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4.54% The Blind King / Chapter 1: The Shadow Pride
The Blind King The Blind King original

The Blind King


© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: The Shadow Pride

'Talking to their cat'

~Mind link~

Mikey's P.O.V. (Michael)

I hate being a rouge, but I hate being in a pride even more. I was always getting beaten and verbally abused by my pride members for being gay or for not being strong like them. But it's not like I can help that my cat wasn't built for strength, but for speed. It's not, so fun being the only werecat in my pride, who is a cheetah. No longer able to take the abuse I left my pride to forever be a rouge. Now I live in a field of tall dead grass because it makes my cheetah Chase feel at ease.

Laying in the middle of field on my back I look up at the night stars. As it starts to get colder, I take off my clothes and change into my cheetah form. Making a makeshift bed out of my clothes and some dead grass I curl up into ball and close my eyes. It's the middle of the night when Chase decides to shout my name waking me from my dreamless sleep. 'What is Chase I'm trying to sleep.'

'I'm sorry Mikey, but we got to get out of here. I sense a group of werecat approaching up.'

Bolting up to my paws I sniff the air. Nearby I can smell a leopard, a lioness, a jaguar, and another scent which I didn't recognize. Picking up my clothes I stuff them into my satchel and slip the strap around me. But then I freeze when I hear the sound of four large growling cats behind me. I freeze up in fear because know I can't beat them in a fight. So, I do the one thing I can do I run as fast as I my legs can take me.

As I run, I look back to only see three of the werecats running after. The werecat who's scent I didn't recognize wasn't anywhere to be seen. That is until I am tackled by her, and she turns out to be a cheetah like me. She is around my size because for a male cheetah I am small. As she keeps me pinned to the ground the other three werecats catch up. While they seem to be talking through their prides mind link, I try to wiggle out from under the cheetah. But I end up getting snapped at by the jaguar who noticed me trying to escape. Yet to my surprise the cheetah and the lioness growl at him in a protective manner.

Trembling underneath the female cheetah I lay there in a submissive state. She gets off of me, so I roll over onto my belly. But I stay pressed close to the ground with my tail tightly wrapped around me. I look up at them and they seem to be talking again through their shared mind link. Taking advantage of their distracted state I bolt away from them.

But it doesn't take long for the jaguar to catch up with me. Not only am I tired, but I am also underfed, so my running isn't as fast as it could be if I was healthy. As I have been mainly surviving off of the mice and rabbits that live in the grass. When the jaguar catches up to me, he rams me hard into the ground. Which causes my head to hit the ground just as hard as he hit me. I let out a whimper of pain as my vision starts to blur. The leopard rips him off of me and throws him to the ground. The last thing I remember is the delicate touch of a hand on my head and the soft voice of a woman before it all goes black.

When I regain consciousness, I find myself in my human form fully dressed and in a dimly lit cell. Getting to my feet I walk over to the bars of the cell and grab them. As soon as my skin touches the bars it burns me. Jumping back, I let out a yelp and tenderly rub the quickly healing burns. 'Those bars are silver you idiot.'

'Yeah, I think I figured that out Chase.'

As soon as I block Chase out of my mind the doors to the prison open. I back into a corner when I smell the same jaguar scent from earlier. Two men walk over to my cell one of them the jaguar and the other is the leopard from earlier. The leopard kneels in front of my cell and speaks. "I'm sorry about the cell I know you must be scared, but you were found just on the edge of our territory."

I tear my eyes from the jaguar and look at the leopard. He has short dirty blonde hair and blue green eyes. If I wasn't terrified for my life, I would have considered him cute. "Look we aren't going to hurt you, so how about you tell your name mine is Axle and this is Heath."

Trembling slightly in fear I look away from Axle. I jump in fright when I hear the door open again. But for some reason my body relaxes immediately. As I breath in the scent of fresh pine in a rainstorm and freshly baked bread. Then to my surprise Chase shouts happily. 'Mate! Mate! Mate!'

I look up to see a man holding onto a woman's arm as they walk down the stairs. At the sight of him my heart leaps out of my chest. His hair is thick and a perfect brown color. He is tall and from what I can tell underneath his clothes he is muscular. Although I can't see his eyes because for some odd reason, he is wearing dark sunglasses down here. But not only did he make my heart leap out of my chest, but he also made it ack in pain. As I don't like how he holds onto the woman's arm who smells like the cheetah from before. The jaguar called Heath bows his head to my mate as he says. "My king I thought you were at a meeting with the other neighboring prides' kings."

Again, my heart nearly leaps from my chest. My mate not only looks like a sexy Greek god, but he is the king of the pride. Axle stands and turns to face Heath. "I called him. Theo is our king, and he is the one who decides what happens to all trespassers not you Heath."

Heath gives Axle a slight growl. Which causes my mate to growl at Heath and snaps. "Don't growl at your second-in-command."

All this growling and raised voices scares me causing me to let out a frightened whimper. My mate's attention snaps back to me as bad thoughts run through my head. 'What if he rejects us? What if he wants a female for a mate and not us? What if he abuses us like our past king did?'

'Mikey don't think that. He's our mate he wouldn't hurt us.'

Even though Chase states this as if it were a statement I couldn't help but hear the slight worry and concern in his voice. I look up at my mate as he looks at me. "Axle open the door."

"Are you sure Theo? He could lash out he seems terrified."

I could see my mate Theo smile slightly when he hears Axle call me a he. But I could help but be confused can't he see that I am a boy. "Yes, Axle, I am sure."

