you."

     She saw multiple people nod at her.

     "I will apologize for what I'm about to do, but it is the easiest way to introduce all of you to how magic feels the fastest way possible."

     She saw many hesitant faces at that.

     Good, they're smart.

     She focused on her Shadow Magic before using her newer spell.

     Dark Pulse.

     Tigra felt her magic go out as a pulse, seeing as she needed to hit as many of her students at once, and flow through everyone.

     Everyone's body seemed to lock up, their eyes dilated, and the few animal based soldiers with fur stood straight up.

     She continued doing so for a few more seconds before reeling the magic back in.

Dark Pulse gained 40 [EXP base] * 91 [people] * 10 [seconds] = 36,400 EXP

Dark Pulse leveled up! LV 1 → 19


     "What you felt was my magic filled with malicious intent flowing through you. At my level, I can send my intent to cause harm to my magic. Now that you all know at least what it feels like to have magic go through you, we can begin by having you start feeling for that magic in yourselves."

     Tigra watched as several of them looked at each other with hesitance before Tigra groaned quietly.

     'That may not have been the right move. It made it easier in the short term, but now they may be hesitant on learning.'

     A hand raised in the air, catching her attention and creating a small amount of surprise.

     "Yes Scarlet?"

     Scarlet's eyes blinked in what seemed to be shock before grinning.

     "How long do you think it will take to learn these spells?"

     "For the one I am planning on teaching you today, it should take no more than a week or two for you to get it down enough to perform the spell without needing to concentrate."

     "Thank you."

     Tigra nodded slightly before returning to the group.

     "With that out of the way, please turn your spell books to the first page labeled Flame."



     She realized that her magical class was ending quickly as she watched a few people start to trickle into the room and stay near the walls.

     Sure enough, she pulled out her tablet and found that she had two minutes left until her hand to hand class was to start.

     "Alright!" Her voice stopped almost everyone who was practicing their magic. "Over half of you have enough of a grasp over how your magic feels. Those of you who choose to return here tomorrow, we'll begin more in depth lessons on Flame about how and why your magic is working with the spell the way it is. With that, you should be able to learn a few things about magic. Dismissed."

     Almost everyone stood up and started talking with each other as they were leaving.

     Tigra grabbed the bag with the extra books before moving them to the wall.

     She returned to where she stood before stretching her body to ready her body for her class.

     Instead of being purely hand to hand, as most people here can't fight for more than 10 minutes in close combat situations with a few moments to regain stamina. Very few people would ever be able to keep up with her endurance, especially with how high her regenerations are now.

     "General Tigra?"

     Tigra looked up as she was stretching one of her legs to see Scarlet.


     "I can participate in this class as well, right?"

     Tigra raised an eyebrow at her as she stood up.

     "It's just that you mentioned that we could feel weak if we use all of our magic and how it could cause problems."

     Tigra looked her over.

[Scarlet     Age: 17]

[Level: 22]

[HP: 2200    MP: 80/670]


     "You'll be fine. Just don't use magic again for another 3 or 4 hours." Tigra shook her head. "Now, I have no issue with you staying for another class. Just make sure that you aren't prioritizing one over the other. If I start to think that, I'll have to ask you which you want to learn more."

     "Yes Instructor!"

     Tigra blinked at that.

     Tigra finished stretching before seeing about maybe 110-130 people were in the room.

     "Listen up! We have this room reserved for the next 90 minutes. For the first 15, you will be running and/or jogging. You'll then be doing a few exercises to loosen up your muscles. After a 5 minute break, we'll begin actual combat training. Understood?"

     "So like the Academy?"

     Tigra crossed her arms.

     "Yes and no. The principle is the same, but I can heal you through magic. So I will be expecting more since I can make you do more and for longer."

     "Didn't you just have a magic class? I figured that you would be out." One of them asked.

     "I did indeed. However," She snapped her fingers before everyone suddenly felt heat as she became surrounded in blue flames. "When I have to keep up spells like this that would drain my entire previous class combined dry in 10 minutes for several minutes at a time, I can easily do things without problem."

     The flames went out before revealing that not a hair on her was burnt.

     "Get to running!"

     They all started to run.

     Tigra watched them before working on something she had started to think through during her magic class.

     'Imagine the energy zipping through the shortest routes but staying inside of an area. Create the shape to resemble someone about 5'4" with clothes. Apply their energy to be low enough to not affect the environment but enough to continue to move around freely. Create a center to store the magic for efficiency so it doesn't get wasted.'

     She focused the feeling that she had gotten used to recently before pushing it.

     Next to her, the air buzzed and a spark could be seen before…

     Before a figure looking just like Tigra appeared.

New Spell Created!

[Lightning Clone LV 1 (0/350) - Mastery level Lightning spell. With this spell, you create a clone with 1/10 of your HP and 1/5 MP but they are only able to use your lightning spells. Once they run out of HP or MP, they disperse themselves. Through mastering this spell, you will be able to create more clones every 15 levels. MP: MP_Use]


     Tigra looked her over before noticing that her fire clones dismissed themselves and all five of her spies merged into the clone's shadow.

     The two looked at each other before smirking.

     "Thinking what I'm thinking?" Her clone asked, just as the last of the people jogging were looking at them.

     "Show them how we spar now?"

     The both of them revealed their canines.

     "Alright everyone!" She announced. "You've all been in spars and some of you have been in actual combat. However, many of you may not realize just what level of danger the important people of the Rebellion are on."

     "Like the Princesses?"

     "Correct. But most of all: She-Ra. What we," She gestured towards her clone. "Are going to demonstrate is how fast we can go using lightning magic only and if I were to stay at this speed, She-Ra would wipe the floor with me."

     The two of them made room enough for their spar.

     They looked at each other before they were both surrounded by lightning.

     The two dashed towards each other. 



     Scarlet watched in amazement as the truth was revealed once more to her.

     That Tigra would be her leader in the future.

     Tigra and her clone charged at each other that she had lost sight of them for the briefest moment.

     They were standing about maybe 20 feet apart and the next second?

     They were clashing in the middle.

     Their limbs were moving fast enough that she couldn't tell whose arm was whose, who was blocking a kick, who had been pushed backwards, or who had jumped away.

     For what felt like an hour, the two were fighting what seemed tooth and nail for the advantage.

     Until something Tigra said stuck out to her once more.

     " fast we can go using lightning magic only…"

     'Tigra is holding back.' She thought in shock. 'Majorly too. From what I could gather from the public Codex about her, she fought Bolt while he was going speeds of approximately Mach 15 or a little more. No one could see them except for the robots and even then, they couldn't react fast enough to even register where the two of them were during the fight.'

     "Just how dangerous is She-Ra?" She muttered in shock. "Just how dangerous are the other princesses as well?"

     Seemed that she had a lot of work ahead of her if she wanted to surpass Tigra in hand to hand if she could move at speeds faster than she could even register.



     Tigra kicked the clone away before it erupted in electricity, getting rid of the spies by accident.

Lightning Clone gained 2330 [1/2 MP] * 2 [Genius] * 1 [Minutes] = 4660 EXP

Lightning Clone leveled up! LV 1 → 5


Shadow Spy gathered 7.5 hours worth of memories.

Shadow Spy gained 10 [Base] * 60 [Minutes] * 7.5 [Hrs] * 4 [Genius and Spell Book] = 18,000 EXP

Shadow Spy leveled up! LV 42 → 44


     Tigra stood up straight and looked at her students with a hand on her hip, showing no signs of being exhausted from whatever amount of effort should have been acquired from working that much.

     "The clone and I were moving maybe 500 miles per hour if I'm doing the math correctly." She informed, letting everyone digest that the Horde had a person who could move that fast.

     And the fact that the war was not over yet painted a clear picture.