Axle puts on gloves and unlocks the door to my cell. Theo lets go of the woman and walks up to me. Kneeling in front of me he sniffs the air as if he is trying to search for me. When he finds me, he reaches out for me, but out of instinct I flinch away from his hand. When I peek open my eyes, I see him pull his hand back as he has a confused, sad, and hurt look on his face. That's when Heath enters my cell. "My king we should just kill this trespasser and be done with him."

Theo starts growling and through his sunglasses I can see his eyes glow an odd golden orange color. In an instant Theo slams Heath against the silver bars causing him to hiss in pain as Theo and his werecat snarl. "You will not harm what is ours!"

I let out a slight yelp in surprise as Theo bares his canines at Heath. Heath bares his neck to Theo in submission. "I'm sorry my king I didn't know."

"Theo your nose."

Theo releases Heath and brings his hand to his nose. That's when I smell it the metallic iron smell of blood. Still trembling slightly, I watch as Theo wipe clean his bloody nose. Turning to me he gives me a small comforting smile before he says. "Katie take him to the pride house and get him cleaned up have the doctors give him a full exam and get some food in him."

I give him a tiny grateful smile, but he doesn't seem to notice it even though he is looking at me. "Axle."

Axle who is pulling Heath to his feet lets him go and allows him to leave. While Axle offers Theo his arm. To my sunrise Theo grabs Alex's bicep and lets him lead him up the stairs. But halfway up the stairs he stops. After sniffing the air, he looks at Katie and speaks. "I have to go back to the meeting and won't be back till later tonight. Please look after him for me Katie."

"Of course, Theo."

While my mate leaves Katie comes to my side and helps me to my feet. "Come on let's take you to my brother's room and get you all cleaned up."

"Your brother?"

"Yeah, Theo your mate he's my older brother."

I smile slightly because I already liked Katie from when she protected me from Heath. So, I didn't want her to be Theo's lover or something. Helping me up the stairs she leads me to the pack house. Then she takes me to a room that smells of Theo's intoxicating scent. While Katie gets a bath started, I look around Theo's room. He has a king size bed with black silky sheets with a thick black comforter at the foot of the bed. Other than a dresser and a nightstand on each side of the bed his room doesn't have much to it.

Katie calls me to the bathroom then leaves closeting the door behind her, so I can have some privacy to bathe myself. Taking off my clothes I stand in front of the mirror and look at myself. My skin is paler than normal, and my light brown hair is black and greasy from dirt and grim. I can see every single rib in my body and my normal bright chocolate brown eyes look dull and dead. Stepping away from the mirror I get into the tub. I let out a sigh as the hot water relaxes my tense aching muscles. As I wash the dirt from my body I can't help, but think of Theo. 'How old is he? What kind of werecat is he? What is his favorite type of music? How tall is he? Will he love us?"

'He is 22 he loves rock, country, and classic music. He is 6ft 3 and yes, they already love us both.'

I nod happily at chases words. So, my mate it three years older than me. He likes the same kind of music as I do as he towers over my 5ft 4 body by eleven inches. Happy about this information I can't help but let out a happy purr until I realize something. 'Um... Chase how do you know all this stuff about our mate?'

'The mind link we share as mates. I have been talking to his panther.'

'Oh okay... Wait... Did you say panther?'

'Yes, he is a black panther? Which I know is rarer than us.'

There are only one in fifty werecats that are born cheetahs. While there are only one in a thousand werecats that are born black panthers. My mate is probably the only one his pride. I am shaken from my thoughts when Katie knocks on the door telling me that there are clothes on the bed for me. I thank her, but my voice cracks from not using it for weeks. Draining the dirty water, I grab on of the towels and dry myself off. Leaving the bathroom, I put my clothes in the dirty clothes hamper and walk over to the bed. Putting on a pair of boxers I then slide on some sweatpants. But I have to tighten the drawstrings, so that they can stay on my waist. Not only that I have to roll up the legs several times in order to see my feet. After that I slide on a black hoodie that several sizes to big making it swallow me whole.

But I don't care because it has Theo's scent all over it. Breathing in his scent I let out a small happy purr. Putting my towel in the hamper then leave Theo's room. Closing the door behind me I find Katie leaning against a wall playing with the ends of her black hair. When she sees me, she pushes herself off the wall and gives me a bright smile. Her eyes glimmering like liquid silver. Taking me to the medical wing a doctor draws my blood and gives me a full medical exam. When they finish, I put Theo's hoodie back on and let Katie led me to the kitchen. While she prepares me some food, she places a cup of hot tea with honey for my throat. While she works on my food she asks. "Do you mind if I ask what your name is?"

"It's Michael, but everyone calls me Mikey."

"Ok Mikey how old are you?"

"I am 19."

"Really, but you are, so small for your age."

"I was born early and a runt."

"Oh well here eat you look super skinny even for a cheetah. Oh, and Mikey welcome to the Shadow Pride."

I smile shyly as Katie places a bowl of warm tomato soup with a grilled cheese with turkey and tomatoes. My stomach lets out loud hungry grow at the smell of the food. We both laugh as I start to dig in to silence my stomach. When I finish my food Katie takes my bowl and plate washing them for me. Clean and feed Katie takes me to the living room where we watch movies till, we fall asleep.

I am woken up when I feel sparks run over my whole body. Barely conscious I can tell that I am being cared by Theo. Snuggling closer into his warm chest I breath in his scent as I let out a happy, but sleepy purr. As a door opens and closes hear hi chuckle softly. When he tucks me into bed, I can't help but let out a small whine at the loss of contact. He runs his warm caused hand through my hair as he whispers to me softly. "Alright. Alright hold on my love let me get ready for bed first."

After a couple minutes I feel the bed sink under his weight as he lays down. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me against his warm bare torso. As I start to drift back to sleep, he kisses to top of my head which causes me to start purring again.

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