     "In reality, I can move much faster. At my fastest, I can move just over 42,000 miles per hour. In roughly 30 seconds, I could travel over 350 miles at my fastest. I can then cover another 930 miles in the next 2 minutes. I can fight at that speed. And I still come back injured a few times."

     She let that digest as she saw several faces drain of color.

     "But then again, I'm not training you to fight people like me. I'm training you to be better than 98% of the Rebellion. Make no mistake, the people I fight are powerful enough to fight me and survive."

     'Due to the political and military matters that would devastate the Horde or the Planet enough that it wouldn't be the same again for a long time.' She offhandedly thought.

     There was a reason that extended beyond the Whispering Woods that the Horde had failed to capture Brightmoon.

     And that reason was Angella.

     "However, they are a very small group of people. Less than 15 people out of the millions of people in the Rebellion. We keep a close eye on where these people are whenever possible. When we hear that a princess is in the area, all personnel are informed."

     Tigra stepped forward until she stood maybe 4 feet away from them.

     "One or two of you may end up becoming strong enough to see me often on the battlefield. A couple of you may see me occasionally. Most of you though will be focusing on keeping yourself alive, keeping your fellow soldiers alive, keeping the kingdom safe, and potentially taking territory for the Horde."

     "I wasn't able to inform my magical class, but I've decided something a few days ago. After 6 or so months, I will be offering a select few on joining my own new squadron. About 3 magical users, 3 of you, 2 mechanics, and 2 medics. My squadron will be able to handle diverse problems but won't have one set of skills."

     "But enough about that." Tigra snapped her fingers before 11 more of her appeared.

     "These clones will likely be able to handle what you can give. They won't be using magic and focusing on hand to hand. Form up into 6 groups which will have 2 of me to help."

     'Same method as before.' She thought as 5 of the shadows belonging to the clones darkened.

     "Now then, let's get started now, shall we?"


Hand To Hand gained 17250 EXP.

H2H leveled up! LV (1)89 → (1)90.

For reaching level 190, STR and CON increased by 1.


     Tigra knocked the last student to the ground with a thud.

     "Good job to everyone here. While you won't see immediate improvement, I can tell all of you will continue to grow at a good rate while training under me."


Out of your 125 students, their H2H has increased 47 levels and Dash has increased by 67 levels.

You gain 1 level in those skills for every 5 they learn.


H2H has gained 9 levels and Dash has gained 13 levels.

H2H: (1)90 → (1)99

For reaching 195, DEX and STR increased by 1.

Dash: (2)73 → (2)86

For reaching 275, 280, and 285, DEX increased by 3 and CON by 6.


STR: 103 → 105

DEX: 439 → 446

CON: 266 → 274


     While it looked good, Tigra couldn't help but think about how she could exploit this system of things.

     'If I can even get everybody to increase Dash and H2H by 1 level each a week, I'll gain 25 levels in each of those for next to nothing a week.' Tigra blinked at a realization as she looked at those skills.

     'They ignore EXP requirements. I could straight up prestige a teachable skill in a month at that rate. And that's low balling it.'


The [Teach] mechanic was originally created as a mentor/mentoree function. However, you have been given the opportunity to include hundreds while many would only have as many as 10 or maybe 15 students.


     'While great, I do need to remember that this war will end one day. At that point, if I keep growing at this rate, it could take millions of EXP to level it up again that day. At which point, it would be more effective to teach people than to actually train, which would cause me to get rusty regardless of my level of skill.'

     She looked around as many of them were on the ground trying to breathe.

     She would keep doing this. It taught them quickly, especially as they had to train against her and a few other students so they don't get too used to just her way of fighting.

     A beeping came from her tablet, informing her that her time was up.

     "Alright everyone! Our time's up. I'll see all of you again in three days to let your bodies rest. Before we depart, I'll get this out of the way. Some of you won't be able to attend my class if you're sent out on missions or simply are hurt. As long as you come to class in the future, it doesn't matter to me if you need to miss a class or a few. You aren't being graded or judged through my class. This is purely optional. I don't want you breaking your bodies to try and improve as fast as you can. Dismissed!"

     A couple of people groaned before they started to stand and a few headed off towards the showers, just as her fire clones dispersed.

Shadow Spy gained 10 [Base] * 4 [Genius and Book] * 60 [Minutes] * 5 [Hrs worth] = 12,000 EXP!

Shadow Spy leveled up! LV 44 --> 45


     She looked and saw Scarlet looking at her, her face still red from all of the work.


     "Are you really creating a new squadron? What about your old one?"

     "Squadron Alpha contained me, Catra, Lonnie, Rogelio, Kyle, and Adora. Adora's defected, I'm a Force General, Catra is the Second in Command, and Lonnie is a Force Captain now. I've heard that Rogelio may be on his way to becoming a Commander while Kyle may be on his way to becoming a Specialist involving long ranged weaponry. Our squadron will stay as a family, but we're too experienced now. Staying together for missions would only hinder us." Tigra informed.

     "What's this squadron going to be called?"

     "Squadron Delta, for we are going to change this war from a standstill to complete victory." Tigra answered. "Now then, go on about your day."

     Scarlet nodded before heading off.

     Tigra was not far behind as she created a lightning clone to pick everything up while she walked in front of someone, their shadow darkening.

     She made her way back to her room before finding Catra typing on her tablet on their bed.

     "Your classes are done for today?" She asked, looking at her before blinking and scrunched her nose.

     "Don't worry. I was going to take a shower before heading to bed."

     Catra glanced over at a clock and raised an eyebrow.

     "I'm just tired."

     "You usually have more energy than this though."

     Tigra grabbed her night clothing before walking over to her bathroom and turning on the shower, letting it heat up first.

     "Tell that to the 17 people I had to stop from setting either themselves or others on fire and the 8 people who knocked out their training partners."

     Tigra pulled off her clothes before stepping into the shower.

     "Oh yeah, have you heard back from Entrapta yet about her progress?"

     "Yeah. She'll have two of them ready in two days. She'd have it sooner, but she decided that she wanted to fix some First One device that the Alliance broke almost a year ago now."

     Tigra hummed.

     "Anything that you need or want help with? You've been helping me a bit but I haven't done much for you."

     "You're personally teaching me magic and will continue to do so." She countered. "You also listen without judgment too."

     "Can't judge that much today after the shit the three of us dealt with growing up."

     Not much else would be said for the shower before the water stopped.

     Tigra stepped out of the shower before turning on a tall heater.

     If she were to let her fur air dry, any small mats could grow smaller and tighter. If they got tight enough, she would have to cut it off and that messed with her fur.

     "Entrapta says that we're going to head to the Northern Reach within the next month." Catra spoke. "So you'll want to get a snow jacket."

     "I could just keep heat going the whole time though."

     "Do you want to focus on having a spell going the whole time or use that time for something else?"

     Tigra conceded to that.

     While she could keep heat going indefinitely at this point, it would be better to have access to all the spells she could keep going instead of wasting one for heat.

     After a few more minutes, her fur dried and she made her way back to the bedroom before flopping on the bed, her right arm laying across Catra's legs.

     "Wow, you must be really tired. I haven't seen you act like this in months."

     "I'll be okay teaching…but so many people to watch and prevent doing actual bodily harm is exhausting." Tigra mumbled into the bed.

     Her eyes were closing as something started to scratch the back of her head and seemed to be getting some tangles out.

     "Just get some sleep, Tigra." Catra muttered.

     Tigra was out like a light soon after.



Age: 18

Level 60 (11155/15000)

HP: 5480....HPR: 2466

MP: 5660...MPR: 3182

SP: 2740.....SPR: 1233

STR: 105.....DEX: 446

CON: 274....INT: 283

WIS: 236.....CHA: 108

Skill Points: 9

Trait Points: 3

Upgrade Trait Points: 0

Speed: 61.9 MPH

Magical Control: 117%


[H2H LV (1)99], [Run LV 74], [Dash LV (2)87, [Blades LV 69], [Spear LV 5]

[Dodge LV 41], [Reading LV 75], [Writing LV 105], [Sneak LV 48]

[Phys. Res LV 62], [Light Res. LV 4], [Air Res. LV 2], [Water Res. LV 18]

[Magic Res LV 42], [Earth Res LV 4], [Shadow Res. LV 95]

[Program. LV 35], [Security LV 18], [Hacking LV 27], [Strategy LV 61]

Spells [Tigra still uses]:

Fire Step, fire Clothing, Fire Breath Lv 1, Flame Dive Lv 1, Flame/Lava Armor, Flame Charge, Flame Fists, Fireball LV 23, Fire Dagger LV 31, Fire Arrow LV 71,

Fire Falchion LV 31, Fire Spear LV 8, Fire Clone, Fire Augment

Lightning Armor, Lightning Claws LV 11, Lightning Clone Lv 5

Chill, Ice Armor

Darken, Shadow Mask, Shadow Ball LV 1, Shadow Spy LV 45, Shadow Armor, Dark Pulse LV 19

Haste, Heal


[Night Vision], [Magical], [Obsidian Claws], [Huntress], [Primal Instincts]

[You are the Weapon - Multiplies H2H bonus by 2]

[Lightning - Multiplies final DEX by 1.5]

[Smart - Multiplies final INT by 1.15]

[Wise - Multiplies final WIS by 1.15]

[You are Speed - For two minutes a day, your DEX is multiplied by 3]

[Omni-Regeneration II- Multiplies all Regens by 3]

[Pyromaniac - EXP for Fire Spells is doubled]

[Unburnable - You can't be hurt by fire or heat through fire]

[Electric-proof - You can't be hurt by electricity through natural or unnatural means with ill intent]

[Ice Proof - You can't be hurt by ice through natural or unnatural means with ill intent]

[Phoenix - Once a month, if your HP is reduced to zero, you return to 75% HP once with a 25% increase in stats for the next 10 minutes]

[Raiju - Multiply your movement speed by 3x for 90 minutes within a 24 hour period. Lightning attacks do 100% more damage but water damage hurts you thrice as much as normal]

[Fueling the Fire - Increases Damage for Fire attacks by 50%]

[One with Fire - Fire spells take 25% less MP than normal]

[One with Lightning - Lightning spells take 25% less MP than normal]

[The Myth is Real - You have 8 spare lives and will restore you to 50% HP, MP, and SP upon resurrecting 5 seconds later]

[True Heir - Allows you the ability to connect with the Runestone of your home kingdom, or a Runestone should there not be one]

[Over Killer - Due to your ability of overkilling, your threats are more likely to succeed as warnings towards enemies]

[6th Sense [Catra] - You now will know when your fellow Chosen(s) are in trouble]

[Recovery - Your Regens are increased by 50%]

[Control - Allows the use of 4 continuous spells without causing pain]

[Princess of Fire - Multiplies MP by 2, MPR by 1.5, and Fire spells gain 4x EXP]

[Azure Flames - You can use 50% more MP to increase a fire spell's power by 100%. Doing so turns your flames into a brilliant blue]


[Genius - All EXP for spells is doubled]

[Brilliant - All spells do 25% more damage]

[Hare - Increases movement speed by 25%]

[Cheetah - For 30 seconds every 2 hours, your DEX is increased by 50%]

[Steel Body - Decreases damage taken by 40% after resistances]

[Patient - MPR remains active at 5% while using spells continuously]

[Confident Aura - Those around you will think you know what you are doing]

[Strong - Increases non-magical attacks by 10% and carrying capacity by 25%]


Dark Flame - A Jian that can channel fire magic to increase its power ~ 4800 damage

Shadow Piercer - Dual Daggers dark enough to be hidden in shadows ~ 2186 per dagger

